You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 205 Professors: My fucking mentality is broken

Chapter 205 Professors: My fucking mentality is broken~
"Hello, Professor Zhao~Professor Zhao!"

The moment he saw Zhao Mo, Xiao Sa thought he had seen it wrong.

Is the young man with an immature face in front of me the professor Zhao who has made great discoveries in high-energy physics that he is going to interview this time?Isn’t this Zhao Mo, the youngest Wudaokou professor and mathematician in history?

The 32-year-old Xiao Sa is still a junior at CCTV, but he has already made a name for himself and will become one of the faces of CCTV next year.

However, when he saw Zhao Mo, he still felt ashamed.

Ma De, this recommendation from Peking University is not good at all.

He had heard of Zhao Mo and met him from a distance. After all, Zhao Mo had been interviewed by CCTV several times and was considered an old acquaintance.However, when he received the task of coming for an interview this time, he heard that it was Professor Zhao Mo who had made a great discovery in physics. He thought he was a professor of the same name from the Wudaokou Department of Physics.

I never expected that instead of having the same name, the two people are actually the same person!

"Hello, Xiaosa~"

Zhao Mo naturally knows Xiao Sa. Starting next year, people all over the country will know Xiao Sa. Xiao Sa will be the pillar and face of CCTV in the future.

The two shook hands, and Xiao Sa calmed down and started the interview.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate Professor Zhao for discovering the God particle: the Higgs particle. This is one of the great discoveries in the field of high-energy physics... I wonder if Professor Zhao can explain first, what is the Higgs particle?"

"First of all, I want to correct your concept. The Higgs particle is the Higgs particle. It is not the God particle. As a professional media, I hope you can make the right publicity. As for the Higgs particle, it is John Bull A boson predicted by scientist Peter Higgs has zero spin, no charge, is extremely unstable, and will decay immediately after being generated."

"Okay, Professor Zhao. So what is the significance of the discovery of the Higgs particle this time?"

"This time only particles suspected of being the Higgs particle were discovered. Whether it is the Higgs particle needs to be verified by more experiments, but I personally prefer that the mysterious particle discovered this time is the Higgs particle... The discovery of the Higgs particle can firstly confirm the correctness of the Standard Model and provide us with a deeper understanding and study of the basic forces and matter of particle physics; secondly, the discovery of the Higgs particle reveals the nature of elementary particles, and other Particles are given mass through it. In addition, through the study of the Higgs particle, we can have a deeper understanding of the state of matter in the early universe..."


Interviews for major discoveries are generally brief and very direct.

Zhao Mo's answer was naturally quite satisfactory.

However, Xiao Sa finally asked a question that surprised him: "...Professor Zhao, some scholars said that the discovery of the Higgs particle can help us understand dark matter. What do you think?"

Zhao Mo looked at him in surprise and did not answer the question immediately. Instead, he smiled and praised: "It seems that Xiao Sazu has done a lot of homework." Then he thought for a while before replying: "Maybe it will help. But I don’t think it’s that big. The Higgs is the last particle that the Standard Model has yet to find, but dark matter is not in the Standard Model.”

He sighed, no wonder Xiao Sa was so powerful, he was already very powerful now.

He believes that ordinary reporters who come to interview have no knowledge of high-energy physics because they are too far away from them and they cannot understand many basic terms.

However, Xiao Sa has obviously worked hard, otherwise he would not be able to ask questions about the Higgs particle and dark matter.

Listening to what he said, Xiao Sa smiled sheepishly at first, and then said modestly: "I just did a temporary search on the Internet, but I actually don't understand anything~"

Zhao Mo smiled slightly.

Soon, his interview ended.

Half an hour later, Xiao Sa interviewed Professor Yang, Principal Gu and others on the spot, asked a few questions, and ended the interview completely.

Afterwards, Zhao Mo left talking and laughing with Professor Yang, Academician Xue, Director Zhou and others.

Principal Gu sent someone to escort Xiao Sa and other CCTV interview teams out.

"You have to throw away when comparing goods, and compare people with people..."

Looking at the retreating figures of Zhao Mo and others, Xiao Sa murmured to himself with emotion, but he did not say the last words.

Indeed, there is a huge gap between him and Zhao Mo, but since he has chosen the host industry, there is no need to compare with a great scientist. That is purely asking for anxiety.

Yes, great scientist.

In his opinion, Zhao Mo is already on the same level as those great scientists who often appear in public and have made great contributions to the country and nation.

As for Zhao Mo's criticism that he should not talk about "God particles", he did not think that Zhao Mo was criticizing him. He believed that this was Zhao Mo's rigorous academic attitude as a scientist.

"...But maybe we can create some sparks with them. CCTV doesn't seem to have any programs in this area?"

Xiao Sa's thoughts were divergent, and he thought about the show.

On the other side, Zhao Mo naturally didn't know that his interview inspired Xiao Sa's program creativity. He was talking to Academician Xue and listening to him explain his research.

Who is Academician Xue?
Before the epidemic, not many outsiders knew him, but after the epidemic, as the Buckley Award was awarded to Academician Xue, making him the first recipient of this award from outside America, Academician Xue suddenly became the darling of the media. , became completely popular, and immediately became popular in the circle, so that even people like Zhao Mo, who did not pay attention to the scientific world in his previous life, were familiar with it.

