You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 145 What associate professor?If you want to give, give the right thing!

Chapter 145 What associate professor?If you want to give, give the right thing!
Wudaokou, at the school meeting.

After the school affairs meeting, the principal, Academician Gu, did not announce the adjournment of the meeting as usual. Instead, he asked everyone to stay for a while, and then raised a topic: "Zhao Mo from the School of Mathematics has graduated with an undergraduate degree. Zhou Zuojian has already told him, Ask him to stay at the school to teach, and recommend him to teach in the School of Mathematics. Personally, I think there is no problem at all, but he then suggested that Zhao Mo be directly awarded the rank of associate professor. Because the matter is serious, I ask everyone to discuss it together. Discuss~"


"Are you crazy?"

"It's impossible!"

"Zhao Mo is just an undergraduate~"

"Isn't this a random invitation?"

"How old is he?"


As Academician Gu expected, after the topic was raised, it immediately aroused opposition from the vast majority of people present, and there was still strong opposition.

Because there is no precedent!

Zhao Mo is just an undergraduate. No matter how outstanding he is, if he stays in school to teach after graduation, he will definitely be given the status of a teaching assistant. I believe that few people present have an opinion on this. After all, Zhao Mo has always had outstanding achievements, but How is it possible to directly give associate professor level?

Academician Gu's face was calm, with no sign of emotion or anger. He turned to look at the people present, and then saw Vice President Chen. The other person's face was hesitant, and he was hesitant to speak, obviously he had different opinions.

"Vice Principal Chen, what do you think?"

Academician Gu passed over the others and directly asked Vice President Chen by name.

Vice President Chen was startled for a moment. He did have different opinions, but he was only in an administrative position, and being in Wudaokou was just a transitional position. He was about to transfer to a government unit, so although he had different opinions, he actually didn't want to say that he could I didn’t want to offend a large number of people in the school before I left.

But now, since Academician Gu asked, he had no choice but to remain silent, so after hesitating for a moment, he still said: "Whether you teach or be given an associate professor, I think it's fine. Science and technology are the primary productive forces. The ancients said that eclectic promotion of talents, and giving high positions or high salaries to those with strong scientific research capabilities, will represent attention. Fame and fortune must be taken first, right? Otherwise, it will be profitable but not profitable, and famous but not famous. Who is willing to stay with those who are strong in scientific research?"

As soon as these words came out, many people immediately began to think deeply, obviously thinking that these words made sense.

Think about it, how can a genius like Zhao Mo, who has made many outstanding achievements, not be arrogant?

If you don't need fame and fortune to settle him, will he stay easily?
Is it possible to learn from the 70s and [-]s and rely on faith?
Wake up, times have changed, it’s the 21st world now!
"That's not right!"

However, I still disagreed with his point of view, and then retorted: "Schools are different from society. Schools must have the purity of schools. Teachers are sacred, how can they be measured simply by fame and fortune? Is there really fame and fortune? Only then can we recruit good teachers. If we don’t have fame and fortune, we can’t recruit good teachers? Or can’t you see those gentlemen who don’t care about fame and fortune, just to teach and educate people?”

As soon as these words came out, not only did Vice President Chen change his expression, but so did the principal, Academician Gu.

When Academician Gu was about to speak, Vice President Chen sneered and spoke before him. He said: "This hat is too big for me to wear! Teaching and educating people does have some sacred attributes. Many gentlemen are not for Teachers come from fame and fortune. However, can we deny fame and fortune as they deserve because they don’t care about fame and fortune? More than 2000 years ago, Confucius criticized Zigong’s behavior of not taking gold. Is it possible that after more than 2000 years, , do we want to repeat this mistake?”

"Aren't you messing around?"

The man's expression immediately changed and he snorted angrily.

Vice President Chen was also annoyed and was about to fight back again.

"Okay, no need to argue, it's already gone off topic."

Academician Gu quickly tried to smooth things over, and then said: "Let's get back to the topic. Since everyone has different opinions, let's vote by a show of hands, and the minority obeys the majority. Now..."

bang bang bang~
However, before he could finish his words, there was a sudden knock on the door of the conference room, interrupting his words.

Dean Gu frowned, an unpleasant look flashed across his face, he was interrupted at the critical moment.

"Come in~"

Dean Gu could only swallow his original words and then spoke.

The next moment, his secretary hurried in, with an expression of excitement and disbelief on his face. Before he arrived, an anxious voice rang out: "Principal, what a great event. Zhao Mo has completed the proof. In mathematics, At the conference, the proof of the ABC conjecture, which has troubled the mathematics community for more than 20 years, was completed~"


Academician Gu didn't react for a moment.

But someone in the conference room reacted. Many younger people stood up from their seats as soon as they heard the voice. They looked at his secretary in disbelief, their eyes widening. Yuan: "What are you talking about?"

