You say you have an iron will, are you serious?

Chapter 101 I must be diligent and studious.

Chapter 101 I must be diligent and studious.
"...The current image transmission system of drones basically takes pictures and stores them first, then takes them back, and then exports the pictures. To transmit pictures, the speed and quality will make people collapse."

At regular meetings, everyone is responsible for reporting on their work progress and problems.

Among them, the construction aspect is progressing the fastest, and prototypes have already been started for verification.

But it’s useless, the function is not solved, and we have to wait until it is constructed.

The flight control system is a big problem. Gu Rong and Yang Chan have made significant progress with the help of Zhao Mo, but it is far from enough. It is still very early, and it will also need to be fully adjusted later based on the structure and body materials. .

Then, the image transmission system is also a huge problem. Zhou Wenli introduced the progress on her side, and then asked the question: "To achieve real-time transmission of images, I think the 3G technology currently being promoted by the country is not feasible, and the speed is only a simple 2Mb /s, it takes a long time to upload a picture, let alone a video. I think only 4G technology, which is still under development, can do it, but..."

She didn't say anything else, but everyone present could hear two words: no chance!
Across the world, a large number of scientists and engineers are studying 4G technology, but they don’t know when it will be developed. Just two or three cats and kittens like them are simply not qualified.

Zhao Mo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is there any other way to lower the quality and replace it?"

Zhou Wenli was obviously prepared. She replied without thinking: "I think it can be temporarily replaced by WIFI technology. This requires the use of WIFI modules, which is another big project."

"Wifi? The transmission rate can indeed be increased to 100Mb/s or even above, which can barely achieve real-time transmission, but the distance is too short. It can reach a range of 100~400 meters in an open outdoor area. Once there are obstacles, there are only three It’s 40 meters, this is a drone~”

Li Longjie immediately questioned.

Zhou Wenli shook her head and said: "Besides this, I can't think of any other technology that can achieve this function."

Zhao Mo is naturally aware of this problem. Whether it is wifi or Bluetooth, the technology is now mature, but the distance is too short, which is useless for drones.

"Xuwei's Star Flash will not be released until 17 years, otherwise Star Flash will be a barely substitute solution in an era without 4G/5G~"

Zhao Mo thought to himself, then waved his hand to stop Li Longjie from arguing, and said: "Let's design according to this plan first, we will use the 24.GHz frequency band. As for the final plan, I will think of a solution here~ "

Both Li Longjie and Zhou Wenli were stunned for a moment and thought to themselves: "If you think about it again, will you still be able to come up with 4G technology?"

After the regular meeting, Zhao Mo was still the last one to leave, and Yang Chan was waiting to join him.

Walking side by side on the road, the two of them slowed down a lot, enjoying the sweet feeling of being together that was rare in a day. They were in the most relaxed mood of the day.

"Wireless communication technology is difficult to solve, right?"

While walking, Yang Chan suddenly asked a question and then said: "Sometimes, I really feel that you are too harsh on yourself, but you don't seem to feel it. Is it really like what your roommate said, you really have steel? Can’t you achieve your will?”

Zhao Mo couldn't help laughing and said: "I wish I had my iron will~ Wireless communication technology is indeed difficult to solve, but it is just difficult to solve, not impossible. In my opinion, it does not take too long to move from 3G to 4G. 3G is just transitional at best."

He came from the future and knew this clearly. This was history that had already happened.

3G did not last too long from its release to its end. It only took about two or three years before 4G was fully launched and completely replaced 3G.

For no other reason than 3G technology is too far-reaching.

Yang Chan smiled sheepishly, feeling that her question just now was too childish, so she asked instead: "Why do you say 3G is just a transition?"

Zhao Mo explained: "The transmission speed of 3G is only 2Mb/s, which seems to be much improved compared to 2G, but there is no qualitative improvement. It cannot process pictures and videos, so it cannot meet people's requirements for higher quality communication. On the contrary , 4G can reach tens or hundreds of megabits in both static transmission rate and high-speed mobile state. This is a qualitative leap that can greatly promote the development of productivity and social development. I believe that when 4G comes out, the country will definitely We will do our best to promote it and spare no effort.”

Yang Chan was stunned: "Is 4G really that powerful?"

Zhao Mo nodded and said with a smile: "It's really that powerful."

"Hey, Zhao Mo, didn't you say last time that only a certain person in China can do 3G technology?"

Yang Chan suddenly remembered that Zhao Mo had talked to her about a certain company last time. Zhao Mo at that time highly praised it, so she suddenly thought: "What do you think we find a certain company for technical cooperation? Since they are good at communication technology To be number one in the country and leading internationally, it must have done very in-depth research on 4G technology, isn’t it just right?”

Zhao Mo held her hand and walked, replying: "This is also a way~"

Then asked her: "Why did you suddenly think of something?"

Yang Chan replied: "I happened to see a red banner today, saying that the CEO of a certain company is coming to our school~"

Zhao Mo was stunned for a moment: "Really?"

