Chapter 141 Winning!

On November 2007, 11, the China Mathematics Conference was officially held. Its full name is the Tenth National Congress of the Chinese Mathematical Society and the 2 Academic Annual Conference.

As an academic conference with a strong professional nature, it is naturally impossible to get out of the circle. People don’t like to watch it and find it boring, so the media naturally doesn’t report it much.However, in terms of influence, it is a very important conference for the entire Chinese academic community. It is not just a gathering of big names. Most of the attendees are senior government officials, big names in the science and technology industry, various universities or groups, or people from large companies. It will influence the Chinese academic community and even the scientific and technological circles in the future for decades.

Because of the awards presented at this conference, each recipient will be a rising star in academia, becoming a high-level executive in academia and even government, possessing an influence that ordinary people cannot reach, and creating innovations that change lives and change society. scientific research results.

The opening ceremony was hosted by Guo Lei, dean of the School of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the ninth vice-chairman of the Chinese Mathematical Society.

The speeches were delivered by the president and past presidents of the Mathematics Council; those present to congratulate him were the Vice Minister of Education, Secretary of the Association for Science and Technology, President of the University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Director of the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Natural Science Foundation of China, Director of the Basic Bureau of the Academy of Sciences, and the National Award Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Director, President of the Academy of Sciences and other big shots.

"The strength is still weak~"

In the audience, looking at the big guys speaking on the stage and sitting in the audience, Zhao Mo was not too cautious, but secretly sighed in his heart.

Although these people in front of us represent the highest level of Chinese mathematics, and they are the mathematical talents that our country's development can really rely on, but compared with foreign countries, whether it is measured from the perspective of individual mathematicians or the overall mathematics level, in fact we are It is weaker than abroad.

Coupled with the tradition of foreign monks chanting sutras, if any famous foreign mathematician comes to China, his salary will be greatly improved. The level of the boss who comes to congratulate will only be higher, not just an educator. Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance.

Of course, the level of officials has nothing to do with the mathematics conference. This is a highly professional conference, and it only needs the presence of domestic mathematics leaders.

After the speech, the main event began: the award presentation.

There are three awards in total, which are also three heavyweight mathematics awards in China, namely the Hua Luogeng Mathematics Award, the Chen Shengshen Mathematics Award and the Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award.

The awards are awarded every two years, and the awards were awarded in 2005, so there were no awards last year, and they were scheduled to be awarded in 2007 this year.

This time it is the 11th Hua Luogeng Mathematics Award and the Chung Jiaqing Mathematics Award, and the [-]th Chen Shengshen Mathematics Award.

These three awards cover three generations, old, middle and young, and can be said to take care of all groups.Among them, the Hua Luogeng Mathematics Award is awarded to mathematics researchers over 50 years old, with the meaning of a lifetime achievement award; the Chen Shengshen Mathematics Award is for young and middle-aged people, and the Chung Jiaqing Mathematics Award is for the younger generation.

"The winners of this Hua Luogeng Award are Yan An and Li Qian!"

The first one to be awarded was the Hua Luogeng Mathematics Prize, which was given to a double-yolked egg.

As the sound fell, the two old men walked to the center of the stage and solemnly received their awards from the hands of academician Wu Wenjun, a leading figure in mathematics.

"Two academicians won awards~"

Zhou Zuojian introduced these two people to Zhao Mo, and they became familiar with each other. The former was an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the latter was an academician of Fudan University.

He was more impressed by Academician Li Qian, because he had heard of him in his previous life and had been reported by the media many times. He was a famous mathematician who studied under the famous mathematics master Su Buqing.

Then, the Mathematician Chen Shengshen was awarded.

"...the winners of the Chen Shengshen Award are Zong Ming and Liu Jimin!"

As usual, it's a double yolk egg.

Then, Zhao Mo saw two middle-aged men in their prime step onto the stage. Among them, Zong Ming was a professor at the School of Mathematics at Yanda University, and Liu Jimin was a professor at Jinling University and Luo Jihao's mentor.

Zhao Mo's face moved slightly: "The teacher won the Chen Shengshen Award, and I won the Zhong Jiaqing Award. It is indeed a bit of capital."

Zhou Zuojian asked him in a low voice: "How are you doing? Do you have any thoughts?"

Zhao Mo turned to look at him, smiled slightly and said: "It's not bad~"

Zhou Zuojian laughed and shook his head, then said: "Get ready, be energetic, it's your turn soon."

He glanced at the location where the visitor from Jinling University was. There, everyone at Jinling University applauded enthusiastically, with happy smiles on their faces.Especially Naluo Jihao, he even set his sights on them.

I thought Zhao Mo would react, so I had to explain it, but I didn't expect Zhao Mo to act like a normal person.

"I'm worrying too much~"

he thought to himself.

Zhao Mo had no idea that he had thought so much at this moment. After listening to his instructions, he just said "hmm" and then looked at the stage again.

For Zhao Mo, doing his own thing well is the most important thing, and other people don't matter at all.

Soon, the award came to the last one.

