
Chapter 89 088 [There are many original intentions in looking north]

Chapter 89 088 [There are many original intentions in looking north]

At this moment, the spiritual platform was clear. Lu Chen came to Xiao Wangzhi's side under the gaze of various eyes. On the other side was the topographic map of the Northland hanging on the wooden frame.

He knew very well that Xiao Wangzhi's intention was not to make him die because he was speechless, but to make him look familiar in front of the Huaizhou generals.

Don't underestimate this opportunity to show your face. Under normal circumstances, Lu Chen would have to spend at least three to five years in the army if he wanted to talk in front of these battle-hardened and brave generals.

It is true that he had meritorious service in the Battle of Guangling, but who among the generals in the hall did not have meritorious service?Even their commander-in-chief was not qualified to express his opinions on such a serious occasion.

After a short distance of more than ten steps, Lu Chen had calmed down when he walked over and stood there with a calm expression.

Xiao Wangzhi looked at Lu Chen with gentle eyes, and then said to the generals: "Three months ago, Lu Chen was a white man with no fame. He was promoted by the Weaving Department for his great efforts when hunting down the fake Yan Xizuo. Mr. Qin made an exception and promoted him to the rank of cadre."

After hearing Xiao Wangzhi's words, Yuan Xingqin from the capital looked at Lu Chen with deep meaning.

Xiao Wangzhi continued: "On the eve of the Battle of Guangling, Lu Chen led the Guangling Yamen of the Sutra Weaving Department to work together with Duan Zuozhang to eliminate all the puppet Yan Procuratorates lurking in the city."

Hearing the name Duan Zuozhang, He Gui, the commander of the Lai'an Army, looked at Lu Shen with a little more kindness in his eyes.

"In the Battle of Guangling, Lu Chen first defeated the enemy with strange fire, and then personally led 500 men to attack the enemy camp at night, beheaded the generals, captured the flag, and burned down the enemy camp. When reinforcements from Jingzhou Feiyu Camp arrived outside the city, he led thousands more The remaining cavalrymen marched directly into the enemy's center and cooperated with other soldiers, not only completely defeating the enemy, but also leading the enemy's general Qin Chun."

Xiao Wangzhi looked around at the crowd and said slowly: "Therefore, I have recruited him to be the Inspector-General of the Governor's Mansion."

In fact, all the generals in the Huaizhou Army had read the battle report from Guangling and knew that the most outstanding performance in this battle was not the guard Duan Zuozhang, but the two young men.

Li Bingxue is somewhat famous. Although Jingzhou and Huaizhou are far apart, she is Li Tianrun's eldest daughter after all, and she also commands the elite ranger Feiyu Camp. Therefore, most military commanders of this level have heard of her and have not heard of her. It was unexpected that she would achieve such results.

But Lu Chen can be described as unknown. It is difficult for everyone to judge his origins and the decisive role he played in this victory from the concise and comprehensive battle report.

After listening to Xiao Wangzhi's solemn introduction, everyone couldn't help but look seriously at the young man standing aside.

Chen Lanyu looked at Lu Chen quietly. When their eyes met, Lu Chen noticed that the man's eyes were calm, but there was a hint of scrutiny.

Except for a few reckless men, military generals at the level of commander were not careless people. Chen Lanyu had obviously realized that Xiao Wangzhi valued this young man very much and even gave him a chance to perform.

You must know that even Xiao Hong, the second son of the governor, did not receive such treatment.

Xiao Wangzhi ignored the undercurrent in the hall and said calmly: "I ordered Lu Chen and others to work together to study the strategy of the counterattack. Next, he will tell you why this battle is fought and how to fight it. .”

Lu Chen bowed, then turned to the generals in the hall and said, "Fellow generals, I am young and ill-informed, and all I care about is family talk. Please correct me."

He Gui said with a smile: "Captain Lu understood the true meaning of the art of war in several of his decisions during the Guangling battle. He is a formidable person, so you might as well speak out boldly."

Lu Chen's heart moved, and he remembered that before leaving Guangling, Duan Zuozhang once mentioned that he and General He had an irreconcilable relationship. It seemed that it was indeed a lie, so he smiled back and said calmly: "Just now, the Governor said that the counterattack It is imperative to do so because of the three key points in the north of Huaizhou, only Panlong Pass is under the control of our army, which makes us passive at the strategic level."

Under the gaze of all the generals, he raised his hand and pointed at the map, and said in a leisurely manner: "If Qingtian City and Yongquan Pass are not in our army's hands, the enemy in the north can move south at any time. In order to maintain the A large number of troops must be invested in the security line, and a huge amount of food and grass will be wasted, which will be difficult for the local people in Huaizhou to provide."

Sitting next to Yuan Xingqin, Hou Dayong, the commander of the Nanya Zhenwei Army, said nonchalantly: "What Lieutenant Lu said makes sense, but everyone seems to understand this truth."

The implication is, who among everyone present is not an experienced veteran and needs you, a young boy, to pretend to talk nonsense that everyone knows?

He Gui's thick eyebrows immediately wrinkled, but Hou Dayong's words were not out of line, and Xiao Wangzhi, who was sitting in the commander's seat, didn't react at all, so he had no choice but to endure it for the time being.

Lu Chen had already expected this. In fact, not only were the three commanders from the capital, but also the generals under Xiao Wangzhi. Except for He Gui who showed obvious goodwill, everyone else had a somewhat cold attitude towards him.

