
Chapter 304 Chapter 302 [King’s Landing]

Chapter 304 Chapter 302 [King’s Landing]

Since the siege of Heluo City, both dignitaries and traffickers have very mixed feelings about the Huaizhou Army outside the city.

In the past two years, the Southern Qi frontier army has been reporting frequent successes in the border wars. Correspondingly, the Yan army has been retreating steadily. The people in Heluo City went from shock at the beginning to numbness later, and gradually became more uneasy.

Until the Huaizhou army came to the city, more than two years of depression turned into fear, and they could only place all their hopes on Jing Jun.

The North City, including the imperial palace, has always been a place where powerful people live. These people naturally do not want the Qi army to make progress, because once the opponent can enter the city, their end will definitely not be good.

After all, after the Yuanjia Incident fifteen years ago, the powerful people in Heluo City either took the initiative or were forced to betray the Qi court, otherwise they would not be able to continue to enjoy the glory and wealth with the acquiescence of the Jing Dynasty.

In the splendid mansions, countless nobles wearing silks and satins were uneasy.

Until a series of earth-shaking loud noises came, they all climbed to high places in the mansion and looked around to find the source of the sounds.

Then he saw flying dust rising into the sky from the north, and a faint roar.

"what happened!"

"Send someone quickly to take a look!"

"The master is still in the palace, go to the palace quickly to report the news!"

All kinds of frightened voices sounded in these high-end mansions, and countless pale faces seemed to have seen the fate of their heads.

In the Nanping Mansion, which is very close to the North City, the head of the family, Zhong Chang, had a look of fear in his eyes, because he heard very clearly that those loud noises must be related to the city wall.

He quickly summoned a group of servants and soldiers and carefully came out of the side door to check the situation. However, just as he stepped onto the front street, he was unable to move as if someone had cast a restraining spell on him.

On the north side of the long street, countless armored soldiers rushed towards them, and one could tell at a glance that the armor they wore belonged to the Huaizhou Army!

Zhong Chang was dumbfounded. Although he was already idle at home, after all he had the experience of leading troops, how could he not guess that the enemy army had already broken through the city.

"It's over... it's over..."

Seeing the Huaizhou Army infantry getting closer and closer, Zhong Chang felt that his legs were as heavy as a thousand pounds and he could not move forward, and the servants behind him were trembling with trembling legs.

"Master, spare your life!"

Zhong Chang roared with all his strength, and then fell to his knees on the ground. The dozen or so servants and soldiers behind him followed suit.

The leading captain, Bao An, glanced at Zhong Chang's fine clothes with cold eyes, and said two words indifferently: "Kill him!"

Several screams rang out, and were immediately lost in the turbulent footsteps of the soldiers of the Rui Shi Battalion.

Bao An and Su Yunqing ran side by side, and there were a few more men in civilian clothes beside them. They were spies stationed in Heluo City by the Sutra Weaving Department. They had received Su Yunqing's secret order half a month ago to prepare for today's destruction of the city. Make detailed preparations for the battle.

Under the guidance of these people who were familiar with the road, Bao An led the Rui Shi battalion infantry through the streets like a whirlwind and pounced on the palace with precision.

"Master Inspector, Inspector Yin has gathered all of us to sneak into the palace. He personally led several masters into the Tai Chi Hall, while the others were ambushing outside!"

While running, a man in his thirties spoke hurriedly.

Su Yunqing asked: "Is there Jing Jun outside the palace?"

The man immediately replied: "Yes, about a thousand people, stationed not far to the southwest of the palace!"

Su Yunqing turned to look at Bao An, who nodded understandingly.

It is about four miles from the north gate of Heluo to the imperial palace. The infantry of the Rui Shiying rushed forward at lightning speed. When they arrived at Zhengyang Gate in the north of the imperial city, Moulianghu had just left the east city. Yu Jingjun was rushing to the Guanghua Gate directly south of the palace.

Looking down from above, the two armies of unequal numbers, one from the south and the other from the north, simultaneously entered the palace, which had an extremely empty garrison. Their target was clearly the Tai Chi Hall on the central axis.

At this moment, the fighting in the palace has reached a fever pitch.


Privy Councilor Pang Shigu was covered in blood. He used the long knife he snatched to hack to death a guard who rushed in front of him, but another man opened a several-inch long wound on his back. This was the seventh wound on his body. Wounds.

