You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 21 On Persisting to the Final Receipt

Chapter 21 On Persisting to the Final Receipt
Dreams have nothing to do with status, only your own consciousness.

Dreams such as being a police officer, a doctor, a scientist, a teacher, a celebrity, etc. are the ones with more choices.

Yang Yang is the only one who has this dream to be an official.

"My dream is to be a great scientist, like Marie Curie."

When it was Liu Zheng's turn, Liu Zheng stood up and said with a slight hesitation.

"Liu Zheng, isn't your dream to be a star?"

In the class, a boy suddenly got into trouble, stood up, roared and then quickly sat down.

Suddenly, the whole classroom was in uproar.

Liu Zheng was so embarrassed that her whole face turned red, reaching behind her ears, and then she said angrily: "Can't I change my dream? Wang Lei, you live by the sea, are you so lenient?"

After saying that, she sat down angrily.

Although Zhao Mo was stunned, he couldn't help but laugh.

On the podium, Chinese teacher Zhang Wenfang smiled and waved his hand, signaling everyone to calm down, and then said: "Whether you are a star or a great scientist, you can do it. What the teacher hopes is that you will anchor a dream and don't give up. Don't." Don’t be discouraged and work towards this dream…”

bell bell bell...

As the bell rang, the Chinese lesson about dreams came to an end, but the topic and influence of dreams continued to linger.

Some people remember it deeply and keep working hard for it;
Some people quickly forget and return to business as usual;
Some people remember it for a while, but then give up after a while;

In Zhao Mo's mind, as the bell rang, a voice sounded: "Ding, the host has activated the second phase of the main mission, please pay attention to check."


Zhao Mo was startled and quickly opened the properties panel.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV6(100/1000)
Strength: LV6(70/1000)
Agility: LV7(70/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (70/10000)

Attribute Points: 601
Main mission one: Admit the college entrance examination to any 985/211 university!

Main mission two: Become a great scientist on the level of Qian Xuesen and Einstein! }
The two main tasks are parallel.

Zhao Mo suddenly became speechless.

But at this moment, he was not complaining or speechless, he only felt that his fighting spirit was rising.

Great scientists like Qian Lao and Einstein are indeed out of reach for him now, and the gap is as big as a world of difference.

However, he glanced at the attribute panel and realized that if he didn't even dare to dream about a cheating life, he would be too incompetent.

During evening self-study, Zhao Mo took out his math problem set and checked his progress during the BUFF period.

In the first test, the score reached 135 points;
In the second test, the score reached 130 points.

"It seems that this is the limit of my math score, which is around 135~"

Zhao Mo let out a long breath and accepted the result calmly.

The score is about 135. I can’t say it’s bad, but I can’t say it’s very good either. I can only say “good”.

As long as you keep this score stable, you can still get a pretty good score in the college entrance examination.There is little hope for Wudaokou and Yanda, but there is still hope for prestigious universities.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a trace of regret in his heart.

"Doing good deeds without asking for reward!"

Zhao Mo then shook his head and wiped out this trace of regret.


The time spent studying goes by very quickly. Soon, a month has passed.

Time has come quietly to June, and there are only six days left before the college entrance examination.

June 6th and 7th is the college entrance examination time.

After 2013, technical subject examinations were added to the college entrance examination, mainly for the group of students going to junior college/higher vocational colleges.If you are absolutely confident about taking the undergraduate course, you don’t need to participate.

After a month of persistence, as Zhao Mo expected, the system did not give out any more rewards.

I'm afraid that if you want to obtain rewards from the system in the future, the triggering conditions will only become more and more difficult.Simply persisting may take a long time.

However, he did not have any worries or hesitations, but confidence and calmness.

After another month of persistence, even without the blessing of BUFF, his academic performance has improved to a certain extent compared to the time when BUFF ended.Although the progress became smaller as he went up, it was still progress, which gave him strong confidence in this college entrance examination.

The increasingly tense atmosphere not only did not make him feel stressed, but instead aroused his inner fierceness. He threw away most of his perceptions of the outside world and worked hard to be undistracted. As a result, his emotions became calmer and firmer.

On June [-]th, Monday, school is on holiday.

Yes, it's a holiday, and there are no more classes. Let students move freely. One is that the school has to prepare the examination room in advance, the other is that they need time to relax after studying hard for a long time, and the third is to get familiar with the examination room.

Those who have studied at home are reviewing at home, and some of the boarding students take this opportunity to go home, but most of them stay in the school dormitory to continue reviewing without daring to slack off at all.

Zhao Mo is one of them. Last time his mother came and gave him 200 yuan, he still has some left, enough to cope with it until the end of the college entrance examination.

Like his roommates, he brought all his books to the dormitory and reviewed them there.

Then, the next day, he went to the exam room with other classmates.

The annual college entrance examination is one of the most important tasks in this country at this time.Although we didn’t take it as seriously as we did later, with police banning cars and silence everywhere, we still attached great importance to maintaining the order that should exist.After leaving the school gate, Zhao Mo felt that the serious atmosphere of the college entrance examination had permeated the entire county. Banners or slogans were hung in many places.

Throughout Pingfu County, many places were set up as examination rooms, including their No. [-] middle school, and all primary and secondary school students in the county were given a holiday because of this.There was no surprise. Just like in his previous life, Zhao Mo was assigned to an examination room in the county's primary school.Taking out his admission ticket and student ID card, he and several classmates who were also assigned here entered smoothly.

