You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 263 Main Mission 2: Sea of ​​Stars!

Chapter 263 Main Mission : Sea of ​​Stars!

Put your feet on the earth and look up at the stars.

People say that our future is the sea of ​​stars. However, the sea of ​​stars can be much wider than the sea on earth, truly boundless.

The basic unit of time scale is millions of years, and hundreds of millions of years are all decimals.

In terms of distance scale, light-year is the basic unit. It takes tens of thousands of light-years or hundreds of millions of light-years to travel. It takes hundreds of millions of years for light to travel. This distance is undoubtedly disappointing.

Zhao Mo knows very well that based on the current observation and experimental results, as well as the level of scientific and technological development (including the speed of progress), it is impossible for humans to move toward the stars and the sea. It is too far away!

Curvature engines and space wormholes are all products of science fiction and are in fact impossible.

It is even less possible to fly at the speed of light.

According to the normal development rate, which is as high as the sky, it will be a very remarkable achievement to be able to develop the solar system in the next one hundred years.

Planets that go out of the solar system and to other galaxies can go to sleep.

However, even if you want to conquer the solar system, you still need people. The physical fitness cannot keep up, and there are various problems.

In the past, Zhao Mo had imagined more than once that we could carry out interstellar travel, that our physical fitness could support our interstellar travel, and witness countless extraterrestrial scenery and interstellar legends.

Zhao Mo had no ability before. Even though he had imagined, he could only imagine. Everything could only exist in his spiritual consciousness.

Now, he feels he has some ability.

He doesn't have much ability, but at least he has reached the top of a small group of people in this world. He really wants to put his former fantasies into practice.

"There is no doubt that this is a huge project. According to normal development, it may not be completed in my lifetime, but now I am here!"

Facing the lifetime series that he was thinking about, Zhao Mo didn't think about it for too long, and then he made up his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for establishing the second main goal: leading mankind to the stars and the sea!"

He has no fear, only magnanimity and perseverance.

Of course, this is also the confidence of being Chinese.

If he was abroad, he might as well just go to sleep. He didn't dare to engage in such a mission. He was just looking for death.

A capitalist society that entertains itself to death and is lawless and free simply cannot organize such a future project in our lifetime. Even if it is organized, if something happens in a few years or there is a change of leadership, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

Only we can work hard for a goal one after another, taking a few steps for decades or hundreds of years. No matter how the leadership changes, no matter what happens, we will never give up. The most typical one is aerospace. Before Zhao Mo was reborn, the matter of landing on the moon and returning samples could be completed in as many years as we said. On the other hand, those slogans abroad were so loud that a rocket had not yet been developed when the time expired. Success, a shitty moon landing.

Even if it is recognized as the leading aerospace power, its return to the moon has been postponed again and again, and during this period, it often explodes fireworks for everyone to see.

"Ding! The host takes the initiative to establish the first main goal. The goal is ambitious, and the reward is 1000 attribute points and a virtual space. Please keep up the good work!"

After the sound of setting the goal sounded, the system immediately sounded a second sound, which was the sound of reward.


A series of question marks flashed across Zhao Mo's face.

What the hell?

Give 1000 attribute points for a grand goal?

This is too depressing!

Although Zhao Mo has experienced the system's sixth-grade behavior many times, this time he still couldn't help but complain: "Uncle System, can you do it at 6 o'clock? Weren't you very generous before?"

He somewhat suspected that the system was blocking him from quickly upgrading to LV9, but he had no evidence.

After reading for a while, Zhao Mo and Yang Chan talked about this topic before going to bed.

"Life is unpredictable. Some of my relatives died within two or three years after being diagnosed. A grandmother who lives in the same household died half a year after undergoing surgery and chemotherapy. Without surgery or chemotherapy, conservative treatment can lead to a longer life without suffering any pain. So many sins.~"

Yang Chan sighed with emotion, and then agreed with his idea, saying: "This belongs to the field of life sciences, cutting-edge science, and one of the future trends. If people's physical fitness can be comprehensively improved, everyone can become an astronaut. , that’s a great merit!”

Zhao Mo said: "It's not just life sciences, but also computer, communications, physics, chemistry and other sciences. Different paths lead to the same goal."

"Unfortunately, our investment in these frontier fields is still too little, and many of them are abroad. Even if something appears in China, it was started abroad, and we will follow up."

Yang Chan suddenly expressed regret.

"This is caused by historical reasons. Developing the economy and allowing more than 1.3 billion Chinese people to have enough to eat and become well-off has been our top priority in the past few decades. Everything else must come later!"

Zhao Mo smiled and then said: "After the Olympics, development will pick up quickly, and we will invest more in these aspects."

Yang Chan smiled and said: "Brother Mo, now that you have joined, this field will definitely usher in a big explosion."

Zhao Mo kissed her: "Baby, do you believe in me so much?"

Yang Chan said: "Absolutely, the amazing Professor Zhao~haha..." As she said this, she laughed out loud.

Zhao Mo: "..."

Okay, I've learned how to answer questions.

