
Chapter 65 065 [The blood of the golden sword in the box is still wet]

Chapter 65 065 [The blood of the golden sword in the box is still wet]

Under the city of Guangling, there was a mourning scene.

In the fierce battle that lasted for nearly two hours, only about a thousand soldiers of Jing's army were killed, but now the number of people affected by the fire was close to this number.

What is even more frightening is that this kind of fire is difficult to extinguish. The Jingjun soldiers could only watch their comrades rolling on the ground and howling miserably. When the fire was finally extinguished, it also caused extensive burns.

Even though Qin Chun had issued the order to retreat in time, this sudden fire attack still dealt a serious blow to the morale of Jing's army.

The veterans of Jing Dynasty have been on the battlefield for a long time, and they showed extremely strong strength in today's storming battle. However, they are not like wild beasts, and they also have worries and fears.In particular, the scene in front of him exceeded common sense. Throughout the ages, fire attacks have played a very limited role in defending the city, because fire in the ordinary sense is easy to extinguish and is far less lethal than hot oil and gold juice.

In fact, in this era, the latter two are not as commonly used as imagined.

Needless to say, the hot oil is also rare. The golden juice formed by boiling excrement is also rare, because the excrement is still the most important fertilizer at this time. In addition, the raw materials of the golden juice also include wolfsbane, grassroots, croton, saponin, arsenic, and lime. , oil and so on.

The most important thing is that these attack methods cannot achieve the horrific visual effects caused by this fire.

The battle of city attack and defense is the most important for morale, especially for the army that ascends first, because this is a mission with a narrow escape from death.

After a fire, Jingjun's morale had dropped severely, and it was foreseeable that he would never be able to continue the attack today.

On the city wall, the officers and soldiers of the Guangling Army who had struggled to hold down all raised their arms and cheered, and the excitement spread into the city as Jing's army retreated.

Regardless of the defenders or civilians, or the experts who assisted in defending the city, as well as the common people and doctors who volunteered to help near the city wall, their faces were filled with complex emotions of joy and sadness at this moment.

Lin Xi came to Lu Chen's side, first checked his physical condition, and confirmed that he was just exhausted and not injured, and then asked, "How was that done?"

She was referring to the fires started by those clay pots.

Lu Chen leaned against the wall of the city tower, his face turned pale due to the loss of strength, and he said slowly: "The clay pots contain kerosene, grease, lime, sulfur and other substances. If they are set on fire and thrown out, they will cause widespread destruction. Moreover, this kind of fire It burns for a long time and is difficult to put out.”

Lin Xi nodded in understanding.

Lu Chen did not continue to explain because it was difficult to explain clearly.

This pottery pot made of a mixture of various substances was actually a special Molotov cocktail he had made in his previous life in the special operations brigade. It was also called Greek Fire, and it was an improved version that could be thrown.

It would be better to use glass bottles, but there is no glass that meets the requirements in the entire Guangling City, maybe not in this world, so the next best thing is to use clay pots.

Lin Xi looked at him steadily, with a bright look in his eyes: "With such a powerful thing in hand, it shouldn't be a problem to defend Guangling."

Lu Chen smiled bitterly and sighed: "There are no materials. The prepared fire bottles have just been used up. However, I think the enemy commander will definitely be frightened and will not dare to launch another strong attack in a short period of time."

If it weren't for the Lu family's extremely complete supply of craftsmen and raw materials, as well as the unwavering support from the government office and other businesses in the city, he wouldn't even be able to make these homemade Molotov cocktails.

Fortunately, the effect is very good. This fire should make the city quiet for two days.

Lin Xi naturally felt a little pity, and at the same time, his eyes looking at Lu Shen became softer.

In the past few days, she had quietly watched and witnessed Lu Chen running around. What really attracted her was the concentration and strong coordination ability displayed by this junior brother in the myriad of complicated affairs.

He is like a link that closely connects the Guangling Army, the government office, the Sutra Weaving Department and the rural gentry in the city. Everyone knows what they should do.Even though the city defense situation reached a very dangerous situation today, no one showed any panic or panic.

Maybe... I can ask him some questions.

At this time, a group of people suddenly came over.

Duan Zuozhang was at the front, followed by six or seven capable young generals.

After resting for a while, Lu Chen gradually recovered. Seeing this, he took a step forward, cupped his hands and said: "The enemy army has retreated, Guangling is safe and sound, General Duan deserves the most credit!"

He didn't mean to flatter him by saying this. Although the final fire was his fault, the key was that the Guangling Army could sustain it for nearly two hours.

Duan Zuozhang was undoubtedly the backbone of the city's defenders, and his battle planning was very precise, suppressing Jing's army many times in different city defense areas.

"Lu Ganban is too self-effacing. You should be the first to take credit today."

Duan Zuozhang came forward with a smile, and then motioned for everyone to enter the simple meeting hall in the tower.

After sitting down, Lu Chen was stunned as soon as he spoke: "I heard that you haven't got engaged yet? It's a pity that I have two boys at home, otherwise I would have to marry your father."

