You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 134 Mathematical Modeling Contest

Chapter 134 Mathematical Modeling Contest
“…We often use models when observing, analyzing and studying a real object, such as aircraft models, submarine models, etc. They can summarize and reflect certain characteristics of real objects, thereby helping people quickly and effectively understand and Master your target audience.”

"Although the mathematical model is a little more abstract, it is basically similar. It uses mathematical symbols and language to describe the target object as a mathematical formula, and then uses the calculated model results to explain the actual problem and accept actual testing."

"...the topics in the current mathematical modeling competition are basically hot issues in society, such as society, economy, and engineering. Last year's topics were like this. For example, the topic in Group A was about the resource allocation of publishing houses, and the other one was about the resource allocation of publishing houses. The competition topic is the evaluation and efficacy prediction of AIDS therapy; the competition topic in Group B is the optimal solution to the shape and size of cans, as well as the monitoring and control of coal mine gas and coal dust..."

"According to my prediction, this year's questions will most likely be similar hot issues or events reported by the news media..."

Zhou Zuojian gave them lectures, analyzed the topics of previous competitions, and evaluated the topics of the upcoming competition so that they could prepare in advance.

After Zhao Mo heard this, he couldn't help but laugh and asked: "Director, what is the question you are working on?"

Zhou Zuojian said without thinking: "There is no pressure, and there is no need to pressure. As long as you have mastered enough knowledge points, no matter what kind of questions, you will not be able to stumble."

Zhao Mo coughed and said nothing, feeling that what he just said was too frivolous.

Zhou Zuojian didn't pay attention to this. He looked at Ouyang Hongyi and others and said: "Participate in this modeling competition, first in training and second in results. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, just perform normally."

"Okay, Director~"

All the students nodded in agreement.

Zhao Mo also nodded and said yes.

But the next moment, Zhou Zuojian turned his eyes to him and said with a smile on his face: "Zhao Mo, you are different. If you don't get the championship back to me this time, let's see how I deal with you."

Zhao Mo: "..."

No, why are you, an old-timer, so ignorant of martial ethics?
That's not good?

Behind him, other students laughed out loud.

Ouyang Hongyi also laughed, but he only smiled for a while and then lost his smile, because he realized that although Zhou Zuojian "doesn't respect martial ethics" towards Zhao Mo, why didn't he value Zhao Mo more and despise them?

When I think about it like this, my happy mood suddenly disappears and is replaced by unhappiness and depression.

Other students also thought of this, but because of Zhao Mo's reputation, they figured it out and would not compare him with Zhao Mo, a "pervert".

After the class, Zhou Zuojian arranged for them to form their own teams because there were only 5 days before the competition.

The competition is conducted in a team of three people, not alone.

As soon as Zhou Zuojian said that they would start forming a team now, the scene suddenly became buzzing with people whispering about how to form a team.

"Let's go in groups of three~"

Ouyang Hongyi's voice sounded quickly, and next to him, two other students who were relatively close to him stood with him.

Zhao Mo looked back, then didn't care. Instead, he looked around at everyone present, then raised his right hand and said with a smile: "Is there anyone who wants to form a team with me? My team is still weak. Two people!"

Ouyang Hongyi: "..."

This guy is two short of a team of three, and he still speaks so confidently, that's enough!

Zhou Zuojian looked on the stage with a smile on his face and thought to himself: "This little guy is getting more and more confident~"

Different people have different perspectives and naturally have different ideas.

For Zhou Zuojian, Zhao Mo is more confident now than before.Only with self-confidence can one be mature; only with self-confidence can one be bold and fearless; only with self-confidence can one have the courage to take responsibility and do things.

It seems that Zhao Mo has indeed been tempered through a series of events such as report meetings, forming a team on his own to conduct research, and participating in a large national-level research team.



"Choose me~"

What responded to Zhao Mo were the voices of many people and their immediate raising of hands.

Ouyang Hongyi noticed that even the other two members of his team had expressions of excitement on their faces, and couldn't help but change their expressions, secretly complaining about bad luck.

"Thank you for your trust, but there are only two places, so I'll just choose them casually~"

Zhao Mo smiled heartily, then pointed and selected two boys, or rather seniors, who looked honest and somewhat familiar.

One is named Zhao Bin and the other is named Jiang Zifan, both seniors.

After the two people were called, they both walked out of the crowd with excited faces, walked up to Zhao Mo, and greeted him one after another, calling "Zhao Shen" on their lips. "Senior, just call me Zhao Mo~"

Zhao Mo coughed and said.

Zhao Bin, Jiang Zifan: "Okay, Zhao Shen!"

Zhao Mo: "..."

Forget it, let them go.

In the next few days, Zhao Mo will come over to study.

Don’t think that if you have high knowledge, you can face the competition as you please. That’s not the true attitude of doing things, and you won’t be able to do things well.

