You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 240 Like I said, I'm not an expert in this area

Chapter 240 Like I said, I'm not an expert in this area
  "This matter is top secret!"

At the small meeting, Zhao Mo briefly introduced the situation of the large model designed this time.

Minister Liu first emphasized the importance of the powerful capabilities of large models in materials research, and then asked Zhao Mo: "Professor Zhao, how much will this improve research efficiency? Can it be promoted on a large scale?"

He roughly understood it, but he still wanted to hear Zhao Mo's opinion, and he wanted to hear Professor Zhao say it himself.

Zhao Mo thought for a while and replied: "Large-scale promotion is definitely possible, but it requires a lot of effort, otherwise it will easily become superficial. As for efficiency improvement, it depends on the computing power. The stronger the computing power. "

"Computing power?"

This is a term that Minister Liu has heard from Zhao Mo several times.

Zhao Mo also explained to him that computing power is based on massive amounts of data, coupled with super computing power, retrieval capabilities, and the ability to process these data.

The artificial intelligence of the future will be built on super computing power.

Minister Liu then nodded and said with emotion and excitement: "This is no different from artificial intelligence. In the future, those overstaffed researchers can be laid off, and our science and technology will usher in a great explosion!"

Li Hu: "..."

He felt that Minister Liu was talking about him and his team, criticizing their poor research and warning them to be careful about being laid off.

I just heard Zhao Mo say that efficiency improvement is equivalent to one or two years as a researcher. How can we compete with this?

Can't compete at all~
  Now when I hear what Minister Liu said, my heart suddenly goes cold.

For the first time in his life, he felt the crisis of unemployment~
  What's the name of this horse-riding guy?
  He couldn't help but look at Zhao Mo, with an indescribable emotion of complaint or shock.

"It's not as serious as being laid off~"

Zhao Mo noticed Li Hu's gaze, but didn't pay attention. He just smiled and said.

Hearing this, Li Hu felt a sense of hope for no reason and couldn't help but think: "Hey, is there a turning point? Yes, a machine is a machine, how can it replace people? It must have its shortcomings~"

However, before he could think more, Zhao Mo then said: "It is still necessary to do cloud detection and confirmation, large model maintenance and other work, and this process will take at least thirty years. At present, the whole society does not have the ability to popularize large models on a large scale. With such conditions, it would be extraordinary to be able to introduce it first in the military industry, aerospace and other key fields within five years.”

The corner of Li Hu's mouth twitched a few times, thinking: "Fuck! I'm so happy, aren't we in the military industry?"

Special Steel Group is in the military industry!
  “Professor Zhao has a commanding position, I deeply admire him!”

Minister Liu looked at Zhao Mo with a face full of admiration, then nodded and said: "Professor Zhao, when this verification is completed, please write a report and I will explain the relevant situation above."

He made up his mind to follow what Zhao Mo said and convince the higher-ups to take the lead in integrating large models, or artificial intelligence large models, in military, aerospace and other key industrial fields.

If there is a more efficient way to improve technological development, we must take it!

don't go?

Isn't that a fool?

He thought about the impact of large-scale models in the past year. It has been hotly discussed at home and abroad and has blossomed more. If China does not take the lead and is led by foreign countries, this will be a serious mistake on their part!

Zhao Mo nodded in agreement, but then asked: "Minister, but before that, should we add more manpower to the Special Steel Group? Is it too busy now? In addition, can related papers be published?"

"Mr. Ma must handle the extra manpower matter!"

Minister Liu thought that the scam was here, but he did not hesitate at all and immediately passed the problem to Ma Weihong. As for the other question, he hesitated for a moment and replied: "Professor Zhao, this matter is very important. I will ask for your instructions before I get back to you after the report comes up."

Ma Weihong: "..."

Hey guys, the problem is back to us again?
  Zhao Mo smiled and said: "No problem, but this thing is just a layer of window paper. In fact, even if we don't say it, others can find it. Especially America, their technology in the computer field is as good as ours. The key to this thing It depends on whether it can be truly implemented and transformed into productivity. There is a big gap between discovery and implementation. I don’t think any other country can surpass our country in terms of implementation.”

