Chapter 19 Progress Again

After washing up, I walked into Class [-] and [-] of high school freshly dressed.

Zhao Mo sat down in his seat as if no one else was around, took out his math textbook, and reviewed the knowledge points that he had doubts about before.

Then he discovered the New World.

This time, those questions were like ice and snow that met the sun, melting one after another, turning into nourishing water and entering his mind.

"I understand~"

"That's it~"

"How come I didn't notice it before~"

"Sure enough, mathematics depends on talent!"

Zhao Mo suddenly felt refreshed.

After half a morning reading class, a quarter of the math textbook was finished.

During the remaining half of the class, he took out the exercise book and started working on the questions.

"Every term in the arithmetic sequence {an} is a positive integer, a1=3, and the sum of the first n terms is Sn. In the arithmetic sequence {bn}, b1=1, and b2S2=64, {bn} is a common ratio of 64 For the geometric sequence of , find an and bn."

"This question is easy~"

Zhao Mo glanced at it, his mind was spinning quickly, and he quickly wrote down the understanding in the blank space: Suppose {an}=d, the common ratio of {bn} is q, then d is a positive integer, an=3+(n-1 )d...The solution is ①d=2, q=8, so an=2n+1, bn=8 raised to the n-1 power. "


rustle rustle~
In the classroom, among the sounds of reading aloud, some were reading Chinese and some were reading English. Only his side was silent, with only the sound of writing furiously.

Everyone is serious, including Li Shijie, who is at the same table. He no longer has the restless energy that disturbed him before.

Qiu Wenjie, the old classmate, came over and took a look. When he saw Zhao Mo's "mission", he just frowned and walked away without saying anything.After the mock test, he recognized Zhao Mo and knew that if Zhao Mo's grades were to be improved even further, the difficulty actually lay in mathematics, not in Chinese and English.He was confident about Zhao Mo's math scores. He knew that Zhao Mo's math skills could only be said to be above average, and there was still a long way to go before he was truly top-notch.

Chinese and English can be memorized by rote, but mathematics requires a lot of effort and time.

Should I say it or not, besides being the head teacher, he is also a math teacher.

In a flash, the morning reading class was over.

During the third period and the fourth period in the morning, there is math class.

At this point in time, all high school knowledge points have been explained, and only the exercises and difficult points are left.So as soon as class started, Qiu Wenjie wrote a few questions on the blackboard and asked someone to answer them.

Although the first few questions were a bit tricky, they were still not too difficult. Either a classmate raised his hand to answer them, or Qiu Wenjie took the initiative to answer them by name. He reviewed them again, and most of the students understood them.

Zhao Mo, who was BUFFed, was no exception. He didn't wait for anyone to come up to answer the question. He just took a look at it, did some calculations on the draft paper with a pen, and finally answered it.

Only when it came to the last question, no one took the initiative. Qiu Wenjie named several classmates but they all shook their heads and said no.

" Randomly draw one card each time from 1 cards numbered 100 to 100, and then put it back. Draw 20 times in this way. Suppose the probability that the 20 numbers drawn are different from each other is P. Prove that P < ( 9/10) 19...probability problem...well, the problem of monotonic function~"

Zhao Mo looked at the question thoughtfully. Soon, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he had a rough idea of ​​how to solve the problem.

"Liu Zheng, please answer~"

Qiu Wenjie looked at Liu Zheng and motioned for her to come up and answer the question.

In the entire Class [-] of Grade [-], Liu Zheng, as the math class representative, had the best math scores.The question that no one else could answer was only Liu Zheng.

If Liu Zheng didn't know how to do it, then Class [-] and Class [-] would have been basically wiped out.

Liu Zheng stood up, hesitated for a while, walked up to the podium, picked up the chalk and started writing on the blackboard: "P=..."

In the last row, Zhao Mo looked at what Liu Zheng had written and looked at it thoughtfully. He wanted to see how this math class representative who was better than her used to solve this problem.

However, after writing less than two lines, Liu Zheng's movements became slower and slower. After a while, he stopped and stood on the podium hesitantly, unable to hold down the chalk in his hand.

Qiu Wenjie sighed secretly, but his expression was very calm.

He knew that this question wiped out Class [-] and Class [-].

He was about to ask Liu Zheng to go down, but Liu Zheng's right hand dropped straight down, then turned around and looked at him, and said with a low expression: "Teacher, I can't answer."

Qiu Wenjie smiled and comforted her: "It doesn't matter. This question is a Mathematical Olympiad question. It's normal that you can't solve it."

Then let her go down.

"It turns out to be a Mathematical Olympiad question, no wonder~"

Liu Zheng, who returned to his seat, looked much better. It was not that our army was incompetent, but that the enemy was too strong.

A smile appeared on Zhao Mo's face, and he thought to himself: "How come I didn't realize before that Laoban is quite good at comforting people?"

He could see that Qiu Wenjie didn't want to undermine Liu Zheng's confidence in the Mathematical Olympiad questions.

"Zhao Mo, why are you laughing there alone?"

Qiu Wenjie stood on the podium, and he could clearly see every action of the students in the audience. Those students who made small moves thinking he didn't know were too young, and he was just trying to save face for them.

Everyone had serious expressions. Zhao Mo was still smiling, so he didn't stand out among the crowd. He noticed it at a glance and immediately changed his expression.

Zhao Mo coughed slightly, suppressed his smile and said, "Teacher, I understand the exercises and solutions on the blackboard, so I am happy."

"Since you are so happy, why don't you answer this question?"

