
Chapter 93 092 [Dragon Chant]

Chapter 93 092 [Dragon Chant]

Early morning, Bieyuan.

In the courtyard, Lin Xi held a machete in both hands, looking straight ahead with a calm and indifferent expression.

Her hands were white and agile, and her fingers were slender but powerful. The sword that was more than seven feet long was motionless in her hands.

Looking up, he saw that her hair was simply tied behind her head like a waterfall, and her hair hung like tassels from her forehead.

The breeze blew slowly, blowing up the tassel, revealing her soft yet tough side face.

The slim figure developed through long-term martial arts training can be seen more clearly from the side, especially the straight and well-proportioned long legs, which make her figure even more slender and beautiful.

In the quiet morning light, Lin Xi standing with a knife is like a beautiful picture, and the sunlight shining on her body reflects a faint brilliance.

"Junior brother, look carefully."

Lin Xi's tone was soft, but her next movements were as fast as a rabbit.

She suddenly raised her right knee, kicked off her toes, and the five-foot-long scabbard flew forward, leaving a lingering "clang" sound.

People move with the knife, just like the violent wind and rain.

Lu Chen had seen Lin Xi's martial arts before, but whether it was subduing Duan Zuozhang in front of the Gu family, beheading generals and capturing flags in a night attack, or the final decisive battle outside the city, he had more important things to do, and he really couldn't His mind was focused on his senior sister's skills, so this was the first time he had watched the Lin family's ancestral sword skills.

But Lu Chen was dazzled when he saw that she was holding a knife with one hand, or waving the long knife with both hands in tandem. The 24 swords were used like flowing water, which matched with her agile and vigorous body skills.

The sword is light and the sword is heavy, but this long knife actually achieves the unity of the two in Lin Xi's hands.

With the last swing of the knife, Lin Xi jumped into the air as high as a person, twisted forward with strength from his waist and abdomen, and swung the long knife towards the corner, as if a huge wave was rushing towards him, with a faint sound of wind and thunder.

It's like a strong wind sweeping past.

Lin Xi landed firmly, sheathed her sword and stood solemnly.

Several small trees in the corners had been broken.

Lu Chen's heart trembled. After studying the Shangxuan Sutra day and night for a long time, he already had a certain understanding of the inner strength of this world.

When Lin Xi swung the last knife, the blade seemed to hit the trunk of the small tree, but in fact it did not touch the trunk.

In other words, the internal energy attached to the blade overflowed and cut off these small trees abruptly.

Lin Xi seemed to have noticed the situation in the corner, and said with a little embarrassment: "Sorry, I was so immersed in it that I didn't pay attention."

"Senior sister, did you reveal your inner strength just now?" Lu Chen didn't care about that, but asked in surprise.

Lin Xi's breath was even and steady, showing a strong background and foundation. He nodded and said: "Yes, it is not particularly difficult for a warrior who has stepped into the threshold to expose his inner strength, but at the beginning it is not very powerful and is better than nothing. I have been immersed in the Mysterious Sutra for 11 years , now I can only stay one foot in front of me.”

Lu Chen sighed: "This is already great, at least others can't touch the corners of your clothes."

Lin Xi said softly: "Don't let your inner strength be exposed until the critical moment. This will greatly deplete the breath in your body. My father once said that although warriors are stronger than ordinary people, they must always maintain a sense of awe. If you think you have learned A few skills will make you invincible, and sooner or later you will die. To put it simply, I can't face more than fifty elite veterans alone. Once I fall into a deadly battle, I will definitely die in the end."

Lu Chen remembered something and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Didn't Senior Sister kill Li Xuanan and his son in front of hundreds of fake Yan cavalry outside Panlong Pass?"

Lin Xi smiled slightly and said calmly: "Because they were sneaking into Nantou at the time, they did not wear heavy armor or carry crossbows. Secondly, I also brought nearly a hundred people, Xi Jun and Ji Shan were both there, and these people were not Ordinary green forest and grass, they have all received strict training under my father's command."

