Chapter 242 Shocked
  America, YWD!

Once upon a time, as one of the two giants in the field of graphics cards, YWD's development was actually very unsmooth. It almost fell into crisis several times, or was on the verge of life and death due to wrong routes.

But now, everything is different. YWD has surpassed its rival AMD and become the No. 1 in the field of graphics cards.

Reflected in the market value, YWD's stock price has tripled in one year, and its market value has risen from more than [-] billion U.S. dollars last year to more than [-] billion U.S. dollars!

The financial turmoil sweeping the world has not affected it. Or if there had not been last year's financial turmoil, YWD's market value would have been even higher, [-] billion? Fifty billion?
  The leather-clad leader Huang knows deeply that his research and development route is correct, but the biggest contributor to this change in market value is the "big model" that emerged across the Pacific Ocean!
  When the big model came out, Huang Piyi still watched the press conference, because the press conference at that time was hosted by Professor Yao of Wudaokou, who won the Turing Award.

I thought that in backward China, Professor Yao's so-called "big model" was just a slight update of some existing technologies.

I never expected that it would be a large deep learning artificial intelligence model built on their YWD high-performance GPU, opening up a new world in the computer field.

In addition to being shocked, Huang Piyi was extremely pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that GPU could also be used for training and building artificial intelligence! And it is very good at it, as if it was born for artificial intelligence.

He was worried that the tragedy of the Internet bubble would reappear due to the financial crisis. As soon as the technical features of the press conference were mentioned, he immediately knew that YWD was going to explode!

Then, as he expected, YWD became popular, and all kinds of products were sold all over the world, especially GPUs!

Huang Piyi was reluctant to receive the order, and Huang Piyi discovered another hidden and terrible fact, that is, their production capacity was seriously insufficient and completely limited by TJD's production capacity. TJD refused to arrange more lines for him, saying that he would either pay real money Come and invest in building new lines, or wait.

Yes, TJD is so tough!

Do you want my product?
  Okay, use the money to invest in the production line. When the new production line is built, I can sell the product to you.

I took your money to do my work, and I will sell the product to you and earn your money again!
  Huang Piyi had no other choice, so he flew to Treasure Island in person and urged TJD Zhang Laomou in person, asking him to send more manpower to rush production, and also spent real money to help him build a new factory.

For more than half a month, Huang Piyi had room and board at TJD.

He has no second choice, because TJD and Samsung currently have the most advanced chip nano-processes in the world. They have the most advanced 45nm mature mass production technology and can make the most advanced GPUs. At TJD, we are now starting to tackle 32nm problems.

"Is there any new news from China?"

After more than half a month of communication and coordination, Huang Piyi began to focus on the situation in China, especially the large models.

According to his previous prediction, many emerging large model companies will place orders for them.

This is the Matthew effect of the head. The strong get stronger, and this is also the main reason why he desperately wants to expand production capacity, that is, in a hurry.

The fact was as he expected, and the assistant smiled and gave a happy answer: "BOSS, everything is as predicted, there are no surprises."

There was a signature fake smile on Huang Leyi's face. Although it was a happy smile, it always gave people the feeling of a "fake smile" for some reason.

He nodded, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "OK!"

That night, he was preparing to fly back to America.

In America, there are many companies that want to cooperate with YWD and are urging them to get products.

The order is already scheduled for a year later.

We had dinner with TJD Zhang Laomou. The two chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was very happy.

Huang Piyi does not have any negative feelings towards Zhang Laomou. It is normal business behavior not to expand production. Not to mention that the reason why YWD is what it is today is because when it was about to go bankrupt due to a wrong route, Zhang Laomou helped him and promised to give him His new solution was OEM, which allowed him to revive the new solution product, get the order, and then go all the way.

If Zhang Laomou refused to OEM his new solution at that time, YWD would have gone bankrupt.

There was some gossip in the conversation between the two, but not much. It basically focused on the semiconductor industry. The two naturally talked about today's chip foundry matters.

Huang Piyi smiled and asked, "Aren't you worried about the threats from Central International and Samsung?"

“...Central International is our competitor, but it’s nothing to worry about. They don’t have a deep foundation. They are still researching the 65nm process, which is two generations behind us...Our real opponent is Samsung, which is a very powerful company. , but the final winner will definitely be us TJD. Samsung does not have the courage to fight without our TJD. They are flowers protected in a greenhouse..."

Zhang Laomou said calmly, his arrogance and complacency evident in his words.

Huang Piyi couldn't comment, thinking: "Central International may be close, but Samsung should be about the same as you, right?"

If Samsung hadn't accepted his order, he wouldn't have been so constrained by TJD.

After almost eating, Huang Piyi was ready to get up and leave.

