Chapter 165 High Energy Physics
Beijing, Wudaokou, in an introduction to aerospace class.

"Aerospace is a product of our human expansion, one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century, and its social impact in all aspects."

"What is aviation? The navigation activities of aircraft within the earth's atmosphere must have an air medium; what is aerospace? It refers to the navigation activities of aircraft outside the earth's atmosphere, also known as space flight or aerospace navigation."

"As everyone knows, our country's lunar exploration satellite Chang'e-10 has been launched. It was launched on October 24. Not long ago, on November 11, it returned the first signal from a lunar orbit 26 kilometers away from the earth. A picture of the lunar surface. What does this signify? It signifies the complete success of our country's lunar exploration project, and it also signifies that our country has entered one of the few countries in the world with deep space exploration capabilities... It can be said that aerospace science Technology is highly integrated modern science and technology, a jewel in the crown of high technology!”

Zhao Mo listened to the class and took notes.

There is no doubt that this course is an applied course, not basic research.

"The jewel in the crown? There are pearls everywhere~"

Occasionally, Zhao Mo also smiled knowingly.

If you say this is a breakthrough, he will say that is a pearl. Anyway, there are pearls everywhere.Zhao Mo sometimes wondered whether these people were real, triggered by machines, or lurkers.

The aerospace major covers a wide range of subjects, but for Zhao Mo, the most difficult part of mathematics is not a problem, so learning is extremely efficient.

After the class here ended, Zhao silently left the classroom and turned around to go to the physics department.

"...I hope you can learn a little physics knowledge and a little calculus. What I want to talk about today, calculus, is America's textbook HRW Appendix E. Review what you have learned by yourself , if you haven’t learned it before, you should pay attention to those formulas~”

"Of course, if you don't understand anything, you can also ask Professor Zhao Mo, who came to the classroom today to listen to the lecture. He is an expert in mathematics~"

In Professor Yang's physics class for undergraduates, he was explaining slowly and calmly. During this period, he suddenly said this sentence and pointed to the front left position under the stage.

"Ha ha……"

The dark classroom full of people suddenly burst into uproar. The people present either laughed out loud or whispered to each other, and at the same time they all looked over.

In that position, Zhao Mo looked like he was listening carefully to the lecture: "..."

Good guy, it’s not easy to listen to a class, and you have to be arrested?

Professor Yang continued his lecture with a smile on his face, but his words switched to English: "But I also want you to learn some English, I understand some of you woul be able to understand my English..."

While Zhao Mo was listening hard, his mind was spinning rapidly to understand what Mr. Yang was saying in English. At the same time, he also sighed, "I can't accept it. How old is Mr. Yang, and his English is still so good?"

He also noticed one thing, that is, when Mr. Yang spoke in English, his speaking speed was deliberately slowed down because he understood it.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Mo’s English proficiency is good at reading and writing, but his listening and speaking skills are relatively poor. He listens to English classes alone. Once the other person speaks too fast, he will be very struggling and has to speak. Slow down the playback speed to suit your brain's reaction speed.

The morning passed by in a flash, fulfilling and wonderful.

Now, Zhao Mo no longer maintains his "iron will" for learning, but has turned it into an interest and hobby, because the more he studies, the more he can feel the happiness brought by knowledge.

Or rather, the joy that comes from the sense of accomplishment of exploring unknown territory.

When get out of class was over, Zhao Mo and Professor Yang walked together and walked out of the classroom first.

After them, the students got up and left in twos and threes.

"How have you been studying these days?"

Walking on the road, Professor Yang asked Zhao Modao.

Zhao Mo smiled and replied: "It's been a great harvest~"

Professor Yang nodded: "It's good if you can gain something. Although physics nowadays is becoming more and more detailed, many of them are connected by analogy, and if you study it deeply, you will actually reach the same goal through different paths..."

Zhao Mo nodded in agreement.

After chatting about their studies, the two then chatted about some developments in physics in recent years. Basically, Professor Yang was talking and Zhao Mo was listening.

As he spoke, Professor Yang talked about the "Higgs particle", the God particle, and said optimistically: "...After the LHC in Europe is repaired, the first test should be carried out in March next year, and it is expected to be found."

LHC, the Large Hadron Collider in Europe that many people are familiar with, is a circular accelerator, a high-energy physics equipment that accelerates protons into collisions. It was built in the Jura Mountains on the border of Switzerland and Gaul. It is more than 100 meters deep underground and has a total length of more than 27 kilometers.

The LHC does not belong to any country alone. It is an international cooperation plan, jointly funded and built by universities and laboratories belonging to more than 34 physicists in 80 countries.In order to build the LHC, more than 7000 scientists and engineers from more than [-] countries around the world were brought together, which can be called the pinnacle of human cooperation.

