
Chapter 313 Chapter 311 [Dragon and snake rise from the land]

Chapter 313 Chapter 311 [Dragon and snake rise from the land]

Dongyang Road, Ruyin City.

As Qing Yu Zhongwang led the army to retreat, completely announcing that the Jing Dynasty had abandoned this place, the Huaizhou Army's progress in regaining its homeland became extremely smooth.

When Kang Yanxiao led the Taixing Army north to Dingfeng Road and joined the Seven Star Army to build the northern defense line on the spot, Xiao Wangzhi's main focus was on the interior of Dongyang Road.

Starting from Li Shouzhen, the general of Dongyang Road in Northern Yan, all the generals of the Yan army who had not escaped or died in the battle were imprisoned in Ruyin City to prevent the remaining Yan army forces in the territory from resisting.

More than a dozen mid-level generals headed by Wen Xiguang publicly brought order to the chaos and led their respective tribes and soldiers to join the Huaizhou Army to help pacify various places and appease the people.

This matter cannot be completely relied on the army. Fortunately, the entire Da Qi court has been preparing for this day for fifteen years.

A large number of officials entered Dongyang Road from Huaizhou. Some of them were capable officials selected by Yao Chongzhen, the governor of Huaizhou, and the other part were manpower arranged in advance by the imperial staff department.

The original General's Mansion has now become the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion. Xiao Wangzhi met with several senior officials from the capital in the main hall.

The first person on the left is Chen Chun, the minister of the Ministry of Rites. He is over forty years old, with an elegant temperament and a clear eyesight. He was originally a world-famous literary figure, but he has not changed his clear look after traveling through mountains and rivers.

The other two are slightly younger, namely Dou Biao, the imperial censor, and Yang Kangzhi, a doctor in the Ministry of Industry.

After the greetings, Xiao Wangzhi said to Chen Chun: "I have been worrying these days. Fortunately, Mr. Chen arrived in time, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with the myriad of affairs at hand."

Chen Chun said warmly: "The Governor is too modest. The officers and soldiers of the Huaizhou Army regained their homeland in one fell swoop, which is comparable to the achievements of the forefathers in opening up the territory. Before leaving the capital, His Majesty repeatedly warned that all border affairs should be decided by the Governor. We will wait for you. Just follow orders.”

The other two people nodded frequently.

Xiao Wangzhi smiled lightly. He knew very well the significance of the arrival of these three people.

Dongyang Road is not one city or one place. In terms of area alone, it is almost the same as Huaizhou. It is impossible for such a vast territory to be directly merged into Huaizhou.

In other words, Dongyang Road will inevitably be transformed into a state, and the imperial court will establish a new governor's office and a governor's office here.

Leaving aside the latter, the establishment of the Governor's Office is imminent. The big bosses in the court will not allow this large area to be directly controlled by Xiao Wangzhi. This is what they have always been most afraid of.

If the military and political power is in one hand, there will inevitably be cases of separatist regimes.

Judging from the official positions and ranks of Chen Chun and others, the attitude of the DPRK is very obvious.

Chen Chun will become the governor of this place, in charge of the virtues of education, and will eliminate the evil and save the green as soon as possible to appease the people.

Dou Biao and Yang Kangzhi are his deputies. They are responsible for discipline and supervision, and they are the most important authorities now.

As soon as he thought of this, Xiao Wangzhi asked directly: "As for the restructuring of Dongyang Road, I wonder if the government and the government have reached an agreement?"

Chen Chun was not surprised by the sharpness and sensitivity of the Huaizhou Governor, and said respectfully: "After the two prime ministers petitioned, His Majesty agreed, and decided to establish a new state here according to the old system."

Xiao Wangzhi nodded slightly, and then said: "I have just returned from Dingzhou, and my heart is unstable. I hope Lord Fang will take care of it."

Fang Bo is the honorific title for the governor of a state.

Chen Chun did not deny it, mainly because he believed that there was no need to be mysterious in front of Xiao Wangzhi, but he also did not show arrogance. He just said modestly: "When you are a new official, you should be cautious, and for the time being, you should be familiar with the affairs of various places. , please feel free to give me some advice, the Governor."