In fact, Pang Shigu's martial arts skills were not weak. He relied on his sharp sword skills to gain a foothold in the military. However, he has inevitably slacked off in recent years, and his enemies are really too crazy.

The fear of death surged into his heart, and the severe pain caused by various wounds made Pang Shigu stagger forward. At this time, two guards appeared behind him, and at the same time they raised their hands to hold his shoulders, and kicked him with their feet. His knees buckled.

With a "plop", Pang Shigu, who had no strength to struggle anymore, knelt down in the direction of the dragon chair. His body suddenly trembled violently and he shouted in panic: "Don't kill me——"

Before the words could be spoken, another guard grasped the specially made sword with both hands and slashed with all his strength!

Blood sprayed forward, and Pang Shigu's head rolled out a few steps away. His wide-eyed eyes were facing Zhang Can's body in front of the dragon chair.

Such an explosive scene did not attract the attention of others, because most of the courtiers were on the verge of death at this moment. They could not run away or stop them, and they could only become dead souls under the sword of the imperial guards.

In the southwest corner, Prime Minister Wang An squatted against the wall with his left arm hanging weakly. In front of him were five officials in their thirties and forties, barely building a barrier for him.

Since learning about Lu Chen's plan, Wang An has consciously provoked Zhang Can's anger while secretly helping him cover it up. Otherwise, how could Zhang Can and Feng Li, who were plotting major events in this leaky palace, escape the eyes of the prosecutor's office?

However, Zhang Can did not know the inside story, so he would not let go of the head of the Zhai Lin Wang family.

What Wang An can do is extremely limited. He can only rely on the few trump cards of the Wang family in the court to protect himself.

Even though these people were highly skilled in martial arts and loyal, in the current killings that were more brutal than the battlefield, Wang An was in danger several times. He was stabbed once in his left hand and right leg, and his official uniform was dyed red with blood.

If it weren't for the thirty or so Jinglian clan masters outside the palace who rushed in and attracted the attention of most of the guards, Wang An thought that he would die today, and he would never have survived with the protection of these few people in front of him.

But for these Jinglian clan experts, the short distance of more than thirty feet from the gate to the imperial steps turned out to be so long.

Naturally, they had no idea about the life and death of those Yan ministers, and just wanted to get to Qing Yu Huaijin as soon as possible, but their opponents were a group of imperial guards who were driven crazy by the killings.

When it comes to fighting alone, these masters are confident that they can easily defeat a guard, but now it is a life and death fight. One side just wants to break through the obstacles and rush to save people, but the other side holds the idea of ​​​​perish together. The result can be imagined.

From more than thirty feet to fifteen feet, twelve Jinglian clan masters died in this half of the journey. Although they killed at least thirty imperial guards, everyone still felt cold in their hearts.

"Your Highness, retreat quickly!"

Seeing that he could not rush over immediately, and there was still a steady stream of guards rushing up in front of him, the leader of the Jinglian clan masters could only shout angrily. When these four words came to Qingyu Huaijin's ears, her expression did not change at all.

Two of the guards beside her have fallen, Xiao Jun has three wounds on his body, and only eight of the more than 20 guards on the opposite side are still standing.

Looking around, the palace was already a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and one of his confidants fell into the pool of blood one after another.

Seeing this scene, Qingyu Huaijin felt a surge of violent energy in his heart. He immediately let out a light scold and stepped towards Yin Shangfu who was directly in front, like a bolt of lightning coming in an instant.

The long knife came down from top to bottom, causing a sound of wind and thunder.

Yin Shangfu did not dare to block it, so he twisted to the side.

Qingyu Huaijin touched the ground with the tip of his knife. He took advantage of the situation and raised his body to kick Yin Shangfu.

If this kick was hit hard, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die. Yin Shangfu raised his knife to block it before he could hit it. The terrifying force instantly cracked his jaw and made him take several steps back.

Qingyu Huaijin took advantage of the situation and moved forward without holding back at all. The energy in his body surged out. The sword flashed like a sudden thought, killing three people in a row in the blink of an eye.

The blood on her face faded at a speed visible to the naked eye. Xiao Jun next to her was shocked. Her Highness the Princess was burning her way out!