Zhao Mo didn't know much about the LHC before. When he did know about it, it was from media reports on the Internet. There were a lot of nonsense in them. They also said that the energy of this thing was too high, and that the collision of protons might create a black hole and then destroy the world.

Now, of course, Zhao Mo knows that these media reports are pure nonsense. If this thing reaches the sky, there will be some accidents, and some money and time will be lost. How can it be like the Big Bang?
"The Higgs?"

Zhao Mo recited this word several times. He doesn’t know whether the Higgs particle was discovered at the LHC. In his previous life, he was completely unable to reach the heights he is at now. Moreover, he did not major in physics at university, and he has been busy with work after graduation.Anyway, there have been fewer and fewer reports of the LHC in the media since the nonsense about "generating black holes". Most of the domestic media have reported on industrial pearls, especially lithography machines.

For this kind of basic research, the media really can't show any interest in reporting it.

For the public, this thing is also unclear. For similar basic science videos on Douyin, high-like comments in the comment area are often "What is the use of this thing?"

Now, of course he knows something about this thing. The correct name should be the "Higgs boson". It was predicted by John Bull scientist Peter Higgs in 1964. It is a piece of the puzzle of the Standard Model. It has not yet been discovered. .

The purpose of the construction of the LHC is to study high-energy physics, of which the "Higgs particle" is definitely a very important exploration target.

"There is no problem with the theory. The discovery of the Higgs particle is inevitable."

Zhao Mo smiled and agreed.

Professor Yang nodded and suddenly asked with interest: "Are you interested in taking a look then?"


Zhao Mo was immediately surprised.

Professor Yang smiled and said: "There is a team participating in Wudaokou, led by Professor Gao Zhiqiang. If you are interested, I recommend you to go along and give full play to your talent in mathematics. It is also a kind of exercise~"

Zhao Mo coughed, smiled sheepishly and said, "Of course I want to go, but is this appropriate?"

Professor Yang laughed and said: "There is nothing appropriate or inappropriate about this~"

Zhao Mo quickly expressed his thanks and then said: "It's a pity that it has to go abroad. It would be better if it was built in our country."

There is no problem for Professor Yang to recommend someone to go there.

And listening to his words, Professor Yang was suddenly speechless: "..."

Good guy, how afraid are you of going abroad?

Then, he remembered that Princeton had invited Zhao Mo to be an exchange student several times before. A professor there named Wells even came over to find Zhao Mo, and Zhao Mo firmly refused.

When he heard the news, he didn't think it was anything important, but looking at it now, Zhao Mo's choice was not simple.

After thinking about it, he wanted to ask Zhao Mo why he didn't want to go abroad, but he gave up after thinking about it. Everyone has a secret. If you don't want to go, just go. It won't have any impact on Zhao Mo anyway.

Zhao Mo did not go to Princeton, but stayed in China, at Wudaokou, and still achieved his current achievements, far exceeding 99.999% of Princeton teachers and students.

Then, he talked about something else: "The electron-positron collider we have in China is enough. There is no need to build such a large collider. It is not cost-effective."

"There's no need for that at the moment~"

Zhao Mo nodded and agreed again.

As a latecomer, he knew clearly that Professor Yang's decision was undoubtedly the right one.

This matter became a hot topic in the news for a while. Some scientists proposed to spend 2000 billion to build a particle collider with greater energy than the LHC, but Professor Yang and some other scientists strongly opposed it.In the end, there was indeed no construction or planning in the country.

In fact, there were not many achievements in high-energy physics in the next 20 years, at least none that could lead to major theoretical changes. Many of them were validating theories from decades ago. Some were successful and some failed, but in the final analysis, The input far outweighs the output.

"Don't use this 2000 billion to compete with a certain big company's [-] trillion. If you take it, you will win~"

Zhao Mo laughed secretly.

Of course, it cannot be denied that a larger-energy particle collider will have a huge impact on the research of high-energy physics, but it is really not that urgent, and we can wait until the economic volume increases to a higher level before doing this.

So it is not necessary for the time being.

Zhao Mo has his own judgment. Ten years later, when industrial upgrading is in full swing, it can be planned and constructed when facing various difficulties. The construction of this thing alone can boost the domestic economy.

Professor Yang moved very quickly. That afternoon, when Zhao Mo was busy with his research, Professor Yang gave him the information and asked him to find a time to get to know Professor Gao's team.

"March? The big model team should have produced results by then, right?"

Zhao Mo planned his time.

(End of this chapter)

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