You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 172 It doesn’t matter whether you win the prize or not

Chapter 172 It doesn’t matter whether you win the prize or not~
January 2008, 1, a sunny day.

But at six o'clock in the morning, the sky was bright and it was freezing outside. Zhao Mo got up on time as always, woke up Yang Chan, put on their clothes together, and then went out for morning exercise.

"Honey, can't you take a day off?"

Yang Chan said with a coquettish tone, her laziness was very attractive.


Zhao Mo refused without hesitation, and then urged: "Hurry up!"

Yang Chan said "Ouch", twisted on the bed for a while, and continued to act coquettishly: "Kiss me~"

Zhao Mo said disgustedly: "You don't know if you have bad breath? Come on, I'll leave alone if you don't get up~"

"I don't mind your bad breath~"

Yang Chan said with a smile, but she finally sat up from the bed, and then stretched out her hands for a hug: "Hurry up, hug me, kiss me."

Zhao Mo: "But I dislike your bad breath~"

Yang Chan immediately stared at him with wide eyes for a while, then said "Ah", slapped the quilt several times with both hands, and shouted at the same time: "You Zhao Mo, you've just eaten and wiped it all away, then you turned your back and refused to recognize anyone else." Right? I tell you, no way, I must kiss you~"

As she said that, she jumped up from the quilt, frantically trying to catch Zhao Mo.

Zhao Mo laughed, walked over and hugged her like a princess, then kissed her hard on the mouth and said, "Is this okay? My princess wife!"

Yang Chan's body, which had been exerting so much force, suddenly felt weak, and she leaned against him softly, smiling and saying: "That's not bad, I forgive you~"

After a while of fighting, Yang Chan quickly finished changing her clothes and showed off her figure in front of Zhao Mo.

When they were going out, their mother, Hu Yinggang, came out with a vegetable basket from the kitchen. It looked like she was going out to buy something.

"Zhao Mo, you're going for a run today, aren't you going to the Great Hall later?"

Hu Ying asked in surprise when he saw the two of them.

"It doesn't matter. The school will arrange a car to pick us up later. We can go after breakfast~"

Zhao Mo smiled and then asked: "Mom, why don't you sleep a little longer? It's such a winter~"

A happy smile suddenly appeared on Hu Ying's face. Just as she was waiting to reply, her father Zhao Weiguo walked out of the bedroom, breathing heavily and said: "Your mother, I know you are going to the Great Hall to attend the award ceremony. The leader is going to give you an award, but I was so happy that I couldn't sleep all night and tossed and turned, so I got up so early."

Hu Ying glanced at him sideways, the smile on her face remained unchanged, but she hummed: "Who is like you? Your son has won such a great honor, but you, a father, can still sleep like a pig."

Zhao Weiguo's face turned red and he argued: "I'm happy too, but no matter how big the deal is, I have to sleep~"

Seeing the two elders bickering, Zhao Mo and Yang Chan looked at each other, laughed out loud, then ignored them, turned around and pushed the door open and went out.

Dad Zhao Weiguo's sleep quality has always been very good, and Zhao Mo seems to have inherited this. No matter in this life or in the previous life, if something big happened, Zhao Mo would fall asleep after a while as long as he fell on the bed.

An hour later, the two came back from their morning exercise.

Yang Chan was dripping with sweat as she ran, panting heavily, and her face was red.

On the other hand, Zhao Mo only blushed and was breathing heavily, with some beads of sweat on his forehead. He had no other reaction at all, as if he was just warming up.

Although this was not the first time Yang Chan had seen it, she still couldn't help but exclaimed: "Brother Mo, your physical fitness is so good!"

Zhao Moxiao asked: "Is it really okay? I don't know who said I was bad last night!"


Yang Chan suddenly became angry from embarrassment, stared at him and said: "You are going to die, even if you say such a thing~"

Zhao Mo laughed and was about to speak when he saw six people standing in front of his door from a distance. They were all wearing work clothes and suits. There were men and women. They were surrounding his mother Hu Ying and the aunt next door. He didn't know what they were talking about. Something, his expression suddenly changed.

"what's the situation?"

Zhao Mo signaled to Yang Chan, and then ran forward quickly.

Yang Chan's expression also changed and she immediately followed.

When they got closer, the two people immediately frowned when they heard words such as "apology", "bad influence", "call the police", etc.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

Zhao Mo walked over, separated his mother Hu Ying, the aunt next door and the six people in work clothes and suits, and then stood in the middle.

He glanced over and saw that all six of them had "Some Beauty" badges on their bodies, and he suddenly found it puzzling that his mother and the aunt next door were also members of Some Beauty.

"I don't know. I didn't say anything, but they came to my door and asked me to apologize, saying that I had said bad things about them. Really, I had already become a member with them. What bad things did I say about them~ "

Hu Ying was very angry and accused these people.

"Auntie, isn't that the case? You told others that our certain beauty couldn't survive and was going to go bankrupt..."

Among the six people, a young man in his early twenties immediately retorted.

