You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 158 Talking about physics with Professor Yang

Chapter 158 Talking about physics with Professor Yang

Physics is one of the most cutting-edge and important subjects and sciences.

For those who study physics, except mathematics, other subjects and sciences are ignored.

Although this statement, or this fact, is too arrogant, judging from the annual Nobel Prize award results, this is not arrogant at all, but rather modest.

For example, the sad chemistry prizes are basically given to physics.

Of course, it would be wrong to say that it has nothing to do with chemistry, at least it has something to do with it.To put it more forcefully, this award was awarded to science, not physics.

But it can also be seen from this that the strength of physics is evident.

Chemistry is about studying elements, but if you study deeper, they are particles after all, and they still belong to physics.

It is only in the face of mathematics that physics will lower its proud head a little.

In Wudaokou, physics is the largest department, and other universities are similar, such as Yanda University.

However, the Department of Physics still recommends Wudaokou first, because there is a great god here: Professor Yang!
Professor Yang's status in the scientific building of physics is unquestionable. He is one of the top people. His peers are only Newton, Einstein and others.

Of course, to those who dislike him, this is all bullshit. They only focus on Professor Yang's private life and talk nonsense.

"Zhao~Professor Zhao, Professor Yang, please come over~"

After arriving at school, Zhao Mo saw that he was free today, so he planned to attend a physics class. He had been busy since signing up and had not had time to attend a class yet.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he left the office, a woman came over to look for him. When he saw her, he immediately spoke.

It was obvious that she originally wanted to call him by his first name.

Zhao Mo didn't pay attention to these details. He recognized who this person was. He was someone close to Professor Yang.

Although he was a little surprised that Professor Yang wanted to find him, he was still very happy to be able to talk to the physics master in person, so he immediately agreed: "Okay, do you want to go now?"

The woman smiled and nodded: "Yes~"

Soon, Zhao Mo followed her to Professor Yang's office and met Professor Yang, whose hair was mostly white.

Zhao Mo's mood fluctuated slightly, but he soon regained his composure. After saying hello with a smile, he found a seat to sit down at Professor Yang's wave.

Professor Yang is 85 years old this year. There is an adjective in ancient times: "Old Age".

Ordinary people at this age are already deaf, blind, toothless, and confused, but Professor Yang is energetic and has clear thinking. He does not look like an octogenarian at all, but rather like an elder in his [-]s. .

Professor Yang expressed his happiness at his decision to study physics and said: "...the twentieth century is basically based on basic physical systems, such as time, space, motion, energy, and force. In the 21st century, and even in the future, The century will also be the century of physics. I am very happy that you can join the research of physics. This means that the building of physics has gained new strength!"

Zhao Mo smiled sheepishly: "Mr. Yang, you are serious~"

He didn't expect that Professor Yang was so confident in physics and was very optimistic about him.Although this is far from being flattered, it still makes me feel very happy to be recognized by a physics master like Mr. Yang.

Then, Professor Yang asked him about his thoughts on studying physics. He told him honestly. He didn’t say anything grandiose about it, like “for the stars and the sea,” he just said he was interested.

Professor Yang expressed his approval: "Interest is the prerequisite for learning. Only when you have interest can you study hard and learn."

After a conversation, Zhao Mo asked Professor Yang about how to learn physics, the basics of physics, and the challenges faced by physics.

Such a large experience package would be a waste if not triggered.

Facing Zhao Mo's questions, Professor Yang seemed even more happy, thinking that he was very studious and showed his determination to learn physics well, so he patiently explained: "... What is matter studied in physics? , is what is going on in the world, what is the final structure. After matter are molecules, after molecules are atoms, then electrons, atomic nuclei, and then neutrons. For example, the world is a building, and the bricks that make up the building are What, bricks are elementary particles; the second thing is how do these bricks stick together and what force makes them stick together. These are the most basic questions in physics and the two most important core questions..."

It must be said that Zhao Mo was greatly impressed by Professor Yang's clear thinking.

What's more, Professor Yang is indeed a great figure in physics. He explained the most important part of physics clearly in a few words, allowing Zhao Mo to understand it instantly.

Zhao Mo had a feeling that Professor Yang was simplifying things, extracting the core things from the complicated world and putting them in front of him.

During this period, Professor Yang talked about the four forces, which Zhao Mo had seen when watching popular science propaganda.

"... Universal gravity, the earth revolves around the sun, the moon revolves around the earth, Newton wrote its basic structure, which is inversely proportional to the square of the distance; the other force, the electromagnetic force, today's telephones and networks are all based on electromagnetic force Basically, Maxwell wrote its basic structure, Maxwell's equations; there is also force, which is the force of the nucleus. There is a basic structure in this equation, which was written by Mills and me..."

