You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 163 Professor Zhao is indeed much better than me

Chapter 163 Professor Zhao is indeed much better than me

General Equipment Department, subordinate R&D department.

Feng Xin went to work as usual. When he arrived at the door, he met Li Gang, who was also an associate researcher. The two had a very good relationship. They were both colleagues and classmates in college. They were true buddies. Their work and rest routines were basically the same.

As soon as they met, Li Gang asked him about an annoying thing at work: "Old Feng, hasn't your super battery project started yet?"

Feng Xin took a bite of the steamed bun in his hand and replied angrily: "Are you tired of being asked this every day? Are you bored? If you are bored, go and study your graphene. Maybe you will be the next Nobel Prize winner. ”

He has always been responsible for battery research and has made great contributions to the equipment department.

But since the last time Chief Zhang Wenfeng came back from his trip to Wudaokou, their General Equipment Department has been criticized, saying that the battery technology outside has advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching a very advanced level, leading them by who knows how many years, and he has become depressed along with it.

He has not been criticized. After all, he is a scientist who has made contributions. He cannot deny his previous achievements just because the current technology is inferior to others. That would be too unfair and too utilitarian.

Indifferent and unkind, it is chilling!

However, not mentioning it above does not mean that Feng Xin has no ideas. He is depressed about why the technology he has studied for decades suddenly becomes outdated?

Logically speaking, the technology they master should be the most advanced in the country at present. It is impossible for the private sector to have more advanced technology than them. Normally, it should be one to two generations behind them.

Even in Wudaokou, if there is new and advanced technology there, they will know about it in advance.

But in the end, others had come up with new technologies, and they didn't even know about it, which made him a little bit defensive.

Later, when I checked, I found out that it was the "genius boy" Zhao Mo who published two papers related to lithium batteries in the top international journal "Advanced Materials".

He somewhat understood, but was also deeply confused.

The reason is also very simple. He has read and verified those two papers. They are indeed very good. However, he thinks that it is impossible to rely on those two papers to guide the production of high-energy lithium batteries with the current technical level. It is impossible to do it, because these two papers are only a small part of the theoretical research on lithium batteries, and other theories are still lacking.

Zhao Mo did it under impossible circumstances. He really didn't know what to say.

The only possibility he could think of at the time was that Zhao Mo deliberately hid other theories.

However, when he studied the battery that Zhao Mo gave to Chief Zhang Wenfeng, he regretfully found that Zhao Mo's new battery only applied a small part of the theory in the paper, and most of it applied existing theories, and then used ingenious methods. This is achieved through new processes in architecture and materials.

Of course, while regretting it, he was also thinking, why didn't he think of it?

So, after analyzing the samples, he came up with the idea of ​​making a new super battery and mentioned his idea to his superiors.

His superiors confirmed his idea and convened relevant departments to evaluate it together.

Just when things were going smoothly, and he and most people thought that this "super battery" project would be launched and led by him, news came that shocked everyone. Zhao Mo, the "genius boy" who proposed a new lithium battery theory, proved One of the major conjectures in mathematics is the ABC conjecture!

Soon, the "Super Battery" project was established, and the leader was unanimously identified as Zhao Mo by superior departments and related departments, who believed that Zhao Mo was the most suitable candidate.

Feng Xin was depressed again. He actually lost the election. He couldn't compare to an outsider?
Now, some time has passed since this decision was made, and the General Armament Department also organized a team to hand over to Zhao Mo, with Feng Xin as his deputy.

As a result, Zhao Mo never came, and the project was still waiting to be started.

Then, this guy Li Gang would ask and expose his scars every day, as if he was afraid that he didn't have enough complaints in his heart.

Li Gang was obviously used to his retort. Not only was he not angry, but he smiled and said, "Don't worry, since Professor Zhao has said that graphene is the development direction of lithium batteries in the future, the research on graphene There will definitely be results, it’s just a matter of time. Just wait, I will definitely win the Nobel Prize in Physics.”

Feng Xin curled his lips and said to him in a disdainful tone: "You speak of Professor Zhao. People who don't know would think you are his student."

Li Gang laughed loudly and said: "Those who are successful come first, what does it matter?"

Feng Xin thought that his best friend would be thick-skinned, but he didn't expect him to be so thick-skinned. He was stunned and subconsciously raised his right middle finger.

After joking with each other, the two walked to their work stations to prepare for today's research work.

Feng Xin continued to study his battery. Regardless of whether Zhao Mo came or not, as the deputy of the "Super Battery" project, he believed that he had to take certain responsibilities and do what should be done and what could be done first.

Li Gang continued to study graphene. It is a star material. Many people are studying it, and the General Armament Department is no exception.

