You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 108 Hey, what are you doing?I'm going to receive the award soon.

Chapter 108 Hey, what are you doing?I'm going to receive the award soon.
"Zhao Shen, you are so awesome, you just broke the record!"

After Zhao Mo was lowered from the sky, his legs were a little weak, and then Lu Cheng rushed up and hugged him, almost pushing him to the ground.

Zhao Mo let go of his hands, indicating that the relationship between the two was innocent, and said to the left and right: "Can any of you come over and pull him away? I have no strength."

Yang Chan, Gu Rong and others came over to help him out with smiles.

"What's so magical? It's not the finals!"

"That's right, it's just a preliminary round. Why are you running so fast?"

"Haha, I ran out of energy in the preliminaries. I will definitely be weak in the finals tomorrow."


Suddenly, a few cold words passed by.

Yang Chan and others suddenly had angry looks on their faces, and when they were about to scold them, Zhao Mo waved his hand to signal them to calm down, and then said: "It's just a few flies buzzing, don't affect our mood, let's go~"

Only then did everyone stop cursing.

Although the preliminaries broke the record, they still had to participate in the finals, because many people did not use their full strength in the preliminaries and had to wait for the finals.

Of course, there are some people who lose the preliminaries in order to retain their strength, but those are a minority and have nothing to do with others.

On the way back to the stands, a teacher from the physical education college came over and asked him if he was interested in engaging in sports to prepare for next year's Beijing Olympics and win glory for the country at home.

Yang Chan and others all looked at Zhao Mo with surprise, and some people began to encourage them. Among them, Lu Cheng was the most active, shouting: "Zhao Shen, hurry up and agree, don't miss such a good opportunity~"

Zhao Mo was speechless, and then under the expectant gaze of the physical education teacher, he smiled and refused, and said firmly: "No, teacher, compared to physical education, progress in science is what I want, and it is more important. of."

The physical education teacher was immediately disappointed, but he could understand it. After shaking his head to express regret, he turned and left.

In fact, he came to ask just to try his luck. He had long known that "Zhao Shen" would not be able to change his career to engage in sports. It would be too wasteful.

Lu Cheng said with regret: "What a great opportunity, this is the Beijing Olympics~"

Zhao Mo looked at him and asked with a smile: "Do you know that you look like the same person now?"

Lu Cheng asked doubtfully: "Who?"

"Sister Xianglin!"

Zhao Mo laughed and ran away quickly.

"Sister Xianglin?"

Lu Cheng scratched his head and looked at Wang Chao, Liu Zhirong and others: "What does he mean?"

Liu Zhirong couldn't help but laugh and said: "Isn't it Mrs. Xianglin who is nagging about her? Not to mention, you do look a lot like her just now."

Lu Cheng: "..."

After reacting, he shouted "Zhao Mo, stop here" and then chased after him.

Everyone else burst out laughing.


I have to say that the sports in Wudaokou are still very good.

Whether it is track and field or other three sports, the results are relatively excellent, far exceeding the national standards.This fact, if people from the outside world ask more about it, I believe it will really break their perception.Because one thing has been deeply ingrained in many people’s minds: learning good sports is not good.As everyone knows, this is a partial generalization. Most of them are both good and good, and they are not partial to science.

After watching the scene for a while, Zhao Mo was convinced of this fact.

Then, he stood up and left, saying, "Just watch here, I'm going back~"

"There are still many games, can't you give yourself a holiday?"

Gu Rong was speechless.

Yang Chan pulled her and said, "He has a very heavy task~"

Zhao Mo smiled slightly and said, "Let's wait for the summer vacation. Then we can have fun together during the holidays."

Gu Rong waved her hand and said: "Let's go, let's go, hurry up~"

When Zhao Mo walked away, she looked at Yang Chan and asked in a low voice: "Can you really stand him like this?"

"What does it look like?"

Yang Chan was startled, then asked curiously.


Gu Rong was choked immediately and swallowed the words that came to her lips, and then said: "Let's watch the game~"

She finally figured out that Yang Chan was already a black man and had become accustomed to Zhao Mo's "boring" attitude, so she felt that it was pointless to say more, so she simply stopped talking.


Yang Chan nodded and continued watching the game.

Outside the library, the cheers were deafening, and it was inevitable that the inside of the library would be affected.

But these were not enough to affect Zhao Mo. He was reading a book while thinking about his mathematical problem: "...Encoding and decoding, what method needs to be used for encoding to make each sub-channel show different reliability, choose a location with a capacity close to What about directly transmitting information on the channel of 1 to approximate the channel capacity? What method does the decoding side need to use to obtain similar performance to maximum likelihood decoding with lower complexity? "


The next day, the 1500-meter final officially began, and Zhao Mo was still assigned to the sixth lane.

"Sixty-six Dashun!"

Zhao Mo was doing warm-up exercises and was in high spirits.

