You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 282 Air leak? No, this is a success!

Chapter 282 Air leak? No, this is a success!

The Ares X rocket is a slender rocket, but weighs more than 800 tons. The official cost is US$445 million, which is not cheap.

The main mission of this test launch is to collect flight data, and there is nothing to launch into outer space.

As the red and yellow flames violently spurted out, the slender rocket, which was more than a hundred meters tall and taller than the Statue of Liberty, soared into the sky and soon turned into a beam of light that pierced the sky.


"God, it's so beautiful~"


"Clap clap~"


Cheers, exclamations, and applause were endless.

NASA Director Charles and CIA Director McKinsey couldn't help but applaud and congratulate the successful test flight.

If they log on to the Internet and take a look, they will definitely be surprised and satisfied to find that with the successful launch of Ares

The launch time of a rocket is very short because it is extremely fast. It usually takes a few minutes to reach the sky and is difficult to see with the naked eye.

This time, the test flight time of the Ares X rocket is designed to be two and a half minutes.

After two and a half minutes, the fuel will be exhausted and the booster will fall back toward the ground.

There is no doubt that this time is very short.

Not long after Charles and McKenzie applauded, he counted the time in his mind. Soon, he saw the light of the Ares X rocket extinguished.

The light goes out, which means the fuel is exhausted.

Charles raised his left hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was exactly two and a half minutes from launch to this point. The design was reasonable and their launch was successful.

An even happier smile suddenly appeared on Charles' face, and he was about to say something to celebrate with McKinsey.

"Charles, the second parachute didn't open!"

McKenzie, who had been staring at the huge screen in the command center, suddenly said urgently.


With a question mark on his face, Charles subconsciously raised his head and looked at the big screen again.

Sure enough, after the first-stage navigation parachute and the parachute used to stabilize the wind direction indicator opened as planned, the second parachute inexplicably lost control and began to fly behind the booster like a ribbon.

Charles' face suddenly darkened. This scene reminded him of the incident in August when the space shuttle Atlantis landed not long ago. There was also a problem with the parachute on the booster. At that time, the parachute tore directly. , almost causing the space shuttle Atlantis to crash directly.

Fortunately, there was no problem with the other parachute at the time, so he was safe and sound.

However, until now, scientists and engineers within NASA have not figured out why the parachute was torn.

Charles had a bad premonition inexplicably. Could it be that he couldn't find the reason this time?

Soon, the third parachute on the Ares X rocket booster that was falling at high speed began to open. Fortunately, the parachute opened normally.

However, just when Charles was about to be happy, the parachute suddenly shook and then deflated from the middle!

There's a leak!

Yes, the third parachute mysteriously leaked air!

"what the fuck?"

Charles's lungs were about to burst with anger, and he was a little doubtful about his life.

what's the situation?

Inexplicably, two of the three parachutes had problems, one lost control and could not be opened, and the other one opened but leaked?

McKenzie, who had discovered the problem just now, already looked ugly. Now that he saw Charles, the director of NASA, looking like he had seen Satan, his face became even more ugly, and the anger in his heart was on the verge of exploding.

"Charles, is this what you told me will definitely succeed?"

Although McKinsey suppressed his outburst, it was still difficult to avoid angry questioning.

Charles: "..."

As the first person in charge, I didn’t say anything. You, an intelligence officer, came to question me?

Which onion are you?

If I hadn't considered that you probably have some leverage over me, I wouldn't have allowed you to scream like this in front of me!

"Is there a problem with this?"

Charles asked angrily, and then sneered: "Today's test launch was successful. It is normal for the parachute to have problems. We can analyze and improve it later. What are you anxious about?"

McKinsey: “…”

He suspected that Charles was deceiving him, but he had no evidence, so he was not a professional.

The reason for this suspicion was that he also remembered the Atlantis parachute incident in August, which caused such a sensation that everyone thought that the Atlantis would explode like the Columbia.

Now, there is another problem with the parachute, which inevitably makes him wonder if there is something wrong with NASA's technology!

"is it really like this?"

McKenzie stared at him with disbelief.

Charles looked at him confidently, and then said: "You have to know what the main mission of our test launch is. We are doing a test launch to verify the technology, not to see if there is any problem with the parachute. "

After saying that, he turned around and left, looking angrily, as if he had nothing to say to a technical layman like him, and it would be a waste of time to say more.

