You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 25 We will still be classmates in the future

Chapter 25 We will still be classmates in the future (continue to ask for votes!)

If majors such as biochemical materials are said to be sinkholes, you can see that many people are working hard to climb up.

Then, the major of mathematics is an abyss, and only a few gods can be seen flying above the mouth of the abyss.

As a latecomer, Zhao Mo naturally knew.

Listening to Qiu Wenjie's sigh, Zhao Mo was slightly moved, knowing that Qiu Wenjie was thinking about his future.

Indeed, most of those who study mathematics at Wudaokou Yan University are from the junior class or the Mathematical Olympiad class. There are also students who have passed the ordinary college entrance examination, but they are basically at the bottom of the class and cannot compare at all.

Qiu Wenjie's thinking logic is normal. You can get into Wudaokou Yan University with a score of 690, but you are really not suitable for mathematics.Instead of wasting time on mathematics that is out of reach, it is better to choose a popular major. After graduation, you can have a good future whether it is employment or starting a business.

math?If you can't learn this major well, what kind of good future can you have relatively speaking?

"Thank you for your concern, teacher. I know it well."

He nodded and answered in the affirmative.

The situation is different. He wants to challenge the weaknesses of most people.

Qiu Wenjie said helplessly: "Forget it, I've filled it all out, just check the obedience adjustment box. I also have something in mind~"


Zhao Mo did not refuse this time, and chose to obey the adjustment in all three choices.

After the volunteer form is filled in and collected, it represents the end of the entire high school period.

"Goodbye classmates!"

Qiu Wenjie looked at the group of students in front of him with emotion. After saying a simple farewell, he suppressed the emotion of separation and left with the reports.

Soon, the students left the classroom with a variety of emotions.

"Zhao Mo, you are this!"

Li Shijie gave Zhao Mo a thumbs up, and then whispered: "I am going to study abroad, and my dad has enrolled me in a university in Germany. Zhao Mo, we will meet again in the future, right?"

His face was full of reluctance and he looked very depressed.

Looking at this "good gay friend" in front of him for three years in high school, Zhao Mo was also quite emotional.

He patted Li Shijie on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Of course we'll see you again. You have to work hard in Germany, otherwise you will never catch up with me~"


Li Shijie slapped his arm away and cursed with a smile: "How can I not catch up with you? Let me tell you, I just haven't taken it seriously yet. When I get serious, I guarantee that I can easily surpass you."

"Who doesn't know how to tell lies? I'll wait~"

A disdainful smile appeared on Zhao Mo's face.

"Just wait and see~"

Li Shijie gave him a contemptuous gesture, then put on his bag and left the classroom.

Looking at the students leaving one after another, Zhao Mo was silent for a while, then went downstairs and walked around the school. He planned to take a look here again before leaving school.

Three years later, for the sake of economic development in the county, their provincial key high school had to give way and was planned to be relocated to the west of the city to build a brand new campus. This area became the main road of the county and a commercial housing community.This meant that when he finished college and wanted to come back for a visit, he wouldn't be able to see anything here.

With the development of the economy, in the era of lack of photography, people passively erased many memories, leaving only the vague memories in their minds.

"Zhao Mo, do you want to go online?"

"Zhao Mo, let's go out to eat together?"

"Zhao Mo, why don't you go back?"

Along the way, I met classmates or classmates I met in other classes, and they all made dates.

"I won't go, I'll go back later~"

Zhao Mo shook his head and declined.

He originally wanted to chat with Chinese teacher Zhang Wenfang, but when he went to the teacher's office, he learned that Zhang Wenfang had resigned and returned to BJ.

When we returned to the dormitory, all the roommates in the dormitory had already packed their luggage and were ready to go home.

He stopped Zhou Qinghua who was about to go out, climbed up on the bed, took out the red-covered set of "The Complete Works of Jin Yong" and handed it over: "I'll give it to you. You can read it for fun when you have time. But I heard If you are going to repeat your studies, my suggestion is to try not to bring it to school, it is more appropriate to leave it at home."

Zhou Qinghua was startled and took it silently.

"Thank you~"

He nodded his thanks and left the dormitory with "The Complete Works of Jin Yong" in his pocket.

Zhao Mo smiled slightly, then carried his luggage, walked out of the dormitory, and walked out of the school gate.

"Classmate Zhao Mo, I heard that your estimated score was 690, and you applied for Wudaokou and Yanda?"

Two familiar figures appeared in his sight, it was Liu Zheng and Kang Hongyi. Seeing him walking out of school, Kang Hongyi took the initiative to say hello and asked.

Zhao Mo nodded: "Yes, we should still be classmates."

He heard that Kang Hongyi's estimated score was 700, which was higher than him, and he also applied for Wudaokou and Yanda.

Kang Hongyi was startled, then laughed: "Interesting! I hope so~"

Liu Zheng, who was standing aside, looked at him with a complicated expression, bit his lip and said nothing.

Next to them, there were two middle-aged couples standing. The two middle-aged women looked somewhat similar to Liu Zheng and Kang Hongyi. There was also an old Jetta parked on the roadside.Apparently, it was Kang Hongyi and Liu Zheng's family who drove to take them back.

"Hongyi, is this a classmate of yours?"

One of the middle-aged women asked Kang Hongyi with a smile on her face.

Kang Hongyi shook his head and replied: "He is Liu Zheng's classmate."

