You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 117 He is indeed an outstanding young man

Chapter 117 He is indeed an outstanding young man
A week later, Wudaokou.

Zhao Mo, who was busy, heard a lot of good news. One was about batteries. ND Era has started the preparation of formal samples. It is expected that the first battery product will be off the production line in another week.

Since BYD pointed out the problems, Du Wentao reported to him that some of the problems have been solved and the progress is good. It is expected that their new car can be launched ahead of the National Day this year.

As for the "CTP technology" he proposed, Du Wentao said that it will only be used in the next generation of models and has already applied for a patent. He is the first rights holder.

Zhao Mo couldn't deny it, but he was still very satisfied with BYD's actions and expressed that he was looking forward to their products.

The second is the frequent good news from the UAV R&D team, especially in the aspect of image transmission technology. Zhou Wenli reported that the research and development progress of 4G technology of Weiwei has been accelerated a lot, and the progress on her side has also been accelerated with the technical support of Weiwei. A lot has been done, and as expected, we can catch up with the progress of overall research and development.

The third is Professor Yao’s side. The research topic of “Artificial Intelligence Large Model” has been submitted to the Ministry of Science and Technology in the name of Wudaokou in conjunction with Yanda University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other universities and enterprises and institutions. The research team is being formally established. It is expected to be It can be completed in a week, and then the work can officially begin.

I have to say, this progress is really fast!
In the rhythm of any large research project that requires half a year to a year of preparation, when a team is formed to start researching a topic within two weeks, the progress is of course fast, and very fast!
Zhao Mo was very happy, but after hearing another incident, his good mood was immediately ruined.

Professor Yao said that he inspected some companies and planned to include them in the research team, and one of them had a certain idea.

"What? You want to? No!"

Zhao Mo almost burst into tears and immediately expressed his strong opposition: "It won't work! Other companies can choose it as they please, but it definitely won't work. I don't agree!"

Professor Yao was surprised and asked, "Can I know the reason?"

He had never seen Zhao Mo react so fiercely. He was usually very calm and calm. He didn't expect that he would react like this when he heard a certain idea. It seemed that he was really firmly opposed to it.

Zhao Mo replied: "It doesn't have its own core technology, so it won't be of much help to us. If it's just financial or computer support, it's really not necessary. We can definitely find other companies."

Although this reason makes sense, it is also a bit far-fetched.

Professor Yao thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Okay, then take it out."

After all, Zhao Mo was the proposer of this topic, and he had to rely on him to solve many key tasks later on. He had to adopt Zhao Mo's strong opinions.

However, he couldn't help but say: "Right now, our country is still in the development and catching-up stage. The only computer company that can do it in the country is Xinxiang. There are other computer companies, but in fact they all have no core technology. ."

Zhao Mo nodded and said: "I know this, but the idea of ​​a company has always been marketing first. They don't pay attention to technology at all. This is the main reason for my opposition. I don't want to bury a project before it starts." The next thunderbolt will hinder research progress."

Professor Yao thought for a while and thought that this was quite right, so he said nothing more.

From the list, after excluding certain companies, there were also companies such as Xwei and Xing. Zhao Mo had no objection.

Another week later, the team was formed.

This is a research team with more than 100 people. When Professor Yao, as the person in charge, called these people together for a meeting in Wudaokou, Zhao Mo followed Professor Yao into the meeting place and couldn't help feeling a little shocked: "Sure enough, it still has to be Rely on the power of the country. There is strength in numbers, and miracles can happen with great force!"

In the venue, there was a mass of black heads, some with black hair and some with white hair.

And these people are not the actual number of people in the research team, they are just the calculated number, and some people who play support are not included in the calculation.

The reason why so many people are needed is simply because the "large artificial intelligence model" is a new thing and no one has ever done it.I don’t want to think about the period when large models broke out after the epidemic. A few people or a dozen people can form a large model research team.

From hardware to software, from design to manufacturing process, there are many new theories and new technologies that need to be developed from scratch.

The knowledge they possess is neural networks and deep learning during this period, and these are very cutting-edge science and technologies for domestic researchers.

Other than that, all they have is the report written by Zhao Mo.

Thinking about this, Zhao Mo still felt a sense of accomplishment.

However, looking at Professor Yao who was walking in front and then walked up to the podium to give a speech, the sense of accomplishment in his heart suddenly disappeared and was replaced by regret: "The influence is still not enough. Otherwise, wouldn't it be better if I personally take charge of this project?"

Of course he knew that he was overthinking something, but he still couldn't grasp it now.

