You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 179 I still believe in science!

Chapter 179 I still believe in science!
The more parameters, the more accurate, and the "smarter" the large model is. This is the powerful learning ability of the neural network architecture!

In the field of artificial intelligence, AlphaGo is the first to succeed in the industry.

However, AlphaGo is only an artificial intelligence that solves specific functions. It can only solve the task of playing chess, so the more it learns, the better it gets, and in the end it far surpasses all chess players.But if you want Alpha Dog to do other things, you don’t even have to think about it. It can’t do it, there’s no way to learn it, and the kernel doesn’t support it.

Later, Apple’s Siri, Xinwei’s Xiaoyi, and Ximi’s Xiaoai became higher-level artificial intelligence and are also widely known life assistants.

Of course, there is no need to compare Siri, Xiaoyi, and Xiaoai with AlphaGo. They are just like a stick and a chopstick. Both are useful, but there is no way to say which one is more powerful.

Before Zhao Mo was reborn, he had developed to the "big model" stage, which was a more advanced artificial intelligence. Some people also said "AI big model".

Its learning ability and intelligence are more advanced, and its underlying architecture is much more advanced.

Zhao Mo pointed out that Professor Yao was responsible for organizing and coordinating the creation of large models. Its learning capabilities were astonishing, including computing power, algorithms, and neural network architecture.

The computing power relies on the supercomputer of the Computer Research Institute. The floating computing power is calculated in tens of trillions, which is far less than the later computing power, but it is barely enough for a large model that only needs to solve one task.In terms of algorithms and neural network architecture, Zhao Mo thought that what they used was more powerful, and the learning ability of the "large earthquake model" created by it was no worse than that of later generations.

"There is no problem with our supercomputer, there is no problem with the neural network architecture, there is no problem with the algorithm, there is no problem with the input geological parameters. So, I think there is no problem."

Facing Tang Yao's extremely shocked question, Zhao Mo did not hesitate and answered him in an affirmative tone.

There was no problem four times in a row, which made Tang Yao feel frightened.

Among the people at the scene, he was the highest-ranking person. He was the first person to know that such a big earthquake was predicted, and now he was under great pressure.

"Cough cough~"

Tang Yao coughed, his face returned to calmness, but his tone became anxious. He turned to Professor Yao and asked: "Professor Yao, what do you think of this prediction result?"

Professor Yao: "..."

What do I think?Of course I am standing, should I still sit and watch?

Of course, it’s definitely not fun to say this.

But it is difficult for him to judge whether this result is right or wrong, because it is not just about a prediction result, it is about thousands of households and national administration, and it affects the whole body.

After thinking about it, he did not answer immediately. Instead, he asked the team to re-enter the data and simulated again.

It was not until after three predictions that there was no difference in the results, and after the problem of the large model was eliminated, he replied with relief: "There is no problem with the large model!"

Having said this is like saying nothing, and not giving a judgment.

However, when Tang Yao heard this, he immediately concluded that Professor Yao was saying that there was no problem with the earthquake prediction results. It was self-evident what this meant.

Earthquake magnitudes are divided into nine levels. Earthquakes less than 2.5 magnitude are basically unfeelable by humans.

Less than level [-] is an ultra-micro earthquake, level [-] to level [-] is a micro earthquake, level [-] to level [-] is a felt earthquake, level [-] to level [-] is a moderate to strong earthquake, and level [-] to level [-] is a strong earthquake.

For every one level difference in earthquake magnitude, the energy released by the earthquake varies by about 32 times.
Tang Yao thought for a while, but he didn't remember that he was not a geography expert, nor was he in charge of local affairs. He was just from the Ministry of Science and Technology, responsible for handling domestic science and technology related matters.

"Wait, yes, I am in charge of science and technology~"

Tang Yao suddenly realized that he should not think about what to do about this possible earthquake here, but should report the matter to the people who can make the decision.

Immediately, Tang Yao looked at the experts on the expert team, took a deep breath, and said to them solemnly: "This matter is of great importance. I ask you to confirm the correctness of the prediction results!"

Among the expert group are Academician Li, the president of Beijing Hangzhou University, Academician Yuan, who works at the Institute of Computer Science and serves as the deputy dean of the Institute of Mathematics and Systems, and Academicians Xu, Academician Chen and others who are engaged in earthquake monitoring research. All of them are Senior expert.But at this moment, facing Tang Yao's request, the expressions on their faces became solemn.

