You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 233 After him, the ABC conjecture is the theorem!

Chapter 233 After him, the ABC conjecture is the theorem!
Time flies~
Before you know it, another year has passed.

Looking at the invitation letter sent to him by the relevant departments, even with Zhao Mo's strong will now, he couldn't help but relax and sigh, time flies so fast.

One is that busy time is always short, and the other is that with the continuous iteration and update of technology, social development is changing with each passing day, and people are increasingly in a fast pace.

Zhao Mo looked at the certain 4G mobile phone in his hand again. The software has been updated two versions compared to the last time, and there are many more applications on it. This is a sign of rapid development.

If you don't think about it specifically, you will often ignore this change.

After a while, when I think about it, I suddenly realize that a long time has passed and we have changed too fast and too much~
"First Prize of Natural Science Award~"

This was the award he received for proving the ABC conjecture.

After a year of fermentation, the mathematical community has now confirmed that the ABC conjecture has been proven, and has updated the terminology. It is no longer called the ABC conjecture, but the "ABC theorem."

What follows is the voice of the mathematics community and some media reports from time to time. Especially the domestic media, they all say that he is the one to win the next Fields Medal.

Zhao Mo didn't take it seriously. It was still early for the Fields Medal, which is held every four years, and anything could happen in the meantime. Nothing was certain.

Furthermore, what Zhao Mo values ​​​​more is the first prize of the Natural Science Award this time. This is national recognition and the card is more important.

According to what Zhou Zuojian said last year, he was fully qualified to win this award last year. This is one of the most valuable mathematical achievements in China in recent years. It's just an unfortunate timing~
Sure enough, this year the award was awarded to him.

Zhao Mo glanced at the list of winners, and then looked at the two winners of the highest award. One was Academician Daniu Gu in the field of mathematics, Academician Li's mentor; the other was Academician Sun, Chief Engineer of Aerospace. Academician Gu didn't mention it, because mathematics has always been disliked by people. Academician Sun should be said to be famous all over China. Everyone, old and young, has heard of his name. He is an older generation of scientists who have made important contributions to the country.

Thinking about Mr. Yu and others who were still waiting in line behind him, Zhao Mo felt that it was not that difficult to win the "highest prize".

2009 1 Month 11 Day.

In the solemn national anthem, the 2009 Science and Technology Awards Conference officially kicked off.

This is the second time Zhao Mo has participated, and his mentality is very stable.

After the speech, it came to the awards ceremony.

As the awards were awarded one after another, it was soon the turn of the first prize in natural science.

"...The winner is Zhao Mo... Before him, the ABC problem was a conjecture. After him, the ABC problem is no longer a problem and has become a theorem... Please invite Zhao Mo!"

Following the impassioned voice of the host and the solemn accompaniment of the vocal music, Zhao Mo, who was firmly seated in his position, stood up, walked quickly to the rostrum, and received the certificate and medal.

"Professor Zhao, congratulations!"

"Thank you!"

Zhao Mo bowed slightly and then faced the audience.

clap la la...

There was thunderous applause in the Great Hall of the People.

One year is not enough time to settle anything, but winning the award last year and winning again this year, with higher awards each time, is undoubtedly a reflection of strength. There are fewer doubters than last year.

When Zhao Mo listened to the applause, he felt that it was obviously more enthusiastic and powerful than when he won the award last year.

clap clap clap...

At the Beijing Research Institute of the Sixth Aerospace Academy, as in previous years, Director Gao gathered everyone in the auditorium to watch the live broadcast of the awards.

As the Chinese New Year approaches, Tianda’s research and development tasks have been put on hold.

Seeing Zhao Mo receiving the certificate and medal, everyone in the auditorium, like everyone at the Great Hall of the People, applauded enthusiastically, and thunderous applause resounded throughout the auditorium.


"Professor Zhao really won the first prize in natural science!"

"That's amazing! As expected of Professor Zhao!"


"It is certain that the instructor will win this award. In fact, he should have won it last year. It has been delayed for a year~"

Some people praised loudly, and some said happily.

In the crowd, Director Tan Kaihua, despite a complicated expression on his face, also applauded enthusiastically to express his congratulations to Zhao Mo for winning the award.

Research disputes over rocket engine development routes and plans will not affect his judgment of Zhao Mo's personality and abilities.

He admitted that Zhao Mo's academic research ability was extraordinary.

After the Natural Science Award, there is the Technology Invention Award.

This time, a special award was awarded.

"...The winner of this special award is the Wudaokou Large Model Team! Please invite Professor Yao and Professor Zhao, representatives of the large model team, to come to the stage to receive the award~"

The host's voice sounded again, and everyone in the auditorium was surprised.

"what's the situation?"

Tan Kaihua's serious face couldn't help showing a look of great surprise. This had not been announced before, at least he didn't know about it. For more than a year, his ears almost became calluses when he heard the word "big model".