Yesterday's record-breaking earned him 1500 points. After getting ranked in today's final, he should be rewarded with more. He is looking forward to it.

He also reviewed the reason why he was able to break the record. It should be that he added 500 attribute points to his strength the night before yesterday, and his potential increased again, so he released it when he exploded with all his strength.If you want to run fast, lightness and agility are only one of the conditions. Strength is another condition. Stronger strength can bring stronger speed.

His strength increased, his body mass remained unchanged, and his speed naturally became faster in the explosive state.

Overnight, his physical fitness has been fully restored, and he is confident that he will still have good results in today's final.

Soon, the game started.

With the sound of a gunshot, Zhao Mo, who was well prepared, rushed out without thinking. He first controlled the rhythm and ran to the front, and then stabilized himself. His abundant physical strength allowed him to run steadily.

After one lap, he was already one of the leaders. At this time, he still had the consciousness to observe his competitors with his peripheral vision to adjust his rhythm.

Second lap, third lap~
As the final half lap approached, he unleashed all his strength and sprinted forward.

This time, his consciousness was not as chaotic as yesterday. He clearly felt his speed increasing, and clearly saw himself surpassing opponents one after another and reaching the first position.

His heart was pounding, pounding, pounding, and the boiling blood in his body rushed to his head, making his brain particularly swollen.

"What a strange feeling~"

Zhao Mo's consciousness was surprisingly calm. Everything around him seemed to slow down. Some thoughts that had never appeared in his mind appeared at this moment, which was inexplicable and mysterious.

Then, he crossed the finish line and became first again.

When the huge inertia carried him out for more than ten meters, he came back to his senses.

His whole body was shaken, and his consciousness seemed to return from the outside. Only then did a wave of cheers and shouts pour into his ears, and he heard it.

"Zhao Mo, congratulations!"

The referee came over and shook his hand warmly.

Zhao Mo looked at the time card. 3 minutes, 51 seconds and 66 seconds. He had not broken the record, and had not even tied his record yesterday. This made him a little regretful, but he was soon relieved.

He smiled, and when he was about to speak, a sudden inspiration came to his mind, and he thought of the channel problem that he had been thinking about these days.

It just happened in a moment, and he didn't know why he suddenly remembered it, as if it came to him naturally, as if it came naturally.

"Matrix multiplication..."

He subconsciously said what was in his heart.

In his mind, a large number of operations and mathematical models about discrete mathematics and matrix multiplication were established one after another, forming a bridge between encoding and decoding.

"What? Matrix? Multiplication?"

The referee was confused and felt awkward holding Zhao Mo's hand. He didn't know whether to put it down or continue.

Zhao Shen, it’s a running competition now, why are you talking about this?
"I understand, haha, I understand~"

Zhao Mo suddenly cheered, laughed and ran out of the track, out of the competition venue, and towards the dormitory.


What do you understand?
When he reacted, he hurriedly chased after him and shouted at the same time: "Hey, what are you doing? You are about to receive the award. It's not too late for you to leave after receiving the award?"

Zhao Mo didn't respond to him. He could only stop helplessly, and then looked at Zhao Mo's leaving figure with a wry smile.

In the stands, Yang Chan and others were also stunned.

"Why did he run away? He ran first and is going to receive the award?"

"What's up with him?"

"What is he going to do?"

They couldn't hear what Zhao Mo said, but when they saw Zhao Mo suddenly put aside the referee's hand, turned around and ran away from the competition venue, they knew something was wrong.

Yang Chan was so worried that she quickly stood up, said, "I'll go see him," and then ran out.

Lu Cheng turned to look at Wang Chao and Liu Zhirong, and asked, "Should we follow them and have a look?"

Wang Chao: "..."

Liu Zhirong hesitated and said, "Let's go take a look. If something big happens, I'm afraid it won't be easy for Senior Sister to handle it alone."

"Then I'll go take a look."

Lu Cheng said something and immediately stood up and followed him.
Faculty stands.

Zhou Zuojian, who came specially to watch Zhao Mo's competition, was also stunned. He subconsciously stood up and said, "What is he doing? Why did he run away without receiving the award?"

"There must be something important~"

Yang Jing, who also came to watch the game, spoke at this time.

"I'll go down and have a look~"

Zhou Zuojian couldn't sit still, immediately got off the stands, and then walked into the playing field.

Yang Jing hesitated for a moment, then stood up and followed.

After a while, the two came to the on-site staff, showed their identities and asked them about Zhao Mo.

The staff were anxiously looking for Zhao Mo to come over to receive the award. When they heard that they were the teachers and directors of Zhao Mo's mathematics department, they quickly told what had just happened, and then said: "You guys call him over quickly, we want to award the award." Already~"

"I understand?"

"Matrix multiplication?"

Zhou Zuojian and Yang Jing murmured what Zhao Mo had just said unconsciously, and looked at each other in unison, with expressions of disbelief and surprise on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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