You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 174 Only Children Do Multiple Choice Questions, Adults Want All

Chapter 174 Only Children Do Multiple Choice Questions, Adults Want All

Beijing, the Great Hall of the People!

The activities after the award ceremony were even more lively.For most attendees, this is a rare opportunity to expand their network.

Before the official event, everyone met in groups of twos and threes to talk and communicate.

Zhao Mo was no exception. Together with Zhou Zuojian, Academician Gu and others, he also wanted to talk to those big guys, whether it was about life or academics.Among the many seniors at the scene, he saw older scientists such as Yuan Lao, Yu Lao, Huang Lao, Cheng Lao, and General Master Wang, and wanted to get familiar with them.

However, before he had time to act, many people had surrounded him, making him unable to escape for a while and having to stop and deal with these people.

"Professor Zhao, congratulations~"

The teachers and students who arrived at Wudaokou gathered around and greeted him with smiles on their faces. Some looked at the red notebook in Yang Chan's hand with envy.

"Professor Zhao, hello, hello~"

Representatives, engineers, and executives from the three major domestic mobile manufacturers, China Telecom, China Mobile, and China Unicom, as well as Xingxing, Yutong, and Xingwei, came to the scene and gathered around with smiles on their faces.

"Professor Zhao, congratulations~"

Representatives from the General Armament Department, the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other relevant government departments also came over one after another and congratulated him enthusiastically.

"Thank you~"

Zhao Mo responded one by one, with a smile on his face, and his hands kept reaching out, shaking hands, and putting them down, making him feel like he had transformed into a "lucky cat".

Seeing this situation, Zhou Zuojian couldn't help but smile and said to the principal, Academician Gu: "This little guy is much more popular than us~"

Academician Gu smiled slightly and replied: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each wave is stronger than the last~ With him here, our Wudaokou Department of Mathematics can flourish for at least half a century!"

Zhou Zuojian nodded, with a look of joy and expectation on his face.

Yes, with Zhao Mo's current age and achievements, even if there is no further progress in the future, Wudaokou's Mathematics Department will benefit from this for more than half a century!
On the scale of human lifespan, half a century is undoubtedly an extremely long time!

"Shibie Sanri treated him with admiration. I didn't expect him to have grown to such a height!"

On the other side, in the Wudaokou team, Huang Cheng was talking to other people in the team, but he was soon surprised by the situation on Zhao Mo's side and couldn't help but sigh.

He still has a vivid memory of the first time he met Zhao Mo. At that time, Zhao Mo was extremely immature, with a raw look on his face, like a young boy.

But now, Zhao Mo has grown into a mathematician similar to him.Except for the lack of time and academician status, other aspects, whether it is influence, strength, or experience, are basically consistent with him.

Han Lin, deputy director of the Materials Department, heard his sigh and couldn't help but said: "Do you regret even more why you didn't force him to recruit him to Yan University?"

Huang Cheng was startled for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No."

Han Lin was immediately curious and asked, "How do you say it?" He really didn't expect that Huang Cheng would give him a negative answer, which was really beyond his expectation.

Huang Cheng said slowly: "I really wanted to recruit him to Yan University, but now that I think about it, I should say that I was lucky that I didn't recruit him. Indeed, our mathematical strength at Yan University is indeed the first in the country. But the same goes for success and failure, which means we are destined to be unable to concentrate our resources on one person. At this point, we cannot compare to Wudaokou’s investment in his resources.”

Han Lin listened thoughtfully, and Huang Cheng's idea made some sense.

Indeed, the amount of resources invested sometimes does greatly affect a person's growth level.

Afterwards, Han Lin did not continue the topic, but looked at the student Xu Wei standing on his right, who also won the Sloan Research Award years ago, and gestured: "You young people should move around more. Exchange and exchange~”

Xu Wei knew what the teacher meant, asking him to move around and communicate with Zhao Mo more, but he only smiled and had no intention of moving, and then said: "Teacher, he is doing mathematical research, and I am doing material research. and physics research, and I don’t have much research on lithium battery materials, so I won’t join in the fun.”

Han Lin was startled and looked at Huang Cheng subconsciously.

Huang Cheng just smiled and had no reaction.

Han Lin shook his head and said with a smile: "Today's young people, there is a big generation gap with us old guys. Forget it, if you don't want to go, then don't go~"

Huang Cheng: "Haha~"

The two of them naturally understood the meaning of Xu Wei's words.At first it sounds like there's nothing wrong with it, but after a closer look, you can tell that Xu Wei is arrogant and doesn't think Zhao Mo is any better than him.

However, both of them are human spirits. Since Xu Wei said so, it was hard for them to say anything.

Xu Wei has graduated many years ago and now works in the Luzhou "Artificial Sun" team. He has been promoted to an associate researcher. His strength is getting stronger and his spirit is naturally increasing day by day. He is no longer the Xu Wei before.If Xu Wei respects them, they are still Xu Wei's division commanders; if he doesn't respect them, they can do nothing.