However, before he finished speaking, the middle-aged woman in the lead suddenly changed her expression and pulled him back. Then she bowed slightly to Zhao Mo and Hu Ying, and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, Professor Zhao. We made a mistake, I'm sorry for causing you trouble, we're leaving now~"

After saying that, she quickly turned around and left with her companion.

Zhao Mo: "..."

He probably knew what was going on.It seems that he told his mother Hu Ying before that the beauty is still okay in the past two or three years. Hu Ying told others when he went to the beauty. It may have been passed around randomly, and it turned out that the beauty was about to close down. , and then someone from the United States found out about it, and came to ask for an explanation today.

Judging from the reaction of the middle-aged woman just now, it was obvious that after recognizing him, she felt that she could not afford to offend him, so she apologized decisively and retreated, which was also smart.

Zhao Mo felt speechless for a while, and then asked his mother and the aunt next door carefully.

Without the presence of a certain beauty, the two of them became much calmer, told the truth, and soon made things clear.

The truth was just as he expected, a certain beautiful person came to his door because of this!
"Why are they like this? Mom just said that there was nothing wrong with the beauty in the past two or three years, but she didn't mean that they will collapse now. Why do they have the nerve to come and ask for an explanation? We must sue them!"

After hearing this, Yang Chan said angrily, directly standing on the same front as her mother Hu Ying, sharing the same hatred and hatred.

Zhao Mo coughed and said, "Okay, I will take care of this matter. Mom, don't go to them anymore~"

Hu Ying was still very angry: "I will never go again."

Yang Chan glared at him, still aggrieved.

Zhao Mo had no choice but to explain to Yang Chan after returning home and said: "This matter ultimately boils down to me. Those words were spoken by my mother and I. Unexpectedly, the three of them turned into tigers, which made my mother feel a little wronged."

Yang Chan was immediately stunned.

After reacting, he said with amusement: "Fortunately it's just a small matter, and thanks to your great reputation, Professor Zhao, otherwise you will regret it. In the future, you still have to be careful with your words!"

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "Yes, yes, my wife taught me a lesson~"

Half an hour later, the pick-up car from Wudaokou arrived.

After having breakfast, Zhao Mo and Yang Chan took Zhao Lan with them, and the three of them got into the car together.

Originally, Zhao Mo wanted to take his parents with him. After all, this was the Great Hall, and going there would make his face look brighter.Unfortunately, the number of people was limited. Zhao Weiguo and Hu Ying also said that they would cause trouble for him and just take Zhao Lan to see the world, so they had to give up.

"Brother, sister-in-law, will we meet the big boss later?"

"Are there going to be a lot of scientists later?"

"Are there many reporters?"

"Are we going to be on TV?"

"Which channel is it? Can my classmates see me on TV if I go?"

In the car, Zhao Lan asked questions like a curious baby.

Yang Chan smiled and said: "Everyone can see it. When the time comes, many people will be on TV. People all over China and the world can see you."

Zhao Lan exclaimed "Wow", her face turned red with excitement.

Zhao Mo smiled slightly and said: "Xiaolan, study hard in the future, and you, like me, come here to receive the award."

Zhao Lan immediately nodded and said: "Okay, okay~" with a look of admiration on his face.

Yang Chan rolled her eyes at him.

Although he didn't say anything, Zhao Mo could tell that he was telling him not to draw cakes randomly.

Zhao Mo coughed and turned his head away.

The vehicle drove at a steady speed and brought them to the Great Hall on time.

After getting off the bus, under the guidance of the staff, the three of them were guided to the Wudaokou team. Among them were the principal, Academician Gu, and Zhou Zuojian of the Department of Mathematics.

After greeting a few people, Zhao Mo introduced his sister Zhao Lan.

Zhao Lan's good looks and well-behaved nature naturally won the favor of these seniors, who all praised her.

"Why don't you see Professor Yang and Professor Yao?"

Zhao Mo turned around and looked around and found that some people were missing, so he asked Zhou Zuo in a low voice.

Zhou Zuojian turned around and looked around, but didn't see the people he was asking about, so he shook his head and said, "I was just called to have a private conversation, and we should still be talking now."

Zhao Mo nodded.

Zhou Zuojian said in a low voice: "In fact, your ABC conjecture proves that this year's Natural Science Award should be yours. Domestic mathematicians including Academician Li and Academician Wu have expressed their support for you. But you don't have to think too much, If I didn’t give it this year, I will definitely give it to you next year.”

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "It doesn't matter whether you win the prize or not. What matters is that you can be called to have a private conversation."

Zhou Zuojian immediately laughed and scolded: "You kid..."

But before he could finish his words, the staff member who had just guided Zhao Mo over suddenly brought another staff member over to them. He came to Zhao Mo and said, "Professor Zhao, someone wants to see you. Please follow me." Come~"

Zhou Zuojian: "..."

Good guy, whatever you say.

It seems that the higher-ups value this little guy Zhao Mo very much.

Talking alone is something that many scientists would never dare to think about.Now a young boy like Zhao Mo has done it!

Zhao Mo was stunned, and then his heart skipped a beat: "Am I now at the pinnacle of my life?"

(End of this chapter)

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