Looking at Charles's leaving figure, McKenzie said to himself: "It seems to be true~" The current status of the booster's landing soon attracted the attention of the whole world as the booster descended to a certain height. The people on the mission saw it.

There were three parachutes, one was working normally, one was turned into a streamer, and one had a leak in the middle and completely deflated. All the people watching were dumbfounded by such a strange scene.

"Oh my god~"

The people in America who were watching from a distance covered their mouths and screamed in shock, and many big ladies even started crying.

As for the media at the scene, whether it was America's own media or foreign media, they all pressed the shutter frantically.

There is no doubt that this is a world-class headline!

Should not be missed!

At this time, many people in China were watching the live broadcast.

Although Chinese reporters are not allowed to enter their launch centers for on-the-spot reporting, they can broadcast them by rebroadcasting live broadcasts from other media.

The appearance of this scene broke many people's glasses.

"Here I go, is this a launch failure?"

"Good guy, I can only say good guy! What happened to NASA recently? Did you give birth to a baby? Why do problems always happen~"

"That's it? That's it? That's it?"

"We agreed to return to the moon and land on Mars, is that it?"

"Haha, at this level, you still want to return to the moon and land on Mars? Then we can do that too!"

"Nonsense! Of course we can do it. Didn't you see that Professor Zhao is urging the space agency to hurry up and build a lunar base? It's obvious that corresponding plans have been made."

"It's unbelievable! This is actually at the level of NASA!"

"It's a parachute problem again. There was also a parachute problem when the space shuttle Atlantis landed in August. I seriously suspect that there is a major problem with NASA's return technology."

"NASA is really on its last legs. From now on, we still have to look to our country, China!"


Many people expressed their disappointment and then laughed.

You know, for this launch, America and NASA have invested a lot and done a lot of publicity. They shouted loud slogans about returning to the moon and landing on Mars. In addition, they are targeting us. The manned moon landing plan has a strong smell of gunpowder, so everyone came to watch this live broadcast with high expectations.

Is this the result?

I've taken off my pants, are you showing me this?

As a result, many people began to think of my country's aerospace development, and thought of the 1,000-ton high-thrust engine that was successfully tested not long ago, and couldn't help but sigh that "the scenery here is unique."

Of course, this is only the reaction of some netizens, probably less than half.

More than half of the remaining netizens are not like this. A large part of them think that this defeat is nothing. We are still a long way from America's technology.

Objectively speaking, the evaluations of these netizens are fair.

However, their discussion was ordinary and would not attract any attention at all. What really attracted attention were the last group of netizens who thought that the parachute problem was nothing to worry about and that the launch was a perfect success.

"Isn't it normal for parachutes to have problems? What's so surprising about this? A bunch of 50 cents!"

"Zi Qianwu never faces the gap!"

"Is it so difficult to admit other people's advancement? This is just a test launch. The main task is to verify the new technology. As long as the technology is verified, if there is a problem with the parachute, it will be a problem. What does it matter?"

"It's just a bunch of trolls who don't understand anything!"


"Well said, this is a truly rational way of looking at the problem!"

In Wudaokou, Zhong Yangxia, a professor at the School of International Relations, looked at the following comments on the Internet with his reading glasses, patted the table with approval, and said to himself.

He was also watching the broadcast of the launch, and when he saw the problem with the parachute, he immediately judged that it was irrelevant.

When he first saw the downright jeers, he shook his head and thought to himself that it was lucky that these netizens were not in power, otherwise it would be really sad for us. This kind of unwillingness to make progress, the attitude of being stuck in one's ways and rejecting America's advanced technology is a scourge. A cancer that has lasted for thousands of years is absolutely unavoidable.

It wasn't until he saw the voices behind them that America's launch was a success that his mood returned and he became happy.

"Are America's skills comparable to ours? No, others are just rockets to verify new technologies, which will be enough for us to learn for decades~"

Looking at the rocket booster that finally fell into the sea in the picture, Zhong Yangxia suddenly said with emotion.

After watching it for a while, the broadcast screen switched. It no longer showed the rocket part, but switched to NASA's press conference summarizing the launch.

Zhong Yangxia continued to read.

Soon, NASA Administrator Charles, who was sitting in the main seat, first announced: "...So, this launch mission was a complete success!"

(End of this chapter)

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