
Chapter 309 Chapter 307 [Nobless]

Chapter 309 Chapter 307 [Nobless] (Additional update for leader C)

When he said the word "Zhulu", Wang Shidao stared closely into Lu Chen's eyes.

However, he didn't see any clues.

Lu Chen said calmly: "Mr. Wang, don't you think this statement is child's play? As a minister of the Procuratorate, a high-ranking official of the Pseudo-Yan Dynasty who is highly regarded by the Jing Dynasty's powerful people, now you come to me, who is about to be in his early twenties. In front of young people, talking about the pursuit of success and the overall situation of the world has a sense of humor like singing and fighting on the stage."

"I trust my eyes."

Wang Shidao responded with a smile, and then said: "Liu Duwei may not know that I have been secretly paying attention to your movements since you emerged in the Guangling Yamen of the Weaving Department. Last year, you turned the rain and the clouds in Baotai Mountain, but you did not follow the trend. Going south and cooperating with Xiao Wangzhi to regain Dongyang Road allowed the Seven Star Gang to take root in the mountains and quietly grow stronger. I vaguely felt that you are different from Xiao Wangzhi, and you are not a foolish and loyal person like Li Tianrun."

Lu Chen shook his head and said, "It's too far-fetched."

"It is indeed far-fetched to analyze this matter alone."

Wang Shidao remained calm and said in a nonchalant manner: "But I happen to know some stories that others don't know."

Lu Chen motioned for him to continue.

Wang Shidao's tone was calm: "My father was transferred to the Lingzhou Changshan Army. On the surface, he was helpless. However, when I was serving as a clerk in the Changshan Army, I accidentally found a letter from the document library, which was to transfer your father from the Beijing camp. Here comes the military order from the Changshan Army, and this military order comes from the Jinghe Marshal’s Mansion.”

Lu Chen said leisurely: "This doesn't mean anything."

"Yes, after all, the Changshan Army was affiliated to the Jinghe Marshal's Mansion. Such writing is completely in line with the rules, and no one can fault it. However, seventeen years ago, the Daqi army encircled and suppressed the bandits of the Seven Star Gang, and ultimately failed. The reason was that the green forests in the mountains were In a desperate situation, he suddenly received a batch of food from a mysterious source."

"In the early spring of last year, Li Xuan'an pretended to flee south under the arrangement of Zhang Junsi and I. He died inexplicably on the way. Later it was found out that it was the Jianghu Ranger Bodhisattva Man who did it. This person's identity is not difficult to find out, after all, he has such superb martial arts. , and can easily organize hundreds of elite fighters, except Lin Xi, the daughter of Lin Jie, the leader of the Seven Star Gang, without thinking of anyone else."

"After a period of time, a mysterious woman with high martial arts skills suddenly appeared next to Captain Lu. She not only taught you martial arts, but also accompanied you to the battlefield many times to fight. She is Lin Xi, and she is also a Bodhisattva Man. This can explain why Captain Lu Going into danger alone, he devoted himself to making suggestions for the Seven Star Gang. But this cannot explain the original question, why did Lin Xi rush all the way to Guangling? Not to mention risking his life to accompany you on the battlefield, this is not an ordinary friendship. "

"Looking back at the past, the person who secretly helped the Seven Star Gang overcome the difficulties was your father, because Lin Jie was the deputy gang leader of the Seven Star Gang at that time, second only to the gang leader Jiang Zhi. This raises another question, if your father is just an ordinary businessman, how can you Avoid the eyes of the officers and soldiers and send a large amount of food and grass into the mountains?"

"Your Majesty has not been in the army for long and has not established enough connections, so he can only rely on Yang Guangyuan's legacy. Or maybe he is one of Yang Guangyuan's confidants, so he can do this. "

Wang Shidao said this in one breath, picked up the tea cup and drank half of it, and sighed: "This can also explain another question, why Xiao Wangzhi values ​​​​Lu Duwei so much. If I am not wrong, your father and Xiao Wang Like others, they were young talents discovered by Yang Guangyuan back then. However, due to the current situation, Yang Guangyuan needed someone to take care of logistics matters. Your father himself came from a family of merchants, so it was natural for him to withdraw from the army. Your father. With such a deep understanding of the righteousness, Xiao Wangzhi and others naturally felt guilty, so they made up for this guilt on Captain Lu."

