You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 267 The second batch of astronauts

Chapter 267 The second batch of astronauts

"There are many ways, and you can fall into a trap if you are not careful~"

After returning to the office, Zhao Mo reflected on himself and felt that it was a bit frivolous and hasty to go directly to the dean of the medical school. He should have studied for a period of time before going.

Engaging in life sciences was outside his major, so he thought of taking the lead in organizing and investing, leaving other scientists in the organization to take responsibility.

Looking at it now, this decision is irresponsible and unrealistic.

If the people below kept it from him, he wouldn't know many things. Then once something goes wrong, or there is no progress for a long time, it is only secondary that he takes the blame, and the wasted cost is the most important thing.

Taking the blame and being criticized is nothing, everyone from top to bottom knows that it is not his problem.

However, if the cost is wasted, it will be a big loss.

Costs include investment funds, time spent on research, equipment depreciation, waste of manpower, etc. There should have been results, but they didn't. One in and one out, a double loss.

Others may not calculate it this way, but Zhao Mo calculates it this way. He does not accept that he has achieved this kind of virtue by conducting research on a subject, which damages his "prestige."

Of course, what Yang Jing said was only one-sided, and it cannot be said that the abilities and research results of Yan Ning and Masonry were created by writing papers. Zhao Mo will not believe only one side of the story. If he listens to one side, he will be dark, and if he listens to both, he will be enlightened.

If research is a mountain, Yang Jing is still at the foot of the mountain. She cannot see the scenery above the mountain, or even half of the mountain. In fact, judging from the fact that Shi Gong and Yan Ning have successively become academicians, Yang Jing's statement is at least mostly viewed from his own perspective and should not be taken lightly.

Therefore, he still has to learn on his own.

Only if he understands it, even if what Yang Jing says is true, it will not affect his research on the subject. He can completely adjust his plan and progress on his own.

No matter who it is, there is always value.

In the morning, after returning from a class, Zhao Mo continued to write several reports at hand, including new research topics.

At noon, Zhao Mo went to pack some food and delivered it to Yang Chan.

"My old classmate who studied medicine came to Wudaokou to study for a PhD~"

During the meal, Zhao Mo naturally told Yang Chan about Yang Jing's situation here.

Yang Chan said "Oh" and asked with a smile: "Are you so awesome?"

Zhao Mo nodded and said, "She's quite powerful. I didn't expect that she actually got a doctorate from Wudaokou."

In her previous life, Yang Jing did not come to Wudaokou and became a doctor after graduation. However, in this life, the butterfly effect happened, and Yang Jing also stepped onto another river and embarked on the path of research.

One path is to be a doctor, and the other is to engage in life science research. I can't say which path is right. I can only say that Yang Jing has more choices now than in her previous life, which is a good thing.

"Your classmate majoring in finance is also studying for a Ph.D., and they are very good. It seems that the quality of your class is very high."

Yang Chan praised her, and then said: "Whenever you are free, please invite your classmates to come to our house for a meal. We didn't invite them to our wedding. I'm sorry."

Zhao Mo nodded and replied: "Okay~"

Yang Chan's appetite is not bad and she eats a lot more than before.

After vomiting that morning, Zhao Mo immediately accompanied Yang Chan to the hospital for a check-up. It was indeed true, and it had been more than two months. This made Zhao Mo surprised and happy.

Hi, of course I have a child.

Shocked, Yang Chan herself didn’t even know she was pregnant. She said she had forgotten about it, and thought that those days of the month were because she was too busy these past few months, so she didn’t come. This frightened Zhao Mo so much that his heart beat faster. After a while, he quickly told her to be careful.

However, Yang Chan did not have the same violent pregnancy reaction as other expectant mothers.

Eat and drink when you should, as if nothing was wrong, and you eat more than before.

In addition, my mental state is much better than before, I am in high spirits, and I look much more beautiful than before.

Half an hour later, after chewing slowly and finishing the meal, Zhao Mo packed up his things and prepared them, and then sent her there.

While walking, Yang Chan took out a small mirror and began to look at her face, especially the corners of her mouth and chin.

After a while, Yang Chan shouted: "Oh, I have three more acne~"

Zhao Mo: "..."


Do you count your acne one by one?

It can only be said that women's concerns are really different from men's. The degree of concern about appearance is difficult for men to understand, even for female scholars engaged in engineering research.

In the afternoon, Zhao Mo continued to write his report.

At this time, after several months of planning, the space agency finally announced the list of the second batch of astronauts, a total of thirty people.

Among them, twenty were selected from outstanding pilots, and the other ten were engineers or scientists in other fields, including Zhao Mo.

The news was published on the official website, and there was no special report, but it still caused a huge sensation to the outside world.

First of all, this is the second batch of astronauts. The astronauts are beginning to have new blood to join, which also represents that our country's aerospace industry is on the fast track.

Secondly, the number of astronauts in this batch is a bit large.

