You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 106 He always has high demands on himself

Chapter 106 He always has high demands on himself
"...In the presence of noise, given a noise value, the ability to correctly receive data can be improved by increasing the signal strength. The main parameter is the signal-to-noise ratio SNR, which is decibels..."

"...a binary input discrete memoryless channel (B-DMC) is represented by W: X → Y, where X is the input symbol set and Y is the output symbol set..."

The next day, Zhao Mo didn't care about the disturbances from the outside world, and immediately devoted himself to studying the issue of fragrance limit. He started from the basic things and repeatedly studied them carefully, and then continued to climb upwards.

Combining the relevant reports and usage experience he had seen in his previous life, as the study continued, Zhao Mo felt that the difficulty was not too great, and it was about the same as proving the sensitivity conjecture.

The only difference is that his foundation in communication technology is not as strong as mathematics, and he needs to make up for it for a period of time.

"Zhao Mo, someone is looking for him~"

Near noon, Professor Yang Jing found him in the library and called him out.

"Who is looking for me?"

Zhao Mo asked doubtfully, there is no need for the school leaders to come to him to talk about 2000 million at this time today, Sunday, right?
Yang Jing replied: "It's a senior who has graduated. He asked me to ask you to meet. His name is Wang Xing. I wonder if you have heard of it? He is the one who founded Renren."

"Wang Xing? Renren?"

Hearing the name, Zhao Mo didn't really react for a moment, but when he mentioned Renren, he immediately realized who this person was. Isn't he the Mr. Wang in the yellow robe.

Zhao Mo smiled helplessly: "Professor, he didn't come to me to attract investment, right?"

What else could Wang Xing do to him?Wang Xing does not engage in research and development, he only does business, and he wants to make a fortune. He has not yet made a fortune at this time, and is looking for people to invest in entrepreneurial projects. I really can't think of any other reason other than looking for people to invest in him.

Later, Yang Jing's answer confirmed his suspicion.


Yang Jing nodded, and then asked him: "How about we meet?"

Zhao Mo did not hesitate and refused without hesitation: "No, professor, just tell him directly and say that I have no time and no interest in making venture capital investments."

As he spoke, he raised the book in his hand.

Yang Jing said helplessly: "Okay~"

Zhao Mo then said: "Professor, I will talk to Director Zhou about this. Unless it is a matter of study, all other matters will be blocked for me. Don't mind~"

Yang Jing smiled and said: "I know. Don't worry, I don't mind. On the contrary, I am very happy that you can make this decision."

After Yang Jing left, Zhao Mo took out his cell phone and looked at the many unknown calls he had missed. He shook his head and thought to himself: "At this time, messages are flying all over the sky~"

The next day, Zhao Mo heard the news that Director Zhou lost his temper at the teachers' meeting of the Mathematical College, and then issued a ban. No one was allowed to disturb students without permission from outside the school.

"This is good~"

Zhao Mo was happy for this.

The fulfilling time flies by quickly, and it’s April in a blink of an eye.

As the weather becomes warmer and more suitable, and the time for the John MacDonald Cup is approaching, red banners and colorful flags begin to be hung in the school. The atmosphere of the sports competition becomes more and more intense, and many students who are immersed in studying come out one after another. They got into a state of study and began to take off their clothes. Everyone became youthful and beautiful, and began to pay attention to this competition.

Zhao Mo also began to schedule more exercise time. The daily exercise time increased to six hours, three and a half hours in the morning and two and a half hours in the evening.

At the same time, his study time did not decrease because of this. Instead, he arranged it to the evening, delayed his bedtime by an hour every day, and then compressed his sleeping time and got up at five o'clock every morning to exercise.

Such a high-intensity load puts more pressure on his body, further explores his physical potential, and puts a huge pressure on his spirit.

Of course, it is pressure and motivation, and it is also exercise, exercise under pressure.

Zhao Mo could feel that his physical fitness was releasing his inner potential, and the external manifestation was that various data indicators were improving, although the magnitude was very subtle.

The hearty release of potential, high-pressure and intense learning, the sourness of it is self-evident.

Zhao Mo tried his best not to think about whether it was worth it or whether it was painful, and only focused on these two things, so as to isolate himself from distractions and allow himself to concentrate.

Then, everyone felt Zhao Mo's "volume" again.

They saw that Zhao Mo was not only studying hard, but also exercising hard, doing both.

But this time, most people were no longer shocked, but just a little strange. Is it necessary to fight so hard for a John Cup?Is it possible to prepare for next year’s Olympics?
When Deputy Director Zhou got the news, he was also shocked, but he still accepted it happily. He commented with a smile: "This is good. It's good to exercise, so you don't have to focus on studying all day long~"

As for the so-called preparations for the Olympics, he scorned it. If you think about it, this argument is just a rumor.

In his opinion, Zhao Mo is just implementing the school's philosophy. It is normal to take into account both study and sports, as well as physical fitness and knowledge.Participating in the John Cup is just taking part in an event, the important thing is participation.

Only Lu Cheng, Wang Chao, Liu Zhirong and Yang Chan, who knew the inside story, felt incredible and worried. Can they really bear such high-intensity "force"?
Yes, in their opinion, Zhao Mo was forcing himself.

But seeing that Zhao Mo was still lively and energetic every day, especially his energy, which was very strong, and his eyes were still bright and energetic, the four of them also changed from the initial worry to silence, and finally were filled with admiration.

The evening before the competition, Zhao Mo did his last long-distance running test.