Qiu Wenjie said this, but he was thinking in his heart: "How long have you been working hard for so long, and your grades have just improved, and then your tail is raised? If I don't be strict with you at this time, you will definitely not do well in the college entrance examination."


Li Shijie, who was at the same table, almost laughed out loud, quickly lowered his head and covered his mouth with his hand.

"What tricks is Zhao Mo going to do again?"

Yang Jing was speechless.

For more than ten days, Zhao studied silently. He thought it would continue until the end of the college entrance examination, but he didn't expect that something would happen in class again. "Hey, you are really messing around, and I will be criticized by my boss again~"

Liu Zheng, who had just looked better, turned to look at Zhao Mo, feeling helpless and a little funny. The unhappiness that he couldn't answer just now gradually faded away.

"...It seems I have to strengthen my expression management!"

Zhao Mo was also speechless. Do you still have human rights? You can't even laugh. Do you want to be named and criticized?

Thinking this, he immediately stood up and walked towards the podium.


Now, it was Qiu Wenjie's turn with a question mark on his face. I'm just telling you what the situation is. You really want to come up and solve the problem. Do you know how?

Li Shijie, Yang Jing, Liu Zheng, or other classmates all had shocked faces when they saw his behavior: "Brother, you can tell that what the teacher just said was angry. You should be soft." That's it, why are you taking it seriously and really want to go up and solve the problem? Who gave you the courage?"

Before Qiu Wenjie had time to speak, Zhao Mo had already walked quickly to him, took the chalk and blackboard eraser from the lecture table, first erased what Liu Zheng had written, and then quickly wrote his own answer.

Only then did Qiu Wenjie come back to his senses, frowned and said, "Zhao Mo, what are you causing trouble? Why don't you hurry up..."

Before he finished speaking, he was shocked by what Zhao Mo wrote on the blackboard. The next words were already on his lips and he couldn't say them out.

"...-1<X<0: When, there is also f'(x)=x/(x+1)(x+2)>0, so f(x) increases monotonically on (-1, 0), so……"

Seeing this, Qiu Wenjie knew that Zhao Mo's problem-solving ideas and methods were correct, and his calculations were also correct.

Qiu Wenjie looked at him in surprise, a little lost.

When did Zhao Mo have such a solid foundation in mathematics?Is his learning talent really that strong?
Think about how long it has been since Zhao Mo studied seriously. In just twenty days, he was able to solve all the math problems that Liu Zheng, who ranked first in math in the class, couldn't. This talent for learning is not too strong.

Below, the students in the class were so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths.

The entire Grade [-] and [-] classes were silent.


It wasn't until Zhao Mo finished writing "To sum up, it is proved...", threw the chalk on the desk, and said: "Teacher, the answer is finished", the entire Class [-] and Six of Senior High School seemed to come to life.

Then, the silent classroom immediately fell into a buzzing noise.


"No way~"


"No, is this Zhao Mo?"

"He solved this question, it's so awesome~"

Some people were whispering, and some were whispering to each other. They all forgot that the stern old teacher on the podium was still in class.

In the crowd, Yang Jing's eyes flashed with something special: "His academic performance is getting better and better!"

Liu Zheng felt lost and looked at Zhao Mo blankly: "His academic performance is also better than mine~"

As a tablemate, Li Shijie suddenly showed a deep bitter look on his face after being shocked.

When Zhao Mo returned to his position, Li Shijie suddenly came over and whispered: "Zhao Mo, I regret it!"

Zhao Mo was startled: "What do you regret?"

Li Shijie said: "I regret not studying hard with you. You have changed, and I am still the same as before. You have surpassed me so much."

Zhao Mo glanced at him and replied: "It's okay, there is still a long time. The world is still uncertain, and you and I are both dark horses!"

Li Shijie: "..."

I don't know why, but he was in a worse mood. Zhao Mo should have said words of encouragement, right?
On the podium, Qiu Wenjie coughed a few times, asking everyone to quiet down, and then said: "Zhao Mo's answer is very correct. It seems that Zhao Mo's academic performance has been improving with his hard work during this period. .So, students, don’t give up, as long as you work hard, you will definitely gain something. There is still some time before the college entrance examination, you can still work hard for a while, and your grades can be improved... Okay, now let’s explain this question ~"

Soon, the last two classes ended in a state of absent-mindedness.

As the get out of class bell rang, it was time to eat. Qiu Wenjie did not delay class this time and ended the get out of class neatly.

Most of the students then dispersed.

"Zhao Mo, let's go have dinner together?"

When study committee member Guo Bin went out with the bowls and chopsticks, he walked to Zhao Mo's table and asked him to join him.

Zhao Mo looked up and saw Guo Bin standing in front of him. Next to him were Zhou Xing, Yang Jing and others who had better academic performance. They were all looking at him. It was obvious that they began to regard him as one of them.

Well, one with good academic performance.

"You go first, I'll go later, there are too many people now."

Zhao Mo simply answered and lowered his head again.

Guo Bin's expression changed and he turned around and left without saying anything.

Zhou Xing quickly followed him, and vaguely heard what he said to Guo Bin: "What are you so proud of~"

"Let's go~"

Yang Jing pulled Li Yunxia, ​​who was inseparable from her, and planned to go to dinner.

Li Yunxia smiled and suddenly shouted: "Zhao Mo, let's go have dinner together. Yang Jing said that there is a math problem that she can't solve, and she wants to ask you for help."

Yang Jing immediately became anxious and pulled her out of the classroom: "What nonsense are you talking about~"

She looked left and right and saw that there were not many students in the classroom now. Even so, she still blushed.

However, Zhao Mo did not respond to them and still lowered his head.

(End of this chapter)

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