Everyone looked at each other, then stayed and continued to study.

This time, because it was the second review, the speed was much faster.

An hour later, the expert team completed the investigation, discussed with each other, and finally came to the conclusion that the large model was fine and in line with the original design intention. However, because this was the first time this thing appeared, the results were not accurate. They cannot guarantee 100%.

When Tang Yao heard this conclusion, wasn't it the same as what Professor Yao said?

In comparison, Zhao Mo was more certain.

Tang Yao then looked at Zhao Mo again and wanted to ask, but for a moment he didn't know what to ask.

After pondering for a moment, he said: "In this case, Professor Yao, Professor Zhao, experts, please write a report on the relevant issues and give it to me later. I will report this matter today! In addition, this I believe everyone is aware of the importance and impact of the matter, so no one is allowed to reveal the news before the matter is finalized!" He did not want to waste too much time.

Professor Yao glanced at Zhao Mo and quickly agreed: "Okay!"

The expert group was headed by Academician Li and Academician Xu, presidents of Hangzhou University, but this time Academician Li did not speak, but looked at Academician Xu, who agreed: "Okay!"

After we finished talking about this matter, it was already past six o'clock in the evening.

After Tang Yao and the expert team left, the large model team on site immediately became buzzing, and everyone started talking and discussing the matter.

"Our large model will definitely be fine

"Haha, still too young!"


Seeing that there were more and more comments and no one was interested in working, Professor Yao quickly stopped and said: "Okay, okay, stop talking and get to work. By the way, remember not to spread the word to others, as it may cause big trouble!"

Everyone stopped talking and returned to their seats to continue working.

Even so, their hearts are still restless, and their work is far less serious than before.

Professor Yao invited Zhao Mo aside, and the two talked alone.

"You think this result is correct, right?"

Standing in the corridor, looking at the city outside the glass window, Professor Yao sighed, with a very complicated expression on his face, and said: "Like them, I very much hope that this result is wrong. Science and technology, in fact, sometimes It’s not necessarily right, and the problems it can solve are actually very few, and the vast majority of problems cannot be solved.”

Zhao nodded silently.

He knew that the "problems" in Professor Yao's words were not common problems in life, but the deepest problems behind these common problems.

However, he did not sigh with emotion. Now that there is a result, all he has to do now is to stick to the result, that's all.

"me too!"

Therefore, Zhao Mo simply agreed, and then replied firmly: "However, I still choose to believe in science and believe that our research results are correct!"

Professor Yao turned to look at him, suddenly smiled and said: "Zhao Mo, you have done better than us. I see confidence in you. You are always very confident in yourself. This is good. , this is the case for the younger generation. As the great man said, you are the sun at eight or nine o'clock and the future of our country. The more confident you are, the more development and hope our country will have!"

Zhao Mo was startled, then smiled slightly and said: "Professor, let me write the report."

Professor Yao nodded and replied: "Okay, in the name of our team!"

Zhao Mo's movements are very fast, and his movements in writing reports are even faster.

Within an hour and a half, a rigorous and detailed report was written on site, and then the names of Professor Yao, himself, and the team were written on it and sent to the Ministry of Science and Technology as quickly as possible.

At this time, Tang Yao had just returned to his office.

"As vigorous and resolute as ever~"

Tang Yao looked at the young man in front of him. His exuberant energy and bright eyes were impressive, and he could sense his strong behavior.He was not surprised, just sighed.

He knew about Zhao Mo's deeds, as well as the reports from the last time. Zhao Mo never did anything sloppy.He had already heard that the integration of drones and 4G communication technology was almost done. Zhao Mo teamed up with a certain company, telecommunications, and the Ministry of Information to go to the southwestern provinces to conduct complex environmental tests, and also simulated emergency reinforcements and earthquake relief. task.

"Chief Tang, be prepared!"

When leaving Tang Yao, Zhao Mo couldn't help but say something more.

Tang Yao nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, thank you for the reminder!"

Then, looking at Zhao Mo's leaving figure, Tang Yao fell into a brief thought: "Drones, large models, what on earth is Zhao Mo thinking about here?"

That night, two reports were urgently sent to a higher level...

(End of this chapter)

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