You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 202 The Higgs particle is here!

Chapter 202 The Higgs particle is here!

Seeing Zhao Mo suddenly stand up with surprise on his face, Wang Tao asked directly with a question mark on his face, thinking: "What's going on? Did I just say something?"

He had some doubts about whether he had said something special just now, and he didn't even remember it.

"Let's talk about it today. I just remembered some research issues. We will discuss it in detail tomorrow~"

Zhao Mo couldn't wait any longer. After saying this, he quickly walked out of the office and called his assistant: "Cai Bin, please entertain the two guests while I go to the high-energy laboratory."

Then left.

Wang Tao and his mentor: "..."

Good guy, are we being left hanging here?
"Okay, Professor!"

Assistant Cai Bin responded, then turned around and greeted them with a smile on his face, and explained: "I'm sorry, that's what Professor Zhao is like. If you are familiar with him, you will know that he is thinking about it all the time when he studies problems. Sometimes I’m still talking when inspiration comes, but suddenly I stop talking and dive into the laboratory. Recently, Professor Zhao encountered some problems while doing research on high-energy physics, so..."

Listening to this, what else could Wang Tao say? He could only smile and say: "Understood, we understand."

The look of astonishment on his mentor's face also turned into understanding, and then he praised with admiration: "Professor Zhao is a pure scientist who is dedicated to research. We understand. Only with this strong focus can he be able to make one after another A remarkable achievement that astounds the world.”

This is not a lie.

Although they were a little unhappy about Zhao Mo's sudden departure, they were immediately relieved when Zhao Mo's assistant explained it this way and thought of Zhao Mo's current status and the fact that Zhao Mo went to the LHC last time.

He is also a professor, a professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic Institute, but there is a gap between professors, and sometimes this gap is even wider than the gap between students and professors.

Of course he is a real scholar, but what he studies is applied technology, while Zhao Mo studies basic science and cutting-edge high-energy physics. The two are completely different.

To an important extent, in front of ordinary people, people will think that the application technologies he studies are relatively high-end.But in the academic world, in the eyes of high-level people, and in the eyes of discerning people, Zhao Mo's research is infinitely higher than his research, and he will never be able to match Zhao Mo's current achievements in his lifetime.

Cai Bin smiled and nodded.

However, the protagonists were all gone, and Wang Tao and his mentor had no intention of staying around, so they found an excuse to leave.

After coming out, Wang Tao said with emotion: "Teacher, I regret a little. I regret choosing my current major."

His mentor was startled for a moment, then he reacted and replied with a smile: "Professor Zhao is just a special case and cannot be compared with him. Each of us has areas in which we are good at. To succeed, what we have to do is Play to your strengths instead of chasing unattainable weaknesses.”

This was not the first time Wang Tao heard such remarks. He had seen countless similar remarks in magazines and media such as "Reader" and "Yilin", but he had never understood it as deeply as this time.

"Yes, he is a special case, we can't compare!"

Wang Tao smiled, then cheered up, and talked about the detailed discussion tomorrow: "I didn't expect so many people to participate. This time we want to get the technology of Professor Zhao's team, I'm afraid it won't be that simple..."

"The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. I actually think that Professor Zhao is very optimistic about you. Maybe there will be unexpected gains..."

His mentor said with a smile.

The two walked side by side and soon exited Wudaokou.


On the other side, the High Energy Physics Laboratory.

Gao Zhiqiang’s team is conducting data analysis as always, and is also working on the modeling and verification of the “pentaquark state”.

"It seems that I really haven't found anything~"

Gao Zhiqiang put down the atlas in his hand, rubbed his sore eyes and said, with an expression of regret written on his face.

After ten days of analysis, their team has analyzed all the data, and analyzed many important data twice, but still no trace of the Higgs particle was found.

Gao Zhiqiang does not doubt the strength of his team, because research teams from other countries have not found traces of the Higgs particle, and two teams have already given a conclusion that the data collected by the LHC's first collision experiment is not enough to support They found the Higgs particle, and they need to wait for it to be repaired and conduct experiments again before analyzing it.

There are four large research teams involved in LHC data analysis, one from China, one from America, one from Europe, one from Japan, and one from other countries.

The real-time results of each research team will not be shared for fear of affecting the research ideas of other teams. They will not be announced until the conclusions are finalized.

At present, America and the European research team have issued the conclusion of "not found". Only the Chinese team led by him, Xiaobenzi and the team from other countries have not announced the results.

Gao Zhiqiang thought to himself: "I don't know what the little book is doing. Why haven't you issued an announcement yet? Do you have to wait for me to fail to issue an announcement? Forget it, we don't have this little time, so we should prepare for it. , send it out, anyway, we have a great discovery of the pentaquark state, and we are considered to be the first this time."

