You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 228 For the sake of scientific research, I can agree!

Chapter 228 For the sake of scientific research, I can agree!

October 2008, 10, was a relatively ordinary day.

Not much happened at home and abroad, at least not sensational events, but there is still one thing that many people are talking about, because on this day, JAY's "Capricorn" album was released, and "Daoxiang" is really true and makes people feel Stunning, this is a heart-warming song.

But in a place where few people paid attention, two far-reaching things happened.

One thing is that half of Heixiazi Island has officially returned, and the other thing is that Zhao Mo's "[-]-ton thrust rocket engine" team officially held a swearing-in ceremony.

However, on the 10th a few days ago, the 2008 Nobel Prize was awarded. As expected, the physics prize was awarded to three scientists who were young. The domestic media naturally ridiculed the domestic scientific research achievements.

"Our mission is to complete the successful test run of a 2010-ton thrust rocket engine by October 10, 1, and present a gift to the country on National Day!"

Facing a team of 24 people including himself, Zhao Mo stated the overall goal of his plan.

At the swearing-in ceremony, there were also relevant persons in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Bureau of Science and Technology, Director Gao and Director Tan Kaihua of the Sixth Academy, and others.

Listening to Zhao Mo's confident speech, even though Zhao Mo's plan stated that it would take two years to complete the development of a [-]-ton rocket engine, everyone present still felt trembling from the bottom of their hearts!
So ferocious!

Two years?This speed is faster than riding a rocket!
The Chang-[-] rocket engine that Tan Kaihua is responsible for has a development cycle of five years, which does not include the early demonstration time and preparation time.

But when it comes to Zhao Mo, the development task is several times more difficult than that of the Chang-[-] rocket engine, but the development cycle has been shortened several times. It is really unimaginably "ferocious".If Zhao Mo was not the leader, if it were anyone else, everyone present would probably yell, "Isn't this nonsense?"

Even so, everyone's faces still showed incredible expressions.

clap clap clap...

However, after Zhao Mo finished speaking, they still applauded in time.

"Everyone, let's start working~"

Zhao Mo then clapped his hands and assigned tasks.

He didn't care at all about their inner thoughts, as long as they cooperated in doing things, it was enough.From the warm applause just now, he knew that they would fully cooperate.

As for the relevant persons in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Bureau of Science and Industry, Director Gao was responsible for sending them out, while Zhao Mo simply did not go.

"Two years to get it done? This..."

"I hope it can be done~"

"The cabinet has approved it, we just need to implement it."

"Having said that, if it fails, the losses are very high."

"The cabinet has its own considerations. I think it is acceptable to waste some money on a top-level science."

"Waste will definitely not be wasted. After all, as long as you conduct research and development, you will always gain something. Even if this project fails, do you still have experience of failure?"

"Director Gao, the cabinet attaches great importance to this research and development work. You must cooperate well. No mistakes can be made here~"


The relevant people in charge were discussing in low voices, and a leader and Director Gao said a few words of sincerity, and then gradually walked away.

Watching the group of people leaving, Director Gao let out a long breath, with a look of relief on his face: "Sure enough, what matters above is not the [-]-ton thrust rocket engine at all, but Zhao Mo and the people who passed this time." No matter what is developed, it will be a surprise whether it succeeds or fails~"

He thought that the height and structure of his view of the problem were still a bit lacking, and he needed to study hard.

On the other side, Zhao Mo and his team began intense and orderly research and development work.

Thanks to China's R&D experience and technology accumulation in rocket engines over the years, Zhao Mo's development work this time did not start from scratch, but made breakthroughs on the shoulders of "giants", thus saving a lot of time. It also works very quickly.

The two people seconded by Professor Yao and his three students studied the large model, while the remaining three students and fifteen other researchers began to develop the rocket engine body and fuel. All three students were involved, and Zhao Mo also I don't expect them to achieve anything, I just train them.

In the evening, fifteen researchers worked overtime until eight o'clock and then got off work. At the beginning, Zhao Mo did not make too many demands on them.

Zhao Mo himself did not go back, but worked until eleven o'clock in the evening.

The eight people he brought over were just like him, and they all worked until eleven o'clock that day. It was useless even if he said so.

In this regard, Zhao Mo didn't say anything. There was no need to say words of appreciation so early. It only lasted a day. He gritted his teeth and persisted. But it would not be so easy if he persisted like this for many years. That was what truly deserved his appreciation.

The night is as cool as water~
On the way back in the car, Zhao Mo took out the book and read it carefully, not missing the time to study.

Sitting behind him were Lu Cheng and Liu Zhirong. They took a cautious look and saw that the book he was holding was "Vorticity and Incompressible Flow". They couldn't help but look at each other for a while.

"What book is this?"

Lu Cheng asked Liu Zhirong in a low voice.

"Never seen it~"

Liu Zhirong shook his head and said hesitantly: "It seems to be vorticity and incompressible flow?"

Lu Cheng's face was startled, and he continued to whisper: "I seem to have heard of this book. It seems that Zhao Shen is studying NS equations?"

Liu Zhirong nodded, with a look of anticipation on his face: "Since the ABC conjecture, Zhao Shen has been busy with other things. It has been almost a year since he made any major achievements in mathematics. I wonder if this time Will it bring another surprise to us and to the world of mathematics~"


Lu Guo said decisively, his words full of trust in Zhao Mo.

