You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 224: Submit it to the Cabinet

Chapter 224: Submit it to the cabinet~
"When I meet God, I want to ask him two questions: Why is there relativity? Why is there turbulence? I believe he will have the answer to the first question!"

This is a possibly apocryphal statement, made by the famous physicist Werner Heisenberg.

The meaning is obvious, turbulence is more difficult than relativity!

An orderly flowing fluid, which can be a liquid or a gas, turns into a seemingly unpredictable vortex, like a river flowing around stones, a mixture of milk and coffee, or a wisp of green rising from a burning cigarette. The smoke spreading in the air, the fuel burning violently in the combustion chamber, etc. are all turbulence.

But more than a century has passed. Since turbulence was proposed and the NS equations were written down, there has been no answer to its "solution" and people have never found it.

Scientists all over the world are looking forward to it, eagerly waiting for someone to solve this problem and truly solve the turbulence problem.

Therefore, when Zhao Mo wrote down the NS equation and explained it, everyone was shocked.

This is almost impossible and unbelievable!
However, Zhao Mo is different. He is a mathematical genius. He has solved the "ABC conjecture", a major conjecture in the mathematics world, and has a precedent of achieving the impossible.

Regardless of whether it was Tan Kaihua or General Master Wang, their subconscious thought was to ask him, instead of raising strong doubts.

"Is it that great?"

Minister Liu looked at Zhao Mo expectantly.

After determining what the NS equation was, he immediately thought of Zhao Mo's old profession, and then thought of the grand occasion when he proved the ABC conjecture.

For no reason, he thought about the design of the rocket engine again, and suddenly felt an eye-opening feeling. He thought: "So this is how cross-industry is crossed, tracing back to the source, starting from the most basic place? Then isn't this Is there no disadvantage? Sure enough, you have to be a scientist who studies basic science. Engaging in applied science feels like a dimensionality reduction attack~"

"Cough cough~"

Feeling the shocked or fiery looks from everyone at the scene, Zhao Mo couldn't help coughing, then smiled sheepishly and said, "I haven't really solved it yet, but I already have some ideas."

This is the truth, and he doesn't shy away from it.


Minister Liu suddenly looked disappointed.

A look of disappointment instantly appeared on General Master Wang's face, but he was not too disappointed. After all, the NS equation was not that easy to solve after more than a century had passed.

He nodded slowly, and then said: "Xiao Zhao, I am looking forward to your results this time! I have no problem with your design plan!"

He made a decisive decision to support Zhao Mo's plan, but he was thinking: "It doesn't matter if the plan fails. If Zhao Mo can achieve results on the NS equation, it will be worth it!"

"The plan is a good one, but I don't think it can be realized."

At this time, Director Tan Kaihua was not as calm as he was at the beginning, but expressed strong opposition. He said: "I just designed this plan based on some ideas, and then asked the state to invest in development. I think it is irresponsible." . So, I don’t agree with this plan!”

After speaking, he looked at Zhao Mo and said, "Professor Zhao, why don't we wait until you have perfected your plan or solved the NS equation?"

Zhao Mo: "..."

Good guy, why are you here to comfort me?

Zhao Mo was not surprised by his objection, or that anyone would object, because this is a normal phenomenon and it is unrealistic to pass it unanimously.

Unless you are at Mr. Qian's level, you have to stick to your word in the aerospace industry, and the decisions you make can only get unanimous approval, otherwise you don't have to think about it.

If more than half of the people agree and the plan is passed, it is actually proof of its strong influence.

What's more, what about him now?
In aerospace, in any sub-field, to put it bluntly, he is a layman!
His plan was not immediately strongly opposed by those present because of the many amazing achievements he has made in recent years.

"I think it is unreasonable and wasteful to wait until then to do the design."

Zhao Mo responded to him, changing his attitude from his usual toughness: "In this regard, I am confident. I think it is time to start the plan and solve these problems during the implementation of the plan. According to my plan, we can Complete the development of this rocket engine within two years and help build our space station two years ahead of schedule!"

Minister Liu, who was listening to the argument, understood.

No one questions Zhao Mo's achievements in mathematics, and no one questions whether Zhao Mo's rocket engine design can be successful if the NS equation is solved.

The focus of the debate now is whether the results on the NS equation can be released as soon as possible?

If the time to solve this equation continues to be delayed and the key combustion problem cannot be solved, then it will undoubtedly be a huge waste for them to start the development process now, and no one dares to take this risk.

"...Ahem, now that everyone knows it, let's vote~"

Minister Liu looked at the person in charge of the Bureau of Science and Industry, who was also the convener and host of the meeting, and nodded.

The other party understood, and after a cough, they interrupted their argument and pulled the direction of the meeting back.

