You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 219 God 7 flies to the sky!

Chapter 219 The Seven Flying Gods!

September 2008, 9, Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.








Following the commander's command, the Long March [-] rocket, which was already on standby on the distant launch pad, was successfully ignited. A large amount of fuel burned rapidly in the engine, ejecting a fierce orange-red flame.

A large amount of cooling water is evaporated, forming a violent burst of water vapor.


As the powerful thrust of the chemical energy conversion reacted on the Long March [-] rocket, the Long March [-] rocket successfully took off and flew towards the distant space.

Even though they were far apart, Zhao Mo leaned back subconsciously at this moment, as if the energy wind caused by the powerful energy spilled from the rocket was blowing towards them.


"Fly, fly~"

"The rocket took off successfully~"

Those who came to watch, whether they were government department personnel or invited people from all walks of life, family members, etc., all exclaimed repeatedly, with happy, delighted, and even excited smiles on their faces.

Zhao Mo is not here. He is in the remote control center, together with Li Dong, chief engineer of Changwu, and others. There are also a group of leaders at the scene.

"Throw stones, boil water, haha~"

Zhao Mo came back to his senses and sat up straight again. Looking at the spectacular launch situation and the scene of the three astronauts huddled in the cramped spacecraft on the big screen of the remote control center, a trace of play suddenly appeared in his mind. Heart.

Many of today's high-end technologies are actually very simple in nature when traced back to their origins.

Like the current rocket launch, it is just like throwing rocks, but it is fast, so it escapes the gravity of the earth.

clap clap clap...

There was warm applause at the scene, and the successful launch was a good start.

The applause quickly died down and was far less enthusiastic and proud than the audience watching outside.

The staff on site have been working intensively and dare not relax at all.

Zhao Mo didn't communicate with the people next to him, he just watched.

It was his first time to see a rocket launch, and it was also his first time to visit such a secret place as the remote control command center. The experience was naturally very different.

Although he knew that some abnormal situations occurred in the history of Shenzhou [-] and it was finally successful, at this moment, Zhao Mo, who was immersed in the situation, did not dare to relax at all. Many times, he took a breath for a long time. Breathing it out is preparing your heart for this launch.

History will change!
Every space launch is different, and it may fail due to small problems of one kind or another, which will be an extremely painful loss.

Every time an astronaut embarks on a journey, he actually goes there with the intention of dying.

Whether you are flying or stationed in outer space, if something goes wrong, you are 100% dead, and there is no possibility of survival.

The main purpose of this launch mission is to verify walking out of the warehouse and let the five-star red flag fly in outer space.

We have no experience to refer to, so we in China can only rely on ourselves.

In the tense atmosphere, the only sounds in the command center were the work of the staff. No one, including the leaders, made a sound. They were all quietly waiting for the spacecraft to enter orbit smoothly.In fact, everyone deliberately held their breath and made themselves lighter, for fear of affecting the success or failure of the launch.

Time passes minute by minute~
As one rocket stage after another successfully separated, the solemn expressions on everyone's faces gradually relaxed.

Until the end, when Shenzhou [-] successfully entered orbit, the three astronauts huddled in Shenzhou [-] reported "feeling good" to the command center, and everyone suddenly stood up and congratulated each other excitedly.

clap clap clap...

Suddenly, the entire command center was filled with thunderous applause, and everyone applauded warmly for this successful launch.


Zhao Mo was also cheering loudly and was proud of You.

He saw Tan Kaihua and Li Dong hugging each other excitedly in the distance. Tan Kaihua's eyes were still vaguely filled with tears, and he suddenly smiled knowingly.

The shadow of the Changwu engine explosion accident a few days ago has obviously only dissipated at this time.

This launch mission is not yet a complete success. It can only be said to be a quarter. The rest includes rendezvous and docking, extravehicular activities and subsequent landing and return. Every small mission is full of risks. Just break through the hell gate!
Subsequently, the leaders met with the staff responsible for the launch mission.

The business trip will be in two days. At that time, I will only watch it at the flight control center in Beijing, but there is no need to waste time waiting here at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

When Zhao Mo saw that the launch was successful, he was ready to go out to meet his family and then return to the capital together.Who knows, a staff member came over and stopped him, saying that the old man wanted to meet him and chat with him for a while.

"Talk to me? Rocket engine?"

An idea flashed through Zhao Mo's mind and he immediately followed the staff.

This was his second time talking to the old man alone, and he felt a lot more at ease.

Contrary to his expectations, the first thing the old man talked to him was not the rocket engine problem he had talked about with the Bureau of Science and Industry, but about the Higgs particle and physics.

"Professor Zhao, the discovery of the Higgs particle is a big event in physics. Many scholars say it is related to dark matter, but I heard you say it is not related. Is that true?"

