You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 236 You should stand tall and see far

Chapter 236 You should stand tall and see far

Economic development has been the main tone of China after reform and opening up, and everything has given way to economic development.

Nowadays, it has reached its peak, investment promotion is in full swing in various places, various preferential policies have been released, and each place has its own characteristics, so it has become more and more popular. Today you offer this discount, tomorrow I will double my offer!
Before Zhao Mo was reborn, this trend seemed to be braking, and it was rarely reported in the media.

But in fact, it is the same, but there is not much coverage because the wind direction is different.

And by that time, the economic aggregate has increased, the industrial technology foundation has changed, and it needs to be upgraded, so investment promotion has become the solicitation of high-tech enterprises, especially in the fields of mobile phones, automobiles, artificial intelligence, smart displays, etc. Investment It can easily reach tens of billions or hundreds of billions.

Investments worth millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions are basically not reported.

That's it.

At the beginning of 2009, with the opening of the [-] trillion yuan, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the economy is about to usher in a wave of fiery growth.

During this period, attracting investment became the biggest political achievement.

Zhao Mo's hometown, Pingfu County, is located inland and is only a small city or county, so it has no advantages at all. The development of the past life has proved this. Except for Futai Electronics, there is no other company that can be used. The ones that exist are only in the city, and they only built a few manufacturing plants. The supporting resources need to be obtained from The out-of-town transfer is really out of scale.

"In economic transformation, several provinces in the mainland said they would take over the industrial chain of coastal areas, but they were basically placed in provincial capitals or major economic cities. In the end, Binh Phuoc County didn't even get a cent~"

Zhao Mo was thinking about this while listening to Chen Yongtai's introduction.

Futai Electronics makes data cables, power cables, headphones, covers, LCD displays and other electronic devices. According to Chen Yongtai, he wants to do all these industries, but because of insufficient human resources and supply chain resources, he wants to adopt Through mergers and acquisitions, expand the scale, and at the same time enter the mobile phone module industry, first increase the scale, and then seek to market it.

"...I think the mobile phone industry is about to usher in great development, especially the company you mentioned before, Professor Zhao. I have specifically investigated and found that in addition to conducting communications research, they are also vigorously developing the mobile phone industry. But in this area , Futai Electronics does not have the corresponding technology, so I want to start with modules..."

While Chen Yongtai was talking, he looked at Zhao Mo from time to time to see the reaction on his face.

Chen Haihua didn't say a word beside him, and the man and woman accompanying him didn't even dare to say a word. They were just accompanying guests.

"You're right about that."

Zhao Mo said with a smile, confirming his statement, but then changed the topic and said: "But if you do it like this, it can only last for about ten years."

Chen Yongtai was startled, an expression of disbelief immediately appeared on his face, and he quickly asked: "Is there something wrong?"

Zhao Mo said: "There is no core technology!"

"Is this?"

Chen Yongtai was a little surprised, but not surprised either.

Surprisingly, he thought Zhao Mo would start from policy and other aspects, which was also the main purpose of his visit to Zhao Mo this time. Because whether it is rumor or fact, Zhao Mo is already a scientist close to the central government, and what he says is actually a direction of policy to a certain extent, and sometimes it is even policy.

Zhao Mo is different from ordinary people. He has won three national awards in a row, and the awards were given by old people and new old people. They, the businessmen, saw this in their eyes, and the interpretation they got was that Zhao Mo "more or less knew" future policy.

If he can get information about future policies from Zhao Mo, his business will be unfavorable.

Not surprisingly, the principle of "mastering core technology" is very correct for any company, even if it is sometimes "tasteless", it is really impossible for ordinary companies to go down-to-earth with high technology.

Seeing his relieved expression, Zhao Mo knew that he understood this truth, so he didn't say much more about it, and instead said: "According to my suggestion, there is no need to make the module, and the cover plate, LCD, etc. It’s not necessary. It’s enough to specialize in chargers, headphones, and circuit boards. Being more refined and stronger is much better than blindly expanding the scale, and we can go further and more steadily.”

Chen Yongtai suddenly looked surprised.

This suggestion is far from his plan. Can chargers, circuit boards, and headphones have the development potential and scale of modules, covers, and LCDs?

For a moment, he was caught in a dilemma.

"Professor Zhao, can you help explain?"

Chen Haihua asked aloud at this time.

Zhao Mo glanced at him and knew that he was asking for his father, so he gave a rough explanation: "Modules, covers, and LCDs are all heavy asset investments. Futai does not have these resources and lacks talents. Pingfu The size of a county is too small, so I don’t see much future investment in these areas. On the other hand, companies such as BOE, Visionox, Changxin, and TCL have either started or passed the planning , will rise soon, and then enter the red ocean period of fierce competition. By then, they will be compatible with both top and bottom, and will eat up all these fields. Besides, headphones are inconspicuous at first sight, but in fact, what everyone needs is just to have them. Do it well and explore their potential, such as sports, medical health, portability, etc. These are all untapped blue oceans~"

"Professor Zhao, you should stand tall and see far~"

Chen Yongtai was shocked when he heard it, and finally understood it. He even felt suddenly enlightened and couldn't help but admired.

