You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 265 Within 1 year? No, maybe 23 years

Chapter 265 Within a hundred years? No, maybe twenty or thirty years~

Beijing, Wudaokou, Medical College.

After the National Day holiday, special forces college students returned to school. Undergraduate students, master's and doctoral students, etc., all re-invested in intense study.

Of course, because the afterglow of the holiday lingered, the students who had just returned were still a little slow to react, seemed slow and loose, and were still chatting around when they arrived at their seats.

In a laboratory somewhere, some men and women studying for Ph.D.s were chatting.

"Where have you traveled these days?"

"I didn't go anywhere, I just watched the military parade at home."

"I'm watching it live, hehe~"

"I'm going to climb Mount Tai."

"Awesome, Yang Jing, are you going to climb Mount Tai? You are indeed our three desperate girls."

"Of course, otherwise, how could someone pass the exam from Shanghai to get here?"

"I know about Mount Tai. Before climbing Mount Tai, I was little, but after climbing, I was little, haha~"

"It's better to watch the military parade at home. There are so many new weapons and equipment, which makes my blood boil."

"The drones have come out. I have long said that the drones developed by Professor Zhao will definitely be used in the military field. I didn't expect it to come true so soon."

"I heard on the radio that it has a range of tens of thousands of kilometers, a flying altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and the ability to drop several tons of explosives. It's so cute. Isn't this a strategic bomber?"

"That's right, do we need strategic bombers? UAVs are enough. From now on, the world will be dominated by UAVs."

"Professor Zhao is really awesome!"

"Nonsense, Professor Zhao is a strategic scientist. Look at his gift for National Day, a rocket engine with a thrust of 1,000 tons. It has become the best in the world, killing Da Mao and America in an instant."

"Hey, it's a pity that Professor Zhao got married at such a young age~"

"What? Do you have any ideas? Our Yang Jing is the same age as Professor Zhao, and she is good-looking~"

"Don't talk nonsense~"


When Yan Ning walked into the laboratory, he saw his students gathering together and discussing something. He didn't hear much except that it seemed to be related to Professor Zhao.

"What are you talking about?"

Yan Ning asked with a smile.


"Hello, instructor~"

All the students said hello one after another, and then dispersed with sarcastic expressions. It was always embarrassing to be caught deserting.

Yang Jing did not look away because Yan Ning's eyes finally fell on her.

"Teacher, we talked about the National Day activities and the military parade."

Yang Jing blushed and said honestly.

At the same time, looking at instructor Yan Ning's beautiful appearance and confident look, she had a strange thought in her heart: "If you want to say who is the best match for Zhao Mo, instructor is the most suitable, right? Young, beautiful, and highly accomplished. , is now the doctoral supervisor and Professor Wudaokou, the youngest professor at Wudaokou except Zhao Mo~ Although the tutor is much older than Zhao Mo, doesn’t Zhao Mo also have someone older than him now?"

Yan Ning didn't know the strange thoughts in the mind of the student in front of him. Hearing what Yang Jing said, he just smiled and said: "It seems that everyone has a very fulfilling National Day~"

After saying that, she clapped her hands and changed the topic: "Since everyone had a fulfilling National Day, and now that the National Day is over, let's just calm down, put our thoughts back, and start working, okay? "

"it is good!"

Everyone responded immediately.

Seeing everyone getting busy, Yan Ning turned around and started getting busy too.

As a high-end talent introduced by Wudaokou, Yan Ning is recognized as a future star in the field of life sciences. In addition to his own talent, Yan Ning is more of a sweat. Especially in the field of life sciences, any progress and results need to be supported by experiments. These all rely on hard work and time, and there are no shortcuts.

When you are busy, time flies by.

"Teacher, the dean is looking for you~"

At some point, a student walked into the laboratory and called her.

Yan Ning looked at the time and saw that it was almost eleven o'clock. He had not finished the experiment at hand yet. He frowned and said, "Let me finish the experiment at hand first."

This is not the first time that she has made school leaders wait for problems with her, because many times school leaders come to her not for research issues, but for problems with various processes or red tape.

After hearing her answer before, her student had already gone out to answer the question.

But now, the students are still lingering in place.

"Any thing else?"

Yan Ning asked him.

The student hesitated and said: "Tutor, in addition to the dean, Professor Zhao is also here this time. He should be looking for you."

"Professor Zhao? Whoever comes to me will have to wait for me to conduct the experiment..."

Halfway through the words, Yan Ning suddenly came to his senses and changed his words and asked: "Which Professor Zhao?" The student suddenly said with a smile on his face: "Professor Zhao Mo from the School of Mathematics! He is the one who built a thousand-ton thrust rocket engine. Professor Zhao!”

Yan Ning: "..."

I also know the Professor Zhao you are talking about, and I don’t need to introduce his deeds like this.

Moreover, just an introduction, why are you so excited?

I am your mentor!