"It's the ABC conjecture. Zhao Mo completed the proof of the ABC conjecture!"

The secretary repeated it in an accentuated tone, dancing and dancing as he spoke, as if not doing so could not release the excitement in his heart.

Only then did Academician Gu react. He couldn't help but stand up and asked with a shocked look on his face: "Are you sure it's the ABC conjecture? Are you sure it was done by Zhao Mo?"

The secretary nodded sharply and replied decisively: "Yes, I'm sure, Director Zhou has called me, taken pictures and sent me messages!"

At this point, he realized that his "evidence" had not been produced, so he hurriedly opened the phone on his hand and showed the received pictures to Academician Gu.

Academician Gu couldn't wait to take his phone, and then looked at it carefully.He looked at each photo very carefully.

Then, he read Zhou Zuojian's message again, and it was exactly as the secretary said.

"Principal, Director Zhou should have sent you a message, but you are in a meeting, so~"

The secretary reminded me at this time.

Academician Gu woke up from a dream and reached into his pants pocket to take out his phone and look at it.

When he looked up, he saw that there were people all around him. They were all shocked and gathered around to take a look.

Academician Gu smiled helplessly and amusedly, and said, "Don't worry, I'll find it and let's take a look together~" Then he took out his mobile phone.

Sure enough, Zhou Zuojian gave him information and even called him, but none of them got through. They were all missed calls, four in total.

It is an old tradition to turn off your mobile phone during meetings.

Soon, Academician Gu submitted Zhou Zuojianfa’s pictures and information and shared them with everyone in the conference room.

Only then did everyone realize that such a huge event had occurred at the mathematics conference at the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics next door. Zhao Mo, their undergraduate graduate from Wudaokou, had completed the proof of the ABC conjecture in public!
Just now, they were still talking about how to treat Zhao Mo, especially since most of the people present had just criticized Zhao Mo.

For a moment, everyone was silent!

Even if they are not mathematics majors, with their current knowledge base, they know the importance of the ABC conjecture in the mathematical world and know what kind of shock it will cause if one person proves the ABC conjecture.

This not only affects the country, but affects the whole world.

"This~ this is unscientific!"

The person who objected the most just now was also stunned. When he came to his senses, he lost his previous momentum, but he was still questioning.

Yes, it’s so unscientific!


So many mathematicians, both at home and abroad, can't figure it out. You can figure it out as an undergraduate. This is not scientific at all!
He is skeptical.

After questioning it, he was afraid that this sentence would make him fall into a whirlpool, so he quickly added: "I don't know whether this proof is correct or not."

Vice President Chen sneered and said directly to him: "There are so many mathematicians present, including Academician Yan An, Academician Li Qian, and our country's leading figure in mathematics, Academician Wu Wenjun, who are all happily applauding to congratulate him. Can't they see that Zhao Mo Is the proof correct or wrong? Or is your mathematical level much higher than that of Academician Wu and the others?"


The man was immediately speechless and stopped talking angrily.

He observed that except for him, everyone at the scene no longer supported him and went to support Vice Principal Chen.

In fact, as he saw, no one present supported him anymore.The reason is very simple. In the photos received by Dean Gu, it is obvious that Academician Wu Lao and other top domestic mathematicians are applauding and congratulating Zhao Mo. This cannot be faked. This illustrates Zhao Mo from the side. Proof of correctness.

"Unbelievable! Incredible!"

"How did he do it?"

"I take back what I just said. Nothing is impossible in this world. If anything is possible, it means that I have limited knowledge."

"You live a hundred years in vain if you are ignorant, and you live a hundred years if you are ambitious!"


Everyone present sighed with emotion and no longer rejected Zhao Mo just now.

Even when Academician Gu was happily about to announce the end of the meeting, someone suddenly said loudly: "Principal, I think it is feasible to promote Zhao Mo to associate professor in the School of Mathematics of our school. I personally agree with this!"

Then, more and more people said "I agree", "I agree", "I have no opinion".

A look of relief gradually appeared on Dean Gu's face. He pressed his hands and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

After everyone calmed down, he slowly said: "I agree very much with what Vice President Chen said just now, which is to promote talent in an eclectic way! As China's top university, our Wudaokou, in this new century where competition is becoming more and more fierce, You must have the courage and courage to be the first. I propose that Professor Zhao Mo be directly awarded the title of Professor! Why do you want an associate professor? Why should you be an associate professor? If you want to value talents, then directly make him a full professor! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent.

Vice Principal Chen also fell silent: "..."

Good guy, who just said that he couldn't make up his mind and wanted everyone to discuss it?

Now you dare to directly decide to award him a full professor?

(End of this chapter)

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