"I see."

"However, if I can avoid a desperate fight, repeated tearing and sneak attacks like flying a kite, I should be able to kill two to three hundred Yan troops before my internal strength fails."

"So no matter how powerful the master is, he can't get into the military camp protected by the heavy military?"

"Yes, when we ambush Moshanko, we also used him to leave the military camp and have fun in the city."

Lu Chendeng understood immediately.

Lin Xi smiled and said: "Junior brother, it's time to practice."

Lu Chen said: "Okay."

Thanks to the foundation laid by practicing the Shou Zheng Jue for the past nine years, coupled with the talent he brought in, Lu Chen understood the Xuan Jing very quickly.If we use Lin Xi's metaphor, there are ten stairs in total, and he has already climbed to the third level.

The Lin family's martial arts started from the inside out, with boxing, body and sword techniques all based on the Xuan Jing, so Lu Chen learned it very quickly.

In the fresh morning breeze, under Lin Xi's step-by-step instruction, Lu Chen gradually became familiar with this extremely domineering and elegant sword technique.

Half an hour later, the two of them went back to their rooms to freshen up and change clothes. Song Pei had already prepared breakfast with the cook.

Lu Chen looked at the extraordinarily rich and delicious meal, smiled at Song Pei and said, "The craftsmanship is good."

Song Pei bowed and said, "As long as the young master and Miss Lin like it."

Lin Xi picked up a swallow dumpling, chewed it slowly and said, "Junior brother, how has your recent military training been?"

"It went smoother than I thought. They either have experience in the military, or they are people my father has trained for many years. At the worst, they have the experience of fighting on the battlefield with us in Guangling City, and there are no new recruits who know nothing about it. .”

Lin Xi looked at him tenderly, nodded and said: "As long as it goes well. You have to be nice to them. In the future, they will be your comrades who can trust you with life and death on the battlefield."

"I will." Lu Chen agreed with a smile.

Lin Xi said no more.

After breakfast, Lu Chen led more than ten people on horseback to the Dudu's Mansion. He first chatted with Xiao Wangzhi for half an hour, reaffirming the details and plans for the upcoming troop launch, and then went to the small building to the west of the Dudu's Mansion. School grounds.

Li Chengen is leading everyone to exercise.

Lu Chen and his soldiers joined in without saying a word. The soldiers around him did not appear panicked because of Lu Chen's arrival. Apparently they were used to the captain advancing and retreating together with them.

Xiao Wangzhi and Lu Tong did not give Lu Chen time to think, and directly threw the 1000 people in front of him.

Perhaps in their view, this complex army did not require Lu Chen to put in too much effort in training.In addition to the more than 200 elite soldiers sent by Xiao Wangzhi, there are more than 700 other people who are closely related to Lu Chen, and their own qualities are good enough, and they are good players who can be brought to the battlefield immediately.

Lu Chen has a different view on this.

It's not enough to have those connections, he needs to leave his mark on this army so that it can be used on the battlefield.

But he did not immediately educate these 1000 people in a whimsical way, which would only make others regard him as a lunatic.

What he did was simple. First, he established military disciplines that everyone, including himself, must strictly abide by.

If he was facing a team of new recruits, this would stump most people, because most people who join the army in this era have never read, and it is not easy to understand just by rote memorization.

Fortunately, these 1000 people are basically literate and have at least had some enlightenment experience.

It is impossible for them to sit down and talk about it, but it is not difficult to understand the content of military discipline.

From the initial bumps and bruises, now almost everyone can roughly recite the fifteen basic military regulations drawn up by Lu Chen himself.

After morning and evening exercises every day, Lu Chen would lead everyone to recite it three times and conduct random checks at the same time.

From the morning to the afternoon, there is only one training content for this thousand-man team, which can be summarized as the four words "order, line and prohibition". The most important thing is to march in an orderly and orderly manner.