As the host revealed the final mystery, the list of winners of the [-]th Chung Jiaqing Mathematics Award was finally announced and appeared on the big screen at the right time: "...there are Dina, Duan Yuanjun, Deng Haiwei, Wang Yong, Luo Jihao, Wang Huayuan, Zheng Feifan, and Zhao Mo!"

The last one, "Zhao Mo," was spoken in the loudest voice, with a particularly emphatic tone.

Luo Jihao's originally smiling face suddenly showed some displeasure when his name was also read out. He suspected that the emphasis on the tone was intentional, which meant that the council valued Zhao Mo particularly this time.

"This is my first major award!"

Zhao Mo had no such boring thoughts at all. At this moment, his mood was exciting, but at the same time, it was heavy and difficult to describe.Even though I knew I would win the prize, when things came to a close, my emotions still couldn’t calm down.

As he stood up and walked quickly to the stage, Zhao Mo took a few deep breaths, adjusted his emotions, calmed down his face, and controlled himself well.

This is not a dream, the achievements made in these days are obvious to all!
This time, the Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award is a tribute to him and a recognition of his achievements and academic level by the Chinese mathematics community!

clap la la...

There was a warm round of applause, which was given to Zhao Mo and the eight young people who won the Zhong Jiaqing Mathematics Award.Among them, the oldest is no more than 30 years old.

The youngest one is Zhao Mo, who set a record this year!

Receive the award and take photos.

Zhao Mo followed the procedure and completed the steps step by step. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to go down with the other seven.

"Zhao Mo, please stay for a while..."

The host Guo Lei suddenly stopped him and even walked to him and pulled him straight to the center of the stage. Then he looked at the people in the audience and spoke: "This is Zhao Mo, the youngest winner among this year's winners. He is just this year. The other winners are all doctoral students, and he is the only one who is an undergraduate. But he has already achieved remarkable results in the field of mathematics, including computer sensitivity conjectures, lithium-sulfur battery topology applications, new information encoding schemes, etc. It is the hope for the future of our mathematical community..."

He first praised Zhao Mo fiercely, and after eliciting another round of enthusiastic applause from everyone in the audience, he handed the microphone to Zhao Mo and said, "Zhao Mo, please give your acceptance speech."

Zhao Mo: "..."

Why don't you play your cards according to the routine?
The normal process is that it is not his turn to speak at this time. Normally, after all the awards are given, the two academicians who won the Hua Luogeng Award will be invited to give their keynote reports first, and then the other winners will make reports, and then there will be group reports. It seems that the core of this conference is awards and academic exchanges.

However, since Guo Lei, the big boss host, asked, he was right.

After just a moment's hesitation, he took the microphone and said naturally: "Thank you to the council for awarding me this award, thank you for your recognition; thank you to my alma mater Wudaokou and my high school alma mater Pingfu No. [-] Middle School for your training. , that’s why I am what I am today…”

It's quite satisfactory, not out of the ordinary, and fits the Chinese tunic suit he's wearing.

Zhao Mo, who was becoming more and more accustomed to this kind of speech occasion, even took the time to observe the audience. He soon discovered that the serious expressions of many big bosses softened significantly as he spoke.

In just 3 minutes, his speech was over.

Guo Lei smiled and patted his shoulder, indicating that he could go down.

What followed was another burst of warm applause.

After returning to his position, Zhao Mo couldn't help but look at the certificate for a while, feeling very good.

"Haha~ How do you feel?"

Zhou Zuojian couldn't help laughing when he saw him like this.

Zhao Mo coughed, smiled sheepishly, and said, "It feels good."

Zhou Zuojian said with a smile: "You, you, just be happy if you are happy, and you are saying that it is very good. Do you know that this makes you very hypocritical?"

Zhao Mo hesitated and said: "Happiness and being good are not related, right?"

Zhou Zuojian: "..."

Boy, is that what I meant?

After the lively awards ceremony, it was the report session where sparks of wisdom shone.

The first to appear were Academician Li Qian and Academician Yan An, who won the Hua Luogeng Award. They gave one-hour reports respectively, and then the other winners gave their reports.

It is said to be a report, but it is actually to share their previous results. Some people also brought out their latest research results to discuss with everyone.

For example, Luo Jihao came up with his latest achievement.

"...H={h1,}<[0, logx] makes this formula true..."

Luo Jihao released the PPT and then explained: "First of all, based on the Van der corput difference theorem to reduce the length of the prime counting interval, the parity distribution of the number of prime numbers in the interval [1, x] can be transformed into one that only needs to consider the larger The problem of the parity of the number of prime numbers in a short interval; then, a random prime number model is introduced to model..."

"Hey, that's interesting~"

Zhao Mo heard Zhou Zuojian's screams of surprise.

Zhao Mo also saw that Luo Jihao was proving the conjecture about the convergence of staggered prime series proposed by Erdesh for decades.

He had to admit that this guy still had two skills. Although this guy introduced Tao Zhexuan's research result "Random Prime Number Model", it could be said that he was doing research on Tao Zhexuan's shoulders, but he was also capable.

But soon, the serious look on his face relaxed, he shook his head and said, "What a pity~"

(End of this chapter)

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