Before going to bed, he refreshed the properties panel:

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV8(92999/100000)

Strength: LV8(170/100000)

Agility: LV8(0/100000)

Endurance: LV8 (0/100000)

Attribute points: 0

Prizes: a bottle of Qingning spray (80ml); one chance for inspiration; 3 mysterious fragments; 1 rescue medal.

Main mission one: Become a great scientist on the level of Qian Xuesen and Einstein!

Main mission two: Lead mankind to the stars and the sea!

Side mission: Take a spaceship to outer space to conduct research, valid for 5 years!

Active side mission: Complete the high-thrust liquid rocket engine mission, the mission period is two years! }


This evening, Zhao Mo felt particularly peaceful. He put aside his busy work and focused on the major events of his life. But in the outside world, the trend he brought has never stopped and has a growing trend.

The reason was that the evening news broadcast footage of the military parade.

Domestically, countless people lamented Zhao Mo's greatness.

However, amidst the overwhelming praise, a concern and question also emerged, that is, why did the leader of such an important scientific research project promote it in such a high-profile manner? Is this really good?

This is the simple emotion of the Chinese people.

For a long time, our scientists have returned home under extremely difficult conditions and have been targeted in various ways. The imperialists are obsessed with destroying themselves. As for scientists from small countries, news about sudden and unexpected deaths will appear from time to time. So everyone has gradually formed an impression, that is, important scientists should not only remain anonymous, but should at least focus on protection and keep a low profile, right?

With such a high profile now, doesn't it give the enemy a target?

Small notebook, NASA.

"Baga, the investigation result is that the other party is cheating, right?"

As the director, Yamamoto Kazuo looked at the analysis report submitted by his subordinates. He was so angry that he immediately said the quintessence of Chinese culture, and then threw the domestic newspapers and American newspapers he just saw at each other's side. On his face, he continued to curse: "Don't you read these reports and analysis articles? NASA is also cooperating with them to lie, right? You are a red deer..."

There was a crash, and newspapers were scattered everywhere.

After cursing for a full fifteen minutes, Yamamoto stopped cursing, and then asked him to read these reports with a cold face.

Kazuo Kishida said "Hey" and hurriedly picked up the newspapers and read them.

Their domestic newspapers reported on Zhao Mo, saying that Zhao Mo had become China's youngest strategic scientist and was nicknamed "Chinese Flying Dragon" because Zhao Mo was not a hidden dragon in Yuan, but successfully flew into the sky!

Their American dad’s newspaper commented in an article that their NASA technology was stolen, and they have reason to suspect that the F-1 rocket engine technology was stolen, and they will continue to implement the Wolf Clause~

The European Space Agency also spoke out and coyly said congratulations.

Then there are reports from various places about the military parade, saying that China's lion has awakened and global security is facing new threats...

Kazuo Kishida looked at these reports and comment articles, and all he could think of was "f*ck!" No one suspected that the 1,000-ton high-thrust rocket engine was fake!

"Director, I still stand by my point of view. They are just lying! I analyzed the shape of the rocket engine they exposed, and I think it is impossible for this shape to use liquid oxygen methane as chemical fuel to produce a thrust of one thousand tons. At most five to six hundred tons, and that’s still the theoretical value!”

Kazuo Kishida was not affected by this, nor was he intimidated by Kazuo Yamamoto's curses. He insisted on his own opinion.


Yamamoto Kazuo was so angry that he couldn't speak, and his chest rose and fell rapidly.

If Kazuo Kishida was not the main contributor to the H-IIA rocket, Kazuo Yamamoto would have to continue to scold him. But Kazuo Kishida is the main contributor to the H-IIA rocket, and much of the credit for the success of the H-IIA rocket was made by Kazuo Kishida. Therefore, when Kazuo Kishida was so "stubborn", Kazuo Yamamoto was somewhat helpless.

The H-IIA rocket is pretty good even in a small book, and it ranks high in the world. With a thrust of more than 300 and nearly 400 tons, it was once a rocket praised by China.

Of course, from the current perspective of China, it only has a bit of technology and nothing else.

Kazuo Yamamoto said with a cold face: "You mean they are all pretending not to know?"

Kishida Kazuo lowered his head: "This is not something I can consider~"

"I know~!"

Kazuo Yamamoto finally said, let him go.

After Kazuo Kishida left, Kazuo Yamamoto withdrew the questioning report submitted by Kazuo Kishida and put it at the bottom of the space agency's box. It will not be released for at least the next period of time.

Afterwards, Yamamoto Kazuo made a few calls and went out, with the expression on his face sometimes serious and sometimes full of smiles.

Half an hour later, Yamamoto Kazuo put down the phone: "...It's a pity that the guy from Wudaokou was repatriated, otherwise he could have contacted Zhao Mojun directly. What a red deer, I can't get any information, and now I have to sacrifice my face." Come and find their space agency to ask for cooperation..."

Three days later~

Back in the capital, when Zhao Mo and Yang Chan held a dinner to entertain their teachers, students, friends, and close colleagues in the capital, they heard Minister Liu talking about many countries applying for aerospace cooperation with our country, especially rocket cooperation. things...

(End of this chapter)

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