Liu Zhirong nodded again, and then said: "I will also bring some books tomorrow~"

Lu Cheng quickly agreed: "Yes, Zhao Shen is so precious about every second, and we can't waste time."

"...Boundary condition projection of vorticity~"

"...Poisson's equation solves the flow function~"

"...The area is set on [0, 1]*[0, 1], no staggered grid is needed, direct uniform grid discretization, vorticity and flow function are both on the grid point, W/ij={v/i+ 1, jv/i-1, j}/2h-{u/i, j+1..." "This is a very simple solution to the vortex flow function equation, but unfortunately it cannot be extended to three dimensions..."

Zhao Mo, who was immersed in the knowledge in the book, could not hear any sounds from the outside world. He was constantly calculating himself in his mind, comparing it with the contents in the book, and gradually became more profound about the knowledge.

When I got home, it was almost early morning.

He opened the door cautiously and tiptoed towards the bedroom door. His movement still woke up his mother Hu Ying. Hu Ying shouted: "Is it Zhao Mo?"

"It's me~"

Zhao Mo responded vaguely, and Hu Ying fell asleep again.

Pushing the door open and entering the bedroom, Yang Chan had not yet laid down. She was leaning on the bedside and looking at her mobile phone.

Seeing him coming back, Yang Chan immediately looked up at him and asked with a smile: "Will you have to come back so late for a long time in the future?"


Zhao Mo hesitated for a moment, then nodded honestly.

Yang Chan: "Okay, I understand. Go and wash up. I'll sleep with you."

Zhao Mo walked over and asked her with a smile: "Why don't you go to bed earlier and are you still playing on your phone?" When he lowered his head, he saw that a game was running on Yang Chan's phone, and she was operating it with her right hand. Playing mobile games.

Yang Chan lowered her head and glanced at the phone interface, burst out laughing, and then said: "I am testing the performance of the phone, not simply playing with it."

"is it?"

Zhao Mo asked suspiciously as he took off his clothes and got into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Of course!"

Yang Chan answered him.

After a while, only 3 minutes passed, Zhao Mo came out of the bathroom.

Yang Chan only felt that Zhao Mo had finished taking a bath as soon as she finished speaking, and couldn't help but joked: "You are taking a bath faster and faster, it's like riding a rocket, you come out as soon as you go in~"

Zhao Mo laughed and said: "Just take a shower every day and rinse once. Taking a shower for too long is actually very harmful to the body."

Yang Chan rolled her eyes at him and said, "You know you know more about science than me, right?"

While talking and laughing, Zhao Mo went to bed, hugged each other and fell asleep, telling anecdotes about their respective days, but most of them were Yang Chan talking and Zhao Mo listening, because Zhao Mo didn't feel like doing it all day long. Is there anything interesting that I can share with Yang Chan during the research process? It’s really boring.

"Do you still remember what I asked you about the Paxos algorithm last time?"

"Remember, what happened?"

“I discovered that a person named Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” online, which used the Paxos algorithm. Mr. Wang of Forty Thieves Many people at Microsoft Research believe this paper will bring about big changes~"

"Really? I don't think so. I think this is a crooked way."

"America's very popular Twitter, Little Mo, do you know? Now a certain wave in China has copied it and named it a certain blog. Recently, they are looking for celebrities and officials to join. I think it won't be long before it will be posted." Get hot~"

"Really? That's good. Have Wudaokou and the Forty Thieves settled in?"

"I don't know about Wudaokou, but the Forty Thieves will definitely not move in. They also want to create a domestic version of Twitter."

"Hey, this stuff isn't something just anyone can do."


Gradually, the voices of the two became lower and lower, and Zhao Mo fell asleep first. He didn't even know when he fell asleep.

The next day, a strong biological clock woke him up on time, and it was another energetic day.

After breakfast, go to school to check in.

In the morning, Zhao Mo was going to teach students. Zhou Zuojian unexpectedly brought a few people over to him. They were the person in charge of a certain wave and the person in charge of a certain blog below.

"Hello, Professor Zhao! I am taking the liberty to visit you this time. I want to invite you to open our Weibo~"

The person in charge of a certain wave greeted him warmly, with a very low attitude, and then said with a sincere face.


Zhao Mo's face was suddenly full of questions. Yang Chan had just gossiped about this matter to him last night, and the other party actually came to us. This made him suddenly curious, and couldn't help but ask: "Wouldn't inviting celebrities be more stimulating to your microblog?" Bo?"

"Professor Zhao is very proficient in business promotion~"

The person in charge of a certain wave glanced at him in surprise, and then explained with a smile: "We have invited a group of celebrities, companies, and official media, but we have not invited the authoritative figures in the scientific community. Professor Zhao, you are a mathematician and a physicist. , materials and many other scientific fields, so our first thought is to invite you~"

Zhao Mo: "..."

He was friendly and well-spoken, so he was really embarrassed to refuse.

So he thought for a moment and declined: "I don't dare to be judged by an authoritative person. I am just a student on the road to science. Just open Weibo. I am usually busy with research and really don't have time~"

The person in charge of a certain wave was a little disappointed, but he continued to persuade: "That's it, Professor Zhao, if you open Weibo with us, we, a certain wave, will fund 1000 million yuan for you and Wudaokou research projects!"

"1000 million? A little less~"

Zhao Mo smiled slightly and said, "For the sake of scientific research, I can agree."

The person in charge of a certain wave: "..."

(End of this chapter)
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