
Chapter 9 009 [Breeze coming]

Chapter 9 009 [Breeze coming]

The sun sets slowly in the remaining clouds on the horizon, turning the sky a bright blue.

Thousands of rays of light fill the world, dyeing all the pavilions and pavilions of the government office with a faint halo.

The layout of the government office is a front hall and a back house. After Lu Chen came out of the side hall, the two spies took him to the southeast corner. Their destination was a temporarily unused courtyard, where Lu Tong was imprisoned.

There is a word called "cowardice of feeling close to home". Lu Chen's hometown is in a world far away, but at this moment, he felt a similar feeling in his heart.

The journey through mountains and rivers from Northern Yan back to Southern Qi, especially after entering the country from Panlong Pass, was full of twists and turns.

Lu Chen carefully touched the overview of the world while dealing with all kinds of characters, and he could probably cope with it.

However, Li Chengen, Song Yi and others did not realize that Lu Chen never talked about matters related to Lu Tong in depth from beginning to end. Instead, he would avoid such topics without leaving any trace.

The reason is naturally very simple. For a mature man whose mental age is in his thirties, it takes a certain amount of time to adapt to having an extra father out of thin air.

It's not that Lu Chen is overly hypocritical, but the relationship between father and son in this era is completely different from that in his previous life. The word filial piety means absolute obedience, it means not being disobedient, it means being beaten and scolded at every turn, and it means that the father can even decide the life and death of his son...

Although it can be seen from Li Chengen's few words that Lu Tong loves his only son very much, this is only Li Chengen's perspective, and it is difficult to determine the facts.

With a rather complicated mood, Lu Chen stepped into the small courtyard. The two spies, together with their companions who were originally guarding outside the courtyard, continued to protect or guard the father and son inside.

The first thing that caught Lu Chen's eyes was a slightly wealthy figure. Although he was already in his 40s, he didn't have the slightest trace of twilight. Coupled with his chubby face and brand new brocade robe, he had a very standard image of a wealthy man.

This person is Lu Tong, a wealthy businessman from Guangling, who is also Lu Chen's biological father.

"Shen'er!" Lu Tong's voice was full of surprise. He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Lu Shen's wrist, looked at him carefully from top to bottom, and then smiled until there was only a slit left in his eyes: "Just come back. , Just be fine. When I received the urgent report from Song Yi that day, I almost lost my breath. I thought that if you had any problems, I would never have the face to see your mother in the future. "

Lu Chen didn't break free from his hand, and slightly lowered his eyebrows and said, "I made you worry."

Lu Tong took his wrist and walked to the main room. As he walked, he said, "What are you talking about? Don't imitate those old masters outside. Our family doesn't like this."

Lu Chen felt a strange but warm feeling in his heart.

The courtyard is actually a bit cramped, the main room is very small, and the furnishings inside are very simple.

In Lu Chen's memory, the residence of his servants was almost the same as here. As for the courtyard of his mansion, it was as different as clouds and mud compared to what he saw in front of him.

Lu Tong had a somewhat happy-go-lucky temperament. He invited Lu Chen to sit down at the ordinary Eight Immortals table, then poured him a cup of tea with his own hands and said warmly: "This place can't be compared with home, so don't worry too much. In fact, the Master wanted me to wait in the flower hall, but the Sutra Weaver's visitor was unkind, so I politely declined the Master's kindness. Although this place is simple, it is better to stay in the Sutra Weaver's cell."

Lu Chen had so many things in his mind that he didn't know where to start.

When Lu Tong saw this, he smiled and said, "Is Mr. Su in trouble?"

Lu Chen shook his head and said hesitantly: "You don't seem worried at all?"

Lu Tong said calmly: "The Lu family is innocent, why should we worry?"

Lu Chen was slightly startled.

This sentence makes sense, but the problem is that the world the two of them live in doesn't seem so reasonable.

The word innocence is indeed valuable, but in the eyes of some powerful people, it is easy to destroy a person's innocence.

If you could walk around the world calmly if you believed you were innocent, how could there be so many injustices throughout the ages.

It's just that Lu Tong can create such a big business in Shizhang Ruanhong, he must not be such a simple person.

He continued: "Father, I know you have a lot to say, so don't be impatient and just say it one by one. Also, those outside can't hear us."

Lu Chen nodded, starting from his sudden illness in Beiyan Tieshan City, and recounted some of the strange things that happened along the way.

The more Lu Tong listened, the more surprised he became, and by the end the admiration on his face could no longer be concealed.

He sighed with fear, "I didn't expect that there would be so many twists and turns during this period. Fortunately, you were alert enough, otherwise the Lu family might have fallen into someone else's scheme this time."

Lu Chen skipped this section and said in confusion: "There is something unclear in my mind. Mr. Su is quite restrained in his behavior. Is it because he is worried about the relationship between the Palace Master and the Lu family?"

