
Chapter 30 030 [Wind Ming 2 Shore Leaf]

Chapter 30 030 [The wind blows the leaves on both sides]

Beiyan, the capital of Dongyang Road.

In the main hall of the General's Mansion, the atmosphere was solemn and depressing.

The weather in the evening was quite cool and comfortable. Ning Li, who was standing in the hall, leaned forward slightly with sweat beads on his face.

There were three people in the hall, sitting side by side.

The one on the left is over forty years old, with a broad and burly figure, completely blocking the chair beneath him. From where Ning Li is, he can only vaguely see two chair legs.

This man's name is Zhang Junsi, he is a general in Dongyang Road, and he is the commander-in-chief of one of the two armies of Northern Yan that suppressed Huaizhou in Southern Qi.

The man on the right is about thirty years old, handsome, with a cold expression and a bit of arrogance.

His name is Qin Chun, and he is currently the deputy general manager of Dongyang Road Soldiers and Horses.

Although Li Xuan'an was the general manager of the military and horse capital before Nantou, and his status seemed to be higher than Qin Chun's, in fact he could not and did not dare to control the deputy general manager at all.

The reason is very simple. Qin Chun was from the Jing Dynasty, and the five thousand cavalry and fifteen thousand infantry under his command were all elites of the Jing Dynasty.

Not to mention Li Xuan'an, who had a poor reputation, even Zhang Junsi, who had great military exploits, could only treat this young junior with courtesy.

This is actually a microcosm of the internal situation of the Beiyan military.

Whether it is Dongyang Road to the north of Huaizhou or Moyang Road to the west of Huaizhou, Beiyan has some of its own soldiers and horses, and the elites of Jing Dynasty are mixed in.

As for Heluo City, the core of Beiyan, which was once the capital of Da Qi, it was stationed with [-] cavalry and [-] infantry of Jing Dynasty.

These armies and the generals in charge were nominally Yan people and would accept the jurisdiction of the Northern Yan court, but they formed their own system in the army and cooperated with the Yan army under the command of Qing Yugong, the marshal of the southern courtyard of Jing Dynasty.

This was one of the ways that the Jing Dynasty controlled the Yan Dynasty. The elite soldiers of the Jing Dynasty deliberately changed their identities to appease the people of the North, and to allow the Northern Yan court to support these elite troops.

This model will definitely not last long, and the Beiyan court will not always be a puppet. However, only 13 years have passed since the Yuanjia Revolution and only ten years since the founding of Beiyan. The Jing Dynasty's control over this place is still very strong.

Ning Li was so nervous at the moment. In fact, it had little to do with the two military generals. It was mainly because of the man sitting in the middle. He didn't even dare to raise his head to meet his gaze.

His name is Wang Shidao, he is 48 years old this year. He is an official in the Beiyan Procuratorate and is responsible for thousands of elite spies. He is as famous as Qin Zheng, the Sutra Weaving Secretary of the Southern Qi Dynasty.

Ning Li told everything he knew about the situation, not daring to omit or conceal anything, and then anxiously waited for the other party's decision.

"If I remember correctly, you were ordered to sneak into Huaizhou a year before His Majesty ascended the throne?"

To Ning Li's expectation, Wang Shidao did not reprimand him harshly, but instead recalled the past.

He didn't dare to climb up the pole, so he replied honestly: "Your Majesty, yes."

Wang Shidao said slowly: "It has been 11 years. It is not easy for you to climb from a commoner to the captain of the Panlong Pass Palm Regiment."

His tone was calm, but Ning Li almost shed tears.

From the time he sneaked into Huaizhou at the age of 22 until he is now 33 years old, it has been a full 11 years of fear and darkness. He woke up from his dreams countless times, fearing that his identity would be revealed. The hardships and pains he experienced are difficult to describe.

At this point, he could not hide his sobs: "Thank you for the compliment, sir!"

Wang Shidao's tone became more gentle: "This incident happened suddenly. You have done your best, so you can't blame me. Go back to Heluo City to rest for a while. I have another important task for you to handle."

Ning Li burst into tears with gratitude, knelt down and saluted and said, "I will never give up until I die!"