Following the slogans and signs, Zhao Mo successfully found his examination room and where he should be in the examination room, and wrote it down.

He will complete his college entrance examination here on the 7th and 8th.

"Fortunately, Primary School is not far from the school. It only takes 15 minutes to walk. Otherwise, rushing would be a hassle~"

Zhao Mo thought to himself, touched his admission ticket and student ID card in his pocket, and then went out with his classmates.

When I returned to the dormitory, it was still early.

Zhao Mo opened the math problem set and prepared to continue reviewing.

"Zhao Mo, where is your complete collection of Jin Yong? Let me read it~"

Zhou Qinghua, a classmate in the next bed, suddenly said to him.


Zhao Mo was startled. Before he could react, Zhou Qinghua gestured towards the cabinet behind him and said, "You put it there last time I looked at it. You don't want to look at it now anyway, so let me look at it."

Only then did Zhao Mo react and couldn't help but frown and said, "Zhou Qinghua, don't read martial arts novels at this time. Reviewing is important. It's not too late to read after the college entrance examination."

Zhou Qinghua smiled and said: "What does this have to do with it? I'm too nervous. Let's relax by reading martial arts novels. The old classmate said that the grades have been fixed. The most important thing before the college entrance examination is the mentality. You must relax."

Zhao Mo shook his head and retorted: "Laoban said that you should relax your mind, but he didn't say that you can read martial arts novels? I won't lend you the complete works of Jin Yong. I advise you to review them again."

Zhou Qinghua said with an unhappy look: "What does it matter if you lend me a look? Don't be so stingy."

Zhao Mo said angrily: "If I lend it to you and you don't do well in the college entrance examination, you will definitely blame me for lending you the martial arts novel. Then it won't be a matter of being stingy or not."

"how could be?"

Seeing that he was a little unhappy, Zhou Qinghua immediately smiled.

"Review carefully. When the college entrance examination is over, I can give you a set of Jin Yong's complete works. But now, I won't borrow it!"

After Zhao Mo finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued reading.

Thinking about the college entrance examination, he had forgotten that at this time in his previous life, besides playing basketball with Li Shijie, his biggest hobby was reading martial arts novels, such as the complete works of Jin Yong, the complete works of Yang Xiaoxie, the complete works of Huang Yi, etc., among which the complete works of Jin Yong It’s my biggest hobby and a must watch every night.

On the eve of the college entrance examination in his previous life, he and Zhou Qinghua, who was in the next bed, watched it together, which was said to relax their mind.

In fact, if you look deeper, it's just that they are lazy.

In this life, he would naturally not make the same mistakes again, and he didn't want Zhou Qinghua to make the same mistakes again, so he simply became a bad person.

Seeing that he was so determined, Zhou Qinghua had no choice but to lie down and sleep.

Three days later, on the eve of the college entrance examination, everyone around them put down their books and exercise books after dinner and made final adjustments to their mentality, but Zhao Mo did not. He kept fighting until 11:30, and he finally finished the college entrance examination. The state of hard study on the eve of the day can be said to be that I have finished my last shift.

If you calculate it carefully, it’s seventy days!
"It turns out I've been persisting for so long~"

Zhao Mo lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and breathed evenly, but his mood couldn't calm down for a while. Instead, he was a little agitated. He felt incredible for his efforts during this period.

Seventy days is, of course, a very short period of time in a whole life.

However, in the half semester before the college entrance examination, this is undoubtedly a very long time.

Looking back, he seems to have never had such persistence in his past life.

Tomorrow will be the college entrance examination, and he has reached the level that determines the fate of his life. His efforts during this period will also face the final test. Whether it is a dragon or a worm will depend on the day after tomorrow.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing his unremitting study before the college entrance examination and his outstanding performance. He will be rewarded with 300 attribute points and a mysterious blind box. Please confirm whether to open it~"

Lying on the bed and tossing and turning, Zhao Mo suddenly heard a voice.

He was startled and sat up quickly.

Man, this is so unexpected.

Sure enough, persistence always pays off, I'm afraid you don't persist.

He couldn't help but felt happy and thought to himself: "If I hadn't persisted until the last day today, this reward would have obviously flown away~"


As his consciousness turned, the attribute panel changed, and the mysterious blind box was opened at the same time: "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a certain charger~"

The next moment, a round cake-like thing appeared in his hand.

Although it was done in vain, Zhao Mo also knew that this round cake-like thing was a wireless charger, so he immediately fell silent: "...No, why did you give me a wireless charger? I can't eat or drink it?"

Sighing, he put the thing away and lay down again.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV6(100/1000)
Strength: LV6(70/1000)
Agility: LV7(70/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (70/10000)

Attribute Points: 901
Main mission one: Admit the college entrance examination to any 985/211 university!

Main mission two: Become a great scientist on the level of Qian Xuesen and Einstein! }
Looking at the attribute panel, before going to sleep, he decisively added 900 attribute points to the "wisdom" attribute at once.

A bright light flashed, and Zhao Mo felt that his whole brain was glowing, and then a deep sleepiness came over him.

After a while, he fell asleep~
(End of this chapter)

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