
Chapter 91 090 [True and False]

Chapter 91 090 [True and False]

The three armies of Nanya are all stationed on the outskirts of Lai'an City, while the three capital commanders are temporarily staying in the city. Because they often go to the Governor's Mansion to attend military meetings recently, each of them has a small courtyard that is not too cramped.

Even if the frontier army and the Beijing army didn't like each other, Xiao Wangzhi would not bother with such trivial matters, not to mention that it was the time to employ people.

Xu Wen, the commander of the Dingwei Army, returned to his residence with his soldiers, took a simple cold shower, put on regular clothes and went to the study.

One of his confidants followed him step by step, while another stood on the porch outside the door.

After Xu Wen sat down, he asked, "Have you connected?"

The confidant responded respectfully: "Yes. According to the general's instructions, the villain pretended to go to that store to buy something and contacted the people in the north. The man said, please general, please inform the military strategy of the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion as soon as possible. He will immediately find a way to send him north."

Xu Wen remained silent and tapped his fingers on the table.

His confidants knew his difficulties.

Passing on information is an act of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. Once the governor's office or the Weaving Department discovers the clues, it will be a serious crime of confiscating the family and exterminating the clan.

However, there are some things that you don’t have to do just because you don’t want to do them.

When the three armies of Nanya were stranded on the south bank of the Hengjiang River, people from the Beiyan Procuratorate came to the door, clearly informed Xu Wen, and tried their best to dissuade Xiao Wangzhi from the northern expedition and counterattack.If nothing can be done, the battle plan of the Governor's Mansion must be conveyed as soon as possible.

The confidant looked at Xu Wen's frown and said, "The man also said that they have prepared a batch of gifts worth about 10 taels of silver, which will be delivered to the place designated by the general in the near future."

"It's not about money."

Xu Wen shook his head and said sadly: "Xiao Wangzhi made it clear at the military meeting that this war is of great importance and absolutely no information should be leaked. If the north had a response before the war started, wouldn't it be a clear cause of trouble? Participate in the military meeting. Of those people, excluding the generals of the Huaizhou Army, there are only three of us in command of the Beijing Army. Once the Weaving Department follows this clue to investigate, it will be difficult for me to keep those things a secret."

The confidant sighed: "In that case, why doesn't the general pretend to know nothing? After all, the people in the north don't know when Governor Xiao will decide on the battle strategy. When the army sets out to enforce martial law on the front line, the general will not be able to deliver the news even if he wants to. "

Xu Wen took a long breath and said slowly: "You made a wrong step back then, how can you look back now? I have taken so many benefits from the people in the Procuratorate over the years. If you piss them off, even if you just expose those things in the past, Neither you nor I, nor even all my family members, will survive."

The confidants couldn't help but grimace. Although Xu Wen owned most of the money sent from the north, he really got a lot.

After thinking for a moment, he asked cautiously: "General, how does Governor Xiao plan to counterattack?"

Lu Chen's young face appeared in Xu Wen's mind, and he suddenly felt vaguely uneasy.

He only regarded this as an illusion due to excessive pressure, and then said calmly: "He is planning to pretend to attack Qingtian City and actually take Yongquan Pass. He will first use this to paralyze the defenders of Yongquan Pass, and then send people to find a mountain trail to enter the pass from the side. "

The confidant's eyes suddenly lit up and he said: "General, why bother, it doesn't matter if you send this news."

Xu Wen frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"General, you might as well think about it. After a series of disastrous defeats in the north, it's time to shrink the defense line and wait for reinforcements. After they knew the strategy of the Governor's Mansion, they just wanted to be more cautious when assisting Qingtian City. This is what the general must do. , What does it have to do with the general? As for Yongquan Pass, the north can relax its peripheral vigilance and strengthen internal vigilance as usual. Even if a small group of people breaks into the pass from the side, it will not be a big problem as long as they are prepared in advance. "

Xu Wen suddenly came to his senses.

He took this matter too seriously and was worried about the consequences of being exposed, but he didn't see it as thoroughly as this person.

The confidant said again: "The North will rely on the general to deliver news from now on, so the general will never be put in a dangerous situation and will definitely cooperate. The general can rest assured."

Xu Wen thought about the whole thing from beginning to end, and couldn't help but smile on his face, and said happily: "Fortunately, I have you to help me find and fill in the gaps."

The confidant lowered his head and said respectfully: "This is the duty that a villain should perform."

Xu Wen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go and communicate with the spies from the Procuratorate. I must let them know my difficulties."

The confidant quickly agreed and then left the study quietly.


The Battle of Qingxia had a huge impact on Beiyan Dongyang Road. The loss of nearly [-] troops made Zhang Junsi's heart bleed.

If he could not make up for his mistakes in the coming war, he could predict that his end would be miserable. Even with the protection of Marshal Qing Yugong, the dignitaries in Heluo City would not let him go easily.

However, Zhang Junsi felt that he was wronged.

The battle plan was proposed by Wang Shidao and was approved by Emperor Yan, the two privy councilors and Qing Yugong. He had no right to speak from the beginning to the end.Qin Chun took away nearly half of his old soldiers, and added thousands of troops on Moyang Road. In the end, he was defeated at the foot of Guangling City, and his heads were cut off by the Qi people.

There was no trace of the internal response that the Prosecutor's Office had sworn about, and it had no effect at all.

On the main battlefield on the northern front, he sent his troops southward according to the established plan. It was indeed overwhelming at first. The Qi army could only retreat step by step and shrink its defense line due to lack of troops.