Minister Liu: "..."

Li Hu: "..."

Hey guys, just a layer of window paper that breaks when you poke it?
  So why haven't we discovered it before? Why hasn't anyone around the world discovered it?

However, after thinking deeply about Zhao Mo's words, Minister Liu still agreed with it and was very proud of it. Of course, it’s not without a trace of trepidation: “Are we not that powerful?”

Zhao Mo has always been proud and affirmative of the country's industrial manufacturing capabilities, believing that he is number one in the world. He already knew this.

He also believes that our country's industrial manufacturing capabilities are very good, especially after the Olympic Games last year. By the end of the year, our GDP officially surpassed Hans Cat and ranked third in the world. This sentiment gradually increased. However, when it comes to being number one, he is definitely not confident. There is still a small life above this, and there is also America who has dominated the world for more than half a century.

America's power is something that everyone who grew up in the [-]s and [-]s is afraid of.

Too strong!

During World War II, Hans Cat was strongly promoted, but here he beat a small notebook into a pig's head with one hand. An aircraft carrier was launched in thirty-three days, and Hans Cat's wolf tactics destroyed the warship faster than America could build a ship. The speed is fast.

In modern times, there are moon landings, deep space exploration, the Internet, 2G/3G, semiconductors, fifth-generation fighters, all-weather global range stealth bombers, more than a dozen aircraft carrier formations... and so on. After several Middle East wars, three-dimensional The integrated super technological war...all describe America's unprecedented power, and it is the only superpower in the world!
  With various emotions, Minister Liu left.

Zhao Mo stayed and continued to verify the new materials with Li Hu and others.

However, Ma Weihong took advantage of the break in their research to find Zhao Mo and asked Zhao Mo about the "mature body" of the large model. He was interested in this aspect.

"Professor Zhao, when you talk about the large-scale mature body, are the materials manufacturing and testing processes also taken over by the large-scale model?"

Ma Weihong looked curious and expectant.

Zhao Mo glanced at him in surprise and thought: "Sure enough, there are two brushes~"

Before he could speak, Li Hu coughed and said, "Mr. Ma, didn't you say you have something to do? Why don't you finish your work first and then come over? Professor Zhao and I have to watch the verification."

Ma Weihong glared at him, and then said to Zhao Mo sheepishly: "Other things are not that important. Professor Zhao, can you tell me about it?"

Zhao Mo looked amused, but he still explained: "Mr. Ma, what you just said is right, it is exactly what you thought, let the artificial intelligence large model take over all the work, from design, simulation, to sample production, testing... All in all, it does it all."

Ma Weihong was very excited when he heard it, and kept cheering: "This is good, this is good."

Then he said with an embarrassed smile: "So Professor Zhao, can you, ahem, could you please leave this large artificial intelligence model in our company and help us transform it? Don't worry, it will be completely carried out as normal business When we cooperate, we will do whatever we want, and we will never let you and your team suffer."

Li Hu's face changed when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth, but couldn't help but said: "Mr. Ma, is this a long-term plan, so many people will lose their jobs?"

Ma Weihong was startled, yes, this is a big problem.

Zhao Mo smiled and said nothing. This was not an issue that he should be concerned about at this stage.

At this stage, he is a scientist and he only does scientific and technological breakthroughs.

As for the impact of technological breakthroughs, that is something that should be considered above.

"Can a living person be suffocated by urine?"

Ma Weihong then said: "We have experienced price breakthroughs and massive layoffs before. What are we afraid of now? And aren't you too busy now? Improving the company's technology and efficiency first is the top priority."

He saw Zhao Mo smiling, obviously not taking Li Hu's words seriously.

He also figured it out. Professor Zhao had already said that this was a matter of window paper. If they didn't take action, wouldn't they be digging their own graves? Compared to the decline of the company, what does the loss of employees mean?
  If you are unemployed, just think of a solution!

