You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 156 Let’s change the track

Chapter 156 Let’s change the track~
"Build a completely open source, free reduced instruction set architecture?"

After listening to Zhao Mo's plan, Liu Qiang was really hard to understand, and his face suddenly showed a complicated expression, ranging from confusion to confusion.

Zhao Mo nodded and replied: "Yes, completely free."

As a latecomer, Zhao Mo is somewhat different from the ethos of this era, but his advantage is that he has strong learning ability and can understand.

Our country is a latecomer in the process of economic development. In the process of catching up, everything must serve economic development. This is reflected in its impetuousness, doing whatever it takes to make money, floating on the surface, floating on the middle and low end, which leads to everyone None of them are willing to sink their minds to do research, especially basic research.

As a result, appropriationism prevailed.

The reason why Academician Ni failed, and the reason why Hexiang kicked Academician Ni out of the competition, was not something that Hexiang and Liu could do alone. It was caused by the entire atmosphere, or the entire situation.Of course, later on, people disliked a certain idea, not just because he wanted to kick Academician Ni away, but more importantly because after he succeeded, he still did not make progress or engage in technological research and development. This is disgusting.

When it comes to trade, industry, and skills, most people think the same way as a certain person, only taking the first two words and completely losing the "skills" at the end.

What others have researched has not yet been commercialized and can be used directly. Why do we have to work so hard on research and development?Why bother?
Think about it, one side is easy to use; the other side is a heavy investment that may not yield results. Which one do you choose?
Therefore, being superficial and unwilling to engage in basic research and development is a common problem in our country during this period.

Even later.

Zhao Mo knew from one glance at Liu Qiang's reaction that Liu Qiang was the same.

The so-called open source, free simplified instruction architecture is the most basic research and development, and it is basic research in the computer field. I don’t know if it has a future.

Liu Qiang didn't understand his thoughts, which was also expected.

"A certain person is in the minority after all~"

Zhao Mo was thinking in his mind, but he didn't show any negative emotions on his face and looked very calm.

Liu Qiang calmed down, and finally couldn't hold back the confusion in his heart, and asked him: "Why did you choose to do this? This is purely for public welfare."

Zhao Mo replied: "The Internet era is an era of sharing. Do you believe that I am interested in building this kind of free architecture?"

Liu Qiang: "..."

Nonsense, I definitely don’t believe it!

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "The main purpose of building an open source architecture is to promote the development of domestic computers and the upcoming mobile Internet. In these two fields, our country is a follower, and foreign countries do not think highly of us. , saying that we have not made any contribution and have been taking advantage of them. In this case, I was wondering if we could make some contribution in this area? So, after Academician Ni came to me that day, I considered doing this."

This was an idea he came up with after considering it.

It will be difficult to break through if we take over the Ark CPU and continue to engage in the computer field.

If we had to make a breakthrough, the resources invested would be unimaginable and not cost-effective. After all, the current situation is relatively peaceful and not so urgent.

Moreover, the future is the era of mobile Internet, not the era of PC.

"That's it~"

Liu Qiang suddenly realized that he still agreed with this statement.

If anyone else said it, he wouldn't believe it, but if Zhao Mo said it, he would believe it.Take a look at the research that Zhao Mo has done since he became famous. All of them are public and basic research, such as information encoding schemes and lithium-sulfur battery theory.

Not to mention that Zhao Mo did not take the initiative to do this, but Academician Ni found Zhao Mo, and Zhao Mo had the idea.

Therefore, it is completely reasonable and credible that Zhao Mo now plans to build an open source streamlined instruction architecture.

Liu Qiang thought of their situation and then asked: "So, you want to expand research and development on Ark CPU technology?"


Zhao Mo admitted directly and added: "If this architecture is developed successfully, everyone can try it for free. Your company is close to the water, first come first, why not?"

Liu Qiang thought for a while, and it seemed to be the reason.

However, he was really reluctant to contribute the technology completely for free.

Zhao Mo saw his concerns and said with a smile: "The technology of Ark CPU is your hard work. We can give you some financial compensation, but it's not much. It also depends on how much money the country can approve for this project. I hope you can understand."

Liu Qiang smiled helplessly, neither agreeing nor rejecting, but continued to ask: "Besides the two of us, are there any other teams involved?"

"Of course!"

Zhao Mo replied without thinking: "I am going to contact some universities and some technology companies in society, such as Wudaokou, Yanda, Weiwei, Computer Research Institute, etc."

Liu Qiang was stunned when he heard this, and thought to himself: "Is this the card of a great person?"

He had never thought that Zhao Mo could not gather so many people, so in his opinion, everything Zhao Mo said would become a reality.

When I think about it, many universities and technology giants at home and abroad are gathered to develop an open source streamlined instruction architecture. Regardless of whether it can be successful, this posture alone makes people tremble.As for whether it will be successful?With so many forces working together, there is no possibility of failure.

"If that's the case, I promise!"

