
Chapter 80 079 [Qingyun Road]

Chapter 80 079 [Qingyun Road]

It was May 12, the 24th year of Jianwu in the Southern Qi Dynasty.

The defenders of Guangling City cooperated with the Feiyu Battalion of the Jingzhou Governor's Office to defeat the Yan-Jing coalition forces at the city gate. They beheaded nearly [-] people and captured more than [-] people in several battles. The crisis in Guangling was resolved in one fell swoop, and it was known as the Great Victory of Guangling in history.

On May 25, Huaizhou Governor Xiao Wangzhi mobilized one unit each of the Zhenbei Army, Feiyun Army, Lai'an Army, Taixing Army, Pingshan Army and Panlong Army to set up an ambush in the Qingxia area in the north of Lai'an Prefecture. Fierce fighting began. From morning to night, they defeated Beiyan's [-]-strong army on Dongyang Road, which marched south, beheaded [-] people, captured nearly [-] people, and seized countless grain, grass and baggage. It is known as the Great Victory at Qingxia in history.

When the news reached Guangling, the Yanjing Allied Forces, which had just experienced a disastrous defeat, were in panic all day long and had no choice but to withdraw from the Wangmei Ancient Road to the North Yanmoyang Road.

On May 29, the main force of Guangling's army, dormant in the southwest corner of Guangling Mansion, was selected by Qi Tai, the commander of the capital. Two thousand tiger warriors were selected. There were also a thousand elite guards of the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion. Xiao Wang's second son, Xiao Hong, Lead the way north.

These three thousand warriors cooperated with Feiyu Camp, not only regaining control of the Wangmei Ancient Road, but also killed more than half of the more than three thousand Beiyan troops who had not had time to retreat, and the rest all knelt down and begged to surrender.

At this point, Huaizhou is settled.


Lu Chen has been staying in the house to recover from his injuries these days.

Qin Chun's knife penetrated half an inch of the flesh. Fortunately, no bones were injured, but he still needed some time to recover.

Lu Chen'an stayed peacefully in the mansion. Not only did he decline Duan Zuozhang's invitation to co-write the petition, he also stopped interfering with the affairs of the Sutra Weaving Department. He ate, drank and slept all day long, and spent most of his waking hours chatting with Lin Xi. .

"Actually, you don't have to be so careful."

Xue Huaiyi helped him change his wound medicine, checked his pulse, and then said with a warm smile on his face.

Lu Chen originally didn't want to work for this old miracle doctor, but the other party insisted repeatedly that he couldn't be pretentious. The old man and the young man got along quite well with each other these days, so he no longer was too cautious, and immediately shook his head and said: "My nephew I have made a lot of achievements during this period, and it would be inappropriate to compete for the limelight again.”

Xue Huaiyi said with a gentle expression: "Of course it is not appropriate to snatch the credit of others, but there is no need to take away the credit that should be yours. However, Duan Zuozhang is an honest man, and you have helped him in the matter of fake Yan's work, so he must The details of this battle will be recorded intact. If he dares to take the credit of Mo Qian, even if I don't want this old face, I will still go to Governor Xiao to explain clearly."

Lu Chen said: "Thank you, Uncle Shi, for taking care of me."

Xue Huaiyi waved his hand and said with emotion: "In the past, I would only take care of you, a junior, for Brother Lu's sake. But that day, I stood on the city wall and watched you sacrifice your life and fight hard with Zhan Zhifu. How are you? Children and military men are all good."

Lu Chen said with a look of shame: "Uncle Shi made his words serious, my nephew is just trying his best."

Xue Huaiyi added: "Now I finally understand why your father didn't force you to take part in the imperial examination. He must have made arrangements for you, and you are indeed up to your standards. With the military merit gained in this battle, your future in the army will be brighter." It will be smooth sailing."

Lu Chen was about to speak, but saw Song Pei standing by the door, so he turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

Song Pei lowered his head and replied: "Young Master, Captain Li came to visit, and Miss Lin is also here."

Xue Huaiyi looked at the apologetic Lu Chen and couldn't help but laugh and said: "Go, I have to go back to my house for a visit."

"My nephew sends you to Shibo."

Lu Chen sent Xue Huaiyi outside the house, turned around and walked towards the main hall of the front yard.

The two women sat across from each other in the hall, and the atmosphere seemed peaceful.

After serving tea, the maids withdrew, leaving only the two guests in the hall.

After Lu Chen came in, he greeted him first, then looked around, and sat down at the foot of Lin Xi.

