Chapter 195 I figured it out~
With a click of Lynn Ayers' mouse, the most powerful proton collider in human history was launched.

Silently, about half an hour later, a large amount of data and images began to appear on the display screen in the control room. The contents of the images were messy and consisted of countless lines, like children's graffiti.

If ordinary people come here, they will just think that they are in the wrong place. Is this something tested by the collider?Could it be that you met a liar?
But everyone present knew that this was a sign of the successful launch and successful testing of the LHC.

In the crowd, Zhao Mo watched all this silently, knowing that at the moment Lynn Eyres clicked the mouse, protons were stripped out of hydrogen atoms in the huge entity of the LHC, and then shot into the PS booster for acceleration, and finally Two beams of protons were formed, which were injected into the synchrotron in clockwise and counterclockwise directions and continued to accelerate. Finally, they were accelerated to a speed close to the speed of light in the circular tunnel, and then collided together.

In the huge LHC entity, where the number of proton collisions is greatest, huge particle detectors CMS and ATLAS were built and installed for observation. The time scale that can be observed is nanometers.

One nanometer is equal to one billionth of a second, 10 to the power of minus 9 seconds. The time scale is so small that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

As for the attosecond in the attosecond laser that won the Nobel Prize in 2023, it is 10 minus 18 seconds, and the time scale is even smaller.

In order to control protons in the correct direction, the LHC has 9300 different types of superconducting magnets and ultra-high vacuum tubes, which use magnetic fields to control, guide and focus the proton beam, excluding any foreign media during the process.Many superconductors weigh several tons and must be immersed in ultra-cold liquid helium at -271.25°C, which is close to absolute zero.

The collision of protons splits into many smaller particles, such as quarks, W bosons, etc. These tiny particles are very unstable and only exist for milliseconds or even picoseconds, and then recombine to form protons, neutrons, etc. Larger particles.The protons that have not collided enter the dumping zone and are absorbed and disposed of.

The process of this occurrence simulates the process of the Big Bang.

Of course, no one can confirm whether the universe was actually created by the Big Bang at the beginning, but at least this is what the scientific community currently believes, and it is a consensus.


"It's not as grand and spectacular as I imagined. Everything seems very plain, even dull~"

Zhao Mo commented inwardly, feeling a little regretful.

Once upon a time, like most people, he had imagined the grandeur of high-energy physics experiments, but now it is so dull to watch them at the scene.

But then I thought about it, sometimes people are like this. They think about how grand and spectacular the results are, but they ignore the real situation. The results are often dull, but the dull hard work is full of grandeur and spectacle. .

"It's a pity that a lot of data was wasted~"

Gao Zhiqiang's face was calm, but there was regret in what he said.

"If it is used to search for the Higgs particle, I think the data saved now should be fine~"

Zhao Mo said with a smile.

At the moment of the proton big explosion, a large number of smaller particles are produced. The states, trajectories, energies, possible combinations between particles, trajectories, and the decay of particles all the time...etc., etc., these data must be counted. , which results in too much data, about 100 million GB bytes of data per second, which is simply not something that the computers associated with the LHC can handle, so a large amount of data must be discarded.

Even so, during each experiment, 700 megabytes of data per second are still collected for analysis.

This much data is enough to analyze whether there is a Higgs particle.

Zhao Mo is relatively optimistic about this, based on his understanding.

"I hope so~"

Gao Zhiqiang nodded, but at the end of his words was a subtle sigh.

This experiment is like opening a blind box. No one except the Creator can know what kind of results will be revealed.

Once the LHC is started, it will not stop for a short period of time. It will not stop until it accumulates enough data.Every startup is very troublesome. It takes a month to cool down before startup, and another month to heat up after startup. A slight negligence will cause major problems.

So, in the next few days, everyone started to get busy.

As a little transparent person, Zhao Mo worked as a helper in Gao Zhiqiang's team.

Then, Zhao Mo discovered an embarrassing fact. Gao Zhiqiang's team was somewhat marginalized, and was excluded intentionally or unintentionally. Either they found faults, or important data was not shown to them, or important issues were not discussed with them. Zhao Mo was also involved. He was getting bored.

Nothing to do~
"Too bullying~"

On the eighth day, the younger members of the team began to complain angrily.

"Although we don't say it explicitly, we are not blind, we can feel it."

"That's right, Professor Gao, we are here to help, not to visit. This is too disrespectful of us."

"Yes, we are also members of the LHC. Why should we be restricted?"


Other members immediately joined in, shouting for Professor Gao Zhiqiang to protest.