The first batch of astronauts numbered fourteen. Normally, the second batch of astronauts also had fourteen people, but this time they recruited thirty people at once, more than doubling the number. This is obvious, and everyone will know at a glance that simply because we have developed a rocket engine with a thrust of one thousand tons, the space carrying capacity has been greatly improved, and space activities will naturally accelerate and increase in scale.

Finally, Zhao Mo and other scientists and engineers joined the team, which was unprecedented.

Prior to this, Chinese astronauts were selected from fighter pilots because they were all leaders in sky activities and were very close to astronauts. Scientists and engineers are completely different. They are both theoretical. Whether it is mental awareness or physical fitness, they are completely irrelevant to astronauts.

Therefore, outsiders would never have imagined that the space agency would actually carry out such an operation this time?

After the news was announced, the major official media Weibo immediately forwarded it, and it quickly became a hot search. The previous hot search "Happy Girl" was also pushed down, and then Zhao Mo, and others The Weibo posts of the selected scientists and engineers were also trending.


"My country is awesome!"

"Congratulations on my country's aerospace industry reaching new heights!"

"Recruit thirty at one go, the aerospace industry is about to explode~"

"Good guy, a scientist becomes an astronaut? Is it so interesting?"

“I don’t know when ordinary people like us will be able to travel to space.”

"It's already possible abroad, as long as you have money~"

"Why are you anxious? The country is recruiting thirty people at once. It is obviously planning to recruit more people in the next step. Just wait and trust the country!"

"Yes, believe in the country!"


Aerospace Academy No. 6 and Research Institute No. 11.

Although the high-thrust rocket engine research team was busy, they couldn't bear it. Other people in the house rushed in with the news to tell them the good news: "Holy crap! Come and see, come and see, your Professor Zhao has become an astronaut." ~”

Lu Cheng, Liu Zhirong, Li Guoguo and others: "???"

The word "confused" is written on everyone's face. What's going on?

After he reacted, Lu Cheng jumped up from his seat, quickly ran to the person's side, and snatched the newspaper from his hand.

In the newspaper, there was a news report that the space agency announced the list of the second batch of astronauts.

Lu Cheng was immediately shocked and exclaimed: "I'll go, it's true!"

Liu Zhirong, Li Guoguo, Zhou Fei, Li Wen and others gathered around and circulated them one by one.

Everyone who read the news report had a look of shock on their face. The news was so shocking. They didn’t expect their mentor and team leader to go to heaven!

Being selected into the list of astronauts, in their eyes, is equated with "going to heaven" and there is no difference.

"Awesome! You are worthy of being my mentor!"

Lu Cheng clapped his hands and shouted excitedly: "Other scientists are still doing research on the ground, but our mentor goes directly to the sky to do research. This level is different. There is no comparison, no comparison at all!"

Liu Zhirong suddenly reacted and said, "My instructor has always been very physically fit. I exercise every day. Is he already prepared?"

"I think it is!"

Li Guoguo nodded fiercely, and then said with emotion: "The instructor is really far-sighted in his work. He prepared it very early and went up as soon as he had the opportunity without wasting any time."

Among the crowd, all the students of Zhao Mo from Wudaokou were deeply convinced.

They weren't just imagining it, it was actually Zhao Mo's performance in exercising so far that was so surprising, even shocking.

Anyway, what they saw was that for several years, they could see Zhao Mo doing morning exercises every day, no matter the wind or rain. Others haven't gotten up yet, others have given up, but he hasn't given up yet, he is still there.

With such self-discipline, it is difficult to persevere without a goal to achieve.

For example, Liu Zhirong and Lu Cheng used to exercise with Zhao Mo, but now that they are busy with work, they inevitably slack off in their exercise and have not gotten up early for a long time.

Everyone in Research Institute 11 recalled Zhao Mo's situation here, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Even at the Tongchuan Experimental Center, where I was busy until early in the morning every day, I couldn't help but get up early for morning exercises the next day.

Now it seems that Zhao Mo has indeed had plans to go to heaven for a long time.

"It seems we have to resume training, otherwise the gap with Zhao Shen will only get wider and wider..."

Lu Cheng and Liu Zhirong looked at each other, seeing the embarrassment in each other's eyes, and then nodded in unison.

Among everyone, they have the most special relationship with Zhao Mo, and they were once the closest to Zhao Mo, but now the gap between them and Zhao Mo is getting wider and wider.

Academically speaking, it doesn't matter. This really depends on talent, but physically, it can't compare. This doesn't make sense.

If anything, it can only be said that their willpower is too weak.

"Ahem, last time the instructor said there was a surprise. It seems that it's not that the master's wife is pregnant, but this is it~"

Suddenly, Li Guoguo coughed and became embarrassed.

Lu Cheng and others immediately blushed: "It's better not to make blind guesses about Zhao Shen from now on~"


“The response has been pretty good~”

On the other side, Minister Liu was in a very good mood after seeing the current social response to the selection of the second batch of astronauts~

(End of this chapter)

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