The young generals all laughed kindly and looked at Lu Chen with a look full of intimacy.Naturally, there are intrigues and intrigues in the military, but relatively speaking, there is also a simple and straightforward side, and this situation is more common among the middle and lower-level military attachés. Just like the way these military attaches look at Lu Chen at this moment - even though you are just the son of a merchant and have joined the organization. Mr. Jingsi, what you have done in the past few days is fully worthy of our admiration. As for whether you have fame or not, when did the men in the frontier army care about this?

In fact, when Lu Chen led his men to kidnap Duan Zuozhang, these young military attachés would have started a riot if the ulterior You Pu hadn't held them down.Although the Sutra Weaving Division is a personal soldier of the emperor, it is still very difficult to directly subdue the fierce frontier troops.

At that time, some people secretly thought that they would find an opportunity to deal with Lu Chen in the future.

Needless to say what happened later, Duan Zuozhang showed up safely and bluntly said that it was a play between him and the Sutra Weaver. You Pu's identity was exposed and he was captured and imprisoned, which solved the hidden worries of the Guangling Army.There was also the resounding victory that invited you to the urn last night, and the fire just now that directly destroyed the enemy's morale.

The most important thing is that Lu Chen did not choose to sit back and watch today. Instead, he stuck to the city wall like all the defending soldiers and killed seven or eight enemy soldiers with his own hands.

All these things were enough for the captains of the Guangling Army to regard him as one of their own.

Lu Chen was very familiar with and accustomed to this kind of atmosphere. He accepted Duan Zuozhang's well-intentioned joke calmly, but for some reason he turned his head and glanced at it.

Lin Xi, who was sitting next to him, looked away in advance as if he had no idea.

Duan Zuozhang had a clear view of the young man and woman's little moves. He already knew that Lin Xi was the top expert who was in front of Gu's house that day. Lu Chen only said that she was the daughter of Lu Tong's old friend, and Duan Zuozhang did not inquire further.

He ignored the previous joke and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, this fire bottle is very effective. Can you make another batch?"

Lu Chen shook his head and said: "There are not enough raw materials."

Duan Zuozhang couldn't help but feel a little regretful, but that was all, because today was an unexpected joy.

A young military general suddenly said: "Lu Ganban, you know military skills and dare to fight, why don't you join our Guangling Army? The Weaving Department is not a good place. If you stay in that yamen for a long time, people will become--"

Before he could finish his words, Duan Zuozhang interrupted him directly: "No one will think you are mute if you don't speak. Isn't it true that you are working for the imperial court in the Weaving Department? Without the help of the Weaving Department, how could we be so secure today?"

The young general looked calmly at Lu Chen and gave him an apologetic look.

Lu Chen smiled and said he didn't mind.

It was not entirely an accident that he joined the Weaving Department. Although he would not accept Su Yunqing's suggestion that he go to Beiyan to lurk for a long time, he was not forced to accept the jade plaque representing his identity as a cadre.

For him, this is not a contract of betrayal, but a springboard for his identity. Although there is definitely a certain risk in this, Lu Chen thinks it is worth a try. After all, it is not safe for a merchant's son with no fame and fame in this world. .

Duan Zuozhang naturally would not dwell on this matter, and changed the subject: "Although the enemy has been defeated, their desire to seize Guangling will not be cut off, and the situation is still not optimistic."

Some things cannot be made public, but he cannot deceive the generals in the hall.

Xiao Wangzhi's extremely simple military order had already stated one thing. In the next period of time, Guangling City could only rely on itself.

The focus of the Huaizhou Sixth Army is still on the northern battlefield, and the main force of the Guangling Army led by Commander Qi Tai is blocked in the southwest corner. At the moment, his most important responsibility is to preserve its strength.

The enemy should not launch another strong attack today, but what about tomorrow?What about the day after tomorrow?

There is no doubt about the strength of Jing Chao's old soldiers. Since the enemy's coach can take on important tasks, he will not be a waste. There must be a way to boost morale.

Nowadays, there is no fire bottle that can directly destroy the enemy's morale, and ordinary city defense equipment cannot make the enemy lose their fighting spirit. It is destined that the next war will be even more tragic.

The atmosphere in the hall became very solemn, completely different from the joy outside.

"General, I have an immature idea."

Lu Chen's calm voice broke the silence.

Duan Zuozhang nodded and said, "You say."

Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Chen said calmly: "The enemy has suffered a setback. The commander must calm down the troops tonight, but it is not that easy. I think tonight will be a time when they will be more uneasy. If you can set another fire, it should have the effect of adding fuel to the fire."

Duan Zuozhang's expression changed slightly. The young generals understood the meaning of Lu Chen's words one after another, and their eyes couldn't help but be a little surprised.

This young man is so brave!

Duan Zuozhang suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly: "You mean...attack the camp?"

Lu Chen did not hesitate and said resolutely: "Yes, attack the camp in the middle of the night, set fire to kill people. The enemy army will definitely be in chaos, and there may even be a camp roar!"

(End of this chapter)

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