After he retreated, Qin Chun said with a smile but not a smile: "The general thought that Wang Shizheng would kill him."

Qin Chun is actually a fake name. His real name is Pu Sanduan. He used to be Qing Yugong's groom, and later joined the Xiashan Army directly under Qing Yugong because of his bravery and courage.

With his continuous military exploits, he completed his magnificent transformation from slave to general, and is now the second-largest general in Dongyang Road, Beiyan, second only to Zhang Junsi.

It was precisely because of his unusual relationship with Qing Yugong that he dared to be so casual in front of Wang Shidao.

Wang Shidao said calmly: "He has been hiding in the south for 11 years and has not changed his loyalty. Why do I want to kill him?"

After being pushed back by the old man's words, Qin Chun's face remained as usual and he smiled nonchalantly.

Zhang Junsi on the other side coughed twice and changed the subject: "Master Wang, how will Li Xuanan's family members fare?"

This is a trickier question.

Now that Li Xuan'an and his son died on the way to defect to Southern Qi, even their heads were taken away. No matter how angry the people who participated in formulating this strategy were, they could only clean up the mess.

For them, the easiest way is of course to take advantage of the situation and convict Li Xuanan of defecting, so that the matter can be resolved without causing accountability from the emperor and the court officials.But if this was done, Li Xuanan's family would never survive.

Wang Shidao glanced at him thoughtfully, and then said calmly: "Just tell the truth to the court. General, don't worry. Since this matter is my decision, I will naturally bear the wrath of His Majesty."

Zhang Junsi said in a deep voice: "Master Wang, you underestimate Mr. Zhang. I am not afraid of taking responsibility, but I am afraid that this matter will greatly enhance the prestige of Nan Qi."

"I just want to make the south cheer."

Wang Shidao said lightly, then stood up and walked to the small sand table on the south side, and said to the two of them: "The two generals must have received the secret order from the court, and the battle to regain Huaizhou is imperative."

Logically speaking, although he commands thousands of secret agents in the Prosecutor's Office, he does not have the authority to supervise military affairs and is not qualified to decide such a major strategy.

However, even Qin Chun, who was Qing Yugong's confidant, did not raise any questions at this moment, because he knew that Qing Yugong trusted this person and had agreed to Wang Shidao's strategy of taking Huai a few months ago and asked him to Coordinate the two armies on Dongyang Road and Moyang Road in the center.

The two stood up and walked closer. Zhang Junsi stared at somewhere on the sand table and said solemnly: "Of course I support the court's decision, but Huaizhou is the largest territory of Southern Qi in the north of the Yangtze River, and Xiao Wangzhi is very good at it. The veteran guarding the battlefield is a tough nut to crack."

Qin Chun watched quietly from the side.

Wang Shidao nodded and said: "What the general said makes sense. The two prefectures in the north of Huaizhou, Baoying Prefecture, are supported by the hard nail of Panlong Pass, and Lai'an Prefecture, which protrudes to the north, has the Lai'an Defense Line built with Xiao Wangzhi's efforts. They are both called It is impregnable. Seven years ago, our army fought back and forth in these two places for more than ten battles, and still did not completely open a hole."

Zhang Junsi gradually understood the implication of this person's words, and his eyes began to move towards the southern line of Huaizhou.

Upon seeing this, Wang Shidao said bluntly: "Actually, we have always overlooked one point. The land bordering Huaizhou in Southern Qi and our dynasty is not just Baoying Prefecture and Lai'an Prefecture."

He raised his hand and drew a semicircle on the sand table, starting from Lai'an Mansion near the East China Sea, going west to Panlong Pass, the northwest gate of Gongju Baoying Mansion, and then turned south.

"Guangling..." Zhang Junsi stopped talking.

It's not that the generals like them can't see this place, the problem is that to the south of Guangling Mansion is the Hengjiang River, and to the west is the continuous double-peaked mountain system.

This almost perfect terrain blocks Guangling Mansion and Baoying Mansion, leaving only Panlong Pass, a spacious passage at the northern foot of Shuangfeng Mountain. Therefore, Panlong Pass has the prestigious reputation of "one man can pass the pass and ten thousand men cannot open it".