However, he did not feel depressed or have any negative emotions because of this, because he believed in himself. After going through this process, exercising and accumulating more experience, it will be his turn to take charge in the near future.

The drone team and now the large model team, these are experience packages.On the stage, Professor Yao gave a report and talked about the problems of this topic. Finally, he looked at Zhao Mo, smiled and said to the team members at the venue: "Zhao Mo from Wudaokou Institute of Science and Technology, I believe everyone has heard of his name. , a very outstanding genius student. He is the originator of our research topic, and it was his idea that led to this research topic. Now, let’s listen to his thoughts on this research topic, and then we will discuss it, Determine how to proceed~"

After saying that, he said to Zhao Mo: "Zhao Mo, please tell me~"


Zhao Mo quickly agreed, then quickly walked up to the podium, opened the PPT, and began his report: "Hello, seniors and seniors, I am Zhao Mo..."

This was arranged early in the morning. Although Zhao Mo didn't like giving speeches on stage, he was used to it and didn't resist. He was also very grateful to Professor Yao for giving him this opportunity to show his face.

"There are carrot heads down there~"

Secretly cheering himself up in his heart, Zhao Mo did not spray Qingning spray this time, but went on stage naturally.

When he spoke, he could hear a slight tremor in his voice, and he could feel the lightness of his legs, but he held it back and concentrated all his energy on his speech.

Gradually, he no longer felt these signs of "weakness" and became more natural, and his voice became sonorous and powerful.

"Pei Zhen, is he Zhao Mo?"

In the crowd, an old man with glasses and gray hair looked at Zhao Mo on the stage and whispered to the middle-aged man sitting next to him.

The middle-aged man also wears glasses. Anyone who studies geology and earthquakes will definitely recognize him. He is Zhang Peizhen, director of the Institute of Geology of the National Seismological Administration and director of the State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics.

"Yes, Mr. Hu, he is Zhao Mo, only this year."

Director Zhang did not dare to neglect when facing the old man's inquiry and answered quickly.

The gray-haired old man is not an ordinary researcher, but Hu Yuxian, a famous Chinese academician, a famous seismologist, and a scientist who returned to China with Qian Lao. In the 80s, he was the director of the Institute of Engineering Mechanics of the Earthquake Administration. He pioneered my country's engineering seismology. It can be said that my country's seismology research was passed down from his generation.

Listening to Zhang Peizhen's introduction, Mr. Hu nodded and praised with a smile: "He is brave and confident, dares to think and dare to do, he is indeed an outstanding young man!"

Mr. Hu, who is now 85 years old, came here for the meeting because he heard Zhang Peizhen talk about it and felt very good about it, so he came over.

The study of earthquakes has always been a difficult problem in the scientific community. Even though he pioneered engineering seismology, he still felt that he knew very little about how to predict earthquakes. He often lamented the greatness and wonder of nature and the insignificance of human beings.

He didn't expect that Zhao Mo could come up with a plan to use a large model to predict earthquakes. It was beyond his imagination.Now listening to Zhao Mo's introduction, the plan to train artificial intelligence with tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of parameters seemed very feasible, so I couldn't help but praise it.

"Yes, I was also surprised when I heard this."

Zhang Peizhen nodded, and then said with emotion: "I have to say that young people's minds are active. If this can be done, it will really benefit the people and all mankind."

Mr. Hu said seriously: "Our Seismological Bureau must go all out on this matter!"

Zhang Peizhen replied without hesitation: "That's for sure!"

In the crowd, in addition to people from the Seismological Bureau, there were also people from the Meteorological Bureau, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and related enterprises and institutions that could participate in the research.

Their thoughts were the same as those of Mr. Hu and Director Zhang of the Seismological Bureau. Whether it was Zhao Mo or the large model, they were all shocked. They did not expect that artificial intelligence could do this, which really overturned their previous experience. The recognition made me feel sincerely excited and even excited.

If not for anything else, just because this "big artificial intelligence model" is original and no other country in the world has it. They are the first team to do this!
First, it is always exciting!
In addition, if at the beginning of their research on this topic, they valued the names of Wudaokou and Professor Yao more, then now, listening to Zhao Mo's speech, they had to admit that Zhao Mo's role in it was also Irreplaceable, he is indeed an "incredible" wizard!

clap clap clap~
When Zhao Mo finished his speech, everyone in the audience gave warm applause.

People who do things respect people who can do things better than themselves.

On the stage, Zhao Mo took a deep breath, bowed slightly, and then slowly walked off the stage.

He knew that he had finally overcome the last bit of "weakness" and opened up the two channels of Ren and Du. There would be no problem in giving speeches, reports, or other large-scale activities in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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