The assistant suddenly hurried in from outside the door, and said hurriedly in his ear: "BOSS, someone cut the undelivered orders in half. I inquired about the news, and it was Central International's chip manufacturing process that made a breakthrough. , the current 45nm tape-out is successful!”


Huang Leyi stood up suddenly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Zhang Laomou was surprised by his actions and couldn't help but ask: "Did something big happen?" Huang Piyi's face twitched a few times, looked at him and said slowly: "Central International's 45nm process tape-out was successful! "


Zhang Laomou also stood up suddenly, his calmness completely gone, and only seriousness and anger remained on his face.

He was furious.


Not long ago, we were still working hard to conquer 65nm, but now we are saying that 45nm is about to be completed?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
  "I don't think it's possible, but Weibo cut the order they placed for me in half because we couldn't deliver the goods. If Central International didn't finish the 45nm process, how could Weiwei cut the order?"

Huang Leyi's face was also ugly.

In addition to being cut off, he was also cut off this time purely because TJD did not support him. If TJD had supported him from the beginning, the order for a certain company would have been delivered long ago. Why would he wait until the order was canceled by a certain company on the grounds that he "cannot deliver the goods"?
  Hearing this, Zhang Laomou was speechless.

After standing there for a while, he snorted angrily and said: "45nm is nothing, we can handle 32nm within three months, and your orders will be back by then." Then he walked away. .

"Three months?"

Huang Piyi was startled. This was a military order.

Thinking of this, he was no longer in a hurry to return to America. He turned around and said to his assistant: "Book a ticket to Shanghai. I want to talk to Central International."


The assistant responded and quickly went to book a flight ticket.

On the other side, Zhang Laomou, who left angrily, did not go back, but went directly to the TJD factory. Regardless of whether the people below were off work or on leave, he directly asked people to notify them to assemble, and he had to bring them with him when he came over. Bedding is provided, and those who do not come will be fired.

An hour later, when everyone rushed to the factory in a hurry (cursing inwardly), Zhang Laomou walked onto the podium with a loudspeaker and announced loudly: "Now, it is the most dangerous moment for TJD. Our competitors, Samsung is working on 32nm PR just like us. Even our traitor, Center International, has mastered 45nm and is starting to catch up with us. In this case, what should we do? In addition to working hard to beat them, we can’t do anything else. There is no choice. So, in the next three months, we have to complete 32nm and push forward to 28nm. Therefore, in the next three months, all of us will live and eat in the factory until we complete this task..."

Everyone was dumbfounded!
  Horse riding, that's what you meant when you asked me to bring my bedding!
  In addition to mentally cursing everyone, no one left because it was not the first time they had done this. Those who want to leave have already left before that time, and those who are staying now are not leaving for the time being.

Not long after, Huang Leyi, who was sitting on the plane, heard the news, but there was no smile on his face, but some were a little uneasy.

The speed of Central International is a bit fast, faster than everyone expected.

This owner includes himself.

"Is it really useful for TJD to do this?"

Huang Piyi thought secretly.

Nothing to say all night~
  The next day, Huang Leyi arrived in the Magic City and rushed to Central International as soon as possible to meet with Dr. Zhang Rujing of Central International, who had already made an appointment, without any delay.

Faced with the arrival of the YWD boss, Zhang Rujing naturally received him warmly.

But when he heard that Huang Piyi wanted to visit their 45nm production line and hope that they would take orders, Zhang Rujing refused the other party's request to visit without thinking, but said about taking orders: "The production capacity is fully booked. If necessary, I have two plans here, which one does Mr. Huang want?"

Huang Piyi subconsciously asked: "Which two options?"

Zhang Rujin said calmly: "The first option is to wait. It is expected that production capacity will be available to supply YWD by November 2010; the second option is for Central International to cooperate with YWD to build a new production line."

Huang Leyi: "..."

Good guy, should I say that you deserve to be from TJD or should I question whether you are colluding?

“It’s a very important matter, let’s evaluate it~”

After all, Huang Piyi didn't say anything, but this meeting still didn't achieve much results. The only result was that he was convinced that Central International had really realized the 45nm process.

If Central International did not have the 45nm process, Zhang Rujing would definitely not have the guts to come up with a plan to cooperate with them to build a new production line.

After leaving Central International, Huang Piyi immediately flew to the capital. He was going to a certain research center in the capital to meet Mr. Ren who was there.

When preparing to get on the plane, Huang Piyi edited an email to discuss the situation with his YWD partners.

A pop-up box suddenly popped up with the title "Shocking, Professor Zhao Mo's team at Wudaokou used AI models to discover thousands of new materials, and AI research capabilities surpass humans!"

(End of this chapter)

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