Liu Qiang thought for a while and decisively agreed.

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "That's great, thank you Mr. Liu!"

Liu Qiang said: "You're welcome, just contribute to the country!"


On the other side, the Ministry of Science and Technology. "Academician Ni, the Ark CPU has failed. You have to admit failure and stop thinking about the country spending money to invest in this big hole. The country is using money everywhere, and there is really nothing we can do~"

Facing Academician Ni's "asking for forgiveness", the higher-ups also had a headache.

An old man in his 60s could not even scold or hit him. He was afraid that his heart would not be able to bear the harshest words.

The person in charge, Tang Yao, could only say some helpless words to make Academician Ni retreat.

After listening to Tang Yao's words, Academician Ni looked ashamed and quickly said it was his mistake, but then said: "The Ark CPU failed, but the domestic CPU did not fail, it just encountered a little setback. Knowing that we are willing to If you study it, there will definitely be a way."

Tang Yao: "..."

How can it not make sense?

After thinking for a while, he turned to say: "Domestic CPUs have not failed. Don't you think Loongson is developing quite well?"

As soon as these words came out, Academician Ni was speechless. Can this be confused?

So he immediately said: "Loongson is for military industry and confidentiality projects. This is completely different from Ark CPU. What I am talking about now is CPU for consumption and people's livelihood."

"The failure experience of Ark CPU tells us that facing the Winter Alliance, which has formed a complete ecological chain, we have no chance."

Tang Yao shook his head, and finally said coldly: "You have failed, and Yan Dayongzhi has also failed. Both lines are not working, which means that for now, this road is unworkable, give up!"

Yan Dayongzhi's team and his Ark CPU team entered this field at almost the same time. They were also very popular at the beginning, but it died down not long after, and now it has completely disappeared and is unfinished.

Academician Ni was speechless for a moment.

After all, both are projects with only investment but no profit.

Returned in despair again!

Standing outside the building, looking at the same gloomy sky, Academician Ni became even more disheartened and lost his mind: "It seems that we have really failed!"

Jingle Bell……

At this time, the phone rang suddenly, waking him up from his daze.

I took out the phone and saw that it was Zhao Mo calling!
Academician Ni's face suddenly showed a hint of joy, but it quickly dissipated and turned into helplessness again: "So what if he agrees? Looking at the leader's resolute attitude just now, even if I join him in lobbying, I'm afraid It’s useless, the project still won’t be restarted.”

He answered the phone and said frankly: "Xiao Zhao, I may disappoint you. I just found the leader. His attitude is very firm and he does not agree to continue the research and development of Ark CPU."


In the office, Zhao Mo was startled at first, and then he understood. He knew that Academician Ni had misunderstood, so after he finished speaking, he immediately said: "Mr. Ni, it's okay, I'm looking for you this time because of this matter. , but it actually doesn’t have much relevance. Where are you? I’ll go over and talk to you in person.”

Academician Ni didn't know why. Out of guilt in his heart, he quickly said: "No, I happen to be on the way. I'd better go to Wudaokou to find you."

Zhao Mo smiled and said: "Okay, then when you arrive, give me the message and I will go out to pick you up."


Academician Ni agreed.

More than an hour later, Academician Ni arrived at Wudaokou by car and was personally welcomed into his office by Zhao Mo.

Academician Ni looked at Zhao Mo's spacious office with a happy look on his face. Suddenly he remembered something, clapped his hands and said, "Oh, look at my memory? Xiao Zhao, you were hired as a professor by Wudaokou, and I haven't even done it yet." Congratulations, you came here empty-handed today, you really shouldn’t have~"

"Mr. Ni, it's my greatest congratulations that you can come to my place. I am so radiant~"

As Zhao Mo spoke, he poured a cup of hot tea for Academician Ni.

"Thank you~"

Academician Ni reached out to take it and then sat down.

Zhao Mo then expressed his thoughts and said: "At present, the ecological environment has been taken over by the Winter Alliance, and we have no chance. Therefore, I think what we have to do now is to make preparations, accumulate strength, and wait and see. opportunity."

Academician Ni felt extremely disappointed with his plan, but he was also a little surprised. No wonder he said it had little to do with the Ark CPU.

One is doing open source reduced instruction architecture, which is basic research; the other is doing specific CPU, which is specific applications. The two really have little to do with each other.

He had to admit that Zhao Mo's idea was indeed unique and more "solid".

"Wait and see when is the right time? Do you think we have a better time in front of the Winter Alliance?"

However, Academician Ni did not support this very much and asked rhetorically.

"Of course there is!"

Zhao Mo smiled calmly and replied: "In 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, the iteration and update of science and technology are getting faster and faster! The current Winter Alliance is indeed too powerful to defeat, but what about changing the track? I think then We can definitely defeat them."

Academician Ni listened thoughtfully and had a vague feeling in his heart, but he couldn't understand it at once.

Until Zhao Mo added: "This track is the mobile Internet!"

Academician Ni was completely shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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