Although scientific research follows science, overt and covert competition still exists.

Especially for Gao Zhiqiang's team, precisely because China is lagging behind in basic science, they are full of energy every time they participate in research, and they refuse to let go of any opportunity or waste any time.

Any piece of data that has not been studied twice or more before being published because no findings are found is an unacceptable waste!

But now, the data has been studied twice, and the discovery of the "pentaquark state" has been discovered previously, so Gao Zhiqiang thinks it's OK.

With this in mind, he glanced at the team members present, and then stood up to go back to the office to write a report.

"Professor Gao, show me the previous data~" At this time, an urgent voice suddenly came from outside the laboratory.

Gao Zhiqiang was startled and looked in the direction of the sound. It was Zhao Mo running over, with a look of surprise on his face, as if something happy had happened.


Gao Zhiqiang's reaction was half a beat too slow and he asked subconsciously.

Zhao Mo had already ran in, searched around the laboratory, then picked up the graphs and data he had just put down on the table, scanned them quickly, and said at the same time: "Professor Gao, I discovered We missed something, the Higgs particle exists, it is just hidden, and we were deceived by it~"

Gao Zhiqiang was immediately shocked and asked quickly: "How do you say that?"

Now he did not dare to neglect Zhao Mo's discovery.

Zhao Mo said he had discovered the pentaquark state last time, but he didn't take it seriously. It turned out that Zhao Mo was right and he was slapped in the face.Although the slap in the face last time was minor, as a wise man, he would not allow himself to be slapped in the face by the same person again.Therefore, he attached great importance to it and his heart suddenly lifted.

When the other members of the team heard the sound and listened to Zhao Mo's words, they all put down their work and gathered around him in unison, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Professor Zhao has made another discovery?"

"No way? Professor Zhao discovered the Higgs particle?"

"I'll go! Professor Zhao is too fierce, isn't he?"

"how could it be possible?"


They all looked at each other and said nothing, but they all understood each other's general thoughts and were a little suspicious of life. What are we doing these days?
"Wait a moment, wait a moment, let me look for it first..."

Zhao Mo answered Gao Zhiqiang's question, but his eyes did not stop searching for these data and comparing these maps; his consciousness did not stop establishing corresponding mathematical models for these data and maps, and at the same time, he continued to calculate.

I don’t know how long it’s been~
Finally, in front of the two data, Zhao Mo's eyes stopped and his gaze was fixed on them.

"Haha~, here, and here, these are the two Higgs particles created by this collision experiment!"

Zhao Mo laughed loudly, spread the information on the table, then reached out and tapped two of the two places hard.

He finally found it!

The problem that had troubled him for so many days was finally solved, and he felt much happier.

Gao Zhiqiang and his team members looked over one after another. The people standing in the back row had their necks stretched out and even stood on tiptoes.

"Huh? A boson with a mass of 125.3Gev? A boson with a mass of 125.6Gev?"

Gao Zhiqiang's brows suddenly wrinkled.

These two data are not from his team, but from another research team.The former data is the data of the Compact Muon Coil Group, and the latter data is the data of the Torus Instrument Group, but those two research groups did not say there is a problem with these two data?

"Are these two bosons Higgs particles?"

Many other members also frowned, and some had a look of astonishment on their faces.

"Professor Zhao, isn't it? How can these two bosons be Higgs particles?"

Soon, someone raised doubts.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Mo, who was in a good mood, explained the demonstration process to them in detail. He wrote the process casually and said casually: "...I did some calculations and found that if other types of compact muon coil interactions are included, this The significance of the two data is only 5 standard deviations, and the error probability is less than one in a million. It can be sent to the two experimental groups to analyze the spin and parity of these two examples. My judgment is that they are Consistent with zero spin and even parity, these two are Higgs particles.”


Seeing Zhao Mo writing quickly, writing mathematical symbols and formulas in a swishing manner, he was able to grasp both mathematics and physics at his fingertips, like a divine help. Listening to Zhao Mo's words, Gao Zhiqiang and other members of the team were all shocked. shocked.

"It seems like this~"

Gao Zhiqiang murmured to himself.

Although he failed to understand some of the mathematical calculations, it did not prevent him from following Zhao Mo's explanation and understanding Zhao Mo's judgment and argument without any obstacles.

"...according to my calculation, the mass of the Higgs particle should be 125.1Gev."

When he finished writing the last letter, Zhao Mo put down the pen with a relieved smile on his face.

Gao Zhiqiang: "..."

Team members: "..."

(End of this chapter)
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