Xiao Wangzhi suddenly felt a little bored.

After forcing himself to chat for a few words, Chen Chun changed the subject and said, "Grand Governor, I wonder what the situation is like on the border with the Western Route Army?"

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Hong quickly walked into the main hall. He had no time to greet Chen Chun and others, and said hurriedly: "I would like to inform my father, Commander Lu, there is an urgent report from Captain Lu. The West Route Army has invaded Heluo and is taking control of the whole city. !”

It was like a thunderbolt rising from the ground.

No wonder Xiao Hong's voice trembled slightly. Xiao Wangzhi and Chen Chun stood up almost at the same time. The latter had an expression of disbelief on his face. Ever since he saw Xiao Wangzhi, he had always been calm and calm, but now his expression changed drastically. .

Surprise appeared on Xiao Wangzhi's face, and he said repeatedly: "Okay! Very good!"

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand what kind of impact the words "recovering Heluo" symbolize for middle-aged men like them who have experienced the Yuanjia Incident.

Chen Chun and others barely came to their senses at this time. The well-known minister of the Ministry of Rites burst into tears and murmured: "God bless the great Qi! God bless your majesty!"

Xiao Hong said again: "Father, Commander Lu, there are two copies of Captain Lu's victory report. One has been sent to Ruyin City, and the other has been sent to the capital by an eight-hundred-mile horse."

"This kid is getting better and better at doing things."

Xiao Wangzhi smiled and sighed, his words full of unabashed kindness.

He noticed that Xiao Hong winked at him, so he congratulated each other with Chen Chun and others, and then sent the guests out of the house.

When they arrived at the back hall, Yuchi Gui was also there. Xiao Hong took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it respectfully into Xiao Wangzhi's hands: "Father, this is a secret letter sent by someone from Lu Chen."

Xiao Wangzhi opened it and took a look, his eyes narrowed slightly.

The content of the letter is divided into two parts. The first is Lu Chen's next plan, and the second is his hidden worries about the capital.

He handed the letter to Xiao Hong and Yuchi Gui, who took turns to read it, and then sighed softly: "Lu Chen was right. He Luo cannot defend Heluo, and the court may do some uncomfortable things next." Yuchi Gui frowned. Said: "Would the imperial court be so unwise?"

Xiao Wangzhi said slowly: "We have achieved far more than expected in this battle. Even if Heluo has to give up in the end, we can still get amazing benefits from it. In other words, the frontier army is now at a new stage. Gradually beyond the control of the imperial court. With Huaizhou, Dongyang Road and Moyang Road, plus today's Heluo City, isn't the imperial court worried that a second fake Yan will appear?"

Xiao Hong said cautiously: "Father, judging from the emperor's previous behavior, he should not do anything that would make his relatives happy and his enemies happy."

"This moment is the same as that moment."

Xiao Wangzhi did not blame him and said softly: "Furthermore, although the emperor is the supreme emperor, he cannot arbitrarily determine the direction of the court. Many times he will be in a situation where he is powerless."

Seeing Xiao Hong and Yu Chigui's solemn expressions, showing no joy at all for He Luo's return, Xiao Wangzhi smiled to ease the atmosphere and said, "But you don't need to be so worried. Right now is the time when the frontier army's reputation is at its peak. , many things can be planned in advance by taking advantage of the will of the people. This is what Lu Chen means. We cannot indulge in joy too much and must use this precious time to prepare."

He turned to look at the south and said leisurely: "It's a pity that it will be difficult for Lu Chen and I to fight side by side in the future."


Jiangnan, Yongjia.

On the bank of Lishui River in the city, there is a building named Jingshui.

The three-story building is famous for its delicacies from all over the world and has always been a gathering place for gourmets in the capital.

In the elegant room named "Poetry Preface" on the third floor, a group of wealthy and powerful children were sitting around the table having a banquet out of boredom.

Sitting in the main seat during the banquet was Li Yunyi, the eldest grandson of the Left Chancellor. The person sitting first on his left was not Gu Quanwu in the past, but Chen Wenxu, who was not astonishing in appearance and had empty eyes.

