
Chapter 299 Chapter 297 [Conspiracy]

Chapter 299 Chapter 297 [Conspiracy]

Outside Heluo City, the army formed a formation.

Judging from the formation of the Huaizhou Army, their main attack direction later should be the east city of Heluo, with the main attack and harassment on the north and south sides.

Under the east tower, Mou Lianghu calmly observed the situation of the Huaizhou Army below.

The other side has not launched an offensive yet, but unlike the silent confrontation of the past few days, a war will obviously break out today.

Although Mou Lianghu has not experienced the battlefield in person for nearly ten years, his vision and experience are still there, so naturally he will not be confused and confused.

After observing for a period of time, he issued several military orders one after another to let each department of Jing's army clarify their responsibilities. At the same time, more than 2,000 cavalrymen were ready to leave the city for an assault at any time.

At this time, a Jinglian man in his thirties quickly climbed up the city wall, came to Moulianghu and whispered: "General, His Highness has entered the palace."

Moulianghu nodded slightly, his eyes looked a little solemn, and asked: "Has everything been arranged over there?"

The visitor reported: "According to the general's instructions, more than forty masters followed His Highness into the palace, more than a hundred armored warriors were waiting outside the palace, and a thousand elite soldiers were stationed nearby to ensure safety and security."

Moulianghu responded, feeling a little strange in his heart for some reason.

He naturally sneered at the Lao Shizi court meeting organized by the monarchs and ministers of the Yan State. The enemies were already at the gates of the city. It was meaningless and extremely stupid to gather wisdom and wisdom at this time.

It's obviously just a matter of soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth, so it must be done to make people superfluous and waste energy.

However, for the sake of Emperor Yan's plan to raise money to reward the defenders at the court meeting, Moulianghu did not object publicly. Anyway, Jing Jun was responsible for the city defense, and those officials who stayed in the palace honestly could make him clean.

But when Mou Lianghu looked at the Huaizhou army leaving camp outside the city again, he suddenly figured out why he felt weird.

When the Emperor of Yan held an unprecedented dynasty meeting, the Huaizhou Army launched its first offensive on the same day.

Is this a coincidence? Or is there a hidden secret?

After pondering for a moment, Mou Lianghu said to the visitor: "Go to the palace and keep an eye on it in person. If there is any accident, someone will come over and send a message in time."

"Follow the order!"

The man took the order and left.

Mou Lianghu raised his hand and pressed on the wall stack, going through the city defense arrangements in his mind, but found nothing missing.

He looked at the enemies outside the city, his brows gradually furrowed, and he muttered in his heart: "Even if there are your internal agents in the city, I still want to know what you are capable of climbing to the top of Heluo City."

A few miles away, at the Huaizhou Army's military camp, Lu Chen looked back at Heluo City and said to Duan Zuozhang: "Commander Duan, according to the established arrangement, the Lai'an Army will be the main attack on Dongcheng today. We have only one mission, to attract the enemy commander. Pay attention, but don't attack too fiercely, causing excessive casualties to yourself. The details are up to Commander Duan to control."

Duan Zuozhang cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

Lu Chen then said to Song Shifei who was eager to try: "The Feiyun Army splits its forces to pretend to attack the north and the south. Only a small number of troops are sent to the south. You personally lead the main force and wait for the opportunity in the north city. After the city is defeated, the Feiyun Army needs to control the passage immediately. If this battle is successful, I will personally ask the Grand Governor for credit for the Feiyun Army."

Song Shifei grinned and said quickly: "Follow the order!"

Lu Chen turned his head and saw Liu Jiangdong, the commander of the Panlong Army, looking at him eagerly. He smiled and said, "Commander Liu, don't be anxious. The Panlong Army will definitely have a chance to enter the city today. Your troops are temporarily stationed in the northeast corner of Heluo. Come between the main forces of An Army and Feiyun Army and wait for my next order."

Liu Jiangdong was nearly forty years old and had a lot of seniority in the Huaizhou Army. Therefore, after Pei Sui was transferred to the chief general of the Zhenbei Army, he took over the Panlong Army.

Precisely because of such an opportunity, Liu Jiangdong was not willing to rest on his laurels and be content with the status quo, and he longed for military success in his heart.

Hearing Lu Chen's frank words at this moment, he couldn't help but said with a little embarrassment: "Make Captain Lu laugh."

"The general is serious. Today's tasks are heavy, and we need to work together to achieve our strategic goals."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Everyone, please come."

All the generals bowed their hands and then strode away.

Lu Chen turned around to face the three people who were standing solemnly, his eyes swept over the faces of Ran Xuanzhi, Li Chengen and Bao An in turn, and said in a deep voice: "After the city was broken, Bao An immediately led his troops to the Puppet Yan Palace, and Li Chengen led his troops to set up defenses on the outside. Be sure to block Jing Jun who comes to rescue."

The two of them responded loudly.

Lu Chen nodded slightly, then his eyes met with Ran Xuanzhi's, and he smiled and said, "Brother Ran, will you follow me into the city for a visit?"

Ran Xuanzhi was actually the only person in the entire Huaizhou military camp who knew about Lu Chen's plan. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel excited and excited. He nodded repeatedly and said, "It's a blessing!"

Lu Chen then said to the soldiers: "Blow the drum and pass the order!"

A moment later, the melodious and majestic sound of drums resounded throughout the world, and all units of the Huaizhou Army approached Heluo City in accordance with military orders.

The war is coming. …

A little earlier, Beiyan Palace.

As the leader of the civil servant class, he had a seat in front of the emperor. This was the courtesy Zhang Can gave Qingyu Huaijin.

