You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 136 Let me inform you that you have graduated!

Chapter 136 Let me inform you that you have graduated!
"This is quite beautiful. Why don't you dare to make up your mind?"

Like other instructors, Huang Cheng's first reaction after reading this paper was that it was beautifully written. If you think about it logically from the beginning of the paper, it is very smooth and has no flaws.

It's totally okay to give him a first place. He couldn't think of a more beautiful paper than this one.

The competition organizing committee must have been able to see it, but they still had to show it to him, which was a bit intriguing.

After thinking for a while, Huang Cheng turned to the beginning again and started reading from the beginning.

Then, he understood and secretly said: "That's it!"

This is a policy article!

Rather than saying it is a population growth prediction model for competition, it is better to say it is a policy paper reminding the government to adjust its population policy.

Although the mathematics part accounts for the vast majority, the overall idea of ​​​​the article feels like this.

Even people who are not mathematics majors will feel worried about my country's population development after reading this paper, and even feel horrified!
The writing is so true!

As policies change, the mathematical model in the paper will get different results. The logic is rigorous and detailed, and it can be consistent with the actual situation of my country's population development over the years.

"...The development of the economy and the improvement of people's living standards have brought about changes in population concepts and a linear decline in population growth trends... It can be calculated from the model that by the end of this year, my country's population will reach 13.21 billion people...

The policy is adjusted in time, and it is predicted that the two-child policy will be implemented starting in 2013. Calculations show that in the next and fourth years, that is, 2014 and 2016, my country's population will usher in two birth peaks, but what will follow is continued decline.

...The population size is expected to peak in 2029, with the total population expected to be 14.2 billion, and then there will be negative growth..."

After clarifying the reason, Huang Cheng read the paper again and found that the data predictions were very detailed and unusually certain.

"This guy is becoming more mature and confident!"

Huang Cheng immediately realized something else.

This guy naturally refers to Zhao Mo.

He compared the performance of teams like Yan University and subconsciously shook his head without thinking about it.

"I think it can definitely be ranked first~"

After thinking for a while, he sent his opinion to the competition organizing committee.


Three days passed in a flash.

The National College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition has come to an end, and the official announced the 2007 winners list on the official website immediately.

Among them, there are only ten championship places!
In 2006, there were dozens of teams competing for the championship, and the meaning of competing for the top spot was obvious.But this year, there are only ten. Although it still has the meaning of sitting in rows and dividing the fruits, it is undoubtedly much better and has a higher gold content.

Looking at the team in the first row among the champions on the list, Zhou Zuojian, deputy director of Wudaokou Institute of Mathematics, was very happy. He clapped his hands with a smile on his face and said, "Not bad, first!"

The team's school: Wudaokou, team members: Zhao Mo, Zhao Bin, Jiang Zifan.

Looking at the remaining nine championship teams, they come from other universities across the country, with one team from each university, including Yan University, Jinling University, Shanghai University, etc.

In this regard, although Zhou Zuojian is a little regretful that Wudaokou did not get two championship places, and Ouyang Hongyi, who he was also optimistic about, did not get No. 1, he is still satisfied.

Look at the Yanda Shuyuan next door. There is only one quota, just like them.

Immediately, he reported the good news to the principal, Academician Gu, and then called Zhao Mo to talk to him.

However, Academician Gu got through, but Zhao Mo couldn't.

"Is this guy busier than Academician Gu?"

Zhou Zuojian laughed and cursed, and then arranged for someone to find Zhao Mo.

After a while, the person who arranged it came back and reported to him that Zhao Mo followed Professor Yao out.

"Out? Out of school?"

Zhou Zuojian was startled and asked, "Where did you tell me?"

The man replied: "He said he was going to the Academy of Sciences."

Zhou Zuojian probably thought of what was going on, so he said, "Tell him to come find me when he comes back," and then let the man go out.

He heard from both Zhao Mo and Professor Yao that the large model server was almost ready.

As he expected, Zhao Mo did follow Professor Yao to the Computer Research Institute under the Academy of Sciences to watch the super server designed by the large model team.

"Is it that big?"

In the computer room, Zhao Mo couldn't help but show surprise and excitement on his face as he looked at the huge silver-gray machine in front of him, covering an area of ​​nearly forty square meters.

Professor Yao smiled and said: "Is this still big? It has been shrunk a lot. Didn't you see the Tianwen supercomputer? Look at the servers of those giant companies. They are bigger."

In addition to this big machine in the computer room, there is also an air conditioner that makes a loud "buzzing" noise, creating violent cold air to cool down the computer room.

Zhao Mo took a casual look. The big chrysanthemum on the air conditioner was very eye-catching. It was basically the same shape as the later logo, but the color was a gradient color, not the later solid color.The change of color, of course, evolves with the characteristics of technological development. Solid colors are more suitable for the digital era of mobile Internet.

During this period, in order to build a base station, a certain company was already working on base station air conditioning.