Professor Yang's speech was also very clear, and there was no slur in his speech that could not be heard.

Zhao Mo could only be more impressed when he heard this.

Look, this is a big deal. There are only four kinds of power, among which power is the basic structure I wrote.

In the world of mathematics, the proof of any conjecture accomplished is completely insufficient to compare with this theoretical achievement, unless he proposed one of the most basic methods in mathematics.But this is basically impossible.

As for the challenges faced by physics, Zhao Mo has only listened to it as a concept so far. Professor Yang actually didn’t talk much about it.After all, he is just getting started, and it is still too early to challenge the big problems in physics.

Grand unified theory unifies the four fundamental forces; quantum gravity issues, the unification of quantum mechanics and general relativity; dark energy, the origin and evolution of the universe, etc.

Speaking of this, Professor Yang is also a little helpless. Since entering the 21st century, physics has encountered great difficulties in theory, making it almost impossible to move forward.It's a pity that he is old and no longer has the active thinking and vigorous energy of his youth, so he can no longer take a step forward.

After talking for about half an hour, seeing that Professor Yang was a little tired, Zhao Mo also knew that it was time to withdraw, so he stood up and left.

"Einstein regretted his mathematics back then, saying that it was a pity that mathematics was not good enough. Zhao Mo, your talent in mathematics is very strong, which is very helpful for the study of physics. I think you can make great achievements in physics. A great contribution~”

Professor Yang finally said this with hope.

Zhao Mo quickly expressed that he would work hard, then opened the door and went out.

Was Einstein bad at math?

Just say this at the level of the big guys. Don't tell ordinary people. If you tell them, they will think that Einstein's mathematics is at the elementary school level, and they will think that the idiotic news that Einstein was a math idiot when he was a child is true. Not false.

Einstein himself did say that mathematics is not good, but this is compared with great gods such as Gauss and Riemann, not with ordinary people!

Hot knowledge, Einstein's mathematics is "mathematician" level!
In the afternoon, on the unmanned aircraft team's side, before the fixed-wing unmanned aircraft began test flights, Yang Chan, who had returned from participating in the International Information Olympiad, also came to the scene.

"How about it?"

Zhao Mo asked her.

Yang Chan smiled happily and said: "It's not bad, I won the third prize!"

Zhao Mo congratulated her and said, "That's awesome. Congratulations. You are one step closer to becoming a female scientist."

Yang Chan rolled her eyes at him, turned to look at Gu Rong who was busy, and asked in a low voice: "Let's not talk about it anymore. I heard that you studied physics. On the first day of class today, Professor Yang asked you to talk?"

"The news spreads so fast~"

Zhao Mo smiled slightly and then nodded: "I talked with Professor Yang for a while."

A trace of surprise flashed across Yang Chan's face, and she asked again: "What were we talking about? Did Professor Yang ask you when you will have physics results?"

Zhao Mo: "..."

Good guy, are you treating me like a jingle cat?Can you get whatever you want?

But then I thought about it, couldn't it be that he was so awesome that they all formed the mindset that he could do it?

So, he stopped complaining and just said: "We didn't talk about much. We just talked about the study of physics and how to learn physics well."

Yang Chan clicked her tongue and said in surprise: "Look at this treatment. Professor Yang teaches in person. It seems that Professor Yang attaches great importance to you."

"It's okay~"

Zhao Mo replied casually.

Yang Chan smiled "hehe", then stopped chatting and ran to Gu Rong's side to help.

With the experience of test flight of multi-rotor unmanned aircraft, the preparations for the test flight of fixed-wing unmanned aircraft have been very sufficient.Not only did they apply for a test flight in advance, but they also found a dedicated test flight venue. After checking all the equipment, they pulled over the large and small bags. It was impossible to tell what they were from the outside.

Two hours later, at the dedicated and confidential test flight venue.

Looking at the assembled large and powerful fixed-wing unmanned aircraft and stroking the cold body, Zhao Mo couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"So powerful~"

This was their first time watching the full version, and they couldn't help but praise it. Even Yang Chan, Gu Rong and other girls couldn't help but their eyes lit up.

The development of fixed-wing unmanned aircraft is more difficult than that of multi-rotor unmanned aircraft.

It’s not the software difficulty, which is basically the same and can be modified and adjusted on a unified flight control platform, but the hardware difficulty.

Therefore, in the development of this fixed-wing unmanned aircraft, in addition to members of their drone team, they also requested the assistance of many teachers and students in the aerospace major. Under the appearance layout plan given by Zhao Mo, they continued to optimize and adjust. Just made.

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(End of this chapter)

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