Chapter 23 Wudaokou or Yanda~
June 2006, 6, five o'clock in the afternoon.

jingle bells...

When the bell rang for the last English test, and as the candidates walked out of the examination room one after another, the most important college entrance examination event of the year finally came to an end.

Standing at the gate of the small examination room, Zhao Mo looked around. Whether it was his classmates or parents, their faces were either happy, frustrated, or worried, and they were all very exciting.

"It's a pity that I don't have a mobile phone, otherwise I could have taken a photo and posted it on Moments~"

Zhao Mo thought.

After finishing the final English test, he was in a happy and even excited mood, but after walking out of the examination room, his mood calmed down and there was no need to be too excited.

Compared with the life path in the next few decades, the important decision point of the college entrance examination has passed. He has done his best, but the efforts in the next few decades are still to come.

"Zhao Mo, how did you do in the exam?"

"Zhao Mo, which option did you choose for the eighth listening question? You said it too fast, I didn't even hear it clearly~"

"I chose A for the eighth question, but I didn't hear clearly for the tenth question. Oh, I chose one at random."

"Choose C for the tenth question~"


Several students who were in the same small examination room came together, checked the answers as they walked, and asked others about the answers to questions that they had questions about.

"It's okay, just perform normally~"

Zhao Mo thought for a moment and replied: "I also chose A for the eighth question, and I chose B for the tenth question."

"Ah, you choose B? No way~"

"It's not B, I think we should choose C."

"I also chose C~"

Several students raised objections and unanimously said that C should be chosen for the tenth question.

Zhao Mo smiled and said nothing.

He confirmed that it was answer B, but if they wanted to say C was the correct answer, let them say it. He was too lazy to argue, and if he did, it would only lead to disagreements.

The facts will tell them who is right.

So, on the way back to school, several people matched the answers all the way.

Zhao Mo just talks when asked, and does not explain when there is a dispute.

When I returned to school, more people were interested in the answer. On the playground and in the dormitory, they were each calculating their own scores.

This year's college entrance examination application form is based on estimated scores.

If Zhao Mo remembers correctly, the next college entrance examination, that is, the beginning of the college entrance examination in 2007, will only be completed after the scores are released.

Every time he thinks about this, Zhao Mo still remembers it freshly, because at several class reunions, while drinking, a classmate who went to junior college would make crazy complaints, saying that it was such a shame, why did they apply for the 2006 class with estimated scores? volunteer?If he applies after looking at his scores, the requirements should be lowered, and he can get a bachelor's degree in his hometown.As a result, because there was a twenty-point difference between the actual score and the estimated score, I was not admitted to the undergraduate program from another place that I applied for, and ended up being admitted to a junior college program. My life was ruined.

Zhao Mo didn't waste too much time on this. After each test, he actually already knew his approximate score and the only few difficult questions. He probably knew it after listening to the classmates next to him discussing it a few times.

He just wanted to have a good meal and get some sleep.

This period of time has exhausted him. This is the first time he has studied so crazily.

"Oh oh oh..."



After eating, when he returned to school, Zhao Mo saw many classmates cheering, jumping for joy, and yelling, venting their emotions and venting the tremendous pressure they had felt during this period.Then, the books were thrown everywhere, even torn into pieces and thrown down from the upstairs.

After a while, the entire playground in front of the senior high school teaching building was covered with white flowers, as if it was snowing.

No teacher came out to stop him, and he was nowhere to be seen.

Zhao Mo smiled silently, this is the indulgence of youth.

If you do well in the exam, there is no harm in doing so.

Those who did not do well in the college entrance examination will know how reckless they are now and how regretful they will be when the results of the college entrance examination come out.

These wanton ones are basically boys, while the girls are quietly packing up their things, preparing to fill out their application forms so they can go home.

"Yang Jing, I like you!"

A boy suddenly jumped out from the crowd, standing on the playground, looking up at the teaching building where Class [-] and Class [-] were, and shouted loudly.

In an instant, the scene fell silent!
Everyone stared at this boy in stunned silence. Those who were throwing textbooks and yelling stopped and stared at this "warrior" blankly.

When they reacted, everyone was in an uproar.

"Yang Jing, I like you too~"

"Ouyang Yan, I like you~"

"Li Qian, I like you~"

Following this, in addition to excited discussions, many boys also began to boo, loudly shouting out their inner love on the playground and in the classroom.

The entire No. [-] Middle School seemed to have become a large-scale confession scene.

Then, laughter!
In the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-], Li Yunxia smiled and pulled her best friend to the corridor. While looking down, she teased her: "Jingjing, you are still popular. There are so many boys who like you. Why don't you choose?" one?"

"I'm going to kill you~"

Yang Jing patted her and looked down with a frown.

On the brightly lit playground, the view is no different from that of daytime.

She immediately saw the boys who confessed their love to her, including classmates from Class [-] and students from other classes, but they did not say anything.Then, behind the crowd, she saw Zhao Mo's figure.