Gao Zhiqiang frowned. He was also unhappy and was holding back his anger.

However, just as he led his team to the site and was about to explain the protest to the organizer, a staff member hurried in and reported: "Oh God, there has been a serious leak of liquid helium. We must stop the experiment immediately!"


"What the fuck?" "Nani?"

"Eight Grid Road!"

The scene was suddenly filled with exclamations and confusion.

Everyone was shocked, what is this?
It had only been running for eight days before it broke down. How was this LHC built?
For a moment, everyone subconsciously complained about the construction work of the LHC and were very dissatisfied with the quality of the construction.

Everyone in Gao Zhiqiang's team subconsciously looked at Professor Gao Zhiqiang, wondering if these people were acting like them?
Gao Zhiqiang was also very puzzled: "Is it really such a coincidence?"

Zhao Mo was a little skeptical at first, but when he thought about the main body of the LHC he saw when he first arrived, it was such a huge and complex equipment that it was normal for problems to occur, and it would be unreasonable not to have problems.It can continue to work for up to eight days, which he thinks is a long time, after all, this is the first operation.

"Stop it~"

The person in charge of the LHC sighed and announced the termination of the experiment.

Zhao Mo looked at the other person, America's professor Robert, a senior physicist he had never heard of.

As for Lynn Ayers, he was the organizer and initiator of the LHC, but he has retired long ago. He does not manage the LHC. He came to click the mouse to start it that day, but it was just to show his respect.

When it comes to showing off, Zhao Mo still admires these ghost guys, at least they are much better than him.

"It's a pity~"

Gao Zhiqiang sighed, and did not continue to approach Robert for the theory. Instead, he waited for a while until Robert made arrangements to stop the experiment, and then he found Robert.

Facing Gao Zhiqiang's cold face, although Robert was dissatisfied, considering that the experiment had stopped, he didn't bother to say anything more. He only replied: "Okay, Gao, I will handle this matter. The experimental data will always be useful to you." It’s public.”

"I hope so~"

Gao Zhiqiang answered him expressionlessly.

After returning, Gao Zhiqiang told the matter, and then arranged for someone to book a flight to return to China.

The experiment stopped, and there was no need for them to stay here.

Just like them, there were also scientists from other countries who started booking flights.At a glance, everyone was talking on the phone, obviously no longer planning to stay here.

Zhao Mo smiled, turned around and followed Gao Zhiqiang.

Due to the sudden incident, there are no longer tickets for the same day to return to China, and the fastest ones are for the next day.As a result, they had to stay here for another day and night.

When it was almost noon, some important missing data from the experiments these days were sent over, and everyone who was busy analyzing them immediately started comparing and analyzing them.

Among them, Zhao Mo is also analyzing.

Looking at the mass spectra of these particles, it is obvious that there are patterns. They are much more regular than the data initially detected. They have obviously been screened by the LHC.

"Hey, this wave crest is a bit interesting~"

Zhao Mo found an obvious peak on the mass spectrum, which was very different from the norm. He couldn't help but exclaimed. He intuitively thought that there was something strange here.

Gao Zhiqiang looked back at the mass spectrum in his hand and asked casually: "Which peak?"

Zhao Mo stretched out his hand and pointed: "This place~"

Gao Zhiqiang looked at it for just a moment before he shook his head and said, "I think this signal is normal. It is just the result of other effects and does not mean anything."

"is it?"

Zhao Mo raised his eyebrows, then lowered his head, took out paper and pen and calculated according to the wave peak state. Gradually, a model was established.

Gao Zhiqiang was startled for a moment, then shook his head and turned to analyze other data.

It wasn't until the end of the afternoon when Gao Zhiqiang rubbed his eyes to wake up his brain from countless data and lines that he remembered Zhao Mo's actions, then stood up and walked to Zhao Mo's side, intending to wake Zhao Mo up. .

"Finally figured it out!"

Zhao Mo slammed the table, stood up, and shouted happily.

Gao Zhiqiang was startled, took two steps back and asked, "What did you figure out?"

Zhao Mo looked back and saw Gao Zhiqiang's look of shock. Then he realized what he had just done, so he smiled sheepishly, and then replied: "I used mathematics to calculate the situation of this wave crest, and I figured it out. It’s a brand new particle state, I think it’s a pentaquark state!”

Gao Zhiqiang's face was full of questions: "???"

No, you just rely on a wave peak on the mass spectrum to calculate a brand new particle state, a pentaquark state?
How is this possible?
(End of this chapter)
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