Zhao Mo naturally didn't know their reaction. He was talking to someone from Yu Da Zui, a certain Xing and someone from Telecom.

The people who gathered around him to greet them basically knew that he didn't have much time to greet them, so they all said hello, exchanged a few words, and then left.

Only Dazui and the others chatted for a while because it was related to 4G technology cooperation. "Professor Zhao, I read your paper on polar codes. To be honest, I don't understand it very well, but I was greatly shocked. I felt that this paper pointed out the direction for the next generation of information and communication technology. I don't know what it can do. Can you help explain it?"

Everyone in Xingxing was named Zhao and called Mr. Zhao. He just said that he and Zhao Mo might have been in the same family 500 years ago, with a very enthusiastic smile on his face.

After talking about 4G technology issues, he suddenly asked about this paper when he was happy.

However, facing his words, Zhao Mo didn't answer too much. He just smiled politely and replied: "I have already said what should be said in the paper~"

Mr. Xing Zhao was startled when he heard this, and immediately noticed Zhao Mo's coldness.

He didn't quite understand. Didn't he just say it well?Why did you suddenly become so cold when you asked this question?

"Don't you want to talk?"

Mr. Xing Zhao thought for a moment and realized that it was not good to ask again. He immediately smiled and said, "Okay, I will read the masterpiece when I get back." Then he found an excuse to leave.

The people from Telecom also left wisely, leaving only a certain person.

Yu Dazui was a little unresponsive and asked subconsciously: "Professor Zhao, this~"

Zhao Mo interrupted him and said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, pay attention to confidentiality!"

Yu Dazui was startled and was speechless for a long time: "..."

He thought about many reasons, but he didn't expect it to be because of this. For a moment, he didn't know what to say. Should he say that Zhao Mo had a strong sense of confidentiality, or should he say that he was too vigilant, or that he was touched by his love for someone? for trust.You know, the other party is Xinghe Telecom!
"I'm going to meet Mr. Yuan and the others. Mr. Yu, you can do whatever you want~"

Zhao Mo didn't explain too much. After saying something, he turned around and walked towards where Mr. Yuan, Chief Master Wang and others were.

To put it bluntly, Mou Xing has indeed made significant contributions to the country for a long time, but the moment he knelt down in front of America, Mou Xing lost trust in him!

"Mr. Yuan, hello, kid Zhao Mo~"

"Hello, Mr. Yu~"

"Old Huang~"


Zhao Mo found these older generation scientists one by one and greeted them one by one. His bright eyes, warm and strong hands, and slightly bowed body gave these seniors an excellent impression.

"Xiao Zhao, you are very good~"

Then, Zhao Mo received the most praise.

Among these scientists, many are famous and influential, but they did not win the highest award. For example, Yu Lao, Huang Lao and others got it later.Zhao Mo was a little confused before, but now he has figured it out. One is because of historical reasons, and the other is related to the domestic environment. Economic construction is the focus, so scientific leaders in the military industry do not receive awards. The other is of course because they can win this There were many people receiving awards, and everyone was modest, resulting in long queues.

Zhao Mo naturally won't treat these seniors differently because of this matter. He deserves the award because he deserves it, not because these seniors need this award to prove themselves.

Many times, people often think that the other person is great only when they see the awards, but little do they know that this is completely putting the cart before the horse.

On General Master Wang's side, Zhao Mo also went over to have a conversation.

Compared with the stranger he met the first time, General Master Wang's attitude towards Zhao Mo was completely different this time. After Zhao Mo greeted him, he even patted Zhao Mo's shoulder enthusiastically and said, He said with a kind face: "Xiao Zhao, you are very good. How are you studying aerospace knowledge recently? Do you want to build a rocket or a spaceship?"

Zhao Mo coughed, smiled sheepishly and said, "Whether it's building rockets or spaceships, I'm interested. In addition, Commander Wang, I actually want to be an astronaut and go to space to see it myself."

General Master Wang was startled at first, then laughed out loud, pointed at him and said, "Xiao Zhao, you are a bit greedy~"

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "General Master Wang, we young people have a saying that only children do multiple-choice questions, while adults want them all."

Chief Master Wang: "..."

Good guy, you really dare to think!

But then he thought about it, Zhao Mo has always made achievements across multiple majors, and he also heard that Zhao Mo ran a record-breaking 1500 meters in the sports competition in the first half of the year, and his physical fitness is not generally good. , so it’s really not a problem for Zhao Mo to have the idea of ​​“wanting it all”.

In addition, the idea of ​​letting scientists go to heaven is actually very good when you think about it.After all, the astronauts currently selected are not scientists and have great limitations.

So, he was relieved, patted Zhao Mo's shoulder again, and said with a smile: "Your idea is very good. I will write a suggestion and let the scientists go up to the sky to conduct experiments in person."

Zhao Mo suddenly said happily: "That's great~"

The person next to him: "..."

No, you guys who sing along and want to make this a reality just by saying a few words?
Are you serious?
(End of this chapter)

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