Qingyu Huaijin didn't say anything nonsense, and rushed into the crowd with Xiao Jun and others. However, he saw that her black hair was scattered around her temples and her temples were wet with sweat. Her face became paler and whiter, and the long knife in her hand became more and more ruthless, tearing out a slit. Through the gap, he met the Jinglian clan masters who came to the rescue.

Less than thirty people, led by Qing Yu Huaijin who went berserk, finally rushed to the front door of Tai Chi Hall.

At this moment, the sound of killing suddenly became loud outside!

Qingyu Huaijin was the first to rush out of the Tai Chi Hall. In the distance, the figures of Jingjun's soldiers appeared on the edge of the square. She immediately took her subordinates who could still move to join them in front.

As long as she enters Jingjun's formation, neither the dead soldiers of the Zhang family nor the sudden appearance of Nan Qi masters in the Taiji Hall can pose a threat to her.

With a distance of more than fifty feet, the two sides approached quickly. General Jingjun naturally saw the figure of Qingyu Huaijin, but before he could greet him with joy, his expression suddenly changed.

Behind the Taiji Hall, countless Huaizhou Army infantry were circling and attacking from both sides!

General Jing Jun only glanced twice and concluded that the enemy's strength was far superior to his own. At this moment, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Bao An and Su Yunqing could naturally see Jing Jun in the south and a group of people approaching Jing Jun.

On the square, Qingyu Huaijin held a knife in one hand and ran forward quickly.

General Jingjun suddenly had many thoughts in his mind, and finally turned into a decisive decision: "Your Highness, retreat quickly, the general will lead the troops to stop the enemy!"

The two gradually got closer, and Qingyu Huaijin asked, "What's your name?"

"The last general Pucha Jingcai is now a captain of thousands!"

"I got it!"

After all, Qingyu Huaijin is not that hypocritical. The only thing she can do is to remember this person, and then use him to confirm the identity of the more than a thousand soldiers, and give their families a territory in the future to repay them for risking their lives to save them today. favor.

A strong wind howled, and a continuous and extremely violent sound of fighting erupted behind her. Qingyu Huaijin never looked back, her lips were pursed and her face was cold.

After a while, Guanghua Gate was already in sight.

To Qingyu Huaijin and the twenty or so remaining followers around her, the four-foot-long doorway seemed extremely far away.

Finally bursting out of the door, the light returned.

Qingyu Huaijin panted hard. In order to get rid of the entanglement of those Nan Qi masters and to kill those crazy Zhang family soldiers, she almost exhausted all the internal energy in her body.

"Your Highness—"

Xiao Jun approached worriedly, but before he could say the next words, Qingyu Huaijin suddenly raised his head and looked forward, his eyes as sharp as knives.

Thousands of horses are riding around the cloud hills, and the sound of horse hooves is thunderous.

The torrent flowed through the Imperial Street, blocking Qingyu Huaijin and her followers outside the Guanghua Gate.

This is an extremely elite Southern Qi cavalry force, not inferior to Qing Yugong's personal guard battalion.

More than 3,000 cavalry filled the Imperial Street, and the exhausted Jing Dynasty dignitaries were like birds in a cage, unable to escape.

Among the crowd, Lu Chen rode forward a few steps, looking at the young woman in desperate situation not far away.

There are thousands of elite infantry inside the palace, and brilliant cavalry outside the palace. The situation is clear at a glance.

Qingyu Huaijin looked at the young man opposite who had crossed thousands of mountains and rivers to reach Heluo, destroying all obstacles and appearing in front of her.

There was silence and solemnity.

She slowly grasped the handle of the knife and suddenly laughed at herself.

Then move forward, keep moving forward, move forward alone.

"Your Highness!"

Xiao Jun and others shouted in horror and panic.

Qingyu Huaijin didn't seem to hear her. There was only Lu Chen in her eyes. She quickly rushed across the not-so-distant distance, and then used the only strength in her body to pour into her arms.

More than 3,000 riders from the Rui Shi Battalion watched in silence. No one stepped forward to stop them until they received a clear order.

Qingyu Huaijin knew that her moves were not very powerful, but she did not hesitate at all. Her eyes were full of determination to die, and she rushed to Lu Chen stubbornly.


Raise the knife!

So why not die!

(End of this chapter)

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