
Chapter 5 005 [Warp Weaving Department]

Chapter 5 005 [Warp Weaving Department]

Guangling City, the back house of the government office.

The two people were sitting opposite each other in the side hall. There was a chessboard on the table. The black and white chess pieces were scattered in an orderly manner, showing an inextricably entangled pattern.

The man in the north is wearing a long gown, has a white face and short beard, and has a gentle expression.

He stared at the situation on the chessboard. At the moment, his black chess seemed to have the upper hand, but there were hidden dangers at both corners. A little carelessness would allow the opponent to activate the dragon.

This game of chess has been going on since the morning, and the intervals between his moves have become longer and longer, and he frequently enters the state of long examinations.

"It's difficult to handle, it's difficult to handle."

He now has two options, either to block the opponent's flying ball or to stabilize his midfield. Each seems to have its own pros and cons and it is difficult to choose.

"My lord, you must be much more cautious in your moves today than in the past."

Sitting across from the chessboard was a middle-aged man with a pleasant smile. His slightly rich face gave him a more honest temperament.

Most of the time, he looks like this in front of outsiders. He has rarely had irreconcilable conflicts with others during his decades of business practice.

Within the boundaries of Guangling Prefecture, the name Lu Tong can be said to be famous even if it is not a household name, and the reviews are mostly positive.

Lu Tong's mood was ups and downs during this period. His only son, Lu Chen, went away for the first time. He said goodbye with a smile on his face, but naturally he was extremely concerned in his heart.He almost fainted when he received the news that Lu Chen was seriously ill. Fortunately, he received the good news of Lu Chen's recovery not long after, and his hanging heart finally settled down safely.

Originally, he was going to go out of the city to greet Lu Chen in person today, but before he even left the house, he was invited here by Zhan Hui, the prefect of Guangling, and pulled him to play an extremely long game of chess.

Zhan Hui picked up the tea cup at hand and took a sip, and said with emotion: "I haven't seen you for several months, and your chess skills have improved again."

Lu Tong said with a smile: "What Fu Zun said really upset me. In terms of chess skills, Fu Zun can kill me with only half of his energy. It is rare to encounter the chance that Fu Zun is in a trance. Today, no matter what I also have to win a round.”

This sentence has a lot of meaning.

Zhan Hui put down the tea cup and did not look at the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard. He looked up at Lu Tong, who was still calm until now. After a long silence, he finally let out a sigh.

Although the Lu family is not an aristocratic family, generations have worked hard in Jiangbei for decades, and their foundation is indeed not weak.

Apart from anything else, after Zhan Huilu became the prefect of this place, Lu Ji'an provided a lot of support, so he got an "above average" rating in the evaluation of the Ministry of Civil Affairs last year as he wished.

If nothing else happens, he will be able to return to the capital in two years and his level will be improved to another level.

Thinking of this, Zhan Hui couldn't help lowering his voice and said: "I thought you wouldn't come today."

Lu Tong shook his head and said: "What are you talking about, Mr. Fu? Without Mr. Fu's care these years, the Lu family's business would not be so easy. Quanzi did return to Guangling today, but compared with Mr. Fu's invitation, it is not as good as mine. There is no need to hesitate at all.”

Zhan Hui hesitated for a moment, and finally confessed: "Normally, I shouldn't deliberately deceive you, but this matter was arranged by the Warp Weaving Department. You should know how powerful those people are, so I can only keep you in the house -"

Lu Tong felt warm in his heart and interrupted what he was saying: "Master, it's okay."

At this moment, a man in his thirties slowly walked into the side hall.

He is tall and tall, has a handsome appearance, and exudes a cold temperament.

Zhan Hui and Lu Tong stood up at the same time. The former introduced: "This is Mr. Su Yunqingsu. He is currently the Huaizhou Division Inspector of the Warp Weaving Department and is responsible for all affairs in Huaizhou."

Lu Tong looked surprised, and then he saluted respectfully and said, "Lu Tong, a common man, has met Mr. Su."

Su Yunqing walked closer, looked Lu Tong up and down, and said calmly: "Su often hears about Lu Yuanwai's kind deeds and really wants to see them with his own eyes, but it's a pity that he has always been sidelined."

Lu Tong lowered his head slightly and said, "Mr. Su, you are serious. The common people are just a mere merchant, and they are really not worth mentioning."

Su Yunqing half-smiled and said, "Why should Lu Yuanwai be so modest? Su's curiosity is not false. Over the years, he has investigated many cases of conspiracy to connect with the enemy. There are few people who can win the hearts of the people like Lu Yuanwai."

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became stagnant.

Su Yunqing seemed unaware, and sat calmly on the chair beside him, looking at Lu Tong with a smile, and asked: "Can Yunwai Lu tell Su, when did you start working for the Puppet Yan Procuratorate?" Lu Tong was startled, with a look of panic in his eyes. He also felt that this sentence was so ridiculous that he didn't know how to respond.