Anomalous quantum Hall effect!

Academician Xue successfully discovered the quantum anomalous Hall effect in the experiment, which is the first in the world.

Zhao Mo only remembered this matter when he saw Academician Xue in person.

Of course, Zhao Mo will not strive to be the first discoverer of this effect. This is meaningless, and he is not interested in it. He is just curious about this effect. "...mainly various surface analyses, studying the crystal structure and chemical properties of metals and semiconductor surfaces, the epitaxy of heterogeneous or homojunction films and the growth and control of low-dimensional nanostructures, such as gallium arsenide, gallium nitride and other semiconductor films …”

Academician Xue spoke simply, and also shared some interesting anecdotes and small details from his research.

After hearing that he had won the second prize of the National Natural Science Award in 2004 for his theoretical and experimental research results on atomic-scale thin film/nanostructure growth dynamics, Zhao Mo finally understood why it was Academician Xue who discovered the quantum anomalous Hall effect. Professionalism is related to this aspect.

However, after listening for a while, Zhao Mo felt that something was wrong, because Academician Xue did not conduct research in this area at this time, and there was never anything relevant in the topic.

"Academician Xue, this year Professor Zhang Shousheng from Stanford University in America pointed out that the quantum anomalous Hall effect may be realized in magnetically doped topological insulators. What do you think of this?"

Zhao Mo hesitated for a moment and couldn't help but ask.

Academician Xue was stunned for a moment and thought to himself: "What should I see? I haven't seen much?"

He didn't expect that Zhao Mo also had research in this area, but then he thought about it, and there was something in Zhao Mo's words, so he thought about it carefully and asked tentatively: "Professor Zhao, do you think I can do some research in this area?"

But he thought wrong. Zhao Mo didn't do any research in this area.

The reason why I started talking about Professor Zhang Shousheng was because Professor Yang mentioned this beloved disciple in front of him, saying that his beloved disciple was very good and it was only a matter of time before he won the Nobel Prize.Therefore, Zhao Mo knew something about it.Of course, after learning about it, Zhao Mo quickly remembered who Professor Zhang Shousheng was. He was a top scientist who died "accidentally" because of something he did. But that was another topic. All Zhao Mo could do was remind him. It’s just Mr. Yang.

After listening to Academician Xue's question, Zhao Mo did not hesitate and nodded directly and replied: "Yes, I think Professor Zhang's conclusion is correct."

"Anomalous quantum Hall effect?"

Academician Xue chewed on this term with a thoughtful look on his face.

Principal Gu, Professor Yang and Zhou Zuojian could all hear the conversation clearly, and several people joined in the conversation.

Principal Gu said very happily: "We can make a report and invite Professor Zhang to come and start research in this area with us. Zhao Mo, you can also join in~"

Zhao Mo: "..."

Good guy, do you really think I am omnipotent?

He quickly refused: "Principal, I don't understand this aspect, so I won't get involved blindly."

Academician Gu: "..."

Academician Xue: "..."

Professor Yang: "..."

No, you don’t understand that you just said a lot and said that Zhang Shoucheng’s speculation was correct?

Did we hear it correctly just now?

Zhou Zuojian looked around and wanted to cover his eyes. Your excuse was too lame, so he couldn't help but said: "Xiao Zhao, your level is there, everyone can see it, so there is no need to be modest."

Zhao Mo heard a cough and quickly waved his hand and replied: "Director Zhou, I am really not being modest. Academician Xue and Professor Zhang are the experts in this field!"

Zhou Zuojian was speechless for a moment before he wanted to speak again.

Professor Yang changed the subject and asked Zhao Mo: "You just said that dark matter has little connection with the Higgs particle. How do you think about this issue?"

Zhao Mo secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly explained: "Mr. Yang, this is what I think..."

Neither Zhou Zuojian nor Principal Gu could do anything but give up.

They looked at each other and saw the word "give up" in each other's eyes.If nothing else, it’s because of Professor Yang’s attitude.It was obvious that Professor Yang, who changed the topic, did not want Zhao Mo to get involved in the team.

Walking and talking all the way.

However, the journey of about 10 minutes took more than half an hour and turned into an informal physics academic exchange meeting.

The teachers and students walking by showed admiration and surprise when they saw their team, and their attention was especially focused on Zhao Mo.

"What are they talking about?"

Zhang Jin, the vice president and Yangtze River Scholar Distinguished Professor of Physics, who had just returned from work outside, happened to see this scene. His expression immediately changed, so he pulled over an excited Ph.D. student in the Department of Physics and asked.

I remember when Zhao Mo was still a student, he criticized Zhao Mo for rejecting the Sloan Award.But now, Zhao Mo is on an equal footing with him. They are both professors, and he has also come to do research in their field of physics. What is disgusting is that he has gained the respect of Mr. Yang.

"Should we have discovered something else?"

Just when he was doubting, the doctoral student couldn't wait to tell the news: "Principal, Professor Zhao Mo discovered the Higgs particle, and CCTV just came to interview~"

Zhang Jin: "...@#¥%&"

His mentality just collapsed!
Damn it, I just went out for half a day, why did such a big thing happen at school?

What's even more disgusting is, why is the person who discovered it Zhao Mo?
(End of this chapter)
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