
Chapter 72 072

Chapter 72 072

As early as when Ou Zhiqiu was arrested, Lu Chen had informed Zhan Hui of his inference, and the government quickly took action to forcibly move the people from the outskirts of Guangling back to the city. At the same time, he wrote to all counties to try to get the people to gather in the city. .

However, the enemy came too quickly, and some people were unwilling to leave their homes. In addition, Guangling was densely populated. It was not difficult for Jing's army to capture these thousands of people and attack the city.

Under the order of Jing Jun's cavalry, thousands of people stopped when they were still fifty or sixty feet away from the city gate, and then saw Jing Jun riding their horses to the city gate.

He pulled on the reins, and the horse snorted slightly restlessly.

"Listen to the defenders on the city. You have to open the city gates, abandon your weapons and surrender within a stick of incense. If you are willing to do this, our army will promise not to kill the people in the city. If you don't obey-"

He paused slightly, raised his arm and pointed at the thousands of people behind him, and sneered: "Don't leave any of these people behind! After the city is broken, the sword will not be sealed for ten days!"

There was solemnity on the city wall.

The soldiers turned to look at Duan Zuozhang, who was standing solemnly in armor, as did Zhan Hui, the prefect who hurried over after hearing the news, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

Duan Zuozhang looked indifferent and said nothing.

However, no one knew that the nails of his hands were already piercing into the palms of his hands.

The man below the city was extremely arrogant and said: "Think clearly——"

The wind howled and the words stopped abruptly.

A long arrow broke through the air, pierced his throat sharply, and then he fell on his back.

There was a commotion among the people behind, which caused the cavalry around them to scold them.

An archer put down his long bow, bowed his head to Duan Zuozhang, and then withdrew.

Duan Zuozhang remained expressionless and issued the first order: "Archers on alert."

"Follow the order!"

The responses sounded from near to far.

The garrison officers were ready, and a large number of archers appeared behind the wall stacks.

This straightforward and harsh response was obviously expected by Qin Chun, and he issued several orders in succession.

Jingchao's cavalry surrounded the people from both sides and drove them toward the city gate. If they hesitated, they immediately smashed them with the back of their swords.

A large group of Jingjun infantry followed the people, staring eagerly at the city wall in the distance.

Aerial ladders, flying ladders, hook carts and simple siege cones attached to the city were mixed in the ranks of the soldiers.

Thousands of people were forced to approach Guangling City slowly. They may not understand the sage's words about the justice of the family and the country, but they also knew that the defenders on the city could not agree to the enemy's conditions.

But no one wants to die.

Everyone wants to live.

This journey is so long and yet so short.

With every step forward, the fear of death becomes clearer.

Finally, some women couldn't restrain themselves and cried at the top of their lungs. They didn't even dare to cry too loudly because they were afraid of the weapons in the hands of Jing Jun next to them.

In the silent world, there was a faint sound of wind, mixed with the sound of sobbing.

blown away by the wind.

More and more people began to cry out of fear and despair.

Gradually become one.

In the previous siege battles, Jing's army relied on its own to solve the defensive facilities on the periphery of Guangling's city wall, such as tribulus belts, city moats and sheep and horses walls, and forced the ladder to approach despite the attacks of the defenders.

This time, they want to force the people of Guangling to pave the way forward, and at the same time, they want to use these people to make the defenders fearful and guard against the kind of strange fire that can cause large-scale destruction.

On the city wall, the atmosphere seemed stagnant, and even the breeze could not move the soldiers' almost stiff expressions.

Most of the officers and soldiers of the Guangling Army are not locals, but the entire Huaizhou is one, and relatives can be found at every turn.

Even though there is no such connection, they have lived in Guangling for many years. Looking at the thin and defenseless people under the city and listening to the faint crying in the wind, no one can feel calm.

Especially the archers holding longbows, many of them had to take a deep breath to adjust their emotions.

Lu Chen squinted his eyes and looked down at the city, never moving his gaze away from the beginning to the end, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Yet he couldn't do anything.

At this moment, he completely understood the meaning of Duan Zuozhang's words a few days ago.

This is war.

Duan Zuozhang speculated at that time that Jing Jun might use such inhumane means, so he had vaccinated the defenders. Lu Chen also went to the prefect Zhan Hui to try to make most people mentally prepared.