On the dusty school field, Lu Chen divided everyone into ten hundred-man teams, and selected ten people from the veterans sent by Xiao Wangzhi to serve as team captains temporarily, and practiced repeatedly with Li Chengen.

In the afternoon, Lu Chen's clothes were soaked with sweat. He still stood in the field like a javelin, giving orders to adjust the content from time to time.

As the sun set, his face had turned an khaki color.

No one noticed that a middle-aged man, surrounded by five or six subordinates, came to the side wall of the Governor's Mansion and looked at the lively scene on the campus in the distance for a moment.

"How is it?" Xiao Wangzhi looked at the marching Sima Huang Xianfeng next to him and asked calmly.

Huang Xianfeng considered it and said: "Captain Lu is willing to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. He is very disciplined in training his soldiers. Although he is young, he already has the air of a general."

Xiao Wangzhi couldn't help laughing, shook his head and said, "Tell the truth."

Of course, Huang Xianfeng did not become a fourth-rank marching Sima by flattering him. Although he was always amiable in front of Lu Chen, in fact, this official position was regarded as the fourth person in the Governor's Mansion, second only to Xiao Wangzhi himself, Chang Shi and Tongzhi, responsible for Assisting Chang Shi in managing the various offices in the government, his status is not low.

Hearing Xiao Wangzhi's words, Huang Xianfeng said cautiously: "To the Commander-in-Chief, I have been observing these days under your order, and I do have some doubts in my heart. Since Captain Lu is familiar with the art of war, why didn't he lead his subordinates to practice formations instead of practicing the formation every day? Doing these basic queue drills day after day?"

"Do you think he is doing useless work?"

"The subordinate dare not."

Xiao Wangzhi said in a gentle tone: "This thousand-man team is not new recruits. Although some of them have only experienced the Battle of Guangling, their individual strength is far superior to that of ordinary soldiers. For this complex army, He said that the most important thing at the moment is not to impatiently practice the formations in the hope that they will become elite cavalry in a short period of time."

Huang Xianfeng was naturally knowledgeable, and thought to himself, "The Governor-General's intention is that Lieutenant Lu wants to merge them into a whole as soon as possible?"

Xiao Wangzhi nodded slightly and said, "Yes. This simple and repetitive array drill will allow everyone to get to know each other as quickly as possible. Lu Chen is based on military discipline and works hard with the soldiers, so that he can be the core Create a synergy.”

Huang Xianfeng immediately remembered the first time he had seen the drill on the school field, and when he reported to Xiao Wangzhi, the smile appeared on the face of the governor.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Colonel Lu is indeed no ordinary person."

Xiao Wangzhi said leisurely: "It's a pity that he doesn't have much time to train his troops calmly, otherwise I would be very much looking forward to the performance of these Qianqi on the battlefield."

Huang Xianfeng was in a strange mood at this moment.

Some of the rewards for the Battle of Guangling have come out, and Lu Chen has indeed been given the rank of Dismissal from the fifth rank.

Qi Tai, the capital commander of the Guangling Army, retired and returned to his hometown. At Xiao Wangzhi's request, Duan Zuozhang was promoted to the capital commander. Xiao Hong, who finally led the raid on the Wangmei Ancient Road, also joined the Guangling Army and was temporarily appointed as the captain of the regiment.

In terms of official rank, Duwei is definitely higher than Xiaowei, but compared to the Guangling Army and the Dudu's Guards Battalion, the difference between the two does not need to be elaborated.

Huang Xianfeng even had the illusion that Lu Chen was more like the governor's biological son than Xiao Hong.


He calmed down and said seriously: "Grand Governor, are you going to start a counterattack?"

Xiao Wangzhi nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the Governor's Mansion, saying calmly: "Everything is ready, there is no need to wait any longer."

From the school grounds in the distance, a neat and loud roar came from the school at this moment, like the roar of a killing dragon on the battlefield, resounding throughout the heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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