The old man asked with curiosity on his face.

Zhao Mo didn't know why, but he still answered honestly: "I personally think it has little to do with it. It is unrealistic to rely on the Higgs particle or the existing standard model to find dark matter."

The old man nodded slightly and then asked: "It is said that mankind's journey is through the stars and the sea. Based on the current scientific theory, does Professor Zhao think that antimatter and antigravity can help us get out of the solar system?"

Zhao Mo said with a smile: "I think it is possible to go out of the solar system with existing chemical energy, but to go to the stars and the sea, we still need controllable nuclear fusion and a major breakthrough in life medicine. As for antimatter, I personally think that before controllable nuclear fusion is realized, It is not practical. I haven’t done much research on anti-gravity, but judging from my research on high-energy physics during this period, it will still not be as practical as controllable nuclear fusion in the next 50 years.”

The old man felt strange, because this is completely contrary to many current scientific views.

Many people have great enthusiasm for antimatter and antigravity, and there are endless domestic media promotions of this kind.

The old man became interested, so he asked again: "Can you give me a general explanation?"

Zhao Mo nodded, thought for a while and said: "Gravity is actually gravity, which is one of the four basic forces. Anti-gravity naturally resists gravity. Many people think that this material or substance should be antimatter, but I am When searching for the Higgs particle, we calculated that antimatter cannot escape the four fundamental forces, so antimatter and antigravity should not be true."

"That's it~"

The old man nodded with a sudden look on his face, a happy look on his face.

Afterwards, he chatted with Zhao Mo about physics-related topics for a while, then talked about the rocket engine and asked Zhao Mo for his opinion.

Of course, Zhao Mo would not miss such a good opportunity.

Zhao Mo expressed his thoughts directly: "... Generally speaking, the three-step strategy for aerospace is correct, but it takes too long and the strategy is too conservative. To develop high-thrust, recyclable rockets, It is imperative, and it must be done quickly. I personally believe that in the next ten to 20 years, conventional chemical fuel rockets will be the main force and the core force to help us land on the moon; but after 20 years, controllable nuclear rockets should be In the future of fusion, controllable nuclear fusion is the real basis for us to develop the solar system and even go to the sea of ​​​​stars."

"Controlled nuclear fusion?"

The old man was a little startled when he heard this, and thought happily: "You are indeed young and energetic!"

If you are an ordinary person, listening to Zhao Mo's words, you will definitely think that he is bragging and ambitious, and then you will feel unhappy.

But the old man is not an ordinary person.

Although he has reservations about Zhao Mo's words, how can he not be happy if China's young people and the younger generation of scientists have such ambitions?
The old man smiled slightly and said: "I understand. Have you submitted your rocket engine plan?"

Zhao Mo smiled sheepishly and said, "Not yet, but I'm writing it and I can hand it in in the next two days."

The old man nodded and said, "I will pay attention to this matter."

"Thank you!"

Zhao Mo quickly thanked him.

The old man waved his hand and said with a smile: "I should be grateful to you scientists. It is you who have provided solid and powerful scientific and technological support for the development of the country. I am just a public servant of the people, helping you with some trivial things." It’s just coordination.”

Zhao Mo, Hao Ran, touched his nose and said nothing.


After getting off the old man's car, all the on-site staff and government personnel who saw this scene changed their faces.

Li Dong pushed Tan Kaihua: "Old Tan, look at Professor Zhao, he didn't talk to the old man about building a rocket engine, right?"

After returning to the capital, he asked Tan Kaihua and the Bureau of Science and Industry about Zhao Mo, and then asked Chief Engineer Wang. He already knew that Zhao Mo wanted to build a high-thrust rocket engine.

When I saw this scene, I naturally thought about it, and then started to worry about Tan Kaihua.

Tan Kaihua glanced at Zhao Mo, and then answered him expressionlessly: "Whether we talk about it or not, it has nothing to do with me. Just do your own thing."

Li Dong smiled helplessly: "That said, if two projects are carried out at the same time, resources will inevitably be dispersed, which will affect a lot."

Tan Kaihua shook his head and said, "This is what the decision-makers above must consider." Then he walked away.

"I hope it won't be affected~"

Li Dong sighed slightly and then walked away.

After getting out of the car, Zhao Mo ignored the looks of everyone present and went straight to find his parents, little sister and Yang Chan, and then returned to the capital together.

Yang Chan didn't ask about his conversation with the old man, because she knew that Zhao Mo wouldn't tell him if she asked.

Zhao Weiguo, Hu Ying, and Zhao Lan didn't ask.

By now, they have a very good understanding of Zhao Mo's work, many of which are confidential. As family members, all they can do is understand and support him, and otherwise do their own thing.

(End of this chapter)
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