At that time, the situation was very good, and the layers of defense lines seemed to be smooth. Zhang Junsi gathered the army to launch a general attack. Unexpectedly, he encountered a hard nail in the Qingxia area.

What made him even more helpless and angry was that Xiao Wangzhi did not send troops south to rescue Guangling at all, but instead fought with him in Qingxia.

There is no need to elaborate on the final result. If Zhang Junsi had not had some tricks in commanding the troops, the entire army might have been wiped out.

As time passed, Zhang Junsi's anger became more and more intense, and he lost his previous respect for Wang Shidao.

Today, Deputy Privy Councilor Chen Jingtang summoned Zhang Junsi. When he walked into the festival hall, he saw Wang Shidao present, and his face suddenly turned cold.

After greeting each other, Chen Jingtang seemed not to notice the undercurrent between the two men and said straight to the point: "General Zhang, Xiao Wangzhi from the south is about to launch a counterattack."

Zhang Junsi had expected this and said calmly: "Your Majesty, Xiao Wangzhi will definitely not miss this opportunity, but it will be difficult for him to do so. Whether it is Qingtian City or Yongquan Pass, the city defense is not strong. Weaker than the defensive line that he is proud of. This is fine, let him experience the difficulty of a strong attack."

Chen Jingtang said leisurely: "We already know Xiao Wangzhi's specific marching strategy."

Zhang Junsi was shocked, and then subconsciously raised his eyes to look at Master Wang sitting opposite and said: "Can the source of the information guarantee the authenticity?"

He was already in trouble. His previous two decisions were interfered with by the prosecutor's office's wrong judgment, leading to him making huge mistakes.

In fact, he didn't understand why the Prosecutor's Office suddenly became so inferior.

Of course, Wang Shidao's rise to fame was not due to Qing Yugong's forced promotion. In the past few years, the Procuratorate has indeed done many great things.

Faced with Zhang Junsi's slightly disrespectful question, Wang Shidao said calmly: "General, please rest assured. Xu Wen, the chief general of the Dingwei Army of the Southern Qi Jing Army, has long been attracted by the Procuratorate. We have many handles on him. He will definitely Don't dare to tell a lie. Now the Dingwei Army is stationed on the outskirts of Lai'an City in Huaizhou. After Xu Wen learned of Xiao Wangzhi's plan, he immediately notified the secret agents of the Procuratorate in Lai'an City. .”

Zhang Junsi nodded, the cold look on his face gradually faded, and said to Wang Shidao: "Please give Wang Shizheng the details."

Wang Shidao briefly explained Lu Chen's plan, and then said in a deep voice: "I believe that this is a rare opportunity to use the opponent's plan to turn defeat into victory."

Zhang Junsi pondered for a while and then said slowly: "Wang Shizheng's intention is that our army will gradually abandon the defense system outside Qingtian City according to the previous plan and lure the opponent's army to attack Qingtian City?"

Wang Shidao nodded and said: "Don't worry about Yongquan Pass. As long as our defenders are more vigilant, even if the Qi army can really send a small group of elite troops over the mountain, our army can deal with them in a short time. Furthermore, Yongquan Pass is divided into two passes, the front and rear. Our army can send an additional troop to hide in the back pass and quickly support the front pass when the war breaks out."

Zhang Junsi agreed with this judgment, quickly calculated the strength of his troops, and then hesitated: "Yongquan Pass only needs to add 3000 more people, and the total of [-] defenders can be safe and sound. The key lies in Qingtian City, Xiao Wang Since we want to encircle the point and call for reinforcements, should we fight or defend?"

Chen Jingtang, who was sitting in the main seat, said: "Intelligence from the Procuratorate shows that the enemy plans to take three steps. I believe that our army can also respond in three steps."

Zhang Junsi said respectfully: "Please give me your instructions, Your Majesty the Privy Council."

Chen Jingtang said calmly: "The first step is that our army can be prepared in advance to abandon the peripheral defense system, fight a few small-scale battles first, and then gradually shrink the defense line. Since the enemy thinks that our army is trying to lure the enemy deeper, then we Just follow the other person’s thoughts and make them think everything is as expected.”

Wang Shidao and Zhang Junsi both nodded in agreement.

Chen Jingtang continued: "The second step is that if the enemy wants to encircle the point for reinforcements, then our army can defend it for a period of time to consume the enemy's morale and food. The focus of this step is to remind the defenders of Qingtian City that they must We must defend firmly enough. In order to make us believe that the city's defense is critical, the enemy can only continue to forcefully attack the city, which can effectively deplete their troops."

"The third step is that the current strength of Dongyang Road is not enough to confront the enemy's [-]-strong army, so I decided to mobilize the Moyang Road army to retreat eastward based on the existing strength, and then enter the Qingtian Valley from the northern passage. Fight the enemy here!"

Zhang Junsi said with understanding: "While the reinforcements are arriving, our army can make full use of the strong defense of Qingtian City to consume the enemy troops. However, in order to induce our army to send reinforcements, Xiao Wangzhi will not expose the ambush in advance. It can be attacked repeatedly with 4 to [-] men."

Wang Shidao said: "At the same time, our army can also send a small group of elite cavalry to harass the enemy's main siege force."

"Yes, by the time our army's reinforcements are assembled and march south to the Qingtian Valley, the troops Xiao Wangzhi sent to attack the city have already been exhausted from fighting. How will he win by relying only on ambushes? If the main force of the Huaizhou Army can be defeated in this battle, it will be said Maybe we can take advantage of the situation and come to the security line."

Chen Jingtang spoke calmly, with a somewhat conceited smile on his face.

Wang Shidao and Zhang Junsi looked at each other and smiled, and their previous conflicts were immediately resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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