Under the nervous attention of Yang Chan and Hu Kai, Zhao Mo ran 1500 meters quickly from beginning to end in one breath, and immediately pressed the stopwatch when he crossed the finish line.

"4 minutes, 03 seconds and 33~"

Yang Chan felt a huge surprise and happily congratulated him: "I have made a lot of progress this time~"

Zhao Mo trotted to the side of the two of them. He looked at the time on the stopwatch. He was not very happy, but certainly not disappointed. He shook his head calmly and said, "I thought I could run within 4 minutes this time."

Yang Chan looked at Hu Kai and said, "He always has high demands on himself."


Hu Kai nodded. This was a consensus spread throughout the school. Everyone knew that Zhao Mo would either not do it or do his best. Then he said: "The results should be higher if I switch to a professional timing equipment. I guess I scored within 4 points. If I maintain this score, I should be able to get a ranking. But~"

Yang Chan asked: "But what?"

Zhao Mo also looked at him.Hu Kai replied hesitantly: "There are several good prospects this session, and they all scored within 4 points, so we still can't be careless and we have to perform well tomorrow."

"That's it~"

Yang Chan looked at Zhao Mo with some worry.

Zhao Mo smiled and said, "Don't worry about me. Didn't you also say that I have an iron will?"

Yang Chan laughed and rolled her eyes at him.

Hu Kai: "..."

Good guy, really a good guy, I kindly remind you, but you are good at feeding me dog food, are you still a human being?
Be human, you guys!

"I'm going to get busy~"

He said something casually, then turned and ran away.

Zhao Mo coughed, smiled and said to Yang Chan, "Let's go~"

"Aren't you going to exercise for a while anymore?"

Yang Chan nodded and asked casually while walking back.

Zhao Mo: "The allotted time is over, now it's our turn to eat and study."

Yang Chan smiled and said: "Okay, let's have a regular schedule!"

Late night, 0:30 am.

After extinguishing his small desk lamp, Zhao Mo tiptoed to the bed and lay down. He was the last one to sleep. The other three people in the dormitory were already asleep. Someone made a deafening snoring sound.

Zhao Mo has always been unaffected by this kind of movement from the outside world, not to mention that his body and spirit are eager to rest due to daily fatigue.

As soon as he lay down, he felt sleepy.

When consciousness sank, the system's voice rang: "Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing a month of high-intensity physical exercise + learning process. His will has been strengthened and he will be rewarded with 500 attribute points. Please keep up the good work!"

"Only 500? Give me more strength~"

Zhao Mo subconsciously made a choice and then fell asleep.

The next day, early morning!
Zhao Mo, who got up early, first looked at the properties panel:
{Iron Will System:

Host: Zhao Mo

Wisdom: LV8(891/100000)
Strength: LV7(870/10000)
Agility: LV7(538/10000)
Endurance: LV7 (470/10000)

Attribute Points: 0
Prizes: a damaged laser gun; a wireless charger; a bottle of Qingning spray (80ml); an opportunity for inspiration;
Main mission: Become a great scientist on the level of Qian Xuesen and Einstein!

Side mission one: Wenchuan earthquake rescue, mission completion rate: 0%!

Side mission two: Mathematical modeling competition!Completion Goal: Champion.

Side mission three: Participate in the 1500m John Cup competition, goal: get the top three}
"The long-distance running mission can be completed today and tomorrow~"

Zhao Mo took a long breath, then opened the dormitory door and ran out.

In the morning, the red flag was waving and the gongs and drums were loud~
The whole Wudaokou was immersed in the lively atmosphere of the sports meeting. The rare principal also came over and gave a speech, telling the history of sports in Wudaokou, encouraging the athletes to strive for the first place, saying that while learning knowledge well, practice sports well, and have good physical abilities. Support learning and more.

The lecturers and professors at the school who had time came over to watch.

As the deputy director of the Institute of Mathematics, Zhou Zuojian must come.

Standing among the faculty and staff, looking at the athletes from several colleges who were about to take the field, Zhou Zuojian showed a rare relaxed and happy smile, and then his eyes noticed Zhao Mo among the contestants.

"Lao Zhou, is Zhao Mo also participating?"

Sitting next to him was Professor Pan Hai from the Department of Chemistry and Materials. He obviously noticed Zhao Mo's presence and asked with interest.

Zhou Zuojian replied: "Yes, he signed up for the 1500-meter long-distance race."

Pan Hai: "Oh, this is a test of endurance~"

Zhou Zuojian smiled and said, "Yeah, I don't know what results this kid can achieve."

"He is the treasure of your academy, isn't he?"

A thin middle-aged man wearing glasses suddenly interjected and asked: "I heard that he has been training unexpectedly these days. Is this a temporary fix? Do you think it will be useful?"

Zhou Zuojian glanced at the other party. It was Professor Guo Hua from the School of Information. The smile on his face suddenly faded and he said calmly: "It's useless to sharpen your weapons in battle."

He even sneered in his heart: "You have the ability to find someone to invest on your own? You are so arrogant about someone else's 2000 million, and now you are still acting weirdly. You don't behave like a son of a man!"

Guo Hua said with a "haha" smile: "If you don't do serious research, just come to this running competition and do not do your job properly, can you win? I don't have any hope..."

While he was speaking energetically, Zhou Zuojian's expression gradually turned ugly.

On the competition field, the 1500-meter preliminaries began.

As the shout of "ready" sounded, a gunshot was heard soon, and the game began.

On the track, the participating athletes rushed out like cheetahs.

Zhao Mo, who they were talking about, was on the sixth track, dressed in red and obviously running to the front...

(End of this chapter)

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