Chapter 110 is just a theory
"A forward error-correcting coding method through channel polarization processing!"

At night, around ten o'clock, when Zhao Mo wrote the title of this paper, his head seemed to become empty, and everything became boring.

"Finally written it~"

He took a deep breath and rubbed his temples.

Looking back now, it should be that after running to relax, my brain's thinking became more ethereal, so I got inspiration, integrated all the accumulation during this period, and made a breakthrough, and finally turned it into this paper. .

He planned to stand up and stretch his body, writing furiously for a long time, but his already tired body became even weaker.

"Beautiful! So beautiful!"

At this time, a surprised voice of applause suddenly sounded behind him.


Zhao Mo was startled and jumped up.

Unexpectedly, his weak body could not support such a violent reaction. When he landed on the ground, his legs suddenly became weak and he was about to fall to the ground.

Zhou Zuojian, who was about to continue talking, was startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to support him, saying in a panic: "What's going on?"

Yang Jing was also startled and quickly reached out to help her.

The two of them moved to the left and right, and Zhao Mo was able to stand firm without falling to the ground.

Only then did Zhao Mo realize that it was them who had come and seemed to have been standing behind him to watch him write his paper.In addition, there were Yang Chan, Vice Principal Chen, as well as Lu Cheng, Liu Zhirong, Wang Chao and other students in other dormitories who were standing at the door of the dormitory and looking inside.

Zhao Mo coughed, stood upright while holding on to his desk, and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Principal, director, professor, why are you all here?"

Vice Principal Chen said with a smile on his face: "Classmate Zhao Mo, we are all here to see you solve mathematical proofs."

"Boy, you did a great job! You solved another difficult problem in mathematics. I am happy and proud of you!"

Zhou Zuojian also had a smile on his face, and his tone of voice was not only excited but also filled with deep emotion.

Yang Jing blinked and smiled: "We came to see you create miracles. We have been standing behind you and watching since you came back. So, you have finished it, right?"

She pointed to the contents of the book.

Zhao Mo was shocked when he heard it, and quickly replied: "I just completed the theoretical part, I don't know when it will be applied in practice."


The corners of Yang Jing's mouth twitched, and there was an indescribable feeling in her heart.

The same was true for Zhou Zuojian, but he quickly patted Zhao Mo on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Theory guides practice, and theory is the source. So, with your theory, the rest will naturally fall into place, no need to think too much."

"The director is right!"

Zhao Mo smiled and nodded, thinking to himself: "That's what I said, but the subsequent algorithm and formal coding will probably have to be done by someone."

"Classmate Zhao Mo, I heard from classmate Yang Chan that your paper may be helpful in solving the problems encountered in the research and development of 4G technology. Can you briefly explain it to me?"

Vice Principal Chen asked him immediately after they finished chatting.

Zhao Mo hesitated for a moment and replied: "Principal, this theory may be helpful for the research and development of 4G, but it is not very big. I think its real role is in 5G technology, which belongs to the technology of the next 20 years."

"5G? In the next 20 years?"

Vice Principal Chen was stunned. He never expected to hear such an answer.

After walking out of the dormitory, on the way back, Vice President Chen was still doubtful and couldn't help but ask Zhou Zuojian: "Director Zhou, did you read that paper? Is it applied to 5G technology?"

Although many theories in science were born dozens or hundreds of years ago and have only begun to be applied and proven now, none of them were discovered by great scientists.

Zhao Mo is just starting out, and now a paper talks about technology in the next 20 years. He is so forward-looking that he can't believe it.

Zhou Zuojian vaguely noticed his hesitation, but he was not sure whether the paper just now was applied to 5G technology, so he replied: "I am not sure whether it is applied to 5G. After all, I am not a professional. . But I have read the entire paper and think it is completely correct and completely innovative. I am convinced that the theory can greatly improve the performance of information transmission."

Vice Principal Chen said thoughtfully: "So, what he just said is the truth?"

Zhou Zuojian frowned and said: "Our Wudaokou mathematics strength has really reached a point where we must strengthen it without delay. Look at students like Zhao Mo, not to mention studying hard, but now they have solved it continuously in just their freshman year He has solved many mathematical problems, and involves many subjects such as physics, materials, computers, information, etc. His talent, talent and willpower are incredible. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as shocking! If we don’t have more powerful teachers If you come here to train him, he will be poached by other schools if he turns around, which is a huge loss for us at Wudaokou~"

When Vice Principal Chen heard this, he immediately frowned, and then sighed: "I have talked with Principal Gu since you mentioned this matter years ago, and he also agreed very much. But you also need to know that in mathematics, Most of the experts and scholars are foreigners, with very few Chinese, and there are still many difficulties.”