Li Hu was stunned when he heard this.

Ma Weihong stopped caring about him and asked Zhao Mo: "Professor Zhao, what do you think?"

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "I won't talk about your company's affairs. As for the cooperation you talked about, Mr. Ma, I have no problem with it, but I am not an expert in large models, so I will still have to be part of my team when the time comes. Others are responsible, you just talk to them."


Ma Weihong quickly expressed her gratitude, but she was thinking: "You are not an expert in this field? Who would believe it?"

He felt that Professor Zhao was good at everything, and his research was even more amazing. However, his speech was a bit irritating, making it difficult to hold back.


Two days later, the first batch of new material samples were produced.

A total of twenty new solutions were tested, each with a different emphasis on materials.

Some focus on toughness, some focus on strength, some focus on corrosion resistance, some focus on antimagnetic properties...and so on.

Of course, there are also verifications of new element alloys.

Li Hu personally took people to test the performance of these materials. He was afraid of the capabilities of the large model, and at the same time developed a strong distrust, so he wanted to confirm in person to see if the materials designed by the large model would work.

That afternoon, the test results came out.

Looking at the various "good" and "excellent" performances on the test results report, Li Hu hesitated.

"Plan No. 1, resilience increased by 5%"

"Plan No. 2, intensity increased by 15%"

"Plan No. 3, the antimagnetic property is increased by 20%"


“It’s awesome, it basically reached the designed target value!”

one member of the team exclaimed, his tone full of admiration.

Li Hu woke up with a start, turned his head suddenly and looked at Zhao Mo, who was seriously reviewing the test report. He took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "Professor Zhao, I am convinced!"


Zhao Mo didn't hear what he said clearly and asked casually without taking his eyes off the test report.


Seeing him like this, Li Hu suddenly lost his grudge against him in the past, and sighed in his heart: "This is a person who is purely engaged in scientific research~"

Zhao Mo had no doubt that he had it. His mind was full of comparing these test data, and he quickly confirmed: "You can write a report and submit it~"

Li Hu: "..."

That night, a report came into Minister Liu's hands.

"As expected of Professor Zhao!"

When he got the report, Minister Liu praised him for his speed in doing things.

And when he finished reading the report, he was even more excited: "Okay! Great!"


This was the only conclusion he came to after reading this report.

With this conclusion, enough!
  No matter how much else there is, it is just the icing on the cake.

Afterwards, Minister Liu ignored the fact that it was very late, took the report and walked towards the cabinet, without any intention of "optimizing" the report.

"Oh? Professor Zhao's report?" The old man who was disturbed was not unhappy. After hearing the report from Zhao Mo, a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face. He took the report immediately and asked He finished: "Is this the result of these six months?"


Minister Liu responded quickly, and then said happily: "Professor Zhao has given a great result this time, completely subverting the existing scientific research field."

"is it?"

The old man became more interested, and then he watched it carefully.

In the report, the results of the application of large models were described, and a suggestion was made to improve R&D efficiency, saying that it was time to formulate standards and strategies related to large models.

"This is a good suggestion~"

The old man was very happy about the improvement of research and development efficiency and productivity growth of the large model, but he was even more happy about the establishment of standards mentioned at the end of the report, and he couldn't help but praise it.

A first-class power sets the standards!
  There is no doubt that leading organizations to establish world standards for large models will play a greater role in improving my country's international influence and subsequent economic and industrial development than the direct role of large models!
  We have set standards. Not only do we carry out production activities under this standard, but others also produce under this standard. Then we will not only be invincible, but also have a head start, and our things will be unfavorable.

Otherwise, the standard is occupied by others, and others only need to make slight adjustments, and you will pay a huge price.

In addition, he was also happy to see Zhao Mo's growth.

It is one thing to immerse yourself in work, but it is even more rare and valuable to be able to look up into the distance, think about the future, know how to establish standards and build our own moat while immersing yourself in work.