Later, Zhao Mo followed Professor Yao to see the neural network architecture. He came here to learn.

Professor Yao was quickly called away, saying he had a problem and needed his help.

Then, Zhao Mo started shopping alone.

This is his first time coming to the Institute of Computing Technology. Most of the office buildings and facilities and equipment are very new. It was a new scientific research building that was put into use in June last year. It covers an area of ​​6 square meters and is divided into three research buildings. Ministry and a Forward Research Center.The main research directions are computer system architecture, network and ubiquitous computing, and intelligent software.

The research on large models is indispensable without the strong support of this department, and they have made great efforts.

For the chip part, the institute provided the Loongson 2 enhanced processor CZ70 they developed, with a 90nm process technology, which was successfully taped out last year.
Of course, Zhao Mo knows very well that Loongson 2 is actually far behind Intel in terms of performance, and there is no comparison. Therefore, imported chips are mainly used in large model servers.

Even so, this is also a self-architected chip, which will not be easily blocked and has natural advantages in confidentiality technology.

"I just don't know how the performance is. Can it meet the requirements? If possible, it would be best to replace all imported chips with Loongson~"

Zhao Mo thought to himself, and after looking at it for a while, he saw that there was no one who needed his help, so he planned to go back to school.

After talking to Professor Yao, he went downstairs.

When he was going out, an old man with gray hair and glasses appeared in front of him and walked towards him.

Zhao Mo didn't pay attention at first glance, but at the second glance he felt that the old man looked very familiar. At the third glance, he was suddenly startled. Isn't this Academician Ni?

After only hesitating for a moment, he walked up with a smile and said hello: "Hello, Mr. Ni~"

Academician Ni walked in with a heavy heart. Suddenly he said hello. He was a little unresponsive for a moment and subconsciously asked: "Hello~ who are you?"

Zhao Mo said: "I am Wudaokou Zhao Mo, you probably don't know me."

Academician Ni said "Oh", then nodded to him, barely showing a smile on his face and said: "Hello."

After saying that, he walked quickly inside.

Zhao Mo shook his head and left without paying attention.

A moment later, Academician Ni, who was walking a short distance in, suddenly stopped and quickly turned his head to look at the door, looking for Zhao Mo.

He remembered who Zhao Mo was, the talented boy from Wudaokou who published the "Polar code" in an IEEE journal!
"Where is the person? Why is he missing?"

Not seeing Zhao Mo, Academician Ni hurriedly walked towards the door and looked around for a while, thinking that he wanted to have a chat with Zhao Mo.

As an academician in information and electronic engineering, he was shocked by the advent of "Polar code". He was shocked by the brilliance and genius of this coding scheme. He was surprised that this coding scheme was written by a Chinese teenager.

After reading the paper at that time, he had only one idea, that is, if geniuses emerge from young, there will be successors in China.

I was so focused on the painful lesson of the Ark CPU failure that I was so distracted that I didn't recognize Zhao Mo immediately.

Now that the person was gone, he couldn't help but feel annoyed, and a look of regret suddenly appeared on his face.

On the other side, Zhao Mo had already got on the car returning to Wudaokou.

The dispute between Academician Ni and Xiangxiang lasted for many years. From 1999 when Xiangxiang was dismissed by Xiangxiang, it has been reported over and over again by the media for more than 20 years. This young man, Zhao Mo, has a deep memory. He often laments that it is a pity for Academician Ni, and then in I had a debate with people on the Internet about what would have happened if someone had adopted Academician Ni’s plan~
Zhao Mo was still thinking for a while, why didn't Academician Ni go to a certain university at that time?

Later, when I looked at the time, I realized that now in 2007, Academician Ni is already a 68-year-old white-haired old man!

What can you do if you go?
He can no longer do much for the technological development of Chinese chips. All he can do is advocate for the independent cause of Chinese chips.

In fact, the effect of running around and calling for help is very limited. Just listen, unless you have the power!

"Zhao Shen, the director is looking for you and asks you to come over~"

Just when he returned to school and was thinking about whether to go to the library, a man found Zhao Mo and asked him to go to Zhou Zuojian's place.

Zhao Mo reacted immediately. Today was the time when the results of the competition were announced, and he immediately smiled.

Soon, he knocked on the door and walked into Zhou Zuojian's office.

The fact was just as he expected, Zhou Zuojian came to him to tell him about the results of the competition, and as expected he won the championship.

"That's great~"

Zhao Mo said happily on the surface, but he found that his mood was very calm and he didn't have much thought about this championship.

Zhou Zuojian was so discerning that he could see his true emotions at a glance, and couldn't help but smile: "I know this matter is nothing to you, but do you want to hear the other two good news?"

Zhao Mo smiled and said, "Director, tell me!"

Zhou Zuojian nodded and said: "I would like to inform you that you have graduated from undergraduate degree; in addition, you are included in the list of winners of the Zhong Jiaqing Award. The Mathematicians Conference on the 20th will be announced. You can attend it with me then."

(End of this chapter)

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