For a moment, Yan Ning felt a little sour, but when she heard that Zhao Mo was coming, she was still very interested, so she took off her gloves and said, "I leave this experiment to you. You must finish it today. I'll do it first." Out~"

After saying that, she turned around and went out.

"...Okay, okay, mentor!"

The happy look on the student's face suddenly stopped, and he said calmly.

Outside the laboratory, Yan Ning took off her white protective clothing and met the famous Zhao Mo. This was the first time she met Zhao Mo, a young man with dark skin and exceptionally bright eyes.

Yan Ning's eyes suddenly lit up, he smiled and extended his right hand: "Hello, Professor Zhao~"

"Hello, Professor Yan~"

Zhao Mo smiled and shook hands with her.

Zhao Mo has also been famous for a long time for this beautiful female academician who will be chased by many media and praised by countless ordinary people in the future. It's just that he has long lost his curiosity to meet celebrities, so even if he knew that she came to Wudaokou to teach, he never thought of taking the initiative to meet her.

I came here this time to complete the mission.

But it was quite interesting to see the real person.

Seeing that the two met and felt good about each other, the dean of the medical school couldn't help but joked: "Professor Zhao is more prestigious. As soon as he said Professor Zhao was looking for him, our Professor Yan came out quickly."

Yan Ning didn't take it seriously, just looked at Zhao Mo and said with a smile: "This is the magical Professor Zhao. Who doesn't want to meet the real person?"

"It's my pleasure!"

Zhao Mo laughed.

Afterwards, the three of them entered Yan Ning's office.

After sitting down and taking the tea poured by Yan Ning, Zhao Mo took the initiative to explain his purpose, and then said: "I have a dream, which may seem like a fantasy to many people, that is, the quality of the human body itself meets the requirements of interstellar navigation. In this way Come, we can truly realize interstellar development and move towards interstellar civilization."

Dean of the Medical College, Yan Ning: "..."

Good guy, this dream of yours is more than just a fantasy, it is simply a fantasy!

This is too imaginative!

In other words, you are Zhao Mo. If it were anyone else, we would have kicked you out long ago. What a nonsense!

What goes to the stars and becomes an interstellar civilization?

Isn’t this a scene from science fiction novels and science fiction movies?

With today's science and technology, not to mention other deep space explorations, even moon landings are exhausting. America, the most powerful country in the world, has put in a lot of effort. Decades ago, it said it would launch the Saturn 5 and successfully achieve several manned moon landings. But now, there has been no progress and it is impossible to go there.

Yes, I can’t go up!

It’s simply the most ridiculous thing in the world!

This is unimaginable to us.

Whether it was due to the loss of technical data or problems with America's system, it was impossible to go up, and the moon landing became a show.

In this case, Zhao Mo told them to go to the interstellar and not chase them away on the spot, which was a great honor to him.

Even so, Yan Ning also coughed and said tactfully: "Professor Zhao, the topic of comprehensively improving human body quality is too ambitious. I think it is more reliable to find a solution on external equipment."

Zhao Mo nodded and said: "The method you mentioned is also feasible, but it is external and does not help the human body itself. I also know that this matter cannot be rushed, so I consider setting up such a method first. Goal, and then do it bit by bit to move towards that goal.”

"That's it~"

Hearing this, Yan Ning breathed a sigh of relief and thought: "I was scared to death. I thought I was hallucinating today~"

Then there was a hint of interest and he asked enthusiastically: "Professor Zhao, if that's the case, I'm very interested in joining this topic."

The expression on the face of the dean of the medical school gradually softened, and he said with a smile: "This project requires at least several generations of people to work on persistently. If it can be completed in the next one hundred years, it will be a great achievement!"

Since its birth, technology has been used to transform nature and human beings themselves.

Comprehensively improving human physical fitness is something that must be done, and it has always been done.

So when Zhao Mo said to take his time, he thought it was reasonable. According to his assessment, this is a subject that takes a hundred years as a time unit.

"The next hundred years?"

Zhao Mo raised his brows and said with a smile: "I am optimistic about this. I think it is possible for us to take advantage of concentrating our efforts to do big things and complete this project in the next twenty or thirty years."

Dean: "..."

Am I falling behind? Are today’s young people so motivated and capable of thinking?

Twenty or thirty years?

Good guy, interstellar travel for all in our lifetime?

I have never dreamed of doing something so bold!

Yan Ning: "..."

Damn, I said it too early, can you take it back?

I just felt that Zhao Mo's plan was reliable, but I didn't expect that the next moment he said that the physical fitness of the whole people would become a reality within 20 to 30 years. This was too unrealistic.

Seeing that the two of them were hesitating, Zhao Mo didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "I will report this topic and ask the country to come forward to organize it. In addition, you two don't have to think too much, this matter must be done. Because According to my prediction, in the next twenty years, we will build a lunar base and carry out manned missions, which require the participation of a large number of astronauts, not just pilots, but also the participation of the whole society~"

(End of this chapter)

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