"I support the views mentioned in Professor Zhao's report!"

The old man said, and then made corresponding instructions on the report.

Minister Liu was immediately overjoyed, so he took this opportunity to ask about Zhao Mo's request for the paper to be published first and whether it was feasible.

The old man thought for a moment and then replied with a smile: "This is Professor Zhao's research result. If you want to publish a related paper, of course there is no problem. There is no need to ask for our opinion."

Minister Liu hesitated: "Will this involve leaking secrets?"

The old man waved his hand and said, "We have to believe Professor Zhao. He is a patriotic scientist. He knows what he can and cannot do."

Minister Liu was stunned when he heard this.

It seems, as if, this is really the case.

He recalled the papers Zhao Mo had published so far, and there were no leaks. For things that may really be leaked, such as graphene-air batteries, Zhao Mo has never published any relevant papers. What he has published is only one article on lithium-sulfur batteries and one specious article on graphene batteries. Not only is there no leak, but it is suspected of misleading foreign scientists. .

Looking at it this way, Zhao Mo is not someone who can leak secrets. He is also a scientist of the "Strategic Deception Bureau"!
  The next day, Minister Liu told Zhao Mo the good news.

After receiving the reply, Zhao Mo immediately arranged for his students to start writing corresponding papers, and then he himself entered the state of "immersion" again.

In cooperation with the Special Steel Group on material research and development, since the big model has been confirmed to be valid, leave it to the big model and Li Hu to work on it and follow the established schedule.

Ma Weihong's cooperation requirements were also left to the team to handle. He was responsible for keeping an eye on the final results and coordinating any major problems along the way. He would let everything else go.

Zhao Mo returned to Wudaokou, teaching and thinking about the problem of burning.

As soon as he left, Director Tan Kaihua ran over to their team.

"Where is your Professor Zhao?"

Tan Kaihua asked him where he was.

"Professor Zhao has gone back to Wudaokou~"

Dr. Li Wen, one of the two people in charge of the large model in the team, replied.

Tan Kaihua said "Oh" and turned to leave.

Dr. Li Wen quickly stopped him and asked: "Director Tan, Professor Zhao said that he will not be coming for a while. If you have any questions about our project team, you can tell me."

Tan Kaihua turned around, looked at him, and asked, "I heard that you have made great breakthroughs in materials. Have you come up with new high-performance materials?"

"not yet."

Li Wen first shook his head and replied, and then explained: "The method of using large models to study materials has been successful. We are currently using large models to screen the materials we need. It is expected to be completed soon, and it should be completed by the end of next month."

"Large model? End of next month?"

Tan Kaihua was stunned when he heard this, and a look of shock appeared on his face, and he blurted out, "Is it so fast?"

He knows about the large model. Zhao Mo's team uses large models to analyze rocket engines, materials, and combustion. He knows all these.

Half a year passed and there was still no movement. He was a little disappointed and even thought they had failed.

Sharpening a knife is enough to cut wood, but sharpening a knife can't last that long, right?

He knew that Zhao Mo had set a goal of completing the development of a high-thrust rocket engine in two years, but now half a year has passed and there has been no movement, which is worrying.

Sometimes, he admired Zhao Mo for not being anxious at all, but instead immersed himself in his research like a normal person, like a "teacher".

I just heard there was progress here today, so he hurried over to pay attention and inquire about the progress.

Unexpectedly, he heard such an answer now.

Can the material development be completed next month?

The efficiency of this large model that has been polished for half a year should not be too high!

"It should be okay. We evaluate it based on the current efficiency."

Li Wen was a little unconfident when he asked him. He was not Zhao Mo, and he couldn't be [-]% confident in himself. Therefore, facing a senior in the aerospace industry like Tan Kaihua, he inevitably felt guilty.

After finishing speaking, he even said hesitantly: "Director Tan, is the progress slow? Professor Zhao also confirmed it."

Tan Kaihua: "..."