However, before the two of them started working today, a call came to Feng Xin.

"Feng Xin, come to the conference room~"

A superior's voice came over the phone, his tone urgent.

Feng Xin was startled and immediately said "Okay".

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, a voice continued to come from the phone: "Is Li Gang with you? Call him and come with us!"


Feng Xin was surprised, and then looked at Li Gang.

"I'll go as well?"

Li Gang also looked surprised and couldn't help but said: "Is your super battery project about to start? But that's not right. Why did you call me on your project?"

Feng Xin shook his head: "You'll know if you go there~"

As they spoke, the two took their notebooks and pens and quickly walked to the conference room.

When the two arrived, the door to the conference room was closed, and two staff members were guarding the door.Upon arriving at the scene, Feng Xin was directly allowed to go in and find a seat to sit down. However, Li Gang was stopped and a confidentiality agreement was given to him to sign, telling him to sign it first before entering.

Both of them were confused by this move, and they felt that the matter this time was a bit bigger than they imagined.

Li Gang did not hesitate and signed his name with a pen, even showing a hint of excited smile on his face.

After finishing their work, they entered and found that many people were already sitting inside, including their superiors and some people from the General Armament Department.

"He is the person in charge of the super battery project!"

Feng Xin whispered next to Li Gang, and then he and Li Gang found a seat to sit down, sitting on the right hand side of their superior.

Li Gang nodded and replied: "I really guessed it! Maybe, Professor Zhao has made a real graphene battery this time."

Feng Xin: "..."

Good guy, can you deduce from this?

Graphene batteries, crazy!
He actually has some speculation in this regard, but his reason tells him that this is not realistic, because there is no theoretical support for real graphene batteries, and there are many difficulties. The industry generally believes that it will take at least ten years before real application!
After them, people came into the conference room one after another, all from the super battery project team.

After 10 minutes, no one came in.

The convener, who was also their superior, stood up and signaled someone to turn on the projection. At the same time, he picked up the microphone and began to say: "I'm calling everyone here this time. Professor Zhao's design plan has been completed and was sent over this morning. Because of something It’s very important, so I invite everyone to come and take a look at it together. I won’t say much more, so let’s take a look at the information first~”

The projection was turned on, and a report appeared on the white screen. The title of the report was "Technical Solutions for Super Batteries". It was simple and clear and could be understood at a glance.

The author is Zhao Mo.

Scroll down, and the content of this plan, which is taken very seriously by superiors, immediately appeared in everyone's eyes.

Feng Xin glanced at it and was immediately attracted by the three frequently appearing words "solid state", "graphene" and "lithium air" in the content.

Instantly, he felt an uncontrollable tremor coming out.

He suppressed his trembling and tried to read the plan carefully. Starting from the beginning, he looked back word by word.

However, he soon succeeded.

After just reading one page of the plan, he could no longer hold back the trembling. He stood up from his position with a "bang" and exclaimed in disbelief: "How is this possible?"

As he exclaimed, there was a series of noises in the conference room. They either stood up like him, or suddenly leaned back and almost fell to the ground. Then the teacups and pens on the table either vibrated or fell. on the ground, and then made a noise.

Suddenly, the entire conference room became noisy.

"Calm down, everyone~"

The convener frowned and said something.

"How can you calm down like this?"

Feng Xin groaned in his heart. The technical solution in front of him was really outrageous. How could this be possible?
All-solid-state graphene lithium-air battery, is this a design that people can come up with now?
"Leader, how can we be calm about this? If this is true, it is a real graphene battery. This is a design that is at least ten years ahead of the world. It is a technology of the future. How can you tell us to calm down?"

Li Gang on the side was already shouting, with a mixture of excitement, doubt and disbelief on his face.

Li Gang's words represent his voice, as well as the voices of the researchers who came to the scene and have only now seen the data.

After Li Gang, everyone started shouting.

Some said it was unbelievable, some said it was impossible, some said it was a fantasy... Anyway, no one could remain calm.

However, the convener remained calm and said: "No matter how incredible this plan is, we have to read the information before talking about it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone finally calmed down a lot from their excitement, and then continued to read the information.

Soon, one suspicious voice after another sounded.

"Why is this here?"

"No, it doesn't make sense here~"

"Wait a minute, can topological insulators still be used in this way?"

"Incredible, it seems logically correct~"


Gradually, the voice changed, not only the tone but also the content.

Because they found that this plan was not only theoretically advanced, but the technical means to implement the theory were also very advanced, and it was extremely detailed.

After all the information was read, the scene fell into a brief silence.

"Professor Zhao is indeed much better than me~"

Among the crowd, Feng Xin sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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