Chapter 160 Cleared level LV8!

The next day, a certain person visited the R&D center in Beijing.

"Professor Zhao, welcome~"

This was what Mr. Ren said when he saw Zhao Mo for the third time. He had a warm smile on his face. After Zhao Mo got off the car, he immediately came up to him, stretched out his right hand, and put the other hand behind his back.

There is no doubt that Zhao Mo was moved. This level of attention was too high. No wonder so many high-tech talents were willing to surround a certain person.

Even if we put aside Mr. Ren’s identity as the founder and core leader, as an old man, Mr. Ren’s identity to greet his ordinary visit with such great courtesy is enough to show the degree of importance.

Mr. Ren is the same age as Zhao Mo’s grandfather. In a traditional cultural society that respects the elderly and loves the young, this is the highest etiquette!
"Mr. Ren, you are so polite, I'm embarrassed to get out of the car~"

Zhao Mo quickly walked up to him and shook hands with him to show respect.

As for what Mr. Ren did behind his other hand, it was just a normal reaction.Zhao Mo has seen photos of Mr. Ren meeting with many leaders. There are many postures with hands behind his back and arms folded, no matter what kind of leader you are.

"Professor Zhao~"

"Hello, Professor Zhao~"

After President Ren, many senior executives from a certain company came to greet him, all with enthusiasm on their faces.

Zhao Mo saw the person in charge of Chip Mousi, one of the rotating chairman and others, but unfortunately he didn't see Yu Dazui, he still really wanted to see the one who was far ahead.

"Hello, hello~"

After greeting them one by one, Zhao Mo and the following Gu Rong, Zhou Wenli, Li Longjie and others were welcomed in by Mr. Ren. However, they did not go to the reception room, but were directly welcomed into the 4G technology research and development team. , take them to see the progress on site and explain the progress.

Yu Dazui was not with the R&D team either. Mr. Ren explained that he was on a business trip to Europe.

Zhao Mo felt a little regretful, but then he listened carefully to the introduction of 4G technology by a certain team and demonstrated some functions on the spot.

It can be seen that Huawei's research and development on 4G technology has reached a critical node and is only one step away from success. The data transmission capability alone can be clearly seen on the test machine that it is not much different from the later mature 4G performance.

Zhao Mo got started and experienced the Internet access function on the test machine. He suddenly felt that he was back to the stage of browsing the web in later generations, and he was very excited.

"Okay, great, great~"

Zhao Mo was filled with admiration and said to Mr. Ren: "Mr. Ren, I can't wait. This will be something that will take us and us to the top of the world!"

Mr. Ren smiled and nodded, but then waved his hand and said: "This is not what will take us to the top of the world, but the polar code and future 5G technology you proposed, Professor Zhao!"

Zhao Mo was startled when he heard this, but soon realized the meaning of Mr. Ren's words, so he smiled sheepishly and said, "Yes, the success in front of you is nothing, and greater success is yet to come."

4G technology is basically based on the information theory proposed by the West, and most of the patented technologies are in the hands of Western companies.Even though Huawei is the first in the world to develop 4G technology, its share of patents is still not comparable to that of Western companies.

Only 5G, which is completely developed based on the polar code he proposed, can truly break the Western theoretical and technological monopoly, and we can have an advantage in patent share.

Therefore, only polar codes and 5G are the things that will lead to the top of the world!

After the visit, the two parties entered the conference room for a meeting.

At the meeting, Gu Rong and Zhou Wenli proposed to do work based on Wei's unfinished technology and asked Wei for his opinion.

A certain company originally meant that the technology provided must be mature and leading, so it has not been provided, but now that Zhao Mo’s team has mentioned it, and it is only one step away from success, after some discussions, I feel You can provide it first so they can start research.

Gu Rong and Zhou Wenli were naturally overjoyed and quickly expressed their thanks.

Zhao Mo was also very happy, and after a quick visit, the research and development progress was advanced a little.

Subsequently, the two parties discussed cooperation matters.

Zhao Mo is not responsible for the details, Yang Chan will handle them properly.

Zhao Mo put forward a new demand to Mr. Ren at the meeting: "...I also developed a large fixed-wing unmanned aircraft with the purpose of building a communication platform for disaster relief. The plan is also very simple, that is, to combine the base station with Transport it to the sky and transmit the network from the sky, so that network communications can be restored if the ground base station is damaged. In this regard, your company is the only one."

Hearing these words, everyone present at the meeting looked surprised.

This idea does not break people's perception, but for a simple university research team to study this thing is really beyond the scope and beyond their understanding of university research teams.

Mr. Ren was also very surprised and couldn't help but ask: "Can you tell me the reason?"

Zhao Mo smiled heartily: "As a research and development team from a top domestic university, in addition to promoting scientific and technological progress, a larger part of our research work must also bear social responsibilities!"

Mr. Ren looked at him with a strange look in his eyes, and his face was touched. He said slowly: "I agree with your point of view. This is the most precious wealth left to society and the world." . Unlike today’s Internet, where people complaining and saying weird things all day long are poisonous!”

