You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 199 Zhao Mo: That’s just because you don’t know

Chapter 199 Zhao Mo: That’s just because you don’t know
The next morning, Ministries.

When Zhao Mo was picked up by the ministry car, Minister Liu personally ran downstairs to greet him. As he walked, he continued to describe the details that were not mentioned in the phone call yesterday: "...the key to the problem is that 3G was just promoted last year. The work has only been completed less than 1/10, and now we have to change the promotion of 4G. The change is too fast, and many people at the top and bottom are opposed to this..."

Zhao Mo said helplessly: "Bu Liu, I already gave you the opinion you want on the phone yesterday, why do you have to come here to hold this meeting~"

Minister Liu's matter is not a big deal from a technical point of view. It is nothing more than changing the promotion of 3G to the promotion of 4G.

According to Minister Liu, the 4G technology application of Xinwei, Telecom and his side showed their talents in the earthquake relief work, which made Xinwei, Telecom and other related departments see the broad prospects of 4G technology, so they proposed to the ministry to promote 4G technology as soon as possible. request.To this end, the ministry found many people to investigate and hold meetings to discuss. There were many supporters and many opponents, so there was a stalemate.Then, Minister Liu thought of him.

Because although this matter is not a big deal technically, it is a very big deal in terms of promotion.

The reason is what Minister Liu just said, 3G has just begun to be promoted.

If we switch to promoting 4G, although it is an iterative update of 3G in terms of hardware and software, it is still very different, and the resource reserves are also insufficient.As a result, it not only means some waste in the early stage, but also means a delay in the progress of technology promotion. Areas that could have applied 3G technology this year will not be able to apply it until next year.Of course, by then it will not be 3G, but 4G.

The delay in progress is not just progress, it also carries a series of related issues such as "development" and "people's livelihood".

The whole country is playing a game of chess, and the whole country is affected by one move. When benefits and losses coexist, people's considerations and attitudes are completely different.

Facing Zhao Mo's helplessness and questions, Minister Liu explained with a smile: "Professor Zhao, you are an expert in the field of communications and a great mathematician. I believe you have a very far-sighted view of the development prospects of the communications industry. In this regard in China, No one can see further than you. This is not just me, I believe many experts and scholars are also convinced~"

Zhao Mo: "..."

The main point of Minister Liu's words was that he was very powerful. He could say one sentence more than anyone else could say ten sentences each. This time he was invited to the meeting just to calm things down.

Good guy, you are wearing such a tall hat, why didn’t I know I was so awesome?

"Professor Zhao, my opinion is the same as yours, and I support skipping 3G and going directly to 4G."

Seeing that he didn't speak, Minister Liu said one last word, and then led him into the conference room.

The conference room was full of people, including scholars, professors, personnel from relevant departments, as well as heads or representatives of some leading domestic companies.

At a glance, Zhao Mo saw a lot of "acquaintances", some of whom he had real contact with, such as Yu Dazui, Mr. I miss Mr. Yang.

When they saw him and Minister Liu walking into the conference room together, except for a few scientists who knew about the large model, everyone present was shocked.

"Minister Liu personally greeted and kept him company. Is he doing anything else secretly?"

Mr. Zhao of Xingxing had a look of astonishment on his face, and an inexplicable flash of fear flashed in his heart: "Fortunately, I didn't think about throwing him away after that time, otherwise I would definitely not have a good life."

He remembered that on the day of the National Science and Technology Awards Conference, Zhao Mo suddenly didn't give him face. He was a little unhappy at the time, and after returning home, he even thought about getting his face back.As soon as I got busy, I forgot about this.Look now, luckily I forgot.

There was a happy smile on Yu Dazui's face, but he also said with emotion: "Good guy, this card is getting more and more powerful. How long has it been? There are already cards from top scientists!"

He thought that when Zhao Mo came to visit the R&D center in Beijing, Zhao Mo was just a fledgling at that time, and it had only been a year now, right?

For ordinary people, there is basically no change in a year, whether it is knowledge, career, status, etc.

However, Zhao Mo is completely different from that time, both in terms of status and influence.

Yu Dazui can basically judge that Zhao Mo must have made other contributions that they don't know, otherwise the papers Zhao Mo has written in the fields of mathematics, information, and materials are not enough for Minister Liu to take him so seriously.Maybe earthquake prediction?

Yu Dazui remembered the previous big computer model incident. Some of them were involved, but they were excluded at the last moment for some reason.

Now that I think about it, it’s terrifying to think about it~
As for a certain Mr. Yang, he was astonished at who this young man was and how he could be so valued by Minister Liu. Suddenly he heard the people next to him saying "Wudaokou Zhao Mo". Only then did he react, and his face immediately revealed He looked unhappy and thought to himself: "So you are Zhao Mo. It was you who kicked one of us out of that big computer project last time?"

A year later, he still remembered the situation when the Ministry of Science and Technology notified them of the results. It was such a shame and humiliation!