Some time ago, Zhao Mo also used large models in the research and development of special steel. He, Li Hu and others were still skeptical.

I never expected that this so-called large model would win the Special Award for Technical Invention!

While Tan Kaihua applauded enthusiastically again, he secretly thought: "Is the big model really that good?"


"too strong!"

"I'll go, what's going on? The big model won a special award?"

"No way, are the big models so powerful?"

Everyone in the high-thrust rocket engine R&D team knows the big model. This was born from Wudaokou. Naturally, they were very happy and cheered loudly again.

Other staff in the institute were just as surprised as Tan Kaihua. They were still very unfamiliar with large models. They had only heard about them repeatedly but had not actually used them.

Now it seems that this large model is indeed extraordinary, so much so that the country has focused on commending it.

"It seems like the big model is really going to explode~"

While applauding, Director Gao was also thinking: "Should we also introduce large models?"

As far as he knew, Wudaokou and the Academy of Sciences were working on large-scale models. They started after the earthquake and said they were used to predict earthquakes. Unexpectedly, they were given rewards before they produced results. This can only mean one thing, that is, the "big model" is really powerful and has had an extraordinary influence.

In society, many companies are also following suit, including the recently popular Forty Thieves, which are even engaging in "cloud computing" and running large models on the "cloud". Many foreign technology giants have joined in, including Oracle, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc. have become commonplace.

"Forget it, let's wait until Professor Zhao's big model comes out and take a look~"

In the end, Director Gao decided to wait. The matter was important and it was better to go slowly than to rush. Unlike Zhao Mo, he has no historical burden, travels lightly, and can think and do without any scruples.

At the same time, Special Steel Group.

Ma Weihong also summoned the group's personnel to watch the meeting collectively in the auditorium, but there were so many people that they were limited to key personnel.

Li Hu is naturally on the list.

Seeing Zhao Mo win the first prize of the Natural Science Award, Li Hu and Ma Weihong looked as calm. This award was no surprise to many people.

However, when Zhao Mo and Professor Yao received the special award for the Technology Invention Award together, the expressions on their faces suddenly became subtle.

Ma Weihong muttered a few words in a low voice: "Big model?"

Li Hu couldn't stand it anymore and said in surprise: "No way, a big model? Is this thing really useful?"

The award speech did not explain Zhao Mo's specific contribution, but only briefly mentioned that he and Professor Yao made large models, made great contributions to the country, and injected new impetus into social and economic development... and so on. But seeing Zhao Mo and Professor Yao take the stage together to receive the award, we know that Zhao Mo’s contribution is definitely not low.

That day, Zhao Mo asked him to come over to see the scene. He looked very confident when talking about the big model, but he was very disapproving.

In his opinion, this "big model" is just like various "gimmick" concepts in other computer fields. Although it sounds high-end, in fact, if you take a closer look, it's just that!
Unexpectedly, this thing actually won the national award?

Beijing, Zhao Mo's home.

"Wow, bro, that's great, I won two awards!"

Zhao Lan cheered happily.

"So Zhao Lan, you have to study hard and, like your brother, you will also go on stage to receive the award~"

Hu Ying was smiling from ear to ear, but after hearing Zhao Lan's voice, she couldn't help but tell her.

Zhao Weiguo had the same attitude and echoed: "Yes, Zhao Lan, how are your academic performance recently? Have you made any progress?"

Zhao Lan: "..."

I am so silly!
Really, I shouldn’t jump out and speak out. Isn’t this asking for trouble?

Yang Chan, who was also watching the awards ceremony at home, saw that Zhao Lan's face immediately changed from elation to frustration and bitterness. He couldn't help laughing and helped her out: "We can't compete with Zhao Mo. He It’s a special case, don’t expect too much from Zhao Lan, it’s a bit difficult for her.”

Zhao Lan quickly stood up and sat down next to Yang Chan. Her face returned to the smiling look and she said, "My sister-in-law is more pragmatic. My brother is just a monster. No one can compare with him."

Zhao Weiguo said: "That's right. Most people really can't compare to my Zhao Mo. Together with last year's awards, he won three awards, just short of the highest award."

Yang Chan said with a smile: "The top prize is not that easy. There are still many older generation scientists lining up. I guess it will take ten years for Zhao Mo to win the top prize."

"ten years?"

Hu Ying muttered for a while, then nodded and said: "Ten years from now, Zhao Mo will be 30 years old, and he is still young. If he really wins the highest award, he should be the youngest winner, right?"

After living in the capital for a long time, and with Zhao Mo's relationship, she has no contact with anyone. She is completely different from the rural women before, whether it is what she knows or what she says.

In the past, she had no idea what the National Award was.

Yang Chan smiled slightly and said, "Yeah~"

(End of this chapter)
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