In fact, this was not Li Bingxue's first visit. On the second day of the Battle of Guangling, when Lu Chen was still lying in bed recovering from his injuries, she had already come once. Seeing that Lu Chen could not sit still for a long time, she left after chatting for a few words. Leave.

"Colonel Li has taken the time to come here, do you have any advice?" Lu Chen asked politely.

Li Bingxue was still wearing armor, and her words were as clear and crisp as those in the army: "I took the liberty to come here today because I want to invite Lu Ganban to join the Jingzhou Army. If you don't mind, you can directly join my Feiyu Camp."

This sentence made Lu Chen and Lin Xi stunned at the same time.

Of course, Lu Chen would not be too narcissistic. He thought what this beautiful and free-spirited woman would think of him, so he was quite curious about her purpose.

Unexpectedly, the other party did have thoughts about him - he wanted to take him directly to the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion.

Lin Xi's delicate and graceful eyebrows were furrowed, and her right hand unconsciously clenched the cup.

Lu Chen calmed down and thought carefully: "Colonel Li, can I ask the reason?"

"of course can."

Li Bingxue's cold eyes swept across Lin Xi, then looked at Lu Shen and said, "In the Battle of Guangling, your performance on the battlefield was amazing. Except for the slightly reckless behavior of the enemy general at the end, everything else showed you Your ability to understand the battle situation and your courage to take the lead are the most important criteria for Feiyu Camp to select officers."

"The captain is very complimentary." Lu Chen responded calmly.

Li Bingxue continued: "At that time, I learned that you were an official in the Sutra Weaving Department and had not joined the Guangling Army, so I had this idea. Later, in the past few days, I learned from General Duan about the contributions you made during this period. , and your many achievements in defending the city are enough to prove your talent in military affairs. I know that this trip is very reckless, and I ask for your understanding, because I will lead the army back to Jingzhou soon, and I really have no choice. Too much time wandering around.”

Lu Chen shook his head and said calmly: "Captain, don't worry too much. I don't mean to complain, but this matter is really not appropriate."

Lin Xi's eyes softened a bit.

Li Bingxue said calmly: "According to my status, I really shouldn't be so trusting, but I can guarantee you that I will definitely recommend you to Governor Li. The Jingzhou Governor's Mansion is surrounded by enemies on three sides, and the Governor is hungry for talents. I will never look down on young talents like Lu Ganban. If you don’t want to enter Feiyu Camp, you can still work under the Governor."

Lu Chen admired this young female general for her decisiveness on the battlefield. Although he would not agree to this slightly abrupt request, he still tried to say as tactfully as possible: "I am very grateful for Colonel Li's appreciation, but I I just took over as the head of the Weaving Department not long ago, so it is really not appropriate to decide the future without authorization."

Li Bingxue looked calm and said calmly: "Don't worry, Director Lu. It's very common for officials from the Weaving Department to join the army. Moreover, you have the military exploits of the Guangling Battle, and no one dares to make irresponsible remarks after joining the army. If you If you are willing, Commander-in-Chief Li will negotiate with the Sutra Weaver to raise Mr. Qin, and I believe that the Sutra Weaver is willing to become a man of beauty."

This sentence is a bit overbearing.

Suddenly a gentle but firm voice sounded next to him.

"No." Lin Xi looked directly at Li Bingxue and said without any doubt: "Li Xiaowei, as my junior brother is the only son in the family, it is inappropriate to go to Jingzhou. I have to worry about Uncle Lu Shi's thoughts. Besides, junior brother, since he If you don't want to, why should the captain be so aggressive?"

"Miss Lin, why have I ever forced you to do anything?"

Li Bingxue was slightly puzzled.

Lin Xi said bluntly: "Colonel Li is used to the straightforward style in the army, so naturally he doesn't feel it. My junior brother is pure and kind, and he also remembers the captain's feelings for rescuing Guangling, so he doesn't want to speak out and hurt the harmony."

Li Bingxue frowned slightly, then nodded and said, "Miss Lin taught me a lesson. Mr. Lu, I'm sorry."

Lu Chen shook his head and said: "Captain Li does not need to apologize, but what my senior sister said is indeed what I think in my heart. My father is already old, and I have to stay at home to fulfill my filial piety, at least in Huaizhou."

Li Bingxue quickly heard the implication of his words, a smile suddenly appeared in his eyes, and said calmly: "I think so, with Lu Ganban's performance in this battle, how could Governor Xiao of Huaizhou turn a blind eye. I am exactly the same. Because I thought of this, I fought for it in advance. Since Lu Ganban is unwilling, I won’t say more."

She had a very straightforward temperament and stood up to leave immediately.

Such a refreshing style changed Lin Xi's impression of her, so she stood up and saw her off with Lu Chen.