Lu Chen's expression did not change, he nodded and said: "The analysis is wonderful, but it doesn't make much sense."

Wang Shidao was suffocated.

He actually had a certain intention of showing off by writing such a lengthy document. After all, even if this matter was revealed, it would not have a very bad impact on Lu Chen today.

This is also due to Qing Yu Huaijin's conspiracy. Many people in Yongjia City are worried that Lu Chen is Yang Guangyuan's posthumous son. If they were told about the connection between Lu Chen and Yang Guangyuan, and it was just that Lu Tong was promoted by Yang Guangyuan, many people would probably Take a deep breath.

These are two completely different concepts.

As long as Lu Chen and Yang Guangyuan are not related by blood, he will naturally not take the risk of confiscating his family and exterminating his clan to avenge Yang Guangyuan. Don't you see that Xiao Wangzhi is now the governor of Huaizhou?

To Wang Shidao, Lu Chen's reaction was as if he had punched cotton, feeling vaguely blocked.

Lu Chen raised his eyes and looked at Wang Shidao, and said slowly: "To be honest, I am very interested in the power you have. If I can plant a nail in the Procuratorate, it will be very helpful for my future plans."

Wang Shidao calmed down and said quickly: "I know that Captain Lu invaded Heluo this time to change the minds of some people in Yongjia City, and at the same time lay the groundwork for the real recovery of this place in the future, so I took the initiative to come after thinking about it, otherwise I would Why take the risk of getting hurt and go through this journey?"

This sentence is naturally true. Lu Chen may have many reasons not to kill him, but if he wants to turn his back on him, Wang Shidao, who takes the initiative to show up, has no ability to resist.

But judging from his expression, he obviously doesn't mind this kind of gamble.

Lu Chen said thoughtfully: "Master Wang doesn't seem to be worried at all. I will make use of you and then sell you back to Jing Lian."

Wang Shidao looked slightly embarrassed and said with a bit of self-deprecation: "Perhaps in the eyes of many people, this should be a problem that Captain Lu is worried about."

"Because even if I accept you, you will not enter my inner circle. There are some secrets that you will never be able to access."

Lu Chen's words were extremely straightforward and seemed calm, but in his mind he thought of the Zhai Lin Wang family.

In fact, in real terms, the damage caused by the Zhai Lin Wang family to the Qi Dynasty is many times greater than that of Wang Shidao. After all, it is one of the top sects in the world. Its influence in the North and the resources at its disposal are like clouds and mud compared to Wang Shidao. The difference.

It can be said that the rebellion of the Zhai Lin Wang family was the heaviest blow that crushed the entire Jinghe defense line.

Now that the Zhai Lin Wang family has been accepted by the Emperor of Qi Dynasty again and provided very important assistance during the Huaizhou Army's Northern Expedition, how could he know that Wang Shidao could not be used for his own benefit?

It's just that this person's past can be described as full of bad things, more exaggerated than a wallflower.

After Wang Shidao heard Lu Chen's words, there was no anger on his face. Instead, he looked matter-of-factly. He nodded and said, "What Lu Duwei said is absolutely true. If I say that I suddenly have a great enlightenment and want to turn around, Lu Duwei will definitely not believe it, but these ten I have been working for Jing Chao for many years, but what I got in the end is still endless suspicion, and I really can’t accept it."

Lu Chen said softly: "You are not from Jinglian after all."

Wang Shidao laughed at himself.

By this point in the conversation, both of them had understood what the other was thinking.

Lu Chen said: "Master Wang, please come back. I hope to see a detailed file of the dignitaries and officials in Heluo City within three days, whether they were officials in the puppet Yan court or idle at home, whether they were killed or not. I want to see the records about this person in the palace, including his own life and his family information."

Wang Shidao naturally hopes that Lu Chen can give a clear commitment, but through today's secret conversation, he finally realized that the other party looks young, but is actually far more difficult to deal with than Su Yunqing.

Thinking of this, he sighed with a complicated expression: "It's not surprising that Qing Yu Zhongwang was defeated. Don't worry, Lieutenant Lu, someone will send the file tomorrow. In addition, I will leave a contact note for Su Jianxiao. When Captain Lu calls, Wang will definitely come as soon as possible."