This is human nature. After all, seniority is very important in the military. The Battle of Guangling did not happen in front of these generals. It is not easy for them to accept a young man suddenly standing in front of them and talking about military affairs.

"General Hou, wait a moment, General Rong Mo has finished speaking." Lu Chen said quickly and calmly: "If we can seize Qingtian City and Yongquan Pass in this counterattack, not only will Huaizhou be able to take the initiative in the future, but also It can also trigger infighting in the north.”

After these words were spoken, Hou Dayong still looked cold, but Yuan Xingqin next to him showed a thoughtful expression.

This is especially true for the Huaizhou generals.

Xiao Wangzhi nodded slightly.

Upon seeing this, Lu Chen continued: "According to the information obtained by the Sutra Weaving Department, some of the officials in the Puppet Yan court are interested in the Jing Dynasty. Whether bribed or coerced, they have become pawns for the Jing Dynasty to control the Puppet Yan. If the time is moved to 12 Years ago, at that time, the officials in the North basically followed Jing Chao's lead, but after more than ten years, there will eventually be some people who are unwilling to continue to be a chess piece with no way to decide their own life or death."

When it comes to marching and fighting, Lu Chen is undoubtedly very immature compared to the generals in the hall, but when it comes to the business scope of the Warp Weaving Department, these people are far behind him.

Although Lu Chen joined the Sutra Weaving Department not long ago, because of Su Yunqing's expectations of him and his official position, he had very high authority in Huaizhou. He could enter and exit the Guangling Yamen's record library at will, and he could check all information at any time.

Although Hou Dayong didn't look good, he could only keep silent at this moment.

Lu Chen said calmly: "The Puppet Yan Dongyang Road General Zhang Junsi is a person who can be used. He is in charge of all the troops in Dongyang Road, and he is also a confidant of Qing Yugong, the marshal of Jing Dynasty's Nanyuan. As long as our army counterattacks If he wins, Zhang Junsi will inevitably become the trigger for the internal fighting in the puppet Yan court. The general can guarantee that after the Qingtian and Yongquan are successful, the puppet Yan will not be able to organize a strong counterattack in a short time, and Jing Chao will not directly Use your own wealth to fight us."

He Gui nodded and praised: "Colonel Lu's analysis is very thorough."

Lu Chen said calmly: "General He is ridiculous. The general is just sorting out the information currently available. In the end, it is up to the governor to make the decision. The art of war has it that you should consider defeat before victory. If our army cannot win quickly, the war will be extremely serious. There may be a stalemate, or even a large number of enemy troops arriving for reinforcements, so our army must reorganize its defense line to ensure a well-founded advance and retreat."

While the generals were deep in thought, Chen Lanyu spoke unhurriedly: "Lieutenant Lu, the key to this battle is not the benefits of victory, nor the arrangements for retreating when the situation is difficult, but how our army can break through the enemy's majesty. The city is at a dangerous pass. I just said that if we want to storm these two strongholds, our army's strength is far from sufficient."

He paused, frowned slightly and said: "Since you participated in the whole battle of Guangling, you should know that the difficulty of defending the city is very different from that of attacking the city. Regardless of Qingtian City or Yongquan Pass, the city defense is far stronger than that of Guangling . The 4000 Guangling Army can make the nearly 2 elite Northern Army look at the city and sigh. What about Qingtian City where the enemy has more than 5000 troops stationed? Not to mention the Yongquan Pass built among the mountains. Our soldiers How many lives do we need to take before we can enter the city?"

Chen Lanyu would not be vague in the slightest when it came to important matters affecting the life and death of tens of thousands of soldiers. Not to mention that it was Lu Chen who was standing opposite him at the moment, even if Xiao Wangzhi himself spoke, he would also speak out and give advice.

Even though He Gui had a good impression of Lu Chen, he did not support him again at this moment.

On the one hand, he has great respect for Chen Lanyu, and on the other hand, the questions raised by Chen Lanyu cannot be avoided.

Everyone knows the benefits of winning this battle. The question is how to fight it?
Without a practical and effective strategy, Lu Chen couldn't convince everyone even if he spoke like a flower.

Of course, if Xiao Wangzhi directly issued a military order and forcibly decided to start a counterattack, at least the six generals in Huaizhou, including Chen Lanyu, would implement it.

But whether it was Hou Dayong's sarcasm before or Chen Lanyu's clear questioning at this moment, Xiao Wangzhi didn't react at all. He just looked at Lu Chen calmly, obviously hoping that he could solve these problems by himself.

Lu Chen said calmly: "General Chen, there is a saying in the art of war. Defend the country with integrity, use troops with surprise, plan first and then fight. Take into account the situation, including yin and yang, and use skills."

Chen Lanyu, who came from a family background, naturally understood the meaning of this sentence, so he quietly waited for Lu Shen's next words.

However, Xu Wen, another general of the Beijing Army and the commander of the Nanya Dingwei Army, sneered: "It turns out that Lieutenant Lu is going to take us to recite the military manual today."

The sarcasm in his words was unmistakable.

Lu Chen's expression remained unchanged, this kind of ridicule would not affect his mentality.

He still looked calm, but someone immediately slapped the table.

Song Shifei, the commander-in-chief of the Feiyun Army, stared angrily, pointed at Xu Wen and scolded: "If you have a good strategy, say it, if not, just shut your mouth! Lu Chen is the prosecutor of the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion. You are criticizing Huai here." , could it be that we are deceiving our border troops because they have no one?!"

(End of this chapter)

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