After a while, all the participants arrived.

After Minister Liu spoke, he talked about some of the final decisions of the meeting over the past few days, then looked at Zhao Mo, smiled and introduced to the people present: "This is Professor Zhao Mo of Wudaokou, I believe you all know him. I won’t introduce him much... Professor Zhao, please tell me your opinions~"

"..." Zhao Mo knew that he was being promoted to be a gunman, but Minister Liu warmly invited him. He would also be useful in the future, and he also needed someone to support him, so he did not hesitate and went straight to speak. Said: "Hello everyone, I am young and speak outright, don't mind. I will just tell you my opinion. I firmly support the immediate promotion of 4G and skip 3G. The 3G signal is too weak and has no penetrating power. Weak, slow transmission speed...and a series of shortcomings, directly connect to 4G and get it right in one step..."

He didn't talk much, he spoke very briefly, less than 10 minutes.

Most of the people present were stunned.

Young man, are you too neat and tidy?

But a small number of the remaining people showed approval, such as a certain Yu Dazui. They were all technicians, and they did what they said. There was no need to say too much, as too much was a waste of time.

Technically speaking, since there are no problems with 4G, just go ahead and use it, no need to worry!

But soon, someone immediately raised objections: "Too much investment has been made in 3G. It would be too wasteful to switch to 4G at this time. This means that a large amount of resources invested in the early stage will be wasted...the progress will also be delayed. By then, 4G has not been developed, and 3G will not be available..."

Balabala said a lot, but only two words were "wasted".

Zhao Mo smiled and did not argue with him on this. He only said: "I only know that 4G technology is better than 3G technology, has greater influence, has a greater impact on the manufacturing industry, and has a greater improvement in people's living standards. As for the waste you mentioned, I think sharpening a knife does not waste time cutting wood!”

Someone else said: "3G technology has matured, has 4G technology matured? It has just come out, and I don't know what the problems are. What if there is a big problem? What if..."

Zhao Mo glanced at the other party and recognized that it was Mr. Yang. Although he felt strange in his heart. Logically speaking, he shouldn't oppose the promotion of 4G, but he didn't tolerate him and interrupted him directly: "That's because you don't That’s all you know! I and relevant departments such as China Telecom and China Telecom have already tested 4G technology and it has played a big role in earthquake relief.”

Mr. Yang's face remained calm, as if he didn't care about the rude words at all. He said with a fake smile: "3G has just been promoted. When 4G comes out, we must promote 4G. If 5G is promoted, should we also promote 5G?" Abandon all 3G/4G?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present's expressions changed slightly.

Regardless of those who support 4G replacing 3G or those who oppose it, they all think this is reasonable.

Especially those who oppose it because of "waste of resources" have a look of approval on their faces.In their view, this is not impossible. It is impossible for us to directly overthrow the original technical solution and adopt a new technology just because of the emergence of a new technology. What if we just decide to promote the new technology, but the outside world What about newer technologies emerging?Are you going to overthrow it again?

In such a cycle, the policy will not be consistent and stable, and the entire country will suffer!

Unfortunately, his words were like farts to Zhao Mo.

Zhao Mo still looked calm and said unceremoniously: "The hypothesis you mentioned does not exist! If there are no unexpected events, according to the normal development speed, 5G technology will not be available for at least five years, and it will take at least ten years for it to be put into use. In a year's time, it will only be used on a small scale. For real large-scale use, I think it will be higher-standard 5.5G or 6G technology."

Mr. Yang wanted to laugh when he heard this, and said, "Do you think, haha, you..."

He couldn't continue talking in the middle of the conversation, because he was embarrassed to find that no one at the meeting supported him. They either looked at Zhao Mo in shock or fell into deep thought.

"Yes, I think!"

Zhao Mo smiled slightly, took the words, and said in a calm but confident tone: "Everyone knows that I published a paper on polar codes. Maybe you don't know what it is used for. I can Let me tell you, this paper lays the foundation for future 5G technology. Therefore, I think no one understands the future of 5G better than me."


Mr. Yang's expression froze for a moment, and he didn't know what to say next.

Only then did he remember that Zhao Mo had indeed published a paper on polar codes, which caused quite a stir in the industry. However, everyone was still working on 3G/4G at the time, and it was not clear what role this paper could play.

Look now, many of them are lagging behind.

Then, his eyes subconsciously looked at a certain Yu Dazui who was sitting a few seats next to him~
In addition to him, everyone else also reacted, and the expressions on their faces suddenly became subtle.

"What a tongue-in-cheek battle!"

Minister Liu on the rostrum looked at this scene and couldn't help but praise Zhao Mo's strength. This is hard power. You can do whatever you say. He knows the technological development in the next 20 years.

Then, he secretly praised his wit.

 Ten years of career can hardly cool your blood.Thank you for your support⊙ω⊙
(End of this chapter)
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