The middle-aged woman said "Oh", the smile on her face suddenly faded, and she stopped talking.

Zhao Mo smiled, nodded to them, looked back at his alma mater again, then turned and left.There is a bus stop not far from the school gate. There is only one line, which leads directly to the station.

"Let's go have a meal first to celebrate Hongyi's good grades~"

Seeing him leaving, another middle-aged woman spoke up, then asked a few people to get into the old Jetta and drove quickly to the center of the county.


Ten minutes later, Zhao Mo got off the bus at the intersection of the national highway leading to the village. There was a gravel road just wide enough for a car, about one kilometer long.

As soon as I got off the car, a gust of hot air blew over me, and a feeling of heat suddenly arose.

Carrying a bag on his back and carrying a quilt, he walked no more than a hundred meters, and his back was wet with sweat.

"Zhao Mo, are you back?"

"Have you finished the college entrance examination?"

"How did the exam go, Zhao Mo?"

On both sides of the gravel road, there are stretches of rice fields that have been dyed with a light golden color. When the wind blows, all the rice fields are bowed and undulating, like a sea.

Many people were busy in the fields, carrying shovels, shovels, or pesticide sprayers on their backs. When they saw him coming back, they all greeted him warmly.

As a high school student in the only key high school in the village, he has always been looked down upon in the village.They will not judge him based on his grades in school. They will only look at him differently because he is in a key high school, because this is a level that they and their children cannot reach.

"Well, I'm back~ I've finished the college entrance examination, did you do well~"

Zhao Mo answered indifferently, feeling extremely relaxed and natural.

Outside, whether it is society or school, there is pressure. Only home can give him this feeling.

When we arrived at the entrance of the village, there were more people saying hello, because people in the village often gathered here to chat about family affairs and gossip about villages far away from home.

Zhao Mo walked past with a smile on his face, his face a little stiff.

After a while, two familiar figures hurried over and appeared in front of him, his father Zhao Weiguo and his mother Hu Ying.

"Why are you back now?"

"I'll bring it up~"

The two of them walked forward, and while talking, they took the quilt and backpack in his hands, and then returned home.

"I'll be back after the exam~"

Zhao Mo said with a smile, and then asked: "Dad, aren't you in Shenzhen? Why are you back?"

Zhao Weiguo said: "The work over there is done, and the rice at home is about to be harvested, so I'm back."

"Oh, that's it~"

Zhao Mo didn't ask any more questions. Adults didn't want to be questioned by children.


The younger sister Zhao Lan ran over and shouted with a smile.

She just finished fourth grade and will be in fifth grade in the second half of the year.

"Lan Lan~"

Zhao Mo touched his head.

After returning home, Zhao Weiguo and Hu Ying naturally asked about the college entrance examination.

Zhao Mo said with a smile: "I did very well in the exam. I applied to Pudaokou University. Don't talk about it yet."

"What? Wudaokou?"

"Son, is it true or not?"

Zhao Weiguo and Hu Ying were both stunned and looked at him blankly.

Don’t blame them for thinking too much. Before there was a lot of turmoil, the name of Pudaokou University was too loud and the aura was too dazzling. It was the No. 1 university in the country and a world-famous university. If you are a Chinese, you will know this university. I am proud that my children have been admitted to this university.

Now, wouldn't it shock them to hear their son say that he could be admitted to PBC University?
Not to mention, their son's grades in high school were not very good.

Although Zhao Mo didn't say it, the fact that Zhao Mo didn't get into the top class is enough to show that Zhao Mo's grades were not top-notch.In the entire Jiangnan Province, the number of students enrolled in PBC University is only forty or fifty per class.As for County No. 10 Middle School, the number of students admitted will not exceed [-] if divided.

In previous years, the number of people recruited by Wudaokou and Zhongguancun universities in County No. [-] Middle School added up to only four or five people, which can be counted in one hand. This means that they have to be at least among the top five to have any hope.

The top five students are all in the top class.

"Son, are you accurate in your estimate?"

Zhao Weiguo suddenly became a little worried. He remembered that Zhao Mo had said before that the best score was to get into the top [-] in the class. How could he get into Pudaokou University with this kind of score?

Hu Ying patted him: "What are you talking about~"

Zhao Mo sighed secretly, knowing more or less what they were thinking, but he didn't explain it. He just smiled and replied in a confident tone: "Dad, don't talk about this anymore. When the admission notice comes, you will know what I am talking about." Really."

"Uh uh..."

Zhao Weiguo couldn't come up with the next question he was about to ask, so he could only say: "Okay, okay~"

The matter of the college entrance examination was temporarily settled at his home~
Time flies, and it’s June 6. The college entrance examination scores are out, and you can check them online or by phone.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the Internet. There are only a few Internet cafes in the entire county where you can access the Internet, but you can't find it anywhere else.

The only landline at home came in handy. Under the urging of Zhao Weiguo and Hu Ying, Zhao Mo walked out of the room and started to call to check the scores.

"It turns out that a certain company's wireless charger only requires a chip, a PCB board and some coil turns. Unfortunately, I don't have a multimeter and online shopping is not developed. Otherwise, I can rub one by hand..."

While Zhao Mo was dialing the phone, he was thinking about the certain wireless charger that he had dismantled into several parts.

 Thank you to "Ximen Chuixue Sword God" for your monthly support, and thank you to "Tianmo Judgment" and "Where is My Mirror" for your recommendation votes.

(End of this chapter)

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