Indeed, in the asset-heavy field, unless there is key support from above, or the country, or a province, it is impossible to survive until the end, and you can only take a wave of dividends and leave.

For example, BOE and TCL, the former is the country, and the latter is the Guangdong Province, and they often spend tens of billions of dollars to spend.

For example, Futai Electronics is just a private enterprise with a size of over [-] million. Pingfu County, which is barely considered the backend, is just a small sixth-tier county. It can't compete with them.
As for headphones, after Zhao Mo said this, although he did not elaborate on how to develop it, he had a vague idea, as if a bright future was within reach.

Zhao Mo smiled and didn't answer the question.

This is all a matter of a layer of window paper, but the authorities are obsessed with it, and they will roughly know it if someone exposes it. After chatting for a while, Zhao Mo looked at his watch and decided to go get busy.

Chen Yongtai got up early before he could get up, put down all the gifts he had brought, said a few words of care, and then said: "I won't disturb you anymore, let's go back first. You and your family will go back to your hometown some other day, I know. Say hello to me, and I’ll invite you and your family again then…”

Zhao Mo replied casually: "Okay~"

"Shall we leave after dinner? It won't take more than half a day~"

"Look how embarrassing it is for you to come all the way here and leave without eating a single meal..."

Zhao Weiguo and Hu Ying hurriedly greeted them and persuaded them to stay.


Chen Yongtai really wanted to stay, but Zhao Mo had already said it, what else could he keep? He should leave quickly to avoid embarrassment.

So, Chen Yongtai and his party sat there for less than 10 minutes and then left.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going to work~"

At home, watching Chen Yongtai and others leave, Zhao Mo picked up his backpack and took the car.

"It's almost the Chinese New Year and you're still so busy, so is Yang Chan, hey~"

Zhao Weiguo sighed with emotion.

"Why are you saying that you don't have all these things? Hurry up and read your subject four test questions~"

Hu Ying didn't tolerate him and slapped him on the shoulder, which made him angry.

Zhao Weiguo said unhappily: "I'll just go, why are you beating me?"

Then he walked to the computer in the study honestly and started to answer the questions.

Zhao Lan chuckled and was about to say something to tease her dad when she suddenly felt the stern look from her mom next to her. Her neck tightened immediately and she didn't dare to look back at her mom. She said, "I'm going to do my homework." Then he ran to his room without looking back.

With a "bang~" sound, the room door was closed.

“Not a single thing makes people worry~”

Hu Ying shook her head and murmured, then walked to the display case where certificates and medals were displayed, took out a towel and began to wipe it with a smile on her lips: "My son is still awesome~"


"Dad, do we really want to follow his instructions and stop making modules, and turn off the cover/LCD as well?"

On the other side, the Chen family and his son, who were in the car going to another place in the capital, were discussing the future of Futai Electronics. Chen Haihua asked, he didn't care. Anyway, no matter good or bad, given the current situation of Futai Electronics, he was cool enough. A lifetime.

Chen Yongtai sighed and said: "Sometimes we have to admit that others are better than us and can see further than us. I originally thought that my plan was very good, and it was no problem to scale to tens of billions, but I After thinking carefully about what he just said, I think he is right. We can't compete with others. Therefore, instead of just enjoying a wave of dividends, it is better to really settle down and specialize in one or two niche areas. . If it’s closed, I definitely won’t close it now. We’ll wait until we earn this wave of dividends.”

Chen Haihua said with a smile: "Dad, it seems that this visit is the right one."

"Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books!"

Chen Yongtai smiled, and then said with some regret: "I originally wanted to talk to him more to see if I could ask him to come forward and let us establish a relationship with Youwei and BYD~"

Chen Haihua couldn't help laughing and said: "Dad, when you have time to talk about that, you should think about how many shares to give to others. Don't you think you can do it with nothing?"

Chen Yongtai: "What do you mean? Didn't your dad find a chance and he was going to work?"

Chen Haihua: "Uh~ So what should we do next?"

Chen Yongtai smiled and said: "Don't worry, let's visit Xia Shi's office in Beijing, and then go to Wudaokou. According to my estimation, he won't take our shares, so just donate money to Wudaokou~"

Chen Haihua understood and said: "As expected, Jiang is still hotter with age!"

So, the next day, when Zhao Mo stopped going to the research institute and was preparing to celebrate the New Year at home, a group of people from the Beijing Office of his hometown city came to visit his home, saying they were visiting his family members working in Beijing.

At the same time, another news reached his ears. Wudaokou received a donation of 1000 million yuan from Futai Electronics in Pingfu County, which was simply used to support Professor Zhao's scientific research work.

Zhao Mo: "..."

All he can say is that this matter can be done~
(End of this chapter)
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