However, he didn't really care about this. He quickly talked about other things and his expression became serious: "Yang Chan, I feel very bad about Yoshiko Matsumoto. Let's try to have less contact with her in the future. Don’t let her know about the team’s affairs.”

Now it was Yang Chan's turn to be stunned. She was both funny and touched. She thought Zhao Mo was afraid that she would misunderstand him, so he said with a smile: "I believe you, knowing that you are not the kind of person who is flirtatious." , so you don’t need to explain it to me in particular, and there is no need to guard against others like thieves. After all, she is an international friend and a beautiful woman."

Zhao Mo couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and said quickly: "That's not the reason, don't get it wrong. I suspect that in addition to exchanging and learning here, she also has the evil purpose of spying on technical information."

Yang Chan was surprised: "Do you suspect she is a spy?"

Zhao Mo whispered: "It may not be a spy, it may just be stealing technical secrets."

This kind of thing has happened many times. The reason why Zhao Mo is so vigilant is because it has happened in the field of lithium batteries. The 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Akeno Yoshi, Stanley Whittingham, and John Goodenough for their contributions to the field of lithium batteries.Then, a report came out, saying that a research institute in America had invented the original version of the lithium battery patent, but the patent was patented by Xiaobenzi Sony first. The reason was that Dr. "Yoshi Akirano" of Xiaobenzi's family was in it at the time. work, so their people got in with the help of Yoshi Akirano's connections and successfully stole the technology. Later, the lawsuit became heated.

"I'll pay attention."

Yang Chan took a deep breath and replied.

She could feel her heart beating wildly, and she felt a sense of crisis and excitement like engaging in espionage work.

Zhao Mo couldn't help but give her a hug and kiss her, which calmed her down.


The next day, early in the morning.

When Zhao Mo was about to attend the class, deputy director Zhou Zuojian called him to the office.

"Mr. Ren from a certain position will come to visit our school today, and he wants to see you by name~"

Zhou Zuojian told the story first, and then asked: "Let's take some time to meet, the others are also very sincere~"

Since Zhao Mo became famous, the Department of Mathematics at Wudaokou has received increasing attention, not only from school leaders and government departments, but also from outside companies, enterprises, and groups.During this period of time, he has received many outside funding intentions, saying that he is willing to invest money with them and work together on research.

The arrival of a certain person is normal, but it also proves from the side that Zhao Mo's influence is not limited to computers and lithium battery materials, but can also span other majors.

Zhou Zuojian could see that these people wanted to invest in Zhao Mo, not in Zhao Mo’s professionalism, but more importantly in Zhao Mo the person!

A talented boy, a special report on Xinwen Network, and four consecutive papers in top journals. I can tell at a glance that this is a rising scientist of tomorrow. If I don't invest at this time, when will I wait?


Zhao Mo answered readily. It was because someone gave him a pillow when he fell asleep. Yesterday, Yang Chan suggested that he find someone to communicate with.

Zhou Zuojian looked at him with some surprise. A person who was usually not active in anything except studying, was so cheerful this time?

So I couldn't help but ask: "What happened this time?"

Zhao Mo smiled sheepishly: "Nothing, I just heard that their communication technology is very powerful and they are the leader in 3G technology in China, so I want to communicate with them~"

Only then did Zhou Zuojian suddenly realize, and then he laughed and said: "You kid, you really don't let go of the rabbit before you see it. It turns out you are asking for help from others."

Zhao Mo coughed and said, "Director, I must be diligent and studious, right?"

Zhou Zuojian: "..."

Needless to say, this kid is indeed diligent and studious.

"By the way, Professor Yao from the computer side has urged me several times, saying that you have a paper that you haven't written to him yet. Is this the case?"

Zhou Zuojian then asked about other things.

Zhao Mo slapped his forehead and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I forgot about this. I've been too busy during this period."

Zhou Zuojian was speechless and asked quickly: "Where is the report sent to Minister Liu?"

Zhao Mo said: "This is done."

Zhou Zuojian let out a sigh of relief and couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You, you, you, I almost scared this old bone to pieces."

Then he said earnestly: "Remember to complete the things you promised others. If you really can't finish them or they are postponed, you have to tell others in advance to avoid delaying others and affecting your own reputation."

Zhao Mo quickly replied: "Remember, I will give the paper to Professor Yao later."

Zhou Zuojian nodded and said "Okay", but did not forget to add: "When the paper is ready, I will send it to you at the same time~"

Zhao Mo: "..."

This is not using power for personal gain, but it is what it should be, right?

Later, Zhou Zuojian asked him some questions about his study and the research group. Zhao Mo selectively answered truthfully, saying that everything went smoothly.

Fifteen minutes later, Zhou Zuojian took the initiative to end the conversation and took him to meet with a certain person.

 Thank you to all book friends for your support, recommendations, monthly tickets, rewards and subscriptions. There are too many people to write here. Thank you all!Thanks!In the past few days during the National Day, [-] words will be updated, at noon and at night.

(End of this chapter)

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