Attacking Guangling from the Hengjiang waterway is also unfeasible. The upstream strategic point Pingyang Mansion is in the hands of the Southern Qi. This is the Jingzhou Governor's Mansion, one of the two elite frontier troops of the Southern Qi. The Governor Li Tianrun is as famous as Xiao Wangzhi.

Failure to capture Jingzhou means that Beiyan's warships cannot move down the river, and naturally they cannot advance to Guangling.

At this time, Qin Chun's eyes lit up and he said, "It's not impossible to attack Guangling by surprise."

Zhang Junsi frowned slightly and said, "Which ancient roads do you want to attack?"

Of course, it is impossible for the Shuangfeng mountain system to completely seal the distance between east and west. There are indeed several winding trails in the mountains. One can pass through the mountains from Beiyan Moyang Road to Guangling Mansion. However, the difficulty of attacking these ancient trails is comparable to climbing to the sky. It's better to attack Panlong Pass and Lai'an Defense Line.

Wang Shidao looked at Qin Chun with some surprise, and said softly: "General Qin's intention, or the light chariot Jian Cong forcibly crossed Shuangfeng Mountain, avoided the sight of the Southern Qi defenders on the ancient roads, outflanked the enemy from behind, and took advantage of the situation to take Guangling. .”

Zhang Junsi's breathing was also a little rapid now.

The strategic value of Guangling is extremely high. It goes without saying that the place is rich. More importantly, Guangling connects Huaizhou and the south bank of the Hengjiang River. Several excellent downstream ferries are located in Guangling. Taking it means cutting off the food supply of the entire Huaizhou.

Once Guangling fell, Southern Qi could only transport food to Huaizhou by sea.

Such a nail piercing the waist of the Huaizhou Governor's Mansion will undoubtedly put Xiao Wangzhi at a loss.

Wang Shidao said unhurriedly: "If we want to achieve this strategic goal, there are still several very important things to do. First, the Dongyang Road army must exert enough pressure along the Panlong Pass to Lai Security Line, so that Xiao Wangzhi's attention is focused on the north."

Zhang Junsi responded: "This general will be responsible for this matter."

Wang Shidao nodded and said calmly: "Second, the Moyang Road army wants to move south to Qi Jingzhou's defense line to prevent the Jingzhou army from moving eastward to support Huaizhou. I will personally go to the Moyang Road General's Mansion to coordinate this matter."

He paused for a moment and said simply: "Thirdly, there must be internal cooperation in Guangling. Please rest assured about this. The Procuratorate previously used the Guangling Lu family as bait, not only to cooperate with the plan to seize Panlong Pass, but also to retain The next foreshadowing. Now that the secret stake of the Procuratorate in Guangling has been pulled out, the focus of the Southern Qi Sutra Weaving Department will naturally move north to the border. Therefore, I have secretly ordered Ou Zhiqiu to quietly transfer most of the personnel to Guangling after a while. "

The two generals became even more excited after hearing this.

Wang Shidao raised his eyes and looked at Qin Chun, and said sternly: "The last and most important thing is that our army needs an elite force to cross Shuangfeng Mountain and seize Guangling with thunderous force. At the same time, it must be able to withstand Xiao Wangzhi's ferocity. Counterattack and wait for reinforcements to arrive to stabilize the situation.”

Qin Chun understood this and said without hesitation: "The last general is willing to personally lead his men to defeat the enemy and seize the city!"

Wang Shidao bowed his hands and saluted, then turned around and walked to the other side of the sand table, raised his hand and pressed it on the Guangling sign, lowered his eyes and said: "General Qin can rest assured to practice for the time being. When everything is ready, it will be the day you make another meritorious service."

Qin Chun was overjoyed, but Zhang Junsi had no intention of competing for the top spot. This strategy seemed perfect, but in fact it had extremely high requirements for every link. If you were not careful, you would lose everything.

He looked at Qin Chun, who couldn't hide his excitement, and felt that he was taking too many risks, so he finally kept silent.

 720 degree roll and pick up, please read~!Please collect~!Please vote~!There is also a simplified topographic map of Huaizhou posted in the book review area. The technology is limited and very rough. It is mainly for the convenience of everyone's comparison. The description in the book shall prevail.

(End of this chapter)

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