Zhan Hui's expression was solemn. He had realized something was wrong when Su Yunqing came to his door. However, the people in the Warp Weaving Department were doing things right, and there was no way he could inform Lu Tong in advance - regardless of whether he had this idea or not.

Now that he learned the answer to the mystery from Su Yunqing, Zhan Hui was confused for a moment. Reason told him that he should break up with the Lu family immediately at this time, but the five years of friendship prevented him from doing that, not to mention that he really didn't I believe Lu Tong will be Beiyan's mastermind.

The Lu family is a family born and raised in Guangling Prefecture. Lu Tong's great-grandfather was just an ordinary farmer. It is said that Lu Tong's grandfather started doing business decades ago because of the help of noble people, and he worked hard for decades to build the family business today.

How could such a family seek refuge in Beiyan?

There was silence in the hall. Zhan Hui's heart skipped a beat and he said to Su Yunqing: "Master Su, is there some misunderstanding in this? Although I am not very intelligent, I have watched Lu Tong act on the sidelines for the past five years. He should not commit such acts as collaborating with the enemy and treason. An unforgivable act."

Su Yunqing smiled and said nothing.

Lu Tong was obviously a little surprised by Zhan Hui's sudden support. Although he did not hold an official position, he knew very well the nature of the big shots in the court. This was also the reason why he had not questioned Zhan Hui before - the official If you only speak two words, why should you ask for boredom?
Zhan Hui's words did not receive a response from Su Yunqing, but instead aroused the scholarly spirit in his heart. He frowned slightly and said, "Master Su, even if the Sutra Weaving Department handles cases, there must be evidence."

The surprise in Su Yunqing's eyes flashed, and then he said calmly: "Don't be impatient, Mr. Zhan, the evidence will be sent soon."

Lu Tong stood there with a pale face, bowed and said: "Mr. Su, the common people have never done anything to harm Daqi. Although the Lu family company has gone to Pseudo Yan to purchase goods, the common people can guarantee that all the people in the Lu family No one has ever hooked up with the fake Yan."

Su Yunqing said: "In addition to member Lu, Su has received the relevant tip, and the evidence is among the items brought back by the master this time. So we only need to wait a little longer, and the truth will come to light."

Looking at his conclusive gesture, even Zhan Hui began to beat his heart at this moment.


On the outskirts of the city, the guys in the Lu family's caravan looked sad.

I experienced torture at Panlong Pass. I thought it would be a smooth road from now on, but I didn’t expect to stage another interrogation outside Guangling City. Moreover, these people were like wolves and tigers, and they were even more intimidating than the elite border troops at Panlong Pass. .

Lu Chen stood by the road with a calm expression, beside him was the leading knight.

This man's name is Gu Yong, who is the head of the Huaizhou Division of the Weaving Department. He was ordered to come to inspect the Lu family's caravan.

Apart from the initial communication, the two did not have much communication afterwards.

Gu Yong's eyes were like eagles staring at the caravan vehicles not far away. The people he brought were carefully searching one by one. The official officers of Guangling Prefecture were responsible for guarding the people in the caravan and maintaining order on the official road. .

When Sun Yu appeared before, Lu Chen couldn't determine the truth of the matter, but now he has a vague guess.

The search at Panlong Pass was just the first step in the frame-up, in order to lower the caravan's vigilance and then hide the letter in Lu Chen's carriage when everyone was taken for questioning.

Sun Yu's mission is to intimidate Lu Chen. As long as he absconds in fear of crime, it will be difficult to clear the Lu family's suspicion of collaborating with the enemy.

The spies from the Weaving Department in front of them were the last part of the plan. They would intercept the caravan at the right time and find the secret letter while Lu Chen was escaping. This way, the Lu family could be basically convicted.

It's just... Lu Chen still thinks there's something fishy about this matter.

If you want to weave such a conspiracy, it is difficult to do it with the strength of just one or two people, because Ning Li, the captain of Panlong Pass, and Gu Yong, the inspector of the Sutra Weaving Department in front of him, belong to two completely different power systems.

Is the person behind the scenes planning so hard just to deal with a businessman who does not have the protection of a big figure in the court?
In other words, a big shot with such energy wouldn't have to go to such trouble if he just wanted to deal with the Lu family.

Secondly, although this game is closely linked, in Lu Chen's opinion there are still many loopholes and logical inconsistencies.For example, Ning Li had already led someone to check once. If the Lu family was really Beiyan's meticulous work, how could they still let the letter stay in the carriage?
Gu Yong accidentally turned his gaze back and saw Lu Chen's distracted look, and couldn't help but secretly thought that this young man was really big-hearted.

However, the inspection was coming to an end, and the subordinates still found nothing. In the end, only Lu Chen's carriage was left.

Gu Yong was filled with surprise and uncertainty as he watched his subordinates carefully search the carriage inside and out. One of them came forward and bowed his head and said, "Sir, nothing was found."

Gu Yong was stunned immediately and turned to look at Lu Chen, only to see a pair of calm eyes looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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