After a while, Lu Chen stood on the corridor, looking at Lin Xi with a smile.


"Do what?"

"Sister, you were so awesome just now. You made Captain Li speechless."

"No way... I just don't like her way of being too forceful in front of you, although I know she didn't do it deliberately."

Lin Xi turned her head and raised her smooth chin slightly.

Seeing this, Lu Chen couldn't help laughing, coughed a few times and said, "Senior sister, what are we having for lunch today?"

Lin Xi looked at Lu Chen in confusion and said softly, "What do you think?"

Lu Chen said with a smile: "I think we can ask the chef to cook two plates of dumplings, and we senior sisters and brothers can have a try."

"Oh?" Lin Xi smiled half-heartedly and said slowly: "Junior brother, could you possibly want to say that as long as you have dumplings, you don't need to prepare sour vinegar in the kitchen, right?"

The smell of danger in the air became stronger and stronger. Lu Chen quickly shook his head and said, "I didn't!"

Then he ran away.

Lin Xi looked at his hurried back, not seeing any trace of his majestic appearance outside Guangling City that day, and couldn't help but let out a clear and melodious laugh.


The next day, Lu Zhai welcomed a special guest.

Lu Chen met him in the study outside. After serving him tea, Su Yunqing stared at the young and handsome face opposite him and sighed sincerely: "The younger generation is scary."

Lu Chen was silent for a moment, and then said sincerely: "Without the support of adults, this junior would not have this opportunity to do things."

If he did not have the status of the warp-weaving secretary, he would naturally not be able to intervene in many things, he would not be able to establish a strong enough friendship with Duan Zuozhang, and he would not be able to participate in city defense matters.

People's thoughts are not static. No matter what he was thinking when he was struggling outside Guangling City, at least when he was searching the Gu family, he was consciously involved in official affairs and increasing his influence.

The premise of all this is that he has the springboard of the Warp Weaving Department.

Su Yunqing obviously understood this, but he didn't point it out and said with a smile: "I just hope Brother Lu won't remember the original crime."

In fact, he discovered Gu Yong's weirdness very early, but in order to follow the clues, he acquiesced to Gu Yong's investigation of the Lu family.Although Lu Tong relied on the Xue family's connections to remain invincible from the beginning, and Su Yunqing promptly accepted Lu Chen's opinion, Lu Chen was still young after all, so there was no guarantee that he would not leave behind any grudges.

Lu Chen shook his head and said: "Your Majesty, you are serious. I don't think there is anything wrong with what the Warp Weaver Department did."

Su Yunqing's smile became more and more friendly. Now he would naturally not mention the matter of letting Lu Chen go north to lurk. Even if he was really stupid to this extent, those above him would not agree.

He said with mixed feelings: "When I received the first urgent report from Li Jin, what I thought was that Master Tiji would definitely send you over and let you go directly to the general office to work. Maybe you could soon replace someone." I am an inspector. But after hearing the battle report of Guangling from Governor Xiao a few days ago, I realized that I still underestimated you."

Lu Chen said modestly: "The battle of Guangling is not due to me alone, and there are many people who have made greater contributions than me."

"The governor can tell the right and wrong at a glance. Brother Lu, there is no need to be modest."

Su Yunqing smiled slightly and immediately revealed the answer: "Admiral Xiao knew that I had to rush back to Guangling to deal with the details of the fake Yan, so he asked me to convey this to you. If the injury is okay, I will ask you to go to Lai'an Governor's Mansion immediately."

Lu Chen was shocked.

Su Yunqing said: "Congratulations to Brother Lu, your hard work and passion during this period will not be in vain, and the next step will be your harvest season."

Lu Chen thanked him calmly, with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

When leaving, Su Yunqing said again: "The cadre office is not a permanent position in the Weaving Department. If Governor Xiao doesn't mind, you can continue to retain it. Even joining the army will be a lot more convenient in the future."

"Thank you for your advice."

Lu Chen sent him away and stood quietly on the porch for a long time.

The sun is shining brightly, the wind is gentle, and the branches and leaves are blown by the wind.

He habitually tapped the pillars of the corridor, and his eyes gradually began to outline the mountains and rivers.

 Don’t be afraid of everyone’s jokes. When I wrote Bastard, my highest record in one day was eleven thousand words. Yesterday I wrote fifteen thousand words. As a result, my brain was dizzy all the time today and I couldn’t see clearly when I was eating... I know this is very bad. , Qiuqiu, don’t scold me, I’ll keep working hard, how about adjusting the update time to 12 noon in two days?
(End of this chapter)

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