Lu Tong folded his hands in his sleeves, was silent for a moment, shook his head and said: "No. In terms of grade, the Lord of the Palace must be higher than the Inspector of the Warp Weaving Department. After all, our Guangling is a superior government. But you may not know that the Warp Weaving Department is in the middle of the court. He has a transcendent status. This yamen has always only obeyed the emperor's will. Officials below the fourth rank can review first and then report." He paused and said slowly: "Actually, before you came back, my father felt that he was being manipulated by the Sutra Weaving Department. Someone was eyeing him, so he went to visit an old friend in the city and asked him to take care of him. Although my father didn't know the intention of the warp weaver, the Lu family was standing firm. As long as the other party didn't use those cruel methods and carried out the normal investigation. The procedure of the case does not matter.”

These words answered Lu Chen's doubts. Previously, he really didn't understand why Su Yunqing used such troublesome methods to induce confessions. He was not as ruthless as a privileged yamen should be.

But he felt that something was wrong, and he couldn't be sure for a while, so he simply continued to ask: "Who is your old friend?"

Lu Tong replied: "He has never been an official. He is famous for his medical skills. Everyone calls him Doctor Xue. Before the fall of the old capital, he was a guest in many dignitaries' mansions, and his reputation even surpassed that of those in the palace. Imperial physician."

Lu Chen said: "For the Warp Weaving Department Inspector to be so fearful, I think there must be something special about this Divine Doctor Xue."

Lu Tong nodded and said: "You guessed it right. Although Divine Doctor Xue himself has never been an official, his nephew is the right minister of the court. Su Yunqing can ignore the prefect of Guangling, but he dare not ignore Divine Doctor Xue. My impression. My father has some friendship with Divine Doctor Xue, but I haven’t told you before.”

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder Su Yunqing chose the government office for the interrogation. Although it was a bit overwhelming and made Zhan Hui, the prefect, not look good, it was already a compromise after weighing the balance.

Lu Chen finally felt relieved and immediately took the initiative to confess: "After that serious illness, there were many things that I couldn't remember."

Lu Tong was stunned and asked nervously: "The letter Song Yi sent back said that you are already well. Didn't he tell the truth?"

Lu Chen explained: "Except for this one, there are no other problems. You don't have to worry."

Lu Tong breathed a sigh of relief and sighed: "It doesn't matter if you can't remember. If you want to know anything, just ask my father. Your illness is so weird that my father is still worried about it. After this matter is over, please ask my father." Doctor Xue will give you a careful diagnosis."

The feeling of pity for the son is beyond words.

Lu Chen couldn't help but be a little touched. In just 20 days, he was used to seeing people's evil thoughts. The middle-aged man in front of him finally allowed him to put aside those intrigues for the time being.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and then Su Yunqing's figure appeared in the small courtyard.

Lu Tong quickly stood up to greet him and asked, "Mr. Su, have you checked out this misunderstanding?"

Su Yunqing glanced at Lu Chen, who looked calm next to him, and said calmly: "Although it has not been fully investigated, Yuan Wai Lu can go back with his caravan. I would like to remind Yuan Wai Lu not to go out in the near future. Don't collude with others secretly, the Sutra Weaving Department will send people to guard the Lu residence, and don't do anything that causes misunderstandings."

Lu Tong responded with a smile, but his expression soon changed and he said seriously: "Master Su, do you think Quanzi still has to stay here?"

Su Yunqing said: "Not here, I want to take him to the Guangling Yamen of the Sutra Weaving Department."

Lu Tong immediately stood in front of Lu Chen, with a flash of evil in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Master Su, please don't bully others too much!"

Su Yunqing raised her eyebrows slightly.

Lu Tong has always been very humble, and he did not resist even though he knew Zhan Hui had deep intentions in forcing him to stay in the government office. No matter from any angle, it was in line with his identity - a cautious and kind-hearted businessman seeking wealth.

However, at this moment, he suddenly became tough.

Lu Tong had no intention of arguing with the other party and said bluntly: "Mr. Su, Mr. Lu is well aware of the heavy responsibility of the Warp Weaving Department, so he dare not hide anything and has been trying his best to cooperate with you in the investigation from the beginning to the end. The Lu family has I have never done anything to collaborate with the enemy, and everything today is framed by others. If Mr. Su is indiscriminate, Mr. Lu will have to report this matter to heaven even if he spends all his wealth and fights to death!"

Su Yunqing said indifferently: "Lu Chen is now related to the crime committed by the fake Yanxi, so I naturally want to keep him for further investigation. Apart from Mr. Lu, even though Divine Doctor Xue has a great reputation, he can only limit this matter to a certain range. , so as not to make it known to everyone. If you do not know what is good and what is wrong, and interfere with the Weaving Department's handling of the case, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Lu Tong's face turned red, and his body was shaking uncontrollably because of his anger.


Lu Chen's voice suddenly came from behind.

Lu Tong turned his head and looked around, only to see his son holding his arm and saying calmly: "The Weaving Department has its own rules for handling cases, so father doesn't have to worry. Although it is often difficult to tell right and wrong in this world, I believe there is always justice. Character."

Lu Tong looked at him steadily, and after a long time he said with a complicated expression: "Okay."

Su Yunqing watched indifferently, and her evaluation of Lu Chen was a little higher in her heart.

It is rare to have such a calm and rational mind at such a young age.

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(End of this chapter)

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