You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 209 I have some ideas about rocket engines

Chapter 209 I have some ideas about rocket engines~
Beijing, airport!

When Lin Yuan and his classmates walked out of the airport, they saw a much changed airport from when they left a year ago.

Lin Yuan had no reaction, but his classmate John yelled "Wow!" excitedly, looking at everything as if he had never seen anything new before.

Lin Yuan wanted to say, "Don't scream at me," but he didn't say it after all.

After a while, John finally calmed down, but he became curious about the news broadcast on the airport TV screen. He pointed at it and asked: "Hi Lin, that Zhao Mo is your professor at Wudaokou. He is only 19 years old this year. , you know him, do you hate him very well?"

Lin Yuan looked in the direction he pointed and immediately saw Zhao Mo being interviewed on the TV screen. It was old news from a few days ago, saying that he had discovered the Higgs particle.

"Fried rice!"

Lin Yuan's eyes flashed with disgust. The person he hated to see the most was Zhao Mo, so he immediately shook his head and denied, "No, I don't know him."

John was a little disappointed and muttered to himself: "Well, I also thought that after Wudaokou, I would ask you to take me to this professor to have a good chat, about the Higgs particle, dark matter and antimatter~"

Lin Yuan curled his lips and said nothing, then looked around, looking for the person who came to pick him up.

However, he looked around and saw no one coming to pick them up.

"what happened?"

Frowning, he immediately took out his phone to call Instructor Zhao.

However, as soon as he took out the phone, the two men walking by him suddenly rushed toward him, sandwiching him on the left and right, and locked his hands completely.

His cell phone was also taken away in an instant.

Lin Yuan was so frightened that he opened his mouth to scream.

The next moment, two more people walked up to him. One of them stretched out his hand, and a certificate was illuminated in front of his eyes. At the same time, he shouted: "Lin Yuan, you have committed a crime, come with us~"

In an instant, Lin Yuan's face turned pale, out of fear.

He yelled: "Why are you arresting me? I didn't do anything and I didn't commit a crime?"

Classmate John on the side suddenly had questions on his face: "???"

As for Lin Yuan, when he was taken to a place to meet his instructor Zhao, the shouting along the way finally stopped, like a duck with its throat strangled. The face is earthy.


"...Actually, piecewise functions are functions that we often come into contact with in real life. For example, the bus fares in our city are priced in pieces; another example is our salary income and the taxes we pay. This is the relationship between it and your income. According to the current income tax rate, when your monthly income X ≤ 3500 yuan..."

"...that is to say, the n-order derivative of the multiplication of two functions has a total of n+1 terms, and the coefficient of each term is Cn/k..."

"... Let's take a look at the third method, the step-by-step integration method. If U(x) and v(x) are continuously differentiable, then {u(x)v(x0)}'=u'(x) v(x)+u(x)v'(x)……”

At Wudaokou, Zhao Mo is giving a lecture, and his latest lecture is calculus.

After one class, almost half of the calculus course was taught, and the speed made countless students secretly stunned.

But when get out of class time came, Zhao Mo didn't hesitate at all. He shouted "get out of class is over" and quickly walked out of the classroom with the courseware under his arm.

"Professor Zhao is good at this. He is never sloppy."

"Haha~ This means that Professor Zhao is of the same age as us and understands our suffering~"

"It's just too difficult. Professor Zhao talks too fast."

"It's not that we speak fast, it's that we can't keep up with Professor Zhao's brain speed~"

Zhao Mo could vaguely hear the discussion from the students behind him, but he just smiled and didn't care.

He is not worried about whether they can learn it. They are all top academics and they should be able to do it after reviewing after class.

In the afternoon, there was a lecture on the aerospace side, and Mr. Wang came to explain it in person.

Zhao Mo went to listen. Although most of them were things he often heard, he also heard some new things, especially the news that General Master Wang said at the end, which made Zhao Mo feel that he had gained a lot.

General Manager Wang said that Shenzhou [-] will go to space this month, so the space agency held an open day, scheduled for next week, allowing interested students to sign up to visit and experience the "Astronaut for a Day" activity.Of course, the allowed scope is only between universities in the capital, including Wudaokou, Yanda University, and Aeronautics and Astronautics University, etc., and the number of people is also limited.

Needless to say, after General Master Wang's lecture, Zhao Mo immediately used the convenience of his status to walk alone with General Master Wang and start chatting.Zhao Mo coughed and said with an embarrassed smile: "Chief Master, I want to sign up. You know, I have always wanted to go to heaven."

General Master Wang glanced at him. Although he knew the purpose of his coming here and had no objection to his participation, he still said: "Professor Zhao, just sign up. It's useless to tell me this." Ah, I'm retired."

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "I know, I mainly want to ask you about going to heaven. As you know, my physical fitness is very good. There is absolutely no problem in taking a spaceship to heaven. I will not leave it to those astronauts. "

Chief Master Wang: "..."