Zhao Mo thought to himself: "It seems that Mr. Ren has been unhappy with the Internet for a long time~"

Without waiting for him to say anything, Mr. Ren then agreed to his new cooperation project and said: "We will definitely participate in this cooperation and go all out. We have enjoyed the dividends of social development and we also have social responsibilities." Yes, we must repay society. If we are a technology company, we should use technology to repay society.”

"That's great. With Youwei's participation in this project, success is just around the corner~"

Zhao Mo immediately expressed his gratitude.

That morning, the two parties reached an agreement on this new cooperation matter.

Therefore, for Zhao Mo, whether it is the research of large models or drones, everything is ready, and he can immediately enter the actual combat phase.

After returning to Wudaokou in the afternoon, Zhao Mo went to the large model to follow up on the progress, and then went to attend an afternoon of classes, one in physics and one in aerospace.

In the evening, he wrote reports in the office until ten o'clock in the evening. He first sent Yang Chan back to his dormitory, and then returned home.When he got home, Zhao Mo did not rest immediately, but continued to study.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock that he ended his day's work and rest and fell asleep.

The next morning, I got up early to do morning exercises.

So again and again~
In a blink of an eye, November has passed and December [-]st has arrived.

This day was the celebration day when Wudaokou awarded him a doctorate degree and hired him as a professor to stay at the school.Early in the morning, Zhao Mo got up calmly and continued his morning exercises.

After finishing the run, Zhao Mo walked home at a brisk pace, sweating and steaming. Zhao Mo felt refreshed all over, and he could feel the improvement in his physical fitness.

"Good morning, Xiao Zhao~"

"Professor Zhao, morning~"

"Brother Zhao, good morning~"

In the community, people came and went, and men, women, old and young all greeted him warmly.Although Zhao Mo is a bit serious and too steely, he has a good temper, is famous, and is still very popular.No, the older ones are called Xiao Zhao, the middle-aged ones who know his identity are called Professor Zhao, and the children younger than him are called Big Brother.

Zhao Mo responded to them with a nod, a faint smile on his face.

Before he reached the door of his house, from a distance, he saw his mother Hu Yingzheng and the aunt next door chatting and walking towards the house. The two were now so familiar that they almost became sisters.

Just as he was about to quickly go up and say hello, a voice suddenly rang in his head.

It was the sound of the system, the sound of the system that had not sounded for a long time.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the six months of morning exercise unshakably despite all the wind and rain. I will be rewarded with a blind box. Please confirm whether you want to open it?"

"Just a blind box?"

Zhao Mo thought curiously. He didn't care about the scarcity of rewards this time. Anyway, as he continued to upgrade, the system master's rewards were becoming less and less.

Of course, the most important thing is that the morning exercises for these six months are to complete the BUFF, not to complete any tasks, nor to persist on my own initiative.

He looked at the attribute panel of the system, where the BUFF of "No woman in mind, training the god of nature" had disappeared, replaced by the fact that his physical attribute data had finally reached its peak.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV8(18891/100000)
Strength: LV7(10170/10000)
Agility: LV7(9838/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (9870/10000)

Attribute Points: 3000
Looking at this gorgeous attribute panel, Zhao Mo's slight curiosity turned into extremely happy. Without hesitation, he allocated the 3000 attribute points that he had previously won the mathematical modeling competition championship, maxing out agility and endurance points respectively. I paid 10000 to meet the upgrade conditions, and then ran back home.

"Hey, Zhao Mo~"

Behind him, his mother Hu Ying's shouting came, but it quickly disappeared. Apparently she saw that he was anxious and thought something was wrong with him, so she stopped disturbing him.

First I took a shower and changed my clothes.

Zhao Mo then returned to his room, closed the door, lay quietly on the bed, and chose to upgrade.

In silence, he only saw a soft white light flash by, and his three attributes of strength, agility, and endurance were upgraded to LV8.

Zhao Mo waited for a long time, but there was no reaction at all, not at all. His body did not feel anything strange, as if these three attributes had not been upgraded.

Zhao Mo: "That's it? No way?"

Good guy, other people's system upgrades are not earth-shattering, but at least they have to give a response, such as washing the hair and cutting the marrow. How come he has nothing?
As a result, he lay stupidly on the bed and waited, fearing that something would happen during the upgrade process, but nothing happened.

Zhao Mo hit the bed and immediately got up to have breakfast. He would have to go to school later to get his doctoral diploma and professor appointment letter.

"What happened just now?"

At the dinner table, his mother Hu Ying asked him.

"It's nothing, I just feel sticky and uncomfortable. I want to take a shower soon~"

Zhao Mo thought of a reason and replied, and refreshed the attribute panel in his mind.

{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV8(18891/100000)
Strength: LV8(170/100000)
Agility: LV8(0/100000)
Endurance: LV8 (0/100000)

Attribute Points: 2708
Prizes: a damaged laser gun; a wireless charger; a bottle of Qingning spray (80ml); a chance for inspiration

Main mission: Become a great scientist on the level of Qian Xuesen and Einstein!

Side mission one: Wenchuan earthquake rescue, mission completion rate: 0%!

Side mission 5: Take a spaceship to outer space to conduct research, valid for [-] years!
Active side mission [-]: Complete the PhD degree in aerospace and physics, the mission period is one year!
The level has been improved, but all require [-] experience points to upgrade, and the difficulty of upgrading is exponentially higher than before.

(End of this chapter)

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