Zhou Zuojian said dissatisfied: "If you have difficulties, why don't you do it? Then..." Before he finished speaking, Vice President Chen quickly interrupted him and said: "But don't worry, we are already in contact with Professor Qiu Chengtong."

Zhou Zuojian was startled and asked: "He is an academician of America and serves as the chairman of the mathematics department at Harvard University. Will he be willing to return to China?"

Vice President Chen smiled slightly and said: "It all depends on the person. Didn't he also work as a visiting professor at Xiangjiang University before?"

Zhou Zuojian shook his head after hearing this, but said nothing.

If Professor Qiu Chengtong could be invited to return to China to build the School of Mathematics at Wudaokou, he, the deputy director, would be most welcome, no matter what.After all, Qiu Chengtong is the "Caesar" in the world of mathematics, the first Chinese winner of the Fields Medal. He far exceeds him in terms of strength, fame, and influence. If he can come, it will not only improve Wudaokou Mathematics Institute 01: 30 o'clock.

"Where should I invest? First invest in arXiv? Forget it, let's just invest in IEEE~"

In the dormitory, Yang Chan was sent away, and Lu Cheng and others were sent away. Zhao Mo edited the paper he had written into the computer, then checked the relevant information and submitted the paper.

In addition to IEEE, he also sent it to the mailboxes of Mr. Ren and Yu Dazui at the same time.

IEEE is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It is the largest non-profit professional technical society in the world, an association of electronic technology and information science.Of course, due to its professional nature, this association has many design fields, such as space, computers, telecommunications, biomedicine, electricity and consumer electronics, etc. The factor of IEEE journals is very high and it is an authoritative journal in these fields.

After finishing all this work, I looked at the time and saw that it was early morning again.

Zhao Mo smiled helplessly, then turned off the computer and prepared to sleep.

goo goo...

Suddenly a series of growls came from his stomach, which reminded him that he was hungry and needed to eat.

Only then did Zhao Mo come to his senses and realized that he hadn't eaten anything since noon.

"Let's eat instant noodles~"

After thinking about it, he started to rummage through the cabinet, but after rummaging for a while, he couldn't find anything to eat, except books, and he suddenly burst into laughter.

"Zhao Shen, look through my cabinet. I still have a few buckets of instant noodles in there."

At this time, Lu Cheng, who was on the upper bunk, suddenly sat up straight and spoke to him.

Zhao Mo was startled, and quickly looked at Wang Chao and Liu Zhirong. Seeing that they didn't respond, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered: "Why aren't you asleep yet? Also, how did you know that I was going to have sex with you?" noodle?"

Lu Cheng chuckled and said, "What is our relationship? We are in the same bunk bed. How can I not know that you are hungry?"

Zhao Mo couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, but he was still very touched by Lu Cheng's "helping him in times of need", so he said, "Thank you, please go to bed quickly."

Lu Cheng did not lie back down again, but asked another question: "Zhao Shen, you said before that we were going to build computers, are you serious?"

Zhao Mo found instant noodles from Lu Cheng's cabinet. Hearing this, he couldn't help but be stunned: "Why are you suddenly asking this now?"

Lu Cheng sighed and said: "Zhao Shen, you are so good, I think I am too bad, so I thought about changing my major, or taking a major concurrently. I heard you mean that computers have a better future, so I asked for your opinion. , how about I major in computer science part-time?"

Zhao Mo said with a smile: "You ask me for my opinion? I am irresponsible if something goes wrong~"

Lu Chengdao: "You are so powerful, I believe the chance of making mistakes is much smaller than the chance of making mistakes by my own choice."


Zhao Mo suddenly realized that he was still very discerning, so he thought about it and said: "It is not bad to major in computer science at the same time. The future era must be the era of semiconductor/computing. If you can accumulate enough knowledge in these two directions, With this technology, I believe there will be great achievements in the future. However, there should not be much room for development in the field of consumer computers. Dell and Alibaba have already occupied this track. You can try the server field."

Lu Cheng said as if he had found the treasure: "Thank you God Zhao, I know what to do."

Then he lay down again to sleep.

"You're welcome~"

Zhao Mo smiled slightly, said softly, then opened the door and went out to eat instant noodles.

Under the city night, there is no bright moonlight, only the gray moonlight.Eating instant noodles alone, with the shadows shining on the ground, gives me a special feeling.

At this time, America, who was far away on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, was in the morning. At the IEEE headquarters in New York City, Brin, a journal reviewer who had started work, started his daily preliminary review of submissions.

"Hey, a paper from PBC University in China? When was it submitted?"

Not long after Brin started working, a new paper appeared in his sight.

(End of this chapter)

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