In addition to learning the rules of the competition and how to write essays, we also focused on reviewing some of the essays that won the championship in the past.

For Zhao Bin and Jiang Zifan, this was not only the first time they worked in a team with Zhao Mo, but also the first time they studied together with Zhao Mo.

They soon discovered why Zhao Mo was called "Zhao Shen", why everyone from Director Zhou Zuojian to Professor Yang Jing, many students from the School of Mathematics, many students from the Department of Computer Science, many students from the Department of Materials... and so on They all admired and praised Zhao Mo for his awesomeness.

Don’t talk about anything else, just talk about the efficiency of learning.

Zhao Mo just scanned any paper and he fully understood all the knowledge points of the paper.And they need to see it at least two to three times, and even have to look at some places four or five times and calculate it once or twice before they can fully understand it. The gap is already huge.

However, on this basis, Zhao Mo can not only understand the knowledge points of the paper, but also point out the problem points in the paper, and then optimize the entire model to improve the quality by several levels!
When Zhao Bin and Jiang Zifan saw this scene for the first time, they were both confused. The gap between them and Zhao Mo was too big, so they finally convinced themselves and called "Zhao Shen".Then, on September 9, the day before the competition, when the three of them were sitting together for dinner, Zhao Bin and Jiang Zifan directly said that this time the competition was all thanks to "Zhao Shen" to take them flying.

The next day, September 2007, 9, the annual National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest officially began.

It has lasted for 1992 years from 15 to now. Every year, hundreds of colleges and universities and tens of thousands of students participate. They are divided into undergraduate groups and junior college groups. Junior colleges can also participate in the undergraduate group, and each school has multiple teams. .

This was Zhao Mo's first time participating in this kind of competition. He had never participated in it in his previous life, and he didn't even understand it at all.

He had previously thought that the preliminary round, semi-finals, and finals were going on like this, but after learning about it, he realized that it was not the case. Instead, he took the exam directly at his school, downloaded the questions online, and then printed them out to take the exam himself. He could read the materials, but he was not allowed to do so. Communicate with the instructor or communicate with people on the Internet, which is similar to an open-book exam.

There was no lively scene in Wudaokou. Only a few red banners hung up a day in advance showed that someone from the school was participating in the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest. Please be informed.

"Come on, let's go in~"

After speaking to Yang Chan and nodding to Zhou Zuojian, Yang Jing and others, Zhao Mo, Zhao Bin and Jiang Zifan entered the planned competition area and started today's competition journey.

In addition to their team, other teams from the school also entered one after another. Some were nervous, some were calm, some were excited, and some were confident.

Zhao Bin and Jiang Zifan followed Zhao Mo confidently and walked in with their heads held high.

They were assigned to Group A.

After the competition started, they searched the Internet for this year's Group A competition question "Question A: China's Population Growth Forecast."

"Ah, why is this the title?"

Zhao Bin and Jiang Zifan were suddenly stunned and a little confused.

After all calculations, I thought it would be some hot news that happened in the science and technology industry this year for mathematical modeling, but I didn’t expect that it would be the population modeling of family planning.

Under the current one-child policy, this problem should not be a big one. How could it be used as a question for Group A of the Mathematical Modeling Contest?
Zhao Mo was also startled for a moment, but he quickly came to his senses and said secretly: "It's actually this topic. It seems that the country is already considering liberalizing childbirth at this time."

Any question in the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Contest has a certain meaning. It is impossible to randomly ask questions. That would really be a waste of this platform.

A competition involving tens of thousands of college students will undoubtedly stimulate the wisdom of a large number of geniuses. This is a competition that creates knowledge wealth!Naturally, we should use some social problems and difficulties to formulate questions, and rely on the wisdom of the public to solve these problems and difficulties.

So, when Zhao Bin and Jiang Zifan looked at him with doubtful expressions, he immediately smiled and said: "This question is quite simple, but if we want to win the championship, we have to consider the factors behind this question and put this Only when factors are introduced into the mathematical model can this question be truly answered.”

Zhao Bin asked in confusion: "I just thought about it. It's probably birth and death, immigration and emigration, etc. What factors are behind it? The birth policy?"

Jiang Zifan vaguely guessed something and couldn't help but said: "Zhao Shen, do you think the birth policy will change?"


Zhao Mo nodded and then explained: "Looking at other modern industrial countries in the world, almost all countries are trapped in the predicament of low fertility rates, and they all still have no fertility policy. What does this mean? ? This means that according to our current fertility policy, we will encounter the dilemma of low fertility rate in advance. In fact, the population data in the past two years has begun to decline significantly. Therefore, the emergence of this question is also what everyone is asked to provide above. A reference report.”

Zhao Bin suddenly said: "So, adding policy factors is the most realistic population forecast!"

(End of this chapter)

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