I know you are a good runner, but you said your physical fitness is comparable to that of an astronaut. Do you want to listen to what you are saying?
"is it?"

Master Wang smiled and said nothing.

What does this smile mean?
A black line flashed across Zhao Mo's face, but it was difficult to ask further questions, so he rolled his eyes and asked another topic with a smile: "Chief Engineer, what do you think of the company Space Exploration Technology?"

Commander Wang was startled and didn't understand why he suddenly asked about this company, but he still replied: "This company is technically responsible for NASA, and they follow the same path as them to reduce costs. I heard that NASA has awarded multiple launch contracts to this company this year. But currently, this company, like NASA, has reduced costs and lowered its safety factor. If I remember correctly, this company has already conducted three launches. , but all three launches failed.”

"This is not a retired person. This is an astronaut who has worked all his life!"

Zhao Mo was filled with admiration. Although Commander Wang has retired, he still knows the aerospace activities of various countries in the world very well.

He nodded, and then said: "Yes, America's technology is better than ours, but their cost is too high, so they have to reuse and develop very radical technical solutions. However, Chief Engineer, this is also a Such technological progress, I think this company's next launch is very likely to be successful."

General Master Wang smiled and said: "I don't doubt this, but our national conditions are different from theirs. What we pursue is to be steady and steady, with safety first. Moreover, our cost can be achieved to the extreme, and it is not higher than their recycling. Maybe we will be cheaper. Of course, if the country opens up its commercial aerospace policy in the future, private commercial aerospace companies can adopt this recyclable technology solution."

"That's it~"

Zhao Mo had a "teachable" expression on his face, but he said in his heart: "It seems that the chief engineer has a thorough view of the future, and this is exactly how it develops."

Master Ma's Space Exploration Technology Company is in full swing in the future. It has also built the Falcon Heavy rocket and announced that it will send people to Mars in 2025. However, I have not seen that there is also a vigorous effort to develop recyclable rockets. It is just that some commercial companies are trying. .

Many people say it is a technical problem, and that may be true, but in the final analysis technology is only a small problem, because commercial companies that tried to develop recyclable rockets quickly succeeded in recycling them, which shows that technology is not a limiting factor.Zhao Mo believes that the real restriction should be the technical route chosen.

Maybe, it's still "you hit yours, I'll hit mine"?
Thinking like this, Zhao Mo slowly stated his purpose: "Chief Commander, our rocket engine is still a bit weak. If we have a more advanced engine, can our space station be built faster?"

Commander Wang was startled again and asked subconsciously: "Theoretically, this is true, but what do you mean by this?"

Zhao Mo coughed and smiled sheepishly: "I have some ideas about rocket engines that I would like to discuss with you, the chief engineer, and you can evaluate the feasibility~"

General Master Wang looked surprised when he heard this. He looked at him up and down, and suddenly said with a smile: "Xiao Zhao, I know you want to go to heaven, but you can't rush this matter. The advancement of technology must be done step by step. , we can only take one step at a time, there is no way to suddenly explode. So, what you said..."

At this point, he stopped talking.

However, Zhao Mo also knew what he was going to say next.

Zhao Mo was not disappointed, and just said calmly: "Chief Commander, I agree with what you said. However, although qualitative changes are caused by quantitative changes, we cannot rule out that accidental changes may sometimes cause qualitative changes."

"Having said that, chance is inevitable..."

General Manager Wang agreed with what he said, but he immediately laughed in the middle of the sentence, and laughed loudly, and then said: "It seems that Professor Zhao is very confident in his plan. Do I have to watch it?"

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "Chief Commander, I am still working on the plan. Can I explain my ideas to you first?"

General Manager Wang nodded readily this time: "Okay, let's go to my office to talk~"

After talking for more than an hour, Zhao Mo came out of General Manager Wang's office with a happy look on his face.

However, as soon as he returned to the office, Zhao Mo's happy mood suddenly disappeared. Two people from relevant departments were waiting for him in his office.

"Professor Zhao~"

As soon as they met, the two stood up and greeted him. Then one of them talked about the investigation results of the shooting, saying that it was an action decided by the personnel of the intelligence department at short notice, and then talked about another thing, saying: "...Lin Yuan and his mentor have repeatedly disclosed Professor Zhao’s information to America’s intelligence agents this year..."

The result can be said to surprise Zhao Mo, but not unexpectedly.

Not surprisingly, the shooting was not sudden, but premeditated. It was an operation by America's security department against him.

Speaking of surprises, this incident was an impromptu incident. It was after hearing that he discovered the pentaquark state in the LHC research team that they suddenly planned to launch an assassination.

What really surprised Zhao Mo was that Lin Yuan, who he scolded and went to America as an exchange student, had been leaking his information to America's security department for a year.According to the investigation by relevant departments, Lin Yuan should have been deceived.

(End of this chapter)
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