Qingyu Huaijin bowed and thanked her, then took her seat safely, with Xiao Jun and others standing behind her.

This move was completely inconsistent with the ethics and regulations. Although Yan State had been fighting with Southern Qi for more than ten years, it still inherited Qi's system in many aspects.

Even though this was a puppet court, no ministers had ever gone to court with guards in the past.

Some relatively young ministers frowned at this scene, but no one refuted it. On the one hand, most people turned a blind eye to it, as if Qing Yu Huaijin should be in this kind of pomp. On the other hand, Qingyu Huaijin was not a minister of Yan, but the noble princess of the Jing Dynasty of the Shang Kingdom. At the beginning of the establishment of the Yan Kingdom, she treated Jing Dynasty as a junior.

Emperor Yan Zhang Can, who was sitting on the dragon throne, observed the reactions of the ministers. After seeing Qing Yu Huaijin take his seat, no one from the two prime ministers Wang An and Yu Xinchen to the lowest-ranking ordinary officials standing far away raised any objections. , he slowly loosened his clenched hands in his sleeves, the smile on his face became gentler, but his heart felt cold.

At this moment, he finally realized the profound meaning of his father's words before his death.

"Should I regret it at the beginning..."

If Zhang Leduan had not accepted the coercion of the Jing Dynasty dignitaries to become Emperor Yan, and had not turned into a puppet manipulated by a group of nobles, how could the father and son have lived such a miserable life, and how could the Jingshan Zhang family have become the laughingstock of the ages.

But there is no regret medicine in this world.

Zhang Can restrained his mind, suppressed his anger and depression, and said slowly: "Dear lords, now the Southern Qi border troops are approaching the city, and the city is short of troops and the situation is tense. I specially held a court meeting today in the hope that you can offer your suggestions and efforts. Push back the menacing enemy forces as soon as possible so that the people in the city can settle down."

Before entering the palace, almost all the courtiers knew about today's issues. No matter how they felt about the emperor who had no real power, they had to do something superficial.

Therefore, when Zhang Can's words came to light, more than ten ministers came out one after another to make suggestions.

However, most of these suggestions are empty, either clichés about reinforcing city defenses, mediocre strategies to wait for reinforcements, or ridiculous words to immediately summon the troops on Moyang Road and Jiangbei Road to protect the city.

The scene seemed lively, but it was filled with an unbearable smell of decay.

In fact, this cannot be entirely attributed to the low ability of the courtiers. The root cause is that the command of Heluo City Defense is in the hands of a scheming tiger, and Privy Councilor Pang Shigu is just in the name of the commander-in-chief.

They only knew the approximate strength of Jing's army, but knew nothing about the specific internal situation. They had no idea about the layout of the city defense area.

Not to mention the detailed intelligence of the enemy forces outside the city, these people can't even be trusted friends, so what good ideas can they come up with?

In the midst of the commotion, Qingyu Huaijin sat calmly, not showing any contempt for the chaos here.

Xiao Jun and others stood behind her, staring at the courtiers in the palace like wild beasts.

Zhang Can coughed twice, and the hall gradually became quiet.

He moved his gaze to look at the young woman and said warmly: "I wonder what Princess Yongping thinks of the enemy troops outside the city?"

Qingyu Huaijin raised his head, his eyes were clear and calm, and he said calmly: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. Although there are only more than 20,000 troops in the city, the Huaizhou West Route Army also has few soldiers and horses. If it is a decisive battle in the wild, foreign ministers will not dare to It is a sure thing in front of His Majesty, but our army has many advantages as the defender of the city, and the enemy does not have the ability to attack the city. In the opinion of the foreign minister, the enemy general Lu Chen is just taking advantage of the current situation to show off his power in Heluo City. The troops will be withdrawn soon.”

Her clear voice spread in the hall, and many Yan Kingdom courtiers couldn't help but cast their eager eyes.

It has nothing to do with her appearance, but they hope to leave some impression in the eyes of this beautiful girl. After all, this is the first time in many years that a powerful figure from the Jing Dynasty has appeared publicly in the Yan Kingdom's court, and the symbolic meaning is extremely obvious.

Zhang Can could naturally feel the change in the atmosphere, so he glanced at the Second Prime Minister Yu Yuchen who was not far from Qingyu Huaijin.

Wang An was one step faster than everyone else. He raised his hands towards the emperor on the dragon throne and said, "Your Majesty, Princess Yongping is right. As long as the Jing Dynasty army is still in the city, Heluo will not suffer any loss. Mo Mo. It is said that there are only tens of thousands of enemy troops at the moment, and even if Xiao Wangzhi and Li Tianrun arrive, they will not be able to break through Heluo."

There was a solemn silence in the hall.

In fact, Wang An's words are not unreasonable, and many courtiers have such thoughts in their hearts, but he is the prime minister of the Yan Kingdom after all, so blatantly praising the Jing Dynasty's army is too explicit and flattering.

Qingyu Huaijin turned around and looked at Wang An calmly. Even though he knew that he was building momentum for himself, he still felt that the head of the Wang family in Zhai Lin was too impatient and completely ignored the existence of Zhang Can and the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom in his words.

The former is fine, but the latter is a bit too hasty.

She didn't want to arouse those people's rebellious mentality. After all, Heluo City would be the fiefdom of the Qingyu family in the future.

At this moment, another cold voice sounded near Wang An.

"If I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I really wouldn't have believed my ears. If the words of Prime Minister Wang were spread, I'm afraid people in the world would have a question in their minds. Is Prime Minister Wang the prime minister of our Yan Kingdom or a minister of the Jing Dynasty in the north? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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