But no matter how they envision it, when this scene actually happens before their eyes, how many people can remain indifferent?
The common people have entered the attack range of the defenders' archers.Duan Zuozhang's face was ashen and his lips moved.

Under normal circumstances, the defenders should launch an attack and interception at this time to prevent the enemy from approaching the city wall without hindrance. However, it is really difficult to make such an order to let the defenders kill these involuntary civilians indiscriminately.

Everyone knows what to do, but everyone has the word "unbearable" in their hearts.

School Captain Liu Tongzhao grabbed the wall with his hands, stared at the people below with his red eyes, and suddenly yelled with all his strength: "Don't go any further!!"

Then a second, third, and many more people shouted like this.

"Don't go any further!"

"Don't go any further!"

"Don't go any further!"

But what if I don’t leave?

The people did stop after hearing these sounds, but what awaited them was the cold light of the sword.

Some Jingjun cavalry wielded their long swords, and when the scolding and driving had no effect, they chopped off the heads of the thin people around them without hesitation.

Blood splattered and more than ten people died immediately.

Panic spread wildly in the team, the cries of adults and children were mixed together, and they continued to move forward under Jing Jun's ferocious and cruel pressure.

In stark contrast, the faces of these Jingjun veterans were calm and indifferent, and some even smiled. It was obvious that they had long been accustomed to this kind of wanton killing of civilians.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen finally closed his eyes slightly.

Lin Xi's dry voice came from the side: "This kind of thing is not uncommon in the Northland. Last year, I led Brother Xi and others to ambush Moshanke, not because he was Qing Yugong's confidant, but because this person was responsible for killing the people of the Northland. Le, dozens of young women died in his hands."

Lu Chen opened his eyes and turned around to look. Lin Xi met his gaze and couldn't help but feel a tremor in his heart.

She had never seen this junior brother so angry.

Lu Chen said word by word: "Good kill."

Lin Xi shook his head slightly and whispered: "I just tried my best, what should I do now?"

A strong sense of powerlessness suddenly arose in her heart.

Facing the situation below the city, what can the best martial arts do?

Lu Mo remained silent, looking across Lin Xi to Duan Zuozhang who was standing solemnly in front of the tower, and then walked slowly over.

Along the way, he saw young faces, full of anger and a bit of sadness.

There seemed to be a fire burning in everyone's heart.

The people under the city were getting closer and closer, and to their sides and behind were Jing Jun's siege troops.

At this moment, the team suddenly stopped again, and then a woman staggered and fell to her knees. Even so, she still tried her best to hold her child, who was about six or seven years old.

She held her head high, facing the direction of Duan Zuozhang and others, and shouted desperately and sternly: "General, please save our children!"

The girl's face was pale, her innocent eyes looked at the menacing adults not far away, and then she turned to look at the tall and solid city wall.

There was a dead silence above and below the city.

A young captain, with red eyes, shouted angrily at the Jingjun main formation in the distance: "You damn Jingchao bastards, if you have the guts, come and fight your grandfather!"

No one responded.

The Jingjun cavalry and infantry looked at him coldly, with disdain and contempt.

Duan Zuozhang raised his right arm, and the captain suppressed his anger and retreated.

He looked at the people below the city, and the frightened faces were almost clearly visible.

He pressed his hands on the wall stacks and said slowly and hard: "Folks, if the city gate is opened, the people in the city will not be spared. Duan is responsible for defending the city, and he neither dares nor can give the order to open the door. Duan I don’t dare to ask for everyone’s forgiveness. I can only make a blood oath here. I will never think of him again in this life. Even if I die in a foreign country with my head in a different place, I will kill all the enemies in the north and avenge you!”

Countless voices exploded on the city walls, forming a torrent: "Blood debt must be paid with blood!"

Duan Zuozhang took a deep breath and roared: "Come to battle!"

All the soldiers responded in unison: "Come to battle!"

Hundreds of strong bows were erected behind the wall stacks, and the bowstrings were spread like the full moon, aiming at everyone in the city, including the common people and Jing's army.

The word "shoot an arrow" was already floating in Duan Zuozhang's mouth.

At this time, there was a continuous muffled thunder on the horizon, rolling in from the distant south.

(End of this chapter)

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