There are those who support and those who oppose. It is difficult to convince the other party in such a matter for a while. In this case, let's vote and the minority obeys the majority.

"I agree!"

"I object!"

"I'm against it too!"


Hearing this, the members of the expert panel at the scene raised their hands to express their opinions.

After a while, everyone finished voting and the results came out.Contrary to everyone's expectations, the result of the vote turned out to be a draw!

Yes, as many agree as support!


Not only was the host stunned for a while, but Minister Liu was also stunned, thinking: "Isn't this a coincidence?"

"Since we can't decide for a while, let's discuss it another day~"

The host discussed with Minister Liu, made a decision, and then announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Others left one after another, and Commander Wang was also preparing to leave.

He walked up to Zhao Mo, who was sitting motionless, patted his shoulder, and said, "Let's go back first. We'll perfect this plan when we get back~"

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "Chief Commander, please go back to Wudaokou first, and I will talk to them later~"


Is that a draw?That's failure!

This was the first time Zhao Mo encountered a rejection of his research project. Although he was mentally prepared, he did not want to give up because time did not allow it.

Commander Wang was slightly startled, then shook his head, turned and left.

Soon, everyone else dispersed, leaving only Minister Liu and the person in charge of the Science and Industry Bureau.

Zhao Mo walked over and asked the two of them with a smile: "Bu Liu, Director Jiang, if this result is discussed again, I believe it will be a draw. In this case, I think someone needs to be decisive."

Minister Liu smiled bitterly and said: "Professor Zhao, you..."

He didn't expect Zhao Mo to be so tough. Wasn't he easy to talk to before?
In this situation, Zhao Mo made it clear that he would not give up until he achieved his goal.

Zhao Mo smiled, waved his hand and interrupted what he was saying, and said, "Bu Liu, can you give me some advice? What should I do?"

Minister Liu hesitated for a while, sighed, and then replied: "Professor Zhao, if you can get the cabinet's approval, then your design plan can be approved."

Zhao Mo was not too surprised by this answer.

He nodded, casually handed over one of the documents he had prepared, and said, "This letter will be submitted to the cabinet for review."

Minister Liu subconsciously took it and looked over.

Jiang Ju on the side also came over and cast his gaze.

The two people immediately saw the title "Proposal on the development of high-thrust rocket~" written clearly on the envelope.

Both of them were speechless: "..."

Good guy, I've been prepared for this for a long time!
No wonder Zhao Mo didn’t leave even after the meeting was over~
No wonder Zhao Mo was not impatient when he saw the "tie" review result~
It turns out that Zhao Mo had thought of this and was already prepared to go to the higher-level cabinet for resources if the review failed!
In fact, whether Zhao Mo's design plan can be approved or not boils down to three words: "money" and "policy."With money and policies, there will be people, teams, resources, and a green light, and then the plan can be implemented.Without money and policies, everything is in vain, even if it passes the review, it will be useless.

Of course, the resolutions reviewed and approved by the expert group are generally approved by the above, and it is rare that they are not approved.The resolutions that the expert group opposes are generally opposed by the higher authorities.

Ambiguous situations basically never occur.

Zhao Mo's current action is tantamount to breaking this rule. He first agreed from the top, and then came to the bottom, completely abandoning the intermediate review process by the expert group.If the superiors agree, then this is a special case and is against the rules.

After Minister Liu was silent for a while, he reminded this aspect and said: "Professor Zhao, we will still have to deal with academicians and experts in the future~"

He is also kind.

"Thank you~"

Zhao Mo heard his voice-over, but he was not ready to give up. Instead, he said: "Don't worry about what others don't know, but do good deeds and don't ask about the future!"

Is he afraid of other people's misunderstanding?
Is he afraid that others will not understand him?

Is he afraid that others will oppose him?
He will not!
After his rebirth until now, he has never considered this aspect.No matter what others think, what he has determined for himself will not change because of other people's opinions.

Don't worry about what others don't know. This is what Confucius said. It means don't worry about others not knowing you or understanding you.But the second half of the sentence, "You don't know others when you are worried", worrying that you don't know or understand others, was hidden by Zhao Mo and replaced with a sentence from "Zengguang Xianwen".

Minister Liu understood it instantly.

"Don't worry about others not understanding you, just do your best in the moment?"

Minister Liu recited his words silently in his mind, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion, thinking: "Do you have the heart of an innocent child?"

That afternoon, Minister Liu also stopped by and presented the letter to the cabinet in person.

"Professor Zhao's report?"

The old man, who was busy with everything, stopped what he was doing, immediately picked up the letter, opened it and read it, with a faint smile on his face.

Minister Liu was shocked when he saw this. He didn't expect Zhao Mo to receive such extraordinary treatment.

(End of this chapter)
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