What do you mean, I asked if it was too fast, and you asked me if it was too slow?

Is what I say not that hard to understand?

Also, what does Professor Zhao also confirm? Am I worse than Professor Zhao?

"Not too slow, not too slow, just keep busy~"

He said slowly, then turned and left.

The other party is a young man, and there is a generation gap with them in everything they do, say, etc., so they have to understand, so it’s hard for him to say anything.

"Today's young people are really amazing, maybe he can really do this~"

When he was leaving, he thought of Zhao Mo's rhetoric when he decided to promote the high-thrust rocket engine project, "to solve these problems during the implementation of the plan." At that time, he thought Zhao Mo's rhetoric was simply whimsical. Looking back now, It wasn't that Zhao Mo was out of his mind, it was that he underestimated the ability of this young man.


"...Do the solutions to the equations always exist? Can any fluid be described infinitely starting from any starting conditions? It is broken down into two questions, one is the existence of the solutions, and the other is whether these solutions have boundaries..."

Wudaokou, in the office, Zhao Mo closed the book about the introduction and attempts to prove the NS equation, then stood up and looked into the distance from the window.

Physicists describe the formation of turbulence as a smoothly flowing vortex, and then smaller vortices are formed in this vortex, and more playful vortices are further formed in the smaller vortices. This process goes back and forth, each moving and interacting with each other.

But why does an apparently smooth flow break down into turbulent flow?
  Can all turbulent fluid changes be described using mathematics?

What is the solution to this mathematical model?



Zhao Mo kept chanting these two words in his mouth, and countless numbers, mathematical symbols, physical symbols, and small rivers that were turbulent flashed through his mind.

The wisdom of LV8 has constructed many mathematical models, either continuously cutting and classifying, or aggregating and dispersing, trying to use various methods to prove the existence and smoothness of the solution to the NS equation.

The experiences and insights of those seniors who had made various efforts on the NS equation slowly flowed and then lingered in his mind.

However, Zhao Mo still couldn't find a clue.

He found that to solve this problem, it seemed that simply relying on retreat to study was of no use, because there was no way ahead.


Zhao Mo looked at "An Opportunity for Inspiration" in the attribute panel, but closed the attribute panel the next moment. The system was triggering less and less, and this rare reward may not be available once it is used up.

bang bang bang~
  There was a knock on the door, and then a voice came in: "Zhao Mo?"

It was Yang Chan's voice.

Zhao Mo came to his senses and quickly walked over and opened the door.

Yang Chan stood at the door holding a thermos box. The moment she saw him, she lifted the thermos box up and said with a smile: "Let's eat~"

Zhao Mo was startled and looked at his watch. The time was actually [-]:[-] noon.


My stomach let out a hungry growl at the right time.

"It's noon so soon, I didn't even know~"

Zhao Mo smiled sheepishly.

Yang Chan smiled and walked inside, saying, "Thankfully I'm back today, otherwise you would be hungry again at noon today."

Zhao Mo closed the door, followed her and said with a smile: "Yes, my wife should be nice to me~"

"Of course~"

Yang Chan responded casually, then opened the thermos box, took out the food inside, handed him a pair of chopsticks, and said: "Eat quickly, people are like iron rice and steel. If you don't eat for one meal, you will be hungry. If you are full, Only then can I have the energy to do scientific research."

"Thank you wife~"

Zhao Mo said with a happy face.

Then, while he was eating, Yang Chan sat opposite him, supporting her chin with her hands while watching him eat, while talking to him about her study and work: "...I am already preparing for my undergraduate thesis, and I plan to directly I am studying for Professor Yao’s doctoral degree, and Professor Yao is also very supportive of me..."

"What are you going to write for your undergraduate thesis?"

"You also know that I recently worked in the cloud team of Forty Thieves. I have been thinking about it for a long time. I plan to write a paper about big data analysis and search..."

"Oh, it's very good. I want to be the first to read it when the time comes~"


(End of this chapter)

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