"Will he confess to me?"

Yang Jing's heart moved, and she was looking forward to it for no reason.

"Zhao Mo is also down there~"

Li Yunxia also saw it, grabbed Yang Jing's hand and asked, her reaction was even stronger than Yang Jing's own.

Zhao Mo naturally saw Yang Jing walking out of the classroom. He just smiled and then turned and left.The obsession he had in high school has long since disappeared, and now he just wants to pursue a career.

"Ah, are you leaving like this? No way, he~"

Li Yunxia said with great disappointment.

"Did I hurt him too deeply?"

Yang Jing felt a strong sense of loss in her heart, and then thought.

At this time, a petite figure rushed out of the teaching building and trotted towards Zhao Mo, who was walking to the dormitory.

Yang Jing, who was about to leave, was suddenly stunned. She recognized who the smaller figure was: "Liu Zheng? She really likes Zhao Mo~"

Li Yunxia on the side also saw it, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she hurriedly pulled Yang Jing away.


"Zhao Mo~"

Liu Zheng caught up with Zhao Mo out of breath and stopped him. Her baby-fat little face was flushed, her eyes were bright and shining, and she had an expression of excitement and anxiety on her face.

When Zhao Mo saw it was her, he couldn't help but smile and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liu Zheng hesitated for a while, then took a deep breath, as if summoning up unprecedented courage, and said: "Zhao Mo, I like you! I really like you very much! Do you like me?"


Zhao Mo was stunned and looked at the girl in front of him strangely, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

The other party's bright eyes stared at him unblinkingly, glowing with unprecedented intensity.

He never expected that Liu Zheng would like him and confess to him. This was beyond his imagination.In his heart, there was surprise, joy, and panic.

In his past and present life, he had girls he liked. From high school, to college, to when he started working, there were girls who were attracted to him at every stage.However, perhaps Yang Jing, whom he liked in high school, hurt him the most, so that every subsequent episode ended in vain. This even made him feel a little afraid of liking someone.

Then, he was single from his mother's womb and remained single until he was reborn.

He has never experienced the taste of love and does not know what love is like.

He never expected that a girl would take the initiative to confess her love to him, and for a moment he didn't know how to proceed.

Zhao Mo couldn't remember wrongly. Liu Zheng didn't confess to him in his previous life, and he didn't hear his classmates say that Liu Zheng liked him.

"Has the butterfly effect just begun?"

He swallowed, and many strange thoughts flashed through his mind.

Seeing that he remained silent, the intense light in Liu Zheng's eyes immediately dissipated. There was huge disappointment on her face. She curled her lips and whispered, "I understand~"

Compared with the beautiful Yang Jing, she is indeed not beautiful with baby fat on her face and a pair of glasses.

As she spoke, she slowly lowered her head and prepared to turn around and leave.

Zhao Mo came back to his senses, sighed secretly, and said slowly: "Liu Zheng, thank you for liking me. We are still young and have undecided temperaments. Now it is just a youthful love for the opposite sex, not a real love." Love. I think you should wait a few years to see it again."

"Okay, I understand. You still like Yang Jing~"

Liu Zheng left with disappointment, not knowing whether he heard what he said.

Zhao Mo opened his mouth, wanting to say that he actually didn't like Yang Jing anymore, but Liu Zheng ran away quickly in disappointment, and he had no time to speak.

He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, shook his head, and then returned to the dormitory.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, it is not ruled out that some people mature early and understand love and life, but most of them are young and ignorant, and they are motivated by sex.

Since she misunderstood, let her misunderstand, so as not to delay her.

The next day, I washed up after exercising as usual, had breakfast, and then rushed to the classroom.

This is their last day at school, and it’s also the day to apply for admission.

When I arrived at the classroom, there were already many people in the classroom, some were laughing, some were sighing, and some were expressionless. The whole classroom was noisy, and everyone was talking about their grades and which school they wanted to apply for.

Without the books, the classroom with only empty desks seemed a bit empty.

Zhao Mo walked straight to his seat and sat down, chatting with the classmates next to him while waiting for the arrival of his old classmate Qiu Wenjie.

He looked at the seat in the front row, and Liu Zheng was already sitting there, sitting quietly, with a calm face, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yang Jing, the beauty of the class, also came, and she became even more popular. Many classmates gathered around her and talked.

He noticed a phenomenon: students with good academic performance were surrounded by more people, so four or five groups of people formed in the entire classroom.

In the back row, it seemed a bit empty.

An hour later, the whole class arrived.

His deskmate Li Shijie arrived last. He blew a few long hairs from his forehead and walked into the classroom calmly. After sitting down, he asked Zhao Mo: "Old Mo, what score did you get in the exam? Which university are you planning to apply to?"

"Wudaokou or Yanda~"

Zhao Mo smiled and said.

(End of this chapter)

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