Everyone toasted to Chen Wenxu one after another, with a lot of flattery and a hint of jealousy in their mouths.

Chen Wenxu never refuses anyone who comes, and even though he tries his best to hide it, how can others not see the joyful expression on his brows and eyes.

The reason is that Chen Chun, the father of Chen Wenxue, was promoted from the Minister of Rites to the newly established governor of Dingzhou. He was a feudal official with real power.

Li Yunyi coughed twice, and the dinner immediately became quiet. He slowly raised his wine cup, looked at Chen Wenxue beside him and said, "Congratulations, dear brother, uncle Shi has been promoted to the governor of Dingzhou this time. You will definitely rise up in the clouds. Don’t forget our group of brothers in the future.”

Of course, Chen Wenxue did not dare to be arrogant in front of him, not to mention that he knew that his father could seize the opportunity this time and serve as the governor of Dingzhou amidst countless coveted eyes. Thanks to the recommendation of the left prime minister, he humbly said: "Sanlang These words are really embarrassing to me. Without the strong support of the old prime minister, how could my father be promoted? From now on, Sanlang will never frown if he has an errand."

After hearing this, Li Yunyi's expression changed from gloomy to clear. He drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "With your words, I didn't misjudge the person."

Chen Wenxue felt that his bones were two ounces lighter and he quickly drank a full glass of wine.

Li Yunyi smiled and said, "Speaking of which, your father went to Dingzhou, why didn't you go with him?"

Chen Wenxu put down his wine cup and showed a hint of bitterness: "I would like to go, my foolish brother, but I can't bear to leave my brothers. My father is afraid that I will cause trouble, so he only said that Dingzhou is a borderland and that he will let me fulfill my filial piety after the situation stabilizes in two years. "

Everyone laughed. The first sentence he said was naturally untrue, but the last sentence was what he said from the bottom of his heart.

Song Yun, who was sitting at the end, said: "Those rude men in the border army are ignorant of etiquette, reckless and disgusting. I'm afraid Chen Fangbo's trip will not go well."

Li Yunyi's expression darkened, and he obviously thought of Huaizhou Lu Chen who had humiliated him many times.

Chen Wenxue said with some embarrassment: "Brother Song, what you said is wrong. Those soldiers only know how to kill people on the battlefield, how do they know how to govern the people and help people's livelihood? In the end, the world must be governed by great sages like Zuo Xiang. Civil servants are the mainstay!"

Li Yunyi's eyes lit up, he didn't expect that this guy could say such reasonable words.

At this moment, bursts of noise suddenly came from outside the building.

Li Yunyi frowned, holding a wine cup and walked to the window facing the street. He opened the window and looked outside. He saw that the street was crowded with people, and they seemed to be rushing to the south.

Others came over one after another, all looking confused.

Today is not a holiday, so why would such a scene happen?

The sound of "thump thump thump" sounded, and then a follower ran up to the third floor out of breath and said hurriedly: "Sanlang, Sanlang, something big happened!"

"Why are you panicking!" Li Yunyi became more and more irritable and said coldly: "What's the matter?"

The attendants were full of joy and said: "Just now, the Red Feather messengers passed through Jingcheng Street from north to south, announcing the great victory in the north along the way. Several Huaizhou armies, under the command of Lu Chen, the captain of Ruishi Camp, defeated Heluo in one battle! The whole city was completely destroyed. Congratulations!"

The room was filled with dead silence.

Li Yunyi looked at the entourage blankly, suddenly got angry, raised his hand and smashed the cup into the man's face, and said angrily: "Congratulations to your mother!"

Everyone looked at each other.

Li Yunyi walked away, and everyone hurriedly followed him, only to hear him say in an extremely depressed tone: "Don't follow me, break up and go home!"

The scene in Jingshui Tower was extremely rare. After learning the good news of the Heluo victory, the vast majority of the people in the capital walked out of their homes and onto the street, and then spontaneously walked towards the south.

In this situation, thousands of people flocked to the imperial city with empty streets!

(End of this chapter)

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