Lu Chen nodded slightly, and when he stood up to say goodbye, he suddenly asked, "Mr. Wang, if I imprison you, will the Procuratorate become leaderless?" "No."

Wang Shidao looked calm, respectful and self-possessed and replied: "If I can't leave today, the Procuratorate will serve the Jing Dynasty wholeheartedly and try to create some trouble for Captain Lu and the officers and soldiers of the Huaizhou Army."

Lu Chen smiled and changed the topic: "Master Wang, I hope you can understand that if you take the path of betraying Jing Chao this time, you will not have the chance to look back again."


Wang Shidao bowed his hands.


Next to Lu Chen's temporary residence, there is a small courtyard with a slightly small area, and the main hall is brightly lit with candles.


Li Chengen's voice suddenly sounded in the courtyard.

"How's the situation inside?"

Lu Chen asked immediately.

Li Chengen replied: "She is very quiet, just sitting in a daze."

The door was pushed open immediately. Qingyu Huaijin, who was sitting at the table, looked up and saw Lu Chen walking in slowly.

Lu Chen glanced at Qingyu Huaijin. She was still wearing the same clothes, but after washing her face, there was no dirt on her face.

There are some ordinary home-cooked dishes on the table, two bowls of rice, and two pairs of chopsticks.

Lu Chen came over and sat across from Qing Yu Huaijin, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and said with emotion: "This is the first meal from morning to night, and the princess wants to come, so you are welcome. Let's solve the problem of fullness and then talk about other things. "

Qingyu Huaijin looked at the young man opposite him feasting, his face still cold, but there was a strong murderous intention brewing in his heart.

At that time, outside Guanghua Gate, Lu Chen shot her far away. That was because she had fought hard for a long time and was exhausted. It did not mean that there was really such an exaggerated gap in the martial arts between the two.

Later, she swallowed her anger and allowed Lu Chen to use her as a trump card to force the Jing army to surrender to the palace, and then forced back the more than 10,000 Jing army led by Mou Lianghu. It was not because she was frightened by the opponent, but because she was waiting for someone. A chance to kill.

This is called treating others in the same way as they treat others.

Qingyu Huaijin was very aware of Lu Chen's status in the Huaizhou army. As long as she restrained him, she would have a chance to escape.

Lu Chen didn't seem to notice the quiet change in the atmosphere, and still swallowed the food with big mouthfuls.

There was no sound or movement outside the house, and as long as he moved quickly enough, Li Chengen would never be able to react.

Qingyu Huaijin slowly exhaled a long breath, and the moment Lu Chen reached out to pick up the vegetables, he suddenly stood up and swung out a palm!

The wind howled.

The next moment, Qingyu Huaijin looked at his palms in disbelief.

She silently adjusted her breath for a long time, confirming that her internal energy had recovered a lot. However, when she used her palms to move her energy, it was as if an invisible hand suddenly pinched her meridians.

There is no way to stimulate inner energy.

Lu Chen simply raised his hand and grabbed her wrist, preventing her from moving.

There was dead silence in the room.

Li Chengen's voice immediately sounded outside: "Master?"

"It doesn't matter."

Lu Chen Wenyan agreed, then raised his head and looked at Qingyu Huaijin's right palm stretched out in front of him, and sighed: "You are not Lin Jie, the leader of the Seven Stars Gang, who is ranked number one in the world."

Qingyu Huaijin's face turned red and she stared at him fiercely.

"When you asked Dian Kuang to take people to Baotai Mountain to assassinate Gang Leader Lin, the insiders in the mountain wanted to use the hook poison to plot against him, but Gang Leader Lin was not affected in any way and defeated eight masters by himself. I am very sensitive to this poison. I was interested, so I asked Cheng'en to get some. There was a lot of poison in the water you drank earlier. This poison is colorless and odorless, and its only function is to prevent the warrior from using his inner energy."

Lu Chen let go of her wrist and explained while eating.

Qingyu Huaijin gritted his teeth and said, "You actually poisoned me, how shameless!"

"If you don't want to see me be more shameless -"

Lu Chen put down his chopsticks and said indifferently: "Sit down and listen to me."

 Adding an update for the leader of this